Seeking Insight on Java GC Intracacies

Hi, I'm a technical QA, and I'm trying to help identify a memory leak in one of our applications. In order to better understand what the memory usage numbers on our system mean, I've been refreshing my knowledge about how the GC and Java memory management work. My question is, when the young generation fills up, will the JVM prefer to expand young memory in to virtual space, or will it prefer to run a minor GC and promote things in to tenured space if there isn't enough space in young memory before expanding in to virtual space?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Look at the GC whitepaper at for a lot of background. That's for JDK-1.6.0, not JDK-1.4.1 but a lot of the principles apply.
In answer to your specific question: in JDK-1.4.1 the young generation is essentially fixed in size. When it fills up, a young generation collection copies all the live objects to either the survivor space or the old generation. In JDK-1.6.0 we can change the size of the eden and the survivor spaces to try to control the pause time and maximize throughput. It's the old generation that starts out small and commits additional virtual address space as needed, up to your maximum (-Xmx). As the old generation grows the young may grow to keep the ratio of young to old approximately constant, but I forget if that was in JDK-1.4.1 or was added later.

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    There may be, but I have not seen any reference to Java Scripting with regard to Premiere Elements.
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    String [] envp = new String[0];
    testProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString, envp, fileLoc);
    // some code to process the output streams of testProcess
    Other Info:
    Gui currently executed within Eclipse IDE
    BEA WebLogic is the third party software

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    But I would say that in a production environment WebLogic should always be running.
    I guess it's an assumption that I'd make a priori. You're jumping through too many hoops to accomplish something that is better solved with a phone call to the server admin: "Please start the WebLogic service."
    .... Side question ... any recommendations on detecting if it is already running? grin
    Yes, call the server admin and ask why you can't have 99.999% availability of a critical resource.
    Second, development is on a hardened system (i.e. very
    long time getting approval for additional software on
    the system).Cactus and JUnit are both open source. No fees involved. If you can install a JAR, you can use these tools.
    Better yet, you can drive them automatically as part of your Ant build process. A GUI implies a person in front of it to start and monitor the tests. JUnit and Ant are all about automating these things so they're run every time you rebuild and redeploy the code. You get XML reports on test results that are displayable in a browser. You can even e-mail the test summary to all developers so they can see if a test broke the build. If a test breaks, you don't deploy. That's the way to go, IMO.
    When you have a working Ant build.xml, the next step is to automate the build completely using a tool like ThoughtWorks' CruiseControl.
    Thank you for you suggestions though. I will read up on Cactus to see if it could help me here.You're welcome. Good luck. Sorry that I'm not more help.

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    The Oracle Policy Automation family consists of three primary products:
    1. Oracle Policy Modeling - desktop rule authoring and testing experience, integrated closely with Microsoft Word and Excel. Also provides the ability to author interactive decision-making interviews
    2. Oracle Policy Automation - suite of runtime components for deploying rulebases created with Oracle Policy Modeling
    3. Oracle Policy Automation Connector for Siebel - provides data mapping facility between Siebel and modeled rules, and integration with Siebel workflows to pass data to Oracle Determinations Server for making decisions
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    Oracle Determinations Server - SOAP-based web service that takes input data, and returns a response containing the results of applying rules to that data, and decision reports explaining how decisions were reached - this component runs on most Java Application Servers, and also on Microsoft IIS.
    Oracle Web Determinations - web application for deploying interactive interviews to external and internal facing users. Also runs on most Java Application Servers and Microsoft IIS.
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    If you have other specific questions, feel free to post them here, and you should get a rapid response.

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    MacBook, iMacG5 iSight, G5 1.8x2, G4 450x2, PB 12-inch, iBook 300, iMac SE   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Thanks for the post. You actually touch on something that makes me wonder what's going on inside my PB: my drive still mounts/unmounts properly when using Diskwarrior, and its S.M.A.R.T. diagnostics (as well as those of Apple's Disk Utility) do not indicate that anything is wrong with the drive... In addition, after creating a new directory with DW and rebooting from the HD instead of DW, the crazy thing works. It's just the NEXT time that it won't boot.
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    I'm using IBMJava118-SDKfrom rpm. You can find it there:
    After installing RPM I add JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH in my /etc/profile. After that logout and login as oracle and run ./runInstaller. Everything work fine.
    BTW: -- fine manual for installing Oracle on Linux.
    Good luck.

  • JVM optimization of load driver forName and db getConnection

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    Almost everything is done through the jsp page plus one main java class to store state data.
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    Driver DriverDB = (Driver)Class.forName(db_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnDB = DriverManager.getConnection(db_STRING,db_USERNAME,db_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementDB = ConnDB.prepareStatement("SELECT * from table");
    ResultSet resultDB = StatementDB.executeQuery();My 2 questions are:
    Does the forName call to load the driver get optimized out? Clearly the driver need only load once.
    Does the getConnection reuse the same connection that was done in the previous call on the page?
    There are some performance problems and I'm wondering if I should try to clean the code up or if the jvm
    does it for me through optimization. It's running on Tomcat 5.5.x. and JVM 5.x.
    Thanks for any insight.

    import java.sql.*;
    public class MyJDBC{
         public MyJDBC(){
         public static void main(String args[]){
              System.out.println("Testing JDBC COnnection...");
                   java.sql.Connection conn;
    conn =
              } catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Error" + e.toString());
    }Try this when you initialize your connection (conn) :
    Connection conn;
    conn = Drivermanager.getConnection(
    "dave", // username
    "dave" // password
    but still include everything else... I think it may just be a problem with your formatting.

  • File Handling (Check for existing file)

    now my problems is that i need to have a code that upon a request checks for a file (in the home dir) and if the file exists reads the information and ouputs it. here is an example:
    check if file TEST.DATA exists?
    check approved TEST.DATA exists
    information outputed...
    if the file is missing i need to have an error message...
    PS. sorry if the question falls under "lame" but i am fairly new to java and i dont know the commands that well... thank you in advance!

    Reading Text from a File
    Useful places to seek for information:
    - Java API documentation
    - The Java Tutorial
    - Code examples from Java developpers Almanac
    - Google
    - ...

  • Using Swing Parser locks up.

    I'm using the Swing Parser class to read all the text content of an HTML page off the web.
    I override the parse() method. I then setup my URL connection and setup my BufferedReader, and then I call super.parse(br);
    I run this code every 5 seconds in a thread. After some time my java.exe process consumes almost 100% of my CPU and my java program is blocked.
    It seems to me that my program is locking up somwhere inside the super class method parse().
    I'm open to any advice or suggestions. I'm using jdk1.3.1_01 and windows xp. I know XP isn't exactly Java friendly. I'm not sure if that is the cause.
    Any help or advice is gretly appreciated.

    Here is my entire program. I re-read the Swing article on HTML and as you can see, there is minimal code here.
    Could it be that the particular web site I'm trying to visit maybe denies me access if I keep hitting it?
    After awhile my java process stops running and is in some kind of loop and uses 90+% cpu.
    Thanks for any insight.
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTML.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
    public class HTMLToString {
         ArrayList     htmlTextContent;
         public Object[] getHtmlTextContent(String url) {
              htmlTextContent = new ArrayList();
              return     htmlTextContent.toArray();
    // note: url can also just be a file name:
    public boolean parse(String addr) {
         HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback = new HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback () {
                                                                          public void handleText(char[] data, int pos) {
                                                                               htmlTextContent.add((String) new String(data));
              URL url = new URL(addr);
    URLConnection uconn = url.openConnection();
                   InputStream is = uconn.getInputStream();
                   InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
                   new ParserDelegator().parse(isr, callback, false);
              catch (IOException ioe)
              return true;
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              HTMLToString hts;//= new HTMLToString();
              while(true) {
                        hts = new HTMLToString();
                        Object[] page = hts.getHtmlTextContent("");
                        System.out.println("Html Read\n");
              catch (InterruptedException ie)

  • WRT54G Incoming Log Destination Port 520

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    Incoming Log Table
    Source IP =
    Destination Port Number = 520
    After I clear the Log (i.e. turn it off, save settings, turn it on again, save settings) the entry will reappear after a few days.
    I have never seen any other incoming log entry.
    Since it has been pressed into service several years ago, my WRT54G has been configured to block any and all incoming connections. The settings as they continue to appear (under the [Security] Panel / [Firewall] Tab) are:
    Checked (Yes) = [Block Anonymous Internet Requests]
    Checked (Yes) = [Filter Multicast]
    Checked (Yes) = [Filter Internet NAT Redirection]
    Checked (Yes) = [Filter IDENT (Port 113)]
    I continue to have disabled all port forwarding, port triggering, the DMZ, and QoS, via the applicable tabs under the [Applications & Gaming] Panel. The WRT54G continues to be configured to operate as a Gateway (via the [Settings] Panel/[Advanced Routing] Tab). No static routes are defined. The routing table show four entries, none of which are remarkable or match in anyway the partial address identified above.
    So I am under the impression that my WRT54G should be ignoring everything from the WAN-side.
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    My WRT54G ver 6 is at firmware level 1.02.8, which, as far as I can tell is the latest issued by Cisco.
    I am completely perplexed how such a connection is being established, and do not know if it is or has the potential of causing any harm. My own research indicates port 520 is typically used for RIP protocol, but I have almost zero knowledge of such.
    I certainly appreciate any elucidation.
    My thanks for your attention.

    bonski wrote:
    Forgive me if I seem flippant, but I am not sure what kind of "glitch" you are looking to correct. If performing a factory reset procedure were already known to correct a specific problem, then I would seriously consider it. If performing a factory reset did not run the risk of injecting more problems through the process of having to redo firmware updates and settings, then I would seriously consider it. I am truly seeking insight into understanding the nature of the symptoms, and why they may be occurring. I am not looking for trial and accidental success.
    Thank you for you thoughts.
    Hi bonski,
    The log means that the IP: (which is from your ISP) sends logs to port 520. Port 520 is your router. I believe it is saying that you ISP simply sends data to your router. This is normal since your router gets internet connection from the ISP. This is by the way base on my understanding about the research I've made.
    This might help:

Maybe you are looking for