Search user details in so12 using sap id

user says he used to search user name and phone no in s012  for other sap users using their sap id . by selecting 'other user' option . but when i select this option it shows first name ,last name and compnay fields only. how can i display the sap user id option in this . can anyone help

I've already logged something similar, back in Feb, at MS Connect website for checking deployments as would be good to see last logged in user.
You'll need to sign up and join the Configuration Manager program to view and you can vote this up as an issue and add your feedback.  The more votes the better ;-)
Paul |

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    No problem. We are working on publishing extensive resources for Lite on OTN. Feel free to let us know if there are specific areas you would like covered.

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    Make sure that your WebDynpro Applications Authentication property is set to True.
    To get Portal User Details you can use the following UME Api's
    IWDClientUser user = WDClientUser.getLoggedInClientUser();
    IUser loggedInUser = user.getSAPUser();
    catch(UMException ume)
    //do something
    this Iuser objects holds all the Properties of Portal User Except its Password.
    and You can retrieve it like this
    if you know the Logon id of Portal User you can Also get the IUser object like this:--
    IUser user = UMFactory.getUserByLogonId("Administrator");
    To use UME APIS in Webdynpro you have to refer in the Build path of your WebDynpro Application.
    If You Are Using NWDI then you have to use the lib Dc available in NWDI for Compilation in WD DC
    Hope this Help.

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    thanks in advance.
    Moderator message : Search for available information, thread locked.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Oct 19, 2011 2:38 PM

    Hi Henry,
    I don't think this is the easiest way to look at the code around a particular field on the screen. Debugging standard programs also can be very tedious, if not impossbile. So, instead of this question, I would like to find out exactly what you want to do if you know the code.
    If you are in a transaction and you want to know where the code of a particular field is, the fastest way to get to it is by pressing the F1 key on the field and then press the Technical info button on the help screen. In here you will typically see the same kind of information but it is very specific to the field you selected.
    PROGRAM(SCREEN) tells you which program is manipulating the main screen, in which your field is embedded. Remember your field may be included in a sub-screen and that subscreen may be the one included in the main screen.
    PROGRAM(SUB SCREEN) tells you which program is directly responsible for the field on the subscreen it is included in. This is where you should find the code most appropriate for the field, but not necessarily.
    PROGRAM(GUI) controls how your push buttons and the menu options in the screen behave and controlled.

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    Edited by: Sandy Robertus on Jun 9, 2011 12:36 PM

    Dear Sandy,
    To use the SAP Business One Mobile App you need to be running SAP Business One version 8.8 PL12 and B1 8.8 Integration Component or higher. SAP Business One version 8.81 is recommended, also to use the latest functions of the App.
    About further documentation - Are you a SAP Partner or Customer? All installation docu comes along with the software indeed.
    [Here |]you can find the public Documentation for the App: The SAP Business One Mobile Application for iPhone and iPad
    regards, peter

  • BAPI-VB, Unable to call method GetDetail of USER Object using SAP.BAPI.1

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    Const CNT_STR_USR As String = "XXXXX"
    Const CNT_STR_PWD As String = "XXXXX"
    Const CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR As String = "ides47"
    Const CNT_STR_SYSTEM As String = "IDS"
    Const CNT_STR_SYS_NUM As String = "00"
    Const CNT_STR_CLIENT As String = "800"
    Const CNT_STR_LOGON_LANG As String = "EN"
    Const CNT_STR_LOG_FILE As String = "C:sap_vb.txt"
    Const CNT_INT_LOG_LEVEL As Integer = 9
    'Works Fine
    Public Sub GetUserDetails()
    'Using SAP Functions
    Dim obSAPFn As Object
    Dim obFuncUsrDtl As Object
    Dim obFuncRtrn As Object
    Dim obFuncLogDtl As Object
    Dim sRetStatus As String * 1, sErrText As String, sUsrGroup As String * 12
    Dim iRetRowCount As Integer, iLoop As Integer
    Dim bErrFlag As Boolean
    'Set obSAPFn = New SAPFunctions
    Set obSAPFn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
    obSAPFn.Connection.ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR
    obSAPFn.Connection.SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM
    obSAPFn.Connection.User = CNT_STR_USR
    obSAPFn.Connection.Password = CNT_STR_PWD
    obSAPFn.Connection.Language = CNT_STR_LOGON_LANG
    obSAPFn.Connection.Client = CNT_STR_CLIENT
    obSAPFn.LogLevel = CNT_INT_LOG_LEVEL
    obSAPFn.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE
    'Check For Connection
    If obSAPFn.Connection.Logon(0, True) = False Then
        MsgBox "R/3 connection failed"
    Exit Sub
        If obSAPFn.Connection.IsConnected Then
    '    MsgBox "Connected"
        MsgBox "Not COnnected"
        Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    'Get User Details.
    Set obFuncUsrDtl = obSAPFn.Add("BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL")
    obFuncUsrDtl.Exports("USERNAME") = CNT_STR_USR
    Set obFuncRtrn = obFuncUsrDtl.Tables("RETURN")
    iRetRowCount = obFuncRtrn.RowCount
    bErrFlag = False
    For iLoop = 1 To iRetRowCount
        If obFuncRtrn(iLoop, "TYPE") = "E" Then
    '        ErrorUsuario = True
            sErrText = "E" & obFuncRtrn(iLoop, "ID") & obFuncRtrn(iLoop, "NUMBER") & _
                         " " & obFuncRtrn(iLoop, "MESSAGE")
            MsgBox sErrText
            bErrFlag = True
            Exit For
        End If
    If bErrFlag = False Then
    Set obFuncLogDtl = obFuncUsrDtl.Imports("LOGONDATA")
    sUsrGroup = obFuncLogDtl("CLASS")
    MsgBox sUsrGroup
    End If
    Set obFuncRtrn = Nothing
    Set obFuncLogDtl = Nothing
    Set obFuncUsrDtl = Nothing
    Set obSAPFn = Nothing
    End Sub
    ' Does not work
    Public Sub GetUserDetails2()
    'Using BAPI Object
    Dim obSapBAPICtrl As Object 'BAPI control object
    'Dim obSAPConn As Object 'Connection object
    Dim obSAPUSER As Object ' To Get Details of USER Object
    Dim obLogondata As Object, obDefaults As Object, obAddress As Object, obCompany As Object
    Dim obSnc As Object, obParameter As Object, obProfiles As Object, obActivitygroups As Object
    Dim obReturn As Object, obAddComrem As Object, obAddRml As Object, obAddPag As Object
    Dim obAddUri As Object, obAddSsf As Object, obAddPrt As Object, obAddRfc As Object
    Dim obAddX400 As Object, obAddSmtp As Object, obAddTlx As Object, obAddTtx As Object
    Dim obAddTel As Object, obAddFax As Object, obParameter1 As Object
    Dim sRetStatus As String * 1, sTransId As String, sUsrGroup As String
    Dim iRetRowCount As Integer, iLoop As Integer
    Set obSapBAPICtrl = CreateObject("SAP.BAPI.1")
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.ApplicationServer = CNT_STR_APPLN_SRVR
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.SystemNumber = CNT_STR_SYS_NUM
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.User = CNT_STR_USR
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.Password = CNT_STR_PWD
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.Language = CNT_STR_LOGON_LANG
    obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.Client = CNT_STR_CLIENT
    obSapBAPICtrl.LogLevel = CNT_INT_LOG_LEVEL
    obSapBAPICtrl.LogFileName = CNT_STR_LOG_FILE
    'Don't show the logon details
    'Connect to SAP
    If obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.Logon(0, True) = False Then
        MsgBox "R/3 connection failed"
        Exit Sub
        If obSapBAPICtrl.Connection.IsConnected Then
    '    MsgBox "Connected"
        MsgBox "Not COnnected"
        Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ‘Could not find a way to pass the User Id?
    ‘ Is this the right way to pass the user Id for this Object?
    Set obSAPUSER = obSapBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("USER", CNT_STR_USR)
    Set obLogondata = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Logondata")
    Set obDefaults = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Defaults")
    Set obAddress = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Address")
    Set obCompany = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Company")
    Set obSnc = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Snc")
    Set obParameter = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Parameter")
    Set obProfiles = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Profiles")
    Set obActivitygroups = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Activitygroups")
    Set obReturn = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Return")
    Set obAddComrem = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddComrem")
    Set obAddRml = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddRml")
    Set obAddPag = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddPag")
    Set obAddUri = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddUri")
    Set obAddSsf = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddSsf")
    Set obAddPrt = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddPrt")
    Set obAddRfc = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddRfc")
    Set obAddX400 = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddX400")
    Set obAddSmtp = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddSmtp")
    Set obAddTlx = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddTlx")
    Set obAddTtx = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddTtx")
    Set obAddTel = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddTel")
    Set obAddFax = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "AddFax")
    Set obParameter1 = obSapBAPICtrl.DimAs(obSAPUSER, "GetDetail", "Parameter1")
    sTransId = obSapBAPICtrl.CreateTransactionID()
    'obSapBAPICtrl.TransactionId = sTransId
    obSAPUSER.GetDetail Logondata:=obLogondata, Defaults:=obDefaults, Address:=obAddress, _
    Company:=obCompany, Snc:=obSnc, Parameter:=obParameter, Profiles:=obProfiles, _
    Activitygroups:=obActivitygroups, Return:=obReturn, AddComrem:=obAddComrem, _
    AddRml:=obAddRml, AddPag:=obAddPag, AddUri:=obAddUri, AddSsf:=obAddSsf, _
    AddPrt:=obAddPrt, AddRfc:=obAddRfc, AddX400:=obAddX400, AddSmtp:=obAddSmtp, _
    AddTlx:=obAddTlx, AddTtx:=obAddTtx, AddTel:=obAddTel, AddFax:=obAddFax, _
    iRetRowCount = obReturn.RowCount
    If iRetRowCount > 0 Then
        For iLoop = 0 To iRetRowCount
            sRetStatus = obReturn(iLoop, "TYPE")
            If sRetStatus = "S" Then
            sUsrGroup = obLogondata("CLASS")
            MsgBox sUsrGroup
            End If
    End If
    Set obSAPUSER = Nothing
    'Set obSAPConn = Nothing
    Set obSapBAPICtrl = Nothing
    End Sub

    The problem was occuring because, the structure Return was not holding any values.
    But the other tables which returned values were getting populated.

  • How to use SAP RDE CRM Users products

    Dear Experts
    Am facing a issue when use SAP RDE CRM Users product as belows:
    At this time, my customer running with ERP ERP 6.0 EHP4 in three
    landscapce (server DEV, server TEST and server PROD)
    And now, my customer want to use SAP RDE CRM Users product and they
    bought SAP RDE CRM Users product & License from SAP
    I have several question as follows:
    Conditions necessary and sufficient to be able to install and run SAP
    RDE CRM Users product ?
    With a three landscape of my customer at this time -> Need more
    hardware for the installation of SAP RDE CRM Users ?
    SAP RDE CRM Users product is a Integration of ERP ?
    SAP RDE CRM Users product can be installed as a component of ERP
    system ? or SAP RDE CRM Users product is a standalone system ?
    If a component of ERP -> how to install and use it
    If a standalone system -> how to install and use it
    Please guide me to know this issue
    Thanks and best regards

    Can you give me information about crm rde if you got them??
    Thanks in advance,

  • Can I use SAP HR to drive ESS Portal user creation?

    We are implementing a new instance of SAP HR and Portal for ESS and MSS and I am not sure of all the steps that need to be completed so any guidance / tips would be greatly appreciated.
    Company currently has an LDAP - but not used extensively. Not all employees currently in LDAP as not all have network ids. All employees will have a SAP account to enable ESS (via Kiosks etc).  ESS iViews in Portal will call SAP HR and possibly SAP BW.  We have an instance of SAP already and user admin maintained via CUA - this will continue.
    My initial thoughts are that we try to use SAP HR as the leading system to drive the ESS Portal users and access.  Basically I want to create the user in SAP and assign them an ESS SAP role... then through syncronization have the user created in the Portal and have the correct ESS Portal assigned (in the Portal)
    My thinking so far is to go the following way;
    1) Create User Master Record in SAP (SU01)
    2) Hire employee into the org structure (via HR processes)
    3) Populate Infotype 0105 with SAP username
    4) Populate Infortype 1016 - with SAP role to be assigned to allow ESS access (not sure about this aspect) or role could be assigned in 1) above
    I am not sure of the next steps - I think there must be a way in an SAP table to map the ESS SAP role to the ESS Portal Role (is this via WP3R?)
    then I am hoping that a standard job can be run (is this RSLDAPSYNC_USER) that will create the user in the Portal (UME?) and assign the correct Portal role ?
    (obviously configuration needed)
    For MSS and HR Power users - we would continue to assign SAP roles via SU01.
    Can anyone assist with;
    - Is my thinking correct in terms of how this should / could work?
    - in SAP how can I map SAP Roles to Portal Roles ?
    - will syncronization in SAP create the user in Portal and assign the role ? what do I need to configure?
    Thanks in advance

    Dear Michale,
    I just dont know if this can throw some light on your prob.'
    In our Orgn we had around 250 ess users and 200 sapr/3 users. Some of the r/3 users also logon to ess via their r/3 uname and password.
    What we have done is like follows:
    1. Created a role for only the ess users ZHRESS. For this i asked the HR functional people with sap_all profile to do all the job which the ESS users are supposed to do and tracer the authorization via tcode st01. We created the role on the basis of this trace report.
    2. For the purely ESS users we created the users via tcode HRUSER and assigned then with the above role.
    3. For the R/3 users who are supposed to avail the ess facility we assigned them with the role ZHRESS role in addition to the other roles assigned to them to carry out their normal R/3 transactions. Then we mapped their R/3 uname to their employee no via PA30 infotype 105.
    4. Tcode HRUSER saved time  which would have consumed had we done it via su01 and moreover it picked Name etc data from the HR master table. In HRUSER tcode , setting the user attributes helps to define what roles the users are to be assigned, what should be their initial password etc.
    Pl let me know if it satisfies you querry.

  • How to search users in Outlook Using Last Name and First Name

    During recent times we change the naming convention in AD, FirstName , LastName
    We can search users using More Columns but I would like to know alternate method to search users. The search result should sort results by last name as query
    Regards Chen V [MCTS SharePoint 2010]

    Hi Chen,
    Based on my knowledge, there is no related method to enforce all users using More Columns as the default search option in Outlook Address Book. We can just change the search option for individual Outlook user by remembering the last search using as I mentioned
    Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Search help for Web Dynpro using the SAP-search help

    I’m trying to create a generic search help for Web Dynpro using the SAP-search help. It should working so, that I construct a Web Dynpro-component, that gets the data of the search help from the SAP-system, interpreted it and creates the ui-elements and the needed context generic.
    The mapping between the Input field of the customerview and the right search help is to be made with an xml-file, which contains the information: name of the view, the input field, the search-help-name and the name of the field that will be returned.
    The xml-file is reading from a helper-class. That helper-class contains any information, witch need the search help-component as well as the customer-component.
    The initialization takes place in the method wdDoModify of the customer. The call of the search help from the customer should be implement with an Action, witch is bound to a Button(create dynamic in the helper-class behind the input field).
    In a second foot should be create a plugin for eclipse, witch insert the used files (search help component, helper class, …) in the project. In addition it should create the call in the customer generic.
    It would be great if someone can give me a feedback!

    Hi Mike,
    The BlanketAgreement.exe is a reference to the executable that will be created when you compile the solution you created in Part II - Part III. I think there is a mistake in the tutorial because it asks you to name the project 'Blanket' which means that by default the executable will be called Blanket.exe and not BlanketAgreement.exe. The tutorial also misses the step asking you to compile the Blanket project before you go on to create an installer. You should compile your Blanket project in Release mode before creating an installer. By compiling the project you'll get a Blanket.exe file in the bin folder of your Blanket project which you then need to add to the installer per the instructions.
    SAP do offer development courses in some areas and there is training material here on the SDN and on the SAP partner portal (and maybe the customer portal as well). Try searching this forum for 'training' or 'tutorial' and you should get a few links. There's also a development certification.
    Personally I'd recommend you give yourself a little project to work on and just get stuck in
    Kind Regards,

  • How to update the loggedin user details using iuser

    our requirement is to edit and save the logged in user details retrieved from iusercontext.
    Please anyone help me out.
    please provide any sample code snippet regarding the same.
    Thank you,
    Edited by: hareeshvenkat on Aug 30, 2011 12:42 PM
    Edited by: hareeshvenkat on Aug 30, 2011 2:03 PM

    You can change details of the user via IUserMaint interface.
    for example this is how you change the language of the user :
    IUserMaint Muser = uf.getMutableUser(userUniqueid);
    boolean res = Muser.setLocale(new Locale("en"));
    You can find details about IUserMaint  in []

  • How to check how many users is using SAP B1 system

    Hi, there
    I need know whether there are users are using SAP B1,
    if no user is using then can change Master data, oterwise can not change.
    Who knows the method, thanks for your share.
    Many thanks!
    Lanjun Wang

    Hi Lanjun,
    You question is very confusing. What do you meant by System SAP B1. Is it a R3 System, BW System, CRM System , EP 6.0 System?

  • Getting User Details using objectid

    First i am querying the projects using ALUI IDK
    IProjectManager projectManager = GetProjectManager(Request, Response);
    IProjectFilter projectFilter = projectManager.CreateProjectFilter();
    projectFilter.NameSearchText = searchText;
    Plumtree.Remote.PRC.Collaboration.Project.IProject[] projects = projectManager.QueryProjects(projectFilter);
    then i am retreiving User IDsadded as Project Leader
    IRole role = null;
    RoleTypes roleType = RoleTypes.Leader;
    role = project.GetRole(roleType);
    int[] GroupID = role.GetMemberIDs(MemberQueryTypes.AllGroups);
    Display Group ID
    Now the issue is i am not able to figure out how to get the users detail ie authusername, login name etc present in the groups that are retrieved.
    Edited by: electrazy on Jul 18, 2011 11:39 AM
    Edited by: electrazy on Jul 20, 2011 2:22 AM

    Hello electrazy,
    This is not possible from within the IDK. The best you can get are the Extended Data properties that are associated with the user object in the Global Property Map. If you want to get user information like the authentication name and the login name, you'll have to use the Portal Server API or directly query the database.
    -Mike Headley, WCI Developer Support

  • Sharepoint 2010 use fulltextsearch query to search user profile

    Hello all,
    I have a problem with FullTextSearch query for user profile:
    I have the query below:
    SELECT PictureURL, TitleOfPersonal, PersonalTitle,  Lastname, Firstname, AccountName, JobTitle, Department, workemail, EmployeeID, Empid, Exten, LeftDate, JoinDate
    FROM SCOPE() WHERE "scope"='People' AND (Department = 'CEO Office' OR Department = 'Marketing & Business Development Department' OR Department = 'Medical Department' OR Department = 'Finance Department' OR Department = 'COO Office' OR Department
    = 'Document Management & Translation Department') AND  empID != '' ORDER BY LastName
    But this query does not return any result! 
    Could someone help me on this ?
    Thank you very much !

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to search user profile using FullTextSqlQuery.
    Please try to use the query below:
    SELECT PictureURL, TitleOfPersonal, PersonalTitle, Lastname, Firstname, AccountName, JobTitle, Department, workemail, EmployeeID, Empid, Exten, LeftDate, JoinDate
    FROM SCOPE() WHERE "scope"='People'
    If the query works, please use CONTAINS(DEPARTMENT,'<value>') instead of
    Department = '<value>' .
    Here is a discussion for you to take a look at.
    If there still no result returns, please provide more code for further research.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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