Seeking recommendations for animation freeware

Hello all, I need to create a few very simple animations: all I want to do is move a re-sizing jpeg over another jpeg and save it as QT or gif or something iMovie can use as a clip. I've looked on the web and don't see much, except the expensive pro software, Adobe, Motion, &c. Can anyone recommend a very basic program that will work with OSX?
John Doba

I got a reply on another thread to this, looks like Toonboom may be my answer.

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    I think this is due to the underlying mechanism of weblogic classloading..
    You can contact oracle support @ to report issues. Roughly this is the process .
    1- get the Oracle Customer Support Identifier (CSI) for the client you are working for.
    2- Create a user profile quoting the CSI. This will send an approval request to oracle support admins at your client.
    3- Get the oracle support admins at your client site to approve your request for support access.
    4-Once they approve , you can access the support site and raise service requests.

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    You can read this thread about one user's choice and why.
    About the mobo, well... I like Intel chips better and don't have much experience with the amd setups, but I did notice that the deltas are often used in overclocking and have been proven as stable and reliable.
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    Well that is a tall request   Take a look at this factory refurbished starter unit.  I acquired a similar refurbished unit just a year ago and upgraded it with more RAM and SSD drives.  The upgrade process is extremely simple.  You could start with the unmodified unit and as you run into performance problems upgrade gradually.  My laptop is now editing three camera timelines of AVCHD 1920 x 1080 with ease.  I now have 24 GB of RAM and got rid of the 1 TB 5400 rpm by cloning it to a 128 GB SSD drive and adding a second very good SSD in the available port.  Removing one screw gives you full access to do this.  Here is a picture of the bottom of my laptop.
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    Thank you in advance
    Paddy 41
    Pentium 4/3.2 GHz, 2.0 MB Ram, Soundblaster X-Fi Elite Pro, Windows XP PRO SP3, Adobe Audition 3.0, Sony PS-LX250H Turntable, Denon DRM-600 Cassette.

    >I am recording at 44.1/16 Bit and saving files in mp3 PRO-320 kbps for sake of storage. I welcome any assistance in regard to Plug-ins, equalization or other suggestions.
    You shouldn't save files as MP3s until all the processing you want to do has been done - this is a lossy format, and every time you open a file saved like this it gets re-decoded, and then re-encoded when you do a save. And the quality degeneration is progressive. And unfortunately, recording your files as 16-bit is also not going to be quite the thing to do if you are going to do any sort of amplitude processing at all, either, especially if you are recording at a lower-than-optimum amplitude, which is usually the case. 44.1k is fine, though!
    So, to get over the potential problems, the thing to do is to digitise your files as 44.1k 32-bit floating point, and until all processing is done, store them as Windows PCM wav files in this format, because that is uncompressed, which is what you need.
    If you want to reduce noise on cassette recordings, it's worth using a fairly high FFT setting, even though it takes longer to do the processing. Since most of the noise is not LF, this tends to work better, although there is also a case for doing the NR twice, once with a lower FFT setting and once with a higher one, but not trying to take out too much in one go.
    As for click reduction - well, you have to experiment. But letting the software determine all of the levels tends to give you a pretty good starting point. Another trick that's sometimes worth it is to transform your files temporarily to M-S stereo instead of L-R, and treat each channel separately - you generally get different levels of clicks in each, usually more in the S signal, whilst the M cancels out quite a few. And in general, the less clicks you can get away with processing, the better.
    Hard limiting? Never used it on a conversion like that at all, and wouldn't even consider it - transients are already likely to be distorted, and hard limiting them further seems like a
    very strange thing to do...
    Other tools that are useful, especially on cassettes are iZotope's Ozone (some of which is already in Audition) and HarBal. You can restore usually distorted frequency responses with the latter, and get a good average value automatically and easily. And judicious use of Ozone's enhancer can make them seem a lot less like the results came from a cassette...
    One of the useful things you can do with Ozone is to selectively widen parts of the spectrum. Since most records of music tend (for reasons of tracking) to have had the bass forced to be virtually mono, with subsequent similar consequences for other instruments with substantial LF content, it's worth expanding just about everything under about 250Hz, possibly by more than you might think.
    Generally, 'normal' EQ doesn't have a lot of use when processing vinyl, if it's relatively recent. And that generally means anything from the 60's onwards. If you think things are seriously wrong, the chances are that it's your monitors and environment that are misleading you. Just bear in mind that when this stuff was produced, it was all monitored in a professional environment - more so than it might be today, even.
    No doubt there will be a few other responses - I don't think that the foregoing is anything like complete, but is at least a start.

  • Seeking recommendations on server/Oracle setup

    I am seeking recommendations on server/Oracle setup for our environment.
    We currently are running 4 seperate servers for Oracle and are looking to streamline our setup to reduce overhead as well as furture growth.
    Our current setup consists of Oracle 10gR2 Standard Edition running on the following platforms as the backend db for 3rd party apps. OEM is also colocated with the db.
    RP5470, HPUX 11i (64bit OS and Oracle) - servers IBM Clearquest user dbs, @ 120 users
    DL580 - Win 2003R2 (64bit OS and Oracle) - production db for BMC Remedy. @ 500 users
    DL320 - Win 2003R2 (64bit OS and 32bit Oracle) - dev db for BMC Remedy. @ 5 users
    DL320 - Win 2003 (32bit OS and Oracle) - test db for BMC Remedy. @ 3 users
    We are also planning to support additonal dbs for applications such as IBM DOORS in the near future.
    Any and all feedback welcome.

    I was surprised to see the answer to this post. How could you come out with this architectural proposal?, Two UNIX servers … development and production … ? First of all there are four servers listed here with different workloads.
    By itself Unix is not magical, I could setup a “UNIX” box on my laptop and that doesn't mean any thing at all. I could setup a development and a production environment and that does not mean any thing …
    As you can see the OP already has a “UNIX” box here, HPUX 11i, so ? Lots of growth potential?
    Sorry, I don't want to be rude, it's just that I don't know what surprises me the most, the question itself or the answer given.
    By the way, out of the so huge list of "UNIX" flavors are you talking about?
    ~ Madrid

  • PSD source file for animated GIF's - Fireworks CS3

    i've upgraded to Web Premium Suite CS3.
    Q: i have several PSD source file for animated GIF's created
    with ImageReday.
    how can i open/iomport/convert it in/to Fireworks CS3 without
    looing the "animation"
    many thanks

    ugisiger wrote:
    > hi
    > no any extras. simply 5 layers "distributed" on the
    > if i open a "animated" psd, so i get a file with the
    layers and one frame, but
    > loosing animation stuff like "when show witch layer an
    for how long"
    > -> there is no conversion to FW frames.
    > Ueli
    I don't do animations in PS or IR, but if you like, send me
    the file
    and I'll see if I can figure something out.
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    Extending Knowledge, Daily
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.

  • Is there support for animated .gif files?

    Is there support for animated gif files using
    form builder? I can't get it to work.
    I am using forms 6.0

    She used the Link Tool, specfied 'Image URL' as the Source File Format and the url of the animated GIF in the Source Filename. Hope that helps.
    Makes sense but the form is not for the web.
    I have looked at doing it with timers and switching canvases, but that is just too much
    for sloppy animation. It's just not tight enough.

  • Set frame delay time for animated gif using ImageIO

    I'm trying to change the delay time of each frame for an animated gif by changing the metadata for each frame as following but it doesn't change anything.
    static private IIOMetadata setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata, int delayMS) throws IOException
              Node root = metadata.getAsTree("javax_imageio_gif_image_1.0");
              for (Node c = root.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNextSibling())
                   String name = c.getNodeName();
                   if (c instanceof IIOMetadataNode)
                        IIOMetadataNode metaNode = (IIOMetadataNode) c;
                        if ("GraphicControlExtension".equals(name))
                             metaNode.setAttribute("delayTime", Integer.toString(delayMS));
         }Does anyone know how to set delay time for animated gif using ImageIO ?

    I'm trying to change the delay time of each frame for an animated gif by changing the metadata for each frame as following but it doesn't change anything.
    static private IIOMetadata setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata, int delayMS) throws IOException
              Node root = metadata.getAsTree("javax_imageio_gif_image_1.0");
              for (Node c = root.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNextSibling())
                   String name = c.getNodeName();
                   if (c instanceof IIOMetadataNode)
                        IIOMetadataNode metaNode = (IIOMetadataNode) c;
                        if ("GraphicControlExtension".equals(name))
                             metaNode.setAttribute("delayTime", Integer.toString(delayMS));
         }Does anyone know how to set delay time for animated gif using ImageIO ?

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