Select location?

Network diagnostics is asking me to select a location. What is a location? Does it make a difference whether I choose a dated one or automatic? And why is my previous selection lost?

I got an alert when the Auto Update tried to run. I don't have the text of it now, but something to the effect that I needed to choose a location in order to run the update. So I wondered what the significance of a location was and if it mattered which I chose.

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    Hello Denis Cooper
        That is the end result.
        What I was trying  to do was that I was trying to
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    The vast majority of the time, when user interface issues present in Contract Management, it is due to an incompatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the client machine.
    Each version of Contract Management has a Tested Configurations document.
    Proactively ensuring client configuration specifications conform to those outlined in the Tested Configurations document, will enable Contract Management to function as designed, without negative impact to user productivity.
    Additional References:
    I. Contract Management documentation including Tested Configurations is available on the Oracle Technology Network:
    See Client & Browser tab in Tested Configurations document.
    II. My Oracle Support > KnowledgeBase Note 897644.1 - Nothing Happens When Clicking: All Projects > Customize Text, or Folders, or Administer Views > Modify or Advanced Print lists many commonly encountered issues when the JRE on the client is not compatible with Contract Management. This note also lists certified JRE versions and includes a link where to download the correct JRE, as needed.

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    That seems to be the default behavior of that version of iPhoto when dragging in an album.  Not much you can do about it at this time. 
    There is a new version of iPhoto 8, iPhoto 8.1.2, that you could update to and see if that helps.

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    Perhaps, something like this:
    The link is to a map/locator (sort-of) PDF uploaded to
    Be well...

  • "Could not move file to selected location"

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    many thanks

    Do these networks have different SSID's? If not, they need to in order to do what you want.

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    If the computer's running Mac OS X, move the cursor to the very top of the computer's screen, click on Store, and choose Authorize this Computer.
    If the computer's running Windows, press the Alt and S keys and choose Authorize this Computer, or click here, follow the instructions, click on Store in the menu bar, and choose Authorize this Computer.

  • Saving pages document can't select location

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    Click the down-facing triangle to the right of the first box to expand the dialog box.

  • Select location of cvi runtime

    Hi all!
    I'm pretty sure that on former versions of cvi there was the possibility to choose if the runtime and other depending dll's are installed in the application directory or in the system directory.
    Where is this option gone in cvi 2013?
    Best regards,

    When you install multiple versions of LabWindows/CVI, only one Run Time Engine (RTE) is used. There is some information in this KnowledgeBase article. The RTE is backwards compatible.
    Are you looking for this option when you are using CVI development environment or for building applications?
    Evan S.
    National Instruments

  • SSRS report - A single selection dropdown list converted to text box

    Hello everyone,
    We created a single selection dropdown parameter (City parameter) on a report. The data in this parameter is populated using MDX query. Also, it is filtered based on selection of another single selection dropdown list (Country parameter) of a report.
    The problem is when there is no cities for the selected country the dropdown list is gets converted to free type text box and user can insert city data in it. Why SSRS is not keeping it as empty dropdown list with no data?
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks, Ankit Shah
    Inkey Solutions, India.
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals

    Hello Charlie,
    We developed a fresh report only with two parameters but still the dropdown control gets converted to text box in our case. We have two single selection parameters, Location and Customers. Based on selected Location the customer
    dropdown gets populated.
    Location Parameter Query
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER
    [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
    SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption], [Measures].[ParameterValue], [Measures].[ParameterLevel]} ON COLUMNS , [Location].[Location Name].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS FROM [Model]
    Customer Query
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS
    [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
    MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS
    [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
    SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption], [Measures].[ParameterValue], [Measures].[ParameterLevel],[Measures].[Amt]} ON COLUMNS,
    nonempty([Customer].[Customer Name].ALLMEMBERS,[Measures].[Amt]) ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@LocationName, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Model])
    Regarding parameter settings on General tab for both the above parameters we did not select any of the following values, all these checkboxes are empty:
    Allow Blank Value ("") , Allow null value, Allow multiple values.
    I think it has something related to [Measures].[Amt] that we used in customer parameter. We are now trying to take other two parameters where we would be not using the [Measures].[Amt] to filter the data. Will update you soon.
    Thanks, Ankit Shah
    Inkey Solutions, India.
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals

  • ComboBox - Setting Selected Values from data

    I am running into a problem in Flex 3 that seems to be
    different from Flex 2. Maybe someone can help.
    I have a function for setting a combobox selected item for a
    location for a value when the titlewindow completes loading. The
    value is a prior value from a prior save. In other words to set the
    combobox a value from a prior session.
    The locations xml file is loaded from a remote object
    oncreationcomplete of the titlewindow. The setselectedvalue
    function worked perfectly in Flex 2 but now only works in Flex 2
    after the titlewindow is loaded. We tested this by running the
    setselectedvalue function from a button click after loading.
    The dataprovider length is showing 0 in our debugging. After
    titlewindow up on screen the length is showing correct ( 35 ) - in
    this case. Our viewxmlobject function is showing no xml. Shows xml
    correctly after up on screen.
    I have set the creationpolicy to "all". That did not help
    Any suggestions? Anyone. This is killing me. Spent two days
    now trying to get back to working state.
    private function SetSelectedValue_cbLocation(): void {
    var xLocID:String = eLocationID.text;
    //viewXmlObject( cbLocation.dataProvider )
    for (var i : int = 0; i < cbLocation.dataProvider.length
    ; i++) {
    // cbLocation.dataProvider
    .locid, 'Location DataProvider', Alert.OK);
    if ( xLocID == cbLocation.dataProvider.locid ){
    cbLocation.selectedIndex = i;
    The combobox has the dataprovider set at design time.
    <components:is2ComboBox id="cbLocation" x="585" y="4"
    width="196" dataProvider="{xmlLocations.Record}"
    labelField="locname" dataField="locid"
    change="changeLocation(event)" disabledColor="#004080" prompt="1.
    Please select location"></components:is2ComboBox>

    Hard to say without seeing the code. Is the application
    opening a pop-up window (the title window)? If so, where is the
    combo box located? In the main app or the titleWindow? What calls
    the SetSelectedValue_cbLocation() function?

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