Search by composer on ITunes4?

I download a lot of classical music and liked to search by Composer. Now I've upgraded to the latest version I am no longer seeing that option (or the option to search by album). Any ideas?

Upgrade to iTunes 11.0.2. This has new composer view. Also in search box deselect search entire library. In this box you can tick search by composer in addition to album and artist etc.

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    Could it be that no one at Apple has ever had formal music education? In Verion 11 they (for some unfathomable reason) took away the Power Search option. Now you are left with Artist and Title and somekind of ranking.  I have a news break for Apple, classical music is searched by COMPOSER and is OPERA in many cases. If you can't return the composer option, then dump the Classical category. It's essentially useless. Apple-people, you may cyber-geniuses but you apparently know little about music.  How could they have overlooked this?

    In the SONGS or PLAYLISTS lists view, turn on the Column Browser (View Menu, Column Browser) and then select Composers.

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    I never tried selecting "Music" from the drop-down list!
    Thanks so much, this answers my question. Very much appreciated.
    I hope Apple will eventually tag music more completely, as Composer and other tags are sometimes not filled.

  • Searching by composer

    Dear friends,
    This is a request for a little improvement.
    Today, you can search the Music Store by album, song and artist. But, when looking for classical music it's very useful to be able to search in the composer field.
    I hope you can implement it.
    Thanks in advance.

    In the US iTMS, at least, there's a Composer field in the Power Search.

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    Home sharing really does seem to be a bit flakey. I've been digging around a little. As you;ve probably already read, there are two files in your iTunes library.  One ends in .itl and the other .xml.  The .xml is human readable.  The /itl file contains details of all your songs and playlists according to the Apple site.   But it looks to be in binary as there is nothing in ASCII that I can see.   The .xml file IS written in ASCII and so readbale by us humans.  According to the Apple website, it contains similar information to the .itl file but the webopage does not say where it is different.
    Anyway, I created a new iTunes library and gradually added a few CDs to see what happened in the .xml file. My reason? Well, like you, my iPod Touch does not show up all the artists. It drops some. Out of four artists I can see 3. It is weird.  I started off with the blank library and added a CD of Berlioz.  The iPod Touch showed up Berlioz as the artist (I should add that I use the Artist data field for composer since Apple, in their infinite wisdom, decreed one could not search on composer.   So one entry in the library and it was visible on the iPod.
    Import a second CD .  Berlioz disappears and the new composer is visible. In fact, this CD has three composers on it. All three are visible. Import a third CD - again Berlioz - and Berlioz still does not appear.  The music is there in the Album listing but not in the artist.
    As I said, HomeSahring is flakey. 

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    Hi Ritchiec1980,
    Please refer the kb:
    Go through the link: vericks_10_9_update_impossible_to_work
    Romit Sinha

  • BPM Not found

    Installed Oracle VMBox - no problem.
    Then installed SOA & BPM Development VM in the VMBox - no problem. Have run JDev, built simple SOA composite, deployed, tested - no problem. All, to this point works as expected.
    However, when enter the URL http://localhost8001/bpm/composer or select the BPM Composer button, comes back saying it cannot find BPM (Error 404--NotFound). What has to be done to run BPM from the virtual install?
    Thanks - Casey
    Edited by: Caseyinal on Oct 30, 2012 8:06 PM
    Edited by: Caseyinal on Oct 30, 2012 8:12 PM

    Hi Casey
    Open your config.xml file from your bpmDomain/config folder and see if you find these 2 entries. Just search for "composer" word. Looks like there are 2 composers: soa and bpm, with urls like shown below. I tested and they both opened fine and I logged in with domain admin username/password:
    If you do not find these entries, then for quick testing, see if you can manaully deploy these 2 modules from below location. If found, then look for any errors in the log files.
      </app-deployment>I did not do anything special for composer to work. Just create a BPM Domain with bpm facets, select Enterprise Manager and thats it.
    Ravi Jegga

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    Thanks in advance.

    Classical music purchasers apparently can no longer purchase musicbecause the option of listing composer and/or artist and/or piece and/or across all categories is gone
    Every online music download store that caters to classical music fans makes it easy to search by Composer.  Here are two good ones:

  • Classical Music Purchasers Left out in cold by itunes 11

    I have been posting this question/complaint everywhere I can about the itunes 11 as have many others.  Classical music purchasers apparently can no longer purchase musicbecause the option of listing composer and/or artist and/or piece and/or across all categories is gone... the old itunes options on how to find music was perfect for this---why did you change this--or why don't you make that an option again....this has made it impossible for classical music purchasers to buy from itunes.  There are multiple composers who have written multiple works whose titles are the same or similar and these works are sometimes categorized as classical or world or vocal or can be recorded across a variety of categories.  So there is no way to make an informed selection.  The browse option does not help...
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    Classical music purchasers apparently can no longer purchase musicbecause the option of listing composer and/or artist and/or piece and/or across all categories is gone
    Every online music download store that caters to classical music fans makes it easy to search by Composer.  Here are two good ones:

  • Apple TV showing 0 songs for album

    Hi All - So I've got a album that's showing up on my Apple TV, but it lists 0 songs. The album/songs show up in my itunes, and I can play them both through my computer and the apple tv (via itunes). But when I use my apple tv I just see the album with 0 songs... any thoughts?

    Jonathon I don't mean to tell anyone how to organise their libraries, and I wasn't saying that the 'zero' albums issue is OK. I was trying to explain the best workaround to the situation, and let you decide whether to take it up or not.
    Let me ask you this: if you have 50 CDs of Beatles, Rolling Stones, Abba etc how would you store those? Now add in Tom Petty. Where do you put him? T or P? Well I put him under P (Petty, Tom).
    I would enter them as 'The Beatles' under 'artist' etc, itunes would automatically sort them under 'B'. Personally I would have Tom Petty as 'Tom Petty', which would show under 'T'. I appreciate why you and others would want them under 'P', but as you say that's easily sorted as you say by listing as 'Petty, Tom'.
    I have a McCartney album which has other artists on it. I want the fact it has other artists on it for info, so I have the album listed as "McCartney" in "artist" and all the other artists under "album artists"
    Personally I have this the other way around 'Paul McCartney' would be the 'album artist', however this is where the tv has a problem which tagging the album as a compilation provides a work around for.
    And why should I have to search for "composer" when I'm browsing my library? I might be in the mood for some Edie Brickell but see there's a chorale by Bach I haven't heard?
    Again, I tag my music slightly differently than you, I would have, lets say 'Symphony #4 in A Major/1' as the name', 'LSO' as the artist and 'Mendelssohn' as the composer, and would search for each in their respective categories. This doesn't cause a problem for me but I can see doing it another way may well introduce the zero song problem.

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    Classical music purchasers apparently can no longer purchase musicbecause the option of listing composer and/or artist and/or piece and/or across all categories is gone
    Every online music download store that caters to classical music fans makes it easy to search by Composer.  Here are two good ones:

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    When typing in a google search, nothing happens. I try hitting return or clicking on search and nothing happens. I can however search by going into Advanced Search and retyping my query. I also have to retry repeated now to get an active window when I want to compose an email in aol. The window will pop up and nothing is active. This has been happening for a couple weeks now. I also have found that many times the AOL toolbar won't work...buttons are inactive and I have to quit Firefox and reload several time to access any of Firefox or AOL toolbar buttons.
    == URL of affected sites ==;

    If you can't get AOL to talk you thru it, then it's time to stop using AOL.
    You are paying extra for a useless service. You already pay (and HAVE TO PAY) to the internet company that gives you the internet modem and conneciton to the internet, and they are be giving you 1-5 free email addresses with that account. (call them if you never set them up).
    There is no guarantee you don't have a problem with your mail setup on your computer, but this is the right time for you to set up your [email protected] accounts, download all your AOL mail including your address book (FROM AOL'S WEBISTE via Safari) to your hard drive, make sure you are using an external drive with Time Machine and doing daily if not hourly backups, and start sending emails to your friends and family and business from the new mail account(s).
    Otherwise you can call someone who saves computers and AOL accounts for a living and pay them $25- $100 hour....

  • Cannot delete composer field in iTunes - so cannot use it to search my classical music collection !

    To search my classical music collection easily within iTunes, I delete the composer field for all non-classical music.  This works nicely on my Mac and on my old iPod.  However, when I sync with my newish iPhone and iPad - the composer is still listed !  I chatted to Apple support and they said this was known behaviour and not a bug.
    The failure for a composer deletion to sync, means that I cannot easily search my classical music - instead I have to wade through millions of non-classical composers in my collection (I search the non-classical music by using the artist field).
    I think others have had this problem judging by other fora.  I wondered if anyone knows of a sneaky fix, or whether Apple intend to correct this problem - which I'm guessing is alienating anyone who has sizeable classical music collection !
    Thanks !

    I have exactly the same issue.  First for me the issue is only related to songs purchased on iTunes.  Second the field is updated as long as I put something there.  But as soon as I delete it completely (and the same behaviour I have with other fields like track number) iPhone picks up original value.  My guess is that for any blank filed it tries to get the value from iTunes store.  It is extremely annoying as I also use composer filed for classical music only.  The only solution to that problem is stop buying from iTunes store.

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