Select after upgrade 9i - 10g runs slowly thousand times - urgent

I have select which runs around one second on Oracle 9. After upgrade to 10g this select runs more than two hours. I compute statistics on all tables, all columns and all indexes. This select consist from two parts - every part run on oracle 10g around 0.5 second but together more than 2 hours. When I rewrite it using WITH clausule, it runs 2 second. But I don't want to rewrite selects .. I want to find why it runs slow on 10g.
Below are original and rewrited select with their execution plans.
Any idea or recomendation?
SELECT DISTINCT from_fix_ident ident, from_ident_icao icao
     , latitude1 latitude, longitude1 longitude, from_fix_fea_pk src
     , -1 mslink
  FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink=l_dgn_airway.mslink
SELECT DISTINCT to_fix_ident ident, to_ident_icao icao
     , latitude2 latitude, longitude2 longitude, to_fix_fea_pk src
     , -2 mslink
  FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink=l_dgn_airway.mslink
SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 5 src, mslink FROM l_sky_navaid
SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 6 src, mslink FROM l_sky_waypoint)
WHERE ident||';'||icao||';'||src IN (
SELECT ident||';'||icao||';'||src FROM (
SELECT from_fix_ident ident
     , from_ident_icao icao
     , latitude1 latitude
     , longitude1 longitude
     , from_fix_fea_pk src
  FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
SELECT to_fix_ident ident
     , to_ident_icao icao
     , latitude2 latitude
     , longitude2 longitude
     , to_fix_fea_pk src
  FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
SELECT ident
     , icao
     , latitude
     , longitude
     , 5 src
  FROM l_sky_navaid
SELECT ident
     , icao
     , latitude
     , longitude
     , 6 src
  FROM l_sky_waypoint
ORDER BY ident, icao, src, mslink, latitude, longitude;Execution plan:
SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWSCost: 2 003  Bytes: 1 572 402 240  Cardinality: 24 568 785                                               
     29 SORT ORDER BY  Cost: 2 003  Bytes: 1 572 402 240  Cardinality: 24 568 785                                          
          28 FILTER                                     
               12 VIEW EUS. Cost: 825  Bytes: 3 522 880  Cardinality: 55 045                                
                    11 UNION-ALL                           
                         4 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 398  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                      
                              3 HASH JOIN  Cost: 142  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                                   1 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317            
                                   2 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317            
                         8 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 398  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                      
                              7 HASH JOIN  Cost: 143  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                                   5 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317            
                                   6 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317            
                         9 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_NAVAID Cost: 6  Bytes: 57 225  Cardinality: 1 635                      
                         10 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_WAYPOINT Cost: 22  Bytes: 324 712  Cardinality: 8 776                      
               27 VIEW EUS. Cost: 325  Bytes: 12 042  Cardinality: 446                                
                    26 MINUS                           
                         23 MINUS                      
                              20 SORT UNIQUE  Cost: 325  Bytes: 23 128  Cardinality: 446                 
                                   19 UNION-ALL            
                                        15 HASH JOIN  Cost: 145  Bytes: 9 812  Cardinality: 223       
                                             13 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 89  Bytes: 2 899  Cardinality: 223 
                                             14 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317 
                                        18 HASH JOIN  Cost: 146  Bytes: 9 812  Cardinality: 223       
                                             16 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 89  Bytes: 2 899  Cardinality: 223 
                                             17 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317 
                              22 SORT UNIQUE  Bytes: 512  Cardinality: 16                 
                                   21 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_NAVAID Cost: 6  Bytes: 512  Cardinality: 16            
                         25 SORT UNIQUE  Bytes: 2 992  Cardinality: 88                      
                              24 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_WAYPOINT Cost: 24  Bytes: 2 992  Cardinality: 88                 Rewrited select which run fast:
WITH inselect AS
     (SELECT ident || ';' || icao || ';' || src
        FROM (SELECT from_fix_ident ident, from_ident_icao icao,
                     latitude1 latitude, longitude1 longitude,
                     from_fix_fea_pk src
                FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
               WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
              UNION ALL
              SELECT to_fix_ident ident, to_ident_icao icao,
                     latitude2 latitude, longitude2 longitude,
                     to_fix_fea_pk src
                FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
               WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
              SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 5 src
                FROM l_sky_navaid
              SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 6 src
                FROM l_sky_waypoint)),
     mainselect AS
     (SELECT DISTINCT from_fix_ident ident, from_ident_icao icao,
                      latitude1 latitude, longitude1 longitude,
                      from_fix_fea_pk src, -1 mslink
                 FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
                WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
      SELECT DISTINCT to_fix_ident ident, to_ident_icao icao,
                      latitude2 latitude, longitude2 longitude,
                      to_fix_fea_pk src, -2 mslink
                 FROM l_sky_airway, l_dgn_airway
                WHERE l_sky_airway.mslink = l_dgn_airway.mslink
      SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 5 src, mslink
        FROM l_sky_navaid
      SELECT ident, icao, latitude, longitude, 6 src, mslink
        FROM l_sky_waypoint)
    FROM mainselect
   WHERE ident || ';' || icao || ';' || src IN (SELECT *
                                                  FROM inselect)
ORDER BY ident, icao, src, mslink, latitude, longitude;
SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWSCost: 550 336  Bytes: 2 383 172 145  Cardinality: 24 568 785                                             
    31 SORT ORDER BY  Cost: 550 336  Bytes: 2 383 172 145  Cardinality: 24 568 785                                         
        30 HASH JOIN  Cost: 2 647  Bytes: 2 383 172 145  Cardinality: 24 568 785                                     
            17 VIEW VIEW SYS.VW_NSO_1 Cost: 1 173  Bytes: 1 472 922  Cardinality: 44 634                                 
                16 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 1 173  Bytes: 1 205 118  Cardinality: 44 634                             
                    15 VIEW EUS. Cost: 828  Bytes: 1 205 118  Cardinality: 44 634                         
                        14 MINUS                     
                            11 MINUS                 
                                8 SORT UNIQUE  Cost: 828  Bytes: 2 314 600  Cardinality: 44 634             
                                    7 UNION-ALL         
                                        3 HASH JOIN  Cost: 142  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317     
                                            1 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317 
                                            2 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317 
                                        6 HASH JOIN  Cost: 143  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317     
                                            4 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317 
                                            5 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317 
                                10 SORT UNIQUE  Bytes: 52 320  Cardinality: 1 635             
                                    9 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_NAVAID Cost: 6  Bytes: 52 320  Cardinality: 1 635         
                            13 SORT UNIQUE  Bytes: 298 384  Cardinality: 8 776                 
                                12 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_WAYPOINT Cost: 22  Bytes: 298 384  Cardinality: 8 776             
            29 VIEW EUS. Cost: 825  Bytes: 3 522 880  Cardinality: 55 045                                 
                28 UNION-ALL                             
                    21 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 398  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                         
                        20 HASH JOIN  Cost: 142  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                     
                            18 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                            19 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                    25 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 398  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                         
                        24 HASH JOIN  Cost: 143  Bytes: 981 948  Cardinality: 22 317                     
                            22 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_AIRWAY Cost: 85  Bytes: 290 121  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                            23 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_DGN_AIRWAY Cost: 56  Bytes: 691 827  Cardinality: 22 317                 
                    26 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_NAVAID Cost: 6  Bytes: 57 225  Cardinality: 1 635                         
                    27 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE EUS.L_SKY_WAYPOINT Cost: 22  Bytes: 324 712  Cardinality: 8 776                          Reformated
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could you please post an properly formatted explain plan output using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY including the "Predicate Information" section below the plan to provide more details regarding your statement. Please use the \[code\] and \[code\] tags to enhance readability of the output provided:
In SQL*Plus:
EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <your statement>;
SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY);In order to get a better understanding where your statement spends the time you might want to turn on SQL trace as described here:
[When your query takes too long|]
and post the "tkprof" output here, too.
Could you also provide the information which version of 10g you're currently using? (4-digit version number). Note that 10g introduced a couple of significant changes including CPU costing enabled by default and a different default setting of DBMS_STATS regarding column histograms.
So you might want to re-gather the statistics using the method_opt parameter of the DBMS_STATS.GATHER__STATS procedures explicitly defined as "FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1" to mimic the 9i behaviour.
You also might want to try the "OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE" session setting set to "9.2.0" in order to find out if any of the new optimizer features could be causing the issue if re-gathering the statistics as suggested above doesn't make a difference.
Do you know if the tables/indexes in your 9i database also had reasonable statistics?
Oracle related stuff blog:
SQLTools++ for Oracle:
Edited by: Randolf Geist on Sep 8, 2008 9:32 AM
Added some specific suggestions

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    S27adm 22> more startdb.log
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    checking required environment variables
    ORACLE_HOME  is >/oracle/S27/102_64<
    ORACLE_SID   is >S27<
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    check initora
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    check initora
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    checking V2 connect
    TNS Ping Utility for HPUX: Version - Production on 02-JUN-2008 13:00:22
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    OK (0 msec)
    tnsping: V2 connect to S27
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    Connect to the database to check the database state:
    R3trans: connect check finished with return code: 12
    Database not available
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    Shutdown database
    First trying to shutdown the database - May be,
    the database is in the nomount or mount state
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:22 GMT: 2008
    starting database
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jun 2 13:00:23 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to an idle instance.
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 2533359616 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2199816 bytes
    Variable Size            2025713400 bytes
    Database Buffers          503316480 bytes
    Redo Buffers                2129920 bytes
    Database mounted.
    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "charwidth"
    no rows selected
    Not a terminal
    Not a terminal
    Database altered.
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning and Data Mining options
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:46 GMT: 2008
    Connect to the database to verify, that the database is now open
    R3trans check finished with return code: 12
    ERROR: Startup of database failed
        Notify Database Administrator.
    Mon Jun 2 13:00:46 GMT: 2008
    /usr/sap/S27/SYS/exe/run/startdb: Terminating with error code 2

    Verify .dbenv* files in your <sid>adm home directory and update them as recommended in 10g upgrade documentation in the SAP Marketplace.
    If still not resolved, do R3trans -d from <sid>adm home directory and post the recent trans.log file to review further.
    Good Luck
    Nag Anthati

  • SQL Query takes 7 hours after upgrade to 10g

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    I have tested in a lower environment the setting of "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=off and this corrects the problem. I do not feel comfortable setting this parameter session or system wide to provide a solution
    We are running Oracle 10gR2 on Solaris
    select "INSTN_ID_N",
    TS_D =
    select max (TS_D) from IDA.V_INSTANCE_STATUS

    user638113 wrote:
    the following query executes in under a minute in 9i, however once upgraded to 10g it takes 7 hours. The query is designed to select the data row with the max date value for the selected criteria (there are multiple rows that match the below criteria with different dates)
    I have tested in a lower environment the setting of "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=off and this corrects the problem. I do not feel comfortable setting this parameter session or system wide to provide a solutionIf you're sure that the "lower" environment reproduces the same issue, and not due to some other differences (different statistics, parameters etc.), then you could share the two different execution plans generated via DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY having the cost based transformations turned on and off. Make sure you use the \ tags before and after the plan output to format it in fixed font. You can use the "Quote" button in the message editor to see how to use the tag.
    Furthermore a optimizer trace (10053) might reveal why the cost based transformations lead to such an result.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • After Upgrade OBI 10g to 11g:Odbc driver returned an error - SQLExecDirectW

    Hi all,
    for an OBI upgrade from 10g to 11g I used a RPD and Webcatalog based on a remote machine other than my local machine. Firstable I am making the tests on a Linux Virtual machine, which uses the Sample Lite version from Oracle.
    I made the following steps:
    1. I upgraded the RPD and Webcatalog. It worked without any errors.
    2. I set the static variable BI_EE_HOME via Administration Tool to the path in the Linux machine.
    --> Here I am not sure if the set path is correct. It begins with: \bi\ ...\instances\...\coreapplication_obis1 (... : I can't mention here the whole path name).
    --> When the OBI Server is installed in Windows, the mentioned static variable points to something like 'C:\<install folder>\...\coreapplication_obis1'
    --> Question: is the begin of my set path correct?. I set that pointing to the Linux OBI Server, because the OBI Server is installed on Linux.
    After login as the user in RPD: Administrator/<Password for my upgraded RPD> I can see the links in the Catalog and the Dashboards links. But I can not see any values, any Reports when going through the links.
    For example when trying to see a Dashboard with date 12.02.2011it happens:
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    Status: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] general error.
    [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS.
    [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed:
    [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 12154, message: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    at OCI call OCIServerAttach.
    [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT "Dimension_-_My Dimension"."MyDimension" saw_0 FROM "Accounting (ACC)" WHERE "Dimension_-_My Dimension"."MyDimension" LIKE 'J%' ORDER BY saw_0
    I think its not retrieving the data from the remote database, because I don't have the data of the remote database in my local. I think the OBI Server still is pointing to the local virtual machine Oracle database.
    Can anybody tell me what happens here and how can I solve this problem?.
    I would appreciate any help....

    Hi gerardnico,
    I've tried many things and did as in your articles, but I don't have success with that.
    These are the things I did:
    1. I searched for the file tnsnames.ora in my Linux virtual machine. I could find it in many paths:
    in the last path I found the listener.ora as well.
    2. I took the tnsnames.ora from the last path, because the ORACLE_HOME points to /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
    3. I edited the tnsnames.ora this way:
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:
    XE =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host_of_the_remote_machine)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = database_name_of_the_remote_machine)
    (SID = database_SID_of_the_remote_machine)
    4. I made a backup of the tnsnames.ora in path /.../Oracle_BI1/network/admin/samples/tnsnames.ora
    and copied the tnsnames.ora from /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin to the Oracle_BI1 path
    5. I set the TNS_ADMIN to /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin
    6. I restarted the BI Server
    No success in what I did. The error is still there.
    7. I've tried also: sqlplus database_user_remote_machine/database_password_remote_machine@database_SID_remote_machine
    I didn't get the connection:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jun 16 04:36:10 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    Enter user-name: database_user_remote_machine
    Enter password:
    ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
    ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
    Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
    What am I doing wrong here?. I am still thinking that I need the import of the database.
    Additional SID=Service-Name=Database-name in the remote machine.

  • Weird query problem after upgrade to 10g

    After upgrading from 9i to 10g I've noticed that one query slowed down drastically (from 100[ms] to 30[s])
    SELECT ... FROM first_table LEFT OUTER JOIN second_table ON ...
    WHERE first_table.number_column = '453' ...
    What's weird is the redundant apostrophes around number in WHERE clause. The same query without those apostrophes executes in 100[ms].
    I know it doesn't make any sense to put numbers inside apostrophes but it results from the application structure. Since I can't change the application I need the way to improve this query from the database level.
    I tested this query with other databases (9i and 10g) and there is no differences whether the number is in apostrophes or not.
    What does it depend on?
    Any ideas how to speed-up this query?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Gerard,
    When the query window comes from a table Oracle always recommends:
    1) Use the /*+ ordered */ hint
    2) Put the table the quiery window comes from (geometry-2 in the query) first in the from clause
    However, your query is also written very strange. Do you know about SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE? Or are you trying to do SDO_ANYINTERACT (since the distance is 0)?
    So I would write the query you have as:
    where sdo_relate(S.GEOM,o.geom, 'querytype=WINDOW mask=anyinteract')='TRUE';
    or in Oracle10g:
    where sdo_anyinteract(S.GEOM,o.geom)='TRUE';

  • Ora -1031 after upgrade to 10G

    After upgrading oracle to 10G, we have a problem with archiving redo logs and database backup. Backup and archiving fails when we try to start it with user system giving error 1031:insufficient privileges Determination of Oracle version failed.
    We are running oracle on SAP and we use SAP tools brarchive and brbackup for this.
    Does anyone have an idea about this?

    Was the upgrade successful?
    Can you log into the database as sys/sysdba from sqlplus?
    Do the SAP tools support Oracle 10G?

  • Strange Client Behavior after upgrading to 10g

    Hello Friends !!!!
    Here is my scenario:
    Oracle Database 10g
    Windows 2008 Server SP2
    After upgrading from oracle and Windows 2003 Server I'm facing a strange behavior.
    Many times over the days some machines do not release some table resources even having their status "INACTIVE" and the wait event "SQL *Net message from client" and wait class "IDLE".
    Therefore, i got a lot of locked sessions, and users complaining..... until I kill them
    The client machine was as well switched to Oracle 10g client....
    Have you guys got any tips about this scenario?
    Tks for any advice.

    About the lock queue:
    1. blocking session has an exclusive table lock on VENDEDORES table; this is very rare in application because most of the time not needed: application code should try to avoid to take such kind of lock.
    2. blocked sessions request a row share table lock: it looks like that VENDEDORES table is a child table linked to some parent table with a foreign key constraint and that an index on the child table foreign key is missing (this kind of lock is requested if you DELETE from parent table or update parent table primary key).
    About the lock session: this is the blocking session that is waiting since 19 seconds on client: it is likely an application issue: you should try to investigate what the client (aservice.exe) is doing while holding an exclusive table lock.

  • Images after upgrade from 10g to 11g

    We recently upgraded from 10g to 11g and all the images are broke in the dashboard.
    Can anyone provide the steps needs to be done in order to fix the broken images?

    Put image files at
    If required
    Call them using fmap
    Syntax: fmap:images/imagename.imageformat
    for e.g: fmap:images/geograph.jpg
    Pls mark correct/helpful if helps

  • ECC6 upgrade phase XPRAS_UPG running for long time

    I am performing a Downtime minimized upgrade (MODPROF_TRANS) from R34.7ext2 to ECC6.0 / Windows2003/MSSQL2005
    Currently i am in the phase XPRAS_UPG .It is running for really long time.I tried to reset the phase but still went on for more than 10 hrs. I initialized the phase now its running for more than 7 hours. There are no processes when i check in SM50 and no log files updated. There is no log file called XPRAS_UPG.ELG.SM37 no jobs running.
    Though if it takes long time , How do i confirm that my upgrade phase is running ??????????as its not updating anything
    In PARDIST_SHD phase when there was en error , i have manuall deleted the DB trigger acording to the note 956198. And the phase went on.
    Now after reading few messages reg this error , i checked DB02 but no locks on any table . Have cheked note 558197,1292069,1142410,1138351,1062559,597885,551298. But nothings applicable in my case.
    Please suggest ...
    will really appreciate your help.

    Dear Chandra,
    Regarding long runtime for XPRAS phase kindly note the following:
    1. The reason of slow performance of XPRAS phase can vary differently.
    Basically during XPRAS phase, there're a lot of reports to run. These
    reports are inlcuded in the transport requests(both upgrade
    requests and support packages). If there's a performance problem,
    it very likely the database performance problem, such as wrong
    access plan was chosen, or missing index, etc.
    2. To find out the performance problems in the XPRAS, you can always
    logon into the system. During the XPRAS phase, the system has to be up and running.
    In SM50, usually you can find which report is running, and/or which table is being accessed.
    If you find some table accesses take unusually long time, please
    record the table name and find the SQL statement. Sometimes a simple
    index can solve the problem, sometimes you need help from Oracle
    to get the solution.
    3. If you want to shorten the downtime, you can select less support
    packages since all SPs have a lot of reports to run in XPRAS. But
    remember you need to import them soon or later. But if you prefer
    import them later it's fine.
    Currently if you check in SM37 then you can see RDDEXECL job in active status.
    Check for the job log, if there are any errors reported?
    Thereafter check the SM50 and see if its taking unusually long time for some particular table.
    If so then it might be because you might have not updated the statistics for that particular table.
    Also check what was the parameter value of Number of batch processes defined by you
    for upgrade. If you have defined very less number of batch processes for upgrade then also
    it will take more time.
    Check accordingly and let me know for further help.
    Edited by: Abhishek Srivastava on May 9, 2010 10:57 AM

  • After upgrade to Mavericks I can do Time Machine backups but I cannot have access to them

    After upgrading my iMac 20" (early 2008) from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, I can backup with Time Machine and I can see that the copies have been made. But when I enter to Time Machine mode, all these copies in the right bar goes from pink to translucent in some few seconds, and I cannot have access to them.
    I have a dedicated external 400GB HD for the copies, formated in Mac Os Plus, and I can go there and open, copy, etc. any file "manually", so, the copies are right (I guess).
    Any idea about why I cannot "go back" in Time Machine, although it "sees" the disk, and the copies exist?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    After upgrading my iMac 20" (early 2008) from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, I can backup with Time Machine and I can see that the copies have been made. But when I enter to Time Machine mode, all these copies in the right bar goes from pink to translucent in some few seconds, and I cannot have access to them.
    I have a dedicated external 400GB HD for the copies, formated in Mac Os Plus, and I can go there and open, copy, etc. any file "manually", so, the copies are right (I guess).
    Any idea about why I cannot "go back" in Time Machine, although it "sees" the disk, and the copies exist?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • The system don't goes up after Upgrade to 10g

    Hello friends. After a Oracle upgrade of 9i to 10g (Windows 2003 / Basis Release 46D). The system SAP R/3 4.6C  don't goes up. A follow message is the error in file "dev_w0":
    Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    C  Database instance prd is running on SAPUPG with ORACLE version since 20070612
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  000 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  20070613 100955
    B  ***LOG BZA=> table SVERS      doesn't exist on database [dblink  2056 ]
    To understand the problem I run the follow command into "sqlplus":
    SQL> select * from svers;
    select * from svers
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> select * from sapr3.svers;
    Please take special attention to this point: When the execution it's was made indicating a DBSCHEMA plus table (sapr3.svers) the command it's succesfull, otherwise fail's. If I logon with user: "SYSTEM" it's the same result.
    Thank's to everyone for help me and understand my very bad english.
    Best regards.
    Xavier Pol

    It looks like you have some "wrong" concepts.
    First you say that:
    <b>Now in WS1, there is no schema</b>
    later on you are telling
    <b>have then check the command
    select * from SAPBOS.SVERS and it worked.</b>
    So, do you have a schema or don't you?
    Let me try to understand what you have done, for your description
    1) you have a system called BOS. On this system you have a schema called SAPBOS.
    2) you did a system copy from BOS to W1S. Guessing -> You did a restore from a BOS
    Now your SAPW1S has "dissapeared"
    am I understandin it properly?
    If so, you should think a little.
    You have restored a backup from BOS ( DB name BOS, SCHEMA BOS, tablespace names PSAPBOS ) into W1S
    Restoring a backup will not change the schema name ( AFAIK, there is no simple way of doing so )
    Restoring a backup will not change the tablespaces names ( in Oracle 10g you can do this, but has to be done manually )
    Restoring the backup will not change the DB name. The System copy procedure ask you to create a script that will perform this last change.
    So, at the end of the process you have a DB called W1S, with a schema called SAPBOS and tablespaces called PSAPBOS.
    As mentioned before there is no simple way of changing the schema name.
    If you <b>need/want/desire</b> to do so then you cannot use BACKUP/RESTORE for system copies. You must use the R3Load method ( take all data out of the DB and then take all the data in on the new system )

  • ODI Procedures not working after upgrading from 10G to 11G

    Hello Gurus,
    We have run into a scenario where the procedures in ODI are not working after we upgraded it from 10G to 11G ( However we can make it to run if we create the procedure from scratch.
    Also we are having issues related to packages where in the packages were running before we applied the patch And after applying the patches they are not running.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    If you want someone to help you, please be elaborate in the exact errors you are getting.
    A general statement would do nothing but guess work.
    What is the error that you get while executing the procedure.
    What are the exact issues that you get while executing packages ?

  • TO_BINARY_DOUBLE after upgrade 9i/10g

    Hi all,
    we encountered strange xplans after migration. I found out the issue was ODBC provided bind variable as type 101
    oacdty=101 mxl=08(64) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
    oacflg=01 fl2=1000000 frm=00 csi=31 siz=8 off=0
    No bind buffers allocated*
    which I realized is new type BINARY_DOUBLE which was not there in 9i. So the optimizer transformed this select:
    which determined the FULL SCAN on the table . 9i did not know about this type and did not convert the value which resulted in good index range scan.
    NOW: As I'm waiting for the dev to fix it somehow I tried a workaround which is clearly a creation of FuncBasedIndex on ACCOUNT_ID named NU_AD_ACCOUNT_BNDB while NU_AD_ACCOUNT_BNDB was the original index on ACCOUNT_ID.
    Running it once again I came across another strange behavior which I could not explain. The optimizer did NOT pick none of these indexes but the PK instead and did an index_full_scan on it. PK is composite index on ACCOUNT_ID plus another column which is NOT filtered in the SQL.
    Please help me explain why despite the cost of NU_AD_ACCOUNT_BNDB the optmizer decided to go on the PK in FFS. Here's the 10053 trace file:
    qb name was generated
    signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=1 flg=0
    fro(0): flg=0 objn=1048639 hint_alias="ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"@"SEL$1"
    Using WORKLOAD Stats
    CPUSPEED: 765 millions instructions/sec
    SREADTIM: 0 milliseconds
    MREADTIM: 5 millisecons
    MBRC: 54.000000 blocks
    MAXTHR: 100915200 bytes/sec
    SLAVETHR: 1635328 bytes/sec
    Table Stats::
    #Rows: 3564300 #Blks: 36411 AvgRowLen: 152.00
    Index Stats::
    Index: NU_AD_ACCOUNT Col#: 1
    LVLS: 2 #LB: 4226 #DK: 3539358 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 3492510.00
    Index: NU_AD_ACCOUNT_BNDB Col#: 30
    LVLS: 2 #LB: 5125 #DK: 3725283 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 3665379.00
    Index: PK_AA1 Col#: 1 2
    LVLS: 2 #LB: 4976 #DK: 3479567 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 3426964.00
    BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation
    Column (#30): SYS_NC00030$(BINARY_DOUBLE) NO STATISTICS (using defaults)
    AvgLen: 6.00 NDV: 111384 Nulls: 0 Density: 8.9779e-06
    Column (#1): ACCOUNT_ID(NUMBER)
    AvgLen: 6.00 NDV: 3564300 Nulls: 0 Density: 2.8056e-07 Min: 17 Max: 4524701
    Histogram: HtBal #Bkts: 254 UncompBkts: 254 EndPtVals: 255
    Card: Original: 3564300 Rounded: 35643 Computed: 35643.00 Non Adjusted: 35643.00
    END Single Table Cardinality Estimation
    Access Path: TableScan
    Cost: 95348.31 Resp: 95348.31 Degree: 0
    Cost_io: 55958.00 Cost_cpu: 1958683004
    Resp_io: 55958.00 Resp_cpu: 1958683004
    Access Path: index (index (FFS))
    Index: NU_AD_ACCOUNT
    resc_io: 6497.00 resc_cpu: 1527703771
    ix_sel: 0.0000e+00 ix_sel_with_filters: 1
    Access Path: index (FFS)
    Cost: 37220.05 Resp: 37220.05 Degree: 16
    Cost_io: 6497.00 Cost_cpu: 1527703771
    Resp_io: 6497.00 Resp_cpu: 1527703771
    Access Path: index (index (FFS))
    Index: PK_AA1
    resc_io: 7648.00 resc_cpu: 1509898711
    ix_sel: 0.0000e+00 ix_sel_with_filters: 1
    Access Path: index (FFS)
    Cost: 38012.98 Resp: 38012.98 Degree: 1
    Cost_io: 7648.00 Cost_cpu: 1509898711
    Resp_io: 7648.00 Resp_cpu: 1509898711
    kkofmx: index filter:TO_BINARY_DOUBLE("ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"."ACCOUNT_ID")=:B1
    kkofmx: index filter:TO_BINARY_DOUBLE("ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"."ACCOUNT_ID")=:B1
    Access Path: index (FullScan)
    Index: NU_AD_ACCOUNT
    resc_io: 4228.00 resc_cpu: 749064497
    ix_sel: 1 ix_sel_with_filters: 1
    Cost: 4079.62 Resp: 4079.62 Degree: 1
    Access Path: index (AllEqGuess)
    resc_io: 14665.00 resc_cpu: 148095035
    ix_sel: 0.004 ix_sel_with_filters: 0.004
    Cost: 1764.33 Resp: 1764.33 Degree: 1
    Access Path: index (FullScan)
    Index: PK_AA1
    resc_io: 4978.00 resc_cpu: 744413457
    ix_sel: 1 ix_sel_with_filters: 1
    Cost: 4145.27 Resp: 4145.27 Degree: 1
    ****** trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
    ****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes ******
    Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange Index: PK_AA1
    Cost: 4145.27 Degree: 1 Resp: 4145.27 Card: 35643.00 Bytes: 0

    Thank You for your analysis.
    Of course many things had changed with 10g but this is a simple one and even If I tried to tweak the optimizer to make it behave as 9i I couldnt make it work.
    this select along with others on the same table and for the same filtered column used to run smoothly on 9i. As I tried to sort out why on 10g it wasn't any longer happening, I bumped into the fact the bind variable's type is declare as binary_double while the column is NUMBER...
    oacdty=101 mxl=08(64) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
    Thus all those select were running on full scan after migration because the index values wasnt matched because of the conversion forced during parse( as I spotted in trace file). That didn't occur on 9i because on that version there was no BINARY_DOUBLE so I assume the optimizer accepted the bind variable's type as simply a number. Am I wrong?
    So my assumption is that ODBC value was already mistyped on 9i but luckily it kept working because it wasnt handled

  • Problem in self service after upgrade to 10G

    Hi all,
    My customer has upgraded recently to 10G database and running on application.
    I have procedure in the custom package in the database accessed through the mod_plsql. After some time it's working, the server start replying with web page cannot be found, but the procedure in the package exists and its valid!
    Tried to Enable Logging for the PL/SQL Gateway according to "Metalink Note:116715.1". I got the following error messages:
    Any solution?

    First of all, it is wrong queue for APPS related query , you would have post this question to "e-Business Suite" -> "Applications Technology" -> "Application Maintenance" , you would have got lots of reply till now.
    Have you applied interoperability patch after 10g upgrade ?

Maybe you are looking for

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