Second logon screen

Hi guys,
We have been having this issue. On some workstations, the Zen appears not to be working correctly. When users login, they receive a secon login window (Windows Workstation) asking them to type user name and password. At that time only local user name with password works. We use Zen 6.5 with Windows XP Pro. Any suggestions?
P.S. When a user goes to a diffrent computer, he sees no such window at all.....

Jakub Gorecki wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We have been having this issue. On some workstations, the Zen appears not to be working correctly. When users login, they receive a secon login window (Windows Workstation) asking them to type user name and password. At that time only local user name with password works. We use Zen 6.5 with Windows XP Pro. Any suggestions?
> P.S. When a user goes to a diffrent computer, he sees no such window at all.....
I assume that you use DLU. My guess is that computer is not properly
imported at eDir, and DLU is restricted to use only registered
workstations. Or zen-agent is somehow broken.
Timo Pietil

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    Kind regards,

    Dear Vinod,
    Thank you for your reply!
    I checked the settings in dev, q/a and prod portal and the setting is as you described - basic password module - sufficient. We have deployed a new SP on dev and Q portals, I am however not sure if this triggered the "second" logon window.
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    Thanks and kind regards,

    Hi Torben,
    On my fresh 7.3 installation, everything is clean and ... fresh ...
    So, for example, the built in group AnonUsers only has the user Guest as it's solely relation (no parent, no child groups); the guest user has the Guest role, which has (via it's groups) roles Everyone and Guest; onbly the role Everyone as got UME actions.
    All together, this sounds much like an upgrade issue (on my fresh 7.3, there is no group "J2EE_GUEST" at all).
    Two possibilities to go:
    - Open an OSS message (should be done in any case probably, to report this issue to SAP, so that this can be fixed);
    - Check the UME consistenty by yourself (
    Maybe the second point already will fix some things; would be great for you, anyhow, I still would advise to report this issue officially to SAP.
    Hope it helps

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    I love Apple and I love my MBP. Also, I understand where your coming from when you say I shouldn't be messing around with the OS resources. Normally, a person would not go through the trouble (and/or the possible catastrophic consequences) of changing things like this, but computers fascinate me and I love learning about them. I'm sure there are many others out there like me. It is just a personal preference of mine to want to change the logon background (and gain the learning experience that goes along with it). My preferred logon screen DOES pay homage to Apple and being a second year programming major (yes, I am thus far only in my second year) it is what I like to learn about. I would not have endeavored in something like this if I did not think I could fix it if something went wrong. Like I said before, it would be nice to be able to change it as easy as it is to change the desktop background, but the learning experience is valuable too.

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    Hi Tim:
    When you are using the VPN connection try the Low Speed Connection option, with this less traffic is sent back and forth.
    To enable LSC open your SAP Logon and select your system, then go to Change Item --> Advanced button and check the Low Speed Connection checkbox.
    Hope this fix your problem; this could be due to the fact you are using a custom logo in the initial screen of the SAP system.
    You can also try to by-pass the initial screen by entering a transaction directly in the command box.
    Best Regards,

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    Venu Gudala.

    Go to SM59 transaction and enter the RFC destination of system B
    and then go to the second tab i.e. logon/security and then enter the client, user and password details and then save it.
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    Thanks for your help with this one though!

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    if any body knows please let me know
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Balaji,
    Please follow these steps:
    Personalization :
    Themes :
             Portal Display
                              Choose a Theme
                                          Make Changes
                                            If Any
                                                     --> Save It
                                                                Desktop and
                                                                 Display Rules
                                                                          Portal Content                                                                               
                                                                          Portal Users
                                                                 Standard Portal
                                                            Copy [Default Frame
                                                             Work Page & Desktop]
                                              Paste it In a New Folder
                                            Rename The Desktop
                                             1).OPen The Renamed Desktop
                                             2). Open Folder Themes(sys) and R.C
                                             3).Add theme to DESKTOP.
                                             4)Save it.
                                     Open ->portal Admin -> SuperADmin
                          open -> Master Role Collection
                    Select a Role/user/group . From Master Role Collection
              R.c On Renamed Desktop and "  add Portal Desktop To Expression".
       Open Renamed Dektop,Select the theme,
      Hit The Button "Set Default" (save)
    Logoff and Logon The Portal Page.
    Ramganesan K

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    What do I do?

    Like Rick said, it sounds like your computer is with problem instead of Operating System.
    Thus I suggest you send your computer to ASUS support center to take a hardware detection.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Insert Button on SAP GUI Logon Screen

    is it possible to insert a button on the SAP GUI logon screen like the "new password" button?
    We want to insert a button, with which the user can generate a new initial password, if he has forgotten his password.
    Thanks for answers

    Anand Munuswamy wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I very strictly advice to avoid of providing "Reset password" button to user, this will make any user to reset the password of other users.  This is one of the security violation.
    I fully agree.
    > If you want to provide option for reseting the passwords to user, you can make a custom program which can be executed by user and can reset the password for their own user, but not for others.
    > Regards
    > Anandm
    Well, I'd propose to leave the SAPGUI screen untouched but only place a comment on the logon screen (see [note 205487|]) which informs the user on a URL to a web application (BSP) which provides the desired "forgotten password" self-service functionality.
    In the internet you find many examples of such "forgotten password" self-services - good ones and not so good ones. What all of them have in common is the requirement that the user has provided a valid email address or mobile number (during the account registration) which can be used for the required off-band communication. However they differentiate in the way they try to mitigate misuse: some prompt for a so-called passphrase (in most cases: the user has entered a free-text answer to a question chosen from a fixed set of predefined questions, during accoutn registration) before sending a newly created password to the email address retrieved from the user account; others generate a (random) "password change token" which they send to the email address and prompt the user to enter this "password change token" on the webpage (the account remains untouched until the correct "password change token" was entered, in most cases this is also time-restricted). I prefer the latter one.
    Cheers, Wolfgang

  • Customize SAP GUI Logon screen

    I have seen that some logon screens (where you enter client, user, password, language) has additional written information, like "needing a user for this system, please call xxx". My question is how and where can i define this additonal information on the SAP GUI logon screen?
    Best regards,

    Hello, it means the system creators (for example if is IDES or trial SAP systems) or system administrators creates this information, try read how --> Note 205487 - Own text on SAPGui logon screen

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    my mac air died, after i reinstall from dvd drive, when i boot up again, i saw a prohibit sign showing up on the screen, then get to my logon screen.  After logon, it takes very long time to load any application.  pls help

    OK. If you believe that.
    When the disk is starting to die it can be bad for a moment and then be good for a while. If there was no problem while you were checking it of course it shows up good.
    I tell you those are the signs of a disk that is about to die.

  • Pop up window on Logon Screen

    Hi All,
    I would like to create a pop up window on Logon Screen. But my page is not found. Am I missing something?
    [A class="link_sub_menu" href="#" onClick="<b>'forgotmypassword.jsp,</b> '_blank', 'width=350,height=200,location=no,resizable=no');"]Forgot my password
    Alcides Flach
    Message was edited by:
            Alcides Flach

    try this.
    data : WF_RES type c.
                 DEFAULTOPTION        = 'N'
              TEXTLINE1            = 'Do you want to delete the record?'
    *           TEXTLINE2            = ' '
                  TITEL                = 'Delete Zone'
    *           START_COLUMN         = 25
    *           START_ROW            = 6
    *           CANCEL_DISPLAY       = 'X'
                 ANSWER               = WF_RES.
    if wf_res = 'J'.
    user selected 'YES'.
    user selected 'NO'.

  • How to use PL/SQL & Forms6i for a logon screen

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    ur concern will be very grateful. TQ.

    Hi MatrixMan
    Just create button and write the follwing inside
    trigger when_button_pressed :\
    MESSAGE('Login Successful');
    MESSAGE('Login Successful');
    MESSAGE('Check username or password');
    MESSAGE('Check username or password');
    END IF;
    Mohammed Al-shake

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