SelectOneListbox and custom converter

I'm using a selectOneListbox with a custom converter and I keep getting a conversion error. If I replace the selectOneListbox with a selectManyListbox things work as expected. With the 'One' listbox the only code of mine that gets called is the custom converter. With the 'Many' listbox the following get called: custom converter, selection setter, and my button action. Is there a known defect with the selectOneListbox? I've searched online but have not found anything. Is there some subtle difference between the two 'One' vs 'Many' that I'm overlooking? I literally replace selectOneListbox with selectManyListbox. I've stepped through the faces code but didn't see any obvious error.
This is the version I'm using. Could it be old?
COPYRIGHT,v 1.4 2004/02/26 20:30:14
Anyone have a suggestion. Thanks for your help.

Well, I feel stupid. I changed the selection getter and setter to use the object instead of an array and all is well. Thanks so much for the nudge in the right direction. I think I was distracted by the conversion error displayed on my page.

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    I am using a custom converter for an af:selectInputDatetag. Dates are treated like strings so that data conversion errors are not trapped during the Apply Request Values phase (I prefer to gather all errors at a later stage).
    This works but an unintended side effect was that I receiving a JavaScript error when tabbing off the text box and firing its onblur event. This was because a calendar was not being passed into the _dfb function. I eventually fixed this by adding a line to the function in Commonea14.js:
    function _dfb(dateField, calendarID)
    // By Jason 31 March 2005
    // Start
    if (calendarID == null) return;
    // End
    // if (calendarID != (void 0))
    // _calActiveDateFields[calendarID] = null;
    Hope that this helps someone.

    Thank you for your answer. I'm not using ADF BC, so is there a possible workaround? My model provides a standard java.util.Date. My converter looks like:
    public class BirthdateConverter implements Converter {
      public Object getAsObject(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent, String sDate) {
        Locale locale = facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestLocale();
        String pattern = AppUtil.getFourDigitYearPattern(DateFormat.SHORT);
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
        java.util.Date d = sdf.parse(sDate);
        // converter logic
        return d;
      public String getAsString(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent, Object object) {
        if (object == null)
          return null;
        if (!(object instanceof Date))
          return object.toString();
        Locale locale = facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestLocale();
        String pattern = AppUtil.getFourDigitYearPattern(DateFormat.SHORT);
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
        return sdf.format((java.util.Date)object);
    }AppUtil.getFourDigitYearPattern(DateFormat.SHORT) provides a date pattern, e.g. "M/d/yyyy" for locale en-us. In the above code I did not include try-catch blocks to make it more readable.
    Message was edited by:

  • H:selectManyCheckbox and custom converter

    Hi there
    Firstly, I am trying to implement a custom converter to capture choices a user makes on a check box(es), i.e. if they uncheck one or more boxes I want to use the converter to save this information. I have applied this logic previously for a selectOneMenu based on BalusC's tutorial (very good by the way): So, my first question is... Is this the correct way of doing this?
    Assuming that it is, this is the code I have implemented:
    </converter>jsp file
    <h1>A horizontal line of check boxes!</h1>
    <%-- value="#{standardCheckBoxBeanStatus.colours}" --%>
    <h:selectManyCheckbox id="HStandardcheckbox" value="#{standardCheckBoxBeanStatus.status}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{standardCheckBoxBeanStatus.colour}" />
    <f:converter binding="CheckBoxStatusConverter" converterId="checkboxstatus" />
    public class standardCheckBoxBeanStatus
    private List<SelectItem> Colour = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    private CheckBoxStatusBean Colours = new CheckBoxStatusBean();
    private String[] CheckBoxStatus = new String[7];
    private static CheckBoxStatusDAO CheckBoxcoloursDAO = new CheckBoxStatusDAO();
    private String selectedColour;
    private dbBean db;
    public standardCheckBoxBeanStatus()
    db = new dbBean("username","password");
    public List<SelectItem> getColour()
    return Colour;
    public String[] getStatus()
    String[] b = new String[7];
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    b[i] = Colour.get(i).getValue().toString();
    return b;
    public void setStatus(String[] state)
    System.out.println("Status could be set to ");
    for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++)
    public void setColours(CheckBoxStatusBean t)
    System.out.println("setColours called with "+t);
    Colours = t;
    public String Action()
    System.out.println("Action called!");
    return "ValuesUpdated";
    private void fillCColourItems()
    int i = 0;
    for (CheckBoxStatusBean tK : CheckBoxcoloursDAO.list())
    System.out.println("Colour adding "+tK+", "+tK.getValue());
    Colour.add(new SelectItem(tK, tK.getValue()));
    CheckBoxStatus[i] = tK.getKey();
    ChechBoxStatusConverter:public class CheckBoxStatusConverter implements Converter
    private static CheckBoxStatusDAO CheckBoxStatusDAO = new CheckBoxStatusDAO();
    public String getAsString(FacesContext f, UIComponent c, Object o)
    System.out.println("In converter getAsString method");
    String ret = "";
    if ((o != null) && (o instanceof CheckBoxStatusBean) )
    ret = ((CheckBoxStatusBean)o).getKey();
    return ret;
    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext f, UIComponent c, String s)
    System.out.println("In converter getAsObject method");
    return CheckBoxStatusDAO.find(s);
    CheckBoxStatusDAOpublic class CheckBoxStatusDAO
    private static ArrayList<SelectItem> checkBoxColours = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    private static Map<String, CheckBoxStatusBean> CheckBoxRecordsMap;
    private static dbBean db = new dbBean("tagcloud","tagcloud");
    public CheckBoxStatusDAO()
    public CheckBoxStatusDAO(ArrayList<SelectItem> t)
    this.checkBoxColours = t;
    public CheckBoxStatusBean find(String key)
    return CheckBoxRecordsMap.get(key);
    public List<CheckBoxStatusBean> list()
    return new ArrayList<CheckBoxStatusBean>(CheckBoxRecordsMap.values());
    public Map<String, CheckBoxStatusBean> map()
    return CheckBoxRecordsMap;
    private static void loadKRecordsMap()
    checkBoxColours = db.getAllColoursStatus();
    CheckBoxRecordsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, CheckBoxStatusBean>();
    for (int i = 0; i < checkBoxColours.size(); i++)
    System.out.println("CheckBoxRecordsMap contains: "+checkBoxColours.get(i).getValue()+", "+checkBoxColours.get(i).getLabel());
    CheckBoxRecordsMap.put(String.valueOf(i), new CheckBoxStatusBean((String)checkBoxColours.get(i).getValue(), (String)checkBoxColours.get(i).getLabel()));
    System.out.println("Complete, RecordsMap is "+CheckBoxRecordsMap.size()+" in size");
    So I add the line: <f:converter binding="CheckBoxStatusConverter" converterId="checkboxstatus" /> to my jsp file I get the error mesage:{noformat}java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert CheckBoxStatusConverter of type class java.lang.String to interface javax.faces.convert.Converter{noformat}However, without that line I get a nice line of check boxes.
    Could you advise. I have been struggling on this all day. I am not even sure this is the correct approach any more?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Obviously you bind the converter to a litteral string !!
    <f:selectItems value="#{standardCheckBoxBeanStatus.colour}" />
    <f:converter binding="CheckBoxStatusConverter" <!-- use an EL here not a simple string-->
    converterId="checkboxstatus" />
    </h:selectManyCheckbox>Are you sure that f:converter had a binding attribute ?

  • How to create a custom tag for a custom converter

    In Jdeveloper 11g, I have a project where I have created a custom converter class that impements the javax.faces.convert.Converter class. I have registered the converter with an id in the faces-config.xml file of the project, and the converter works fine by using the <f:converter type="myconverter"> tag. However, the custom converter has a field which I would like to set from the tag itself. Hence, I would like to add an attribute to <f:converter> tag if possible or create a custom tag that has the attribute.
    I have done some reserach and I found that a custom tag can be implemented: I need to create a class which extends from the ConverterTag class or javax.faces.webapp.ConverterElTag class, which I did, but I also need to create ".tld" (tag library) file which defines the tag itself.
    The part about creating the ".tld" file and registring the new tag is what I'm not sure how to do.
    Does someone know how to do this?
    thank you

    Hi frank,
    that's a good document, and it explains how to make a custom converter. I already created the custom converter, it converts a number to any currency pattern. I know java already has a currency converter, but it doesn't support Rupee currency format, and I need that format.
    My converter works, but I would like to pass the pattern of the format through an attribute in a tag. Since f:converter doesn't seem to support that, I created a custom tag which uses my converter, and it enables me to pass a pattern to the converter.
    All of that works, but I need to be able to pass the pattern as an EL expression, and it's not evaluating the expression before passing it to the converter. It just passes the whole expression as a string. I'm thinking It may be something I'm doing wrong.
    this is the tag library definition file:
    <!DOCTYPE taglib
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
    custom currency custom tag library
    Edited by: Abraham Ciokler on Feb 4, 2011 11:20 AM

  • Impacts in COPA of changing material and customer master data

    Dear experts,
    In my company we are considering following scenario:
    Currently mySAPerp 6.0 is implemented for all modules for the mother company.
    We have developed a new global template where there are significant changes versus the existing system, especially in the SD processes. Material and customer master also change significantly in terms of content in the tables/fields and/or values in the fields.
    The idea was to build the template from scratch in a new machine and roll-out all group affiliates, but now we are considering the possibility of making an evolutionary of the current system and try to stretch it to the processes defined in the global template.
    The scenario we want to analyze is: Keeping same organizational structure in terms of Company code, CO area and Operating Concern in existing SAP client and make an evolutionary of the existing settings to the global template processes.
    The doubts we are having are the following:
    Changing material & customer master data: Impact in COPA
    Option 1: Material master data and customer master data codes are maintained but content in the tables/fields is changed substantially, both in terms of logical content of specific fields and/or the values in the specific fields. We have following examples of changes.
    Case 1: source field in material master changes logical content. E.g. Material master field MVGR1 is currently used for product series (design line) and the content changes to be the Market Segment. The product series will be moved to a classification field. At least 5 other fields are affected by this. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Case 2: the source field is not changed so that the logical content of the field remains but the values change, i.e. for the same concept there will be different codifications. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Case 3: Characteristics where currently the source material master field is a Z field and the derivation is via table look up and where the Z field changes to a classification field. How can you convert the existing COPA line items to ensure that attributes are aligned? Should new characteristics be created or just change the derivation logic of the characteristic?
    Option 2: Material master data and customer data codes are re-created (codification of records is changed), meaning that new material and customer codes will exist and content in tables/fields is changed (as in option 1)
    Case: material and customer codes are changed. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Iu2019ve never phased a similar scenario and I fear that maintaining operating concern while changing source master data and also SD flows (we have new billing types, item categories, sales doc. Types, order reasons) may lead to inconsistencies and problems in COPA.
    I would like to ask you experts if you have come across a similar scenario and if from your experience, it is something feasible to do or there are many risks involved. What can be the impact of this scenario in existing Operating Concern for both option 1 and 2 and what would be the key activities to perform to adapt the existing operating concern. What will be the impact of the needed conversions on P&L reporting?
    Sorry for the long story. I hope you can help me out.
    Thanks and Regards,

       First i think you will need to test if it works for new COPA documents created via billing.
      If it works fine then the issue is if you wish to apply these changes to the historical data already posted.
      Normally there are transactions like KE4S where you can repost the billing document to COPA
      However this may not be viable for bulk postings
      You can perform realignment (KEND) but this only works at the PA segment level (table CE4XXXX)

  • Is there a Simple Way to Reformat  Database Text with Custom Converter?

    When a database column contains a string, often the string may be stored in the database in a form that may not be suitable for viewing by the user. It is often interesting to show the user the string after it has been reformatted. Many things including phone numbers, product codes and various other application specific encodings fit into this category. The JSF Converter concept seems to be an ideal place to apply the reformatting via the application of a custom converter. In fact, many of the text books written on JSF refer to the JSF ability to support text reformatting using a custom converter. However, we have not been able to make it work in JSC2_1.
    For example, when a CachedRowSet Table Data Provider is used in a JSC2 application to show tabular data from a database, text columns from the database are automatically bound to StaticText components. Unfortunately, if the developer creates a custom converter and attaches it to the StaticText component, the converter is never called when the object to be converted is already of type String. If the object to be converted is a Date, CLOB or any other type the custom converter will be called - but not for type String. Thus the text is presented to the user directly as stored in the database witout the desired reformatting. The OutputText component on the other hand does appear to support custom converters but there is no possibility within the JSC2 IDE to substitute the OutputText component for the StaticText component in the CachedRowSet Table Data Provider.
    This situation appears to be inconsistent with the JSF specification. Does anyone know if this is a bug or a deliberate design decision or a misuse of the IDE on our part? Last question; has anyone come across a workaround?

    Try using "Examine Document" to remove the OCR output.
    Be well...

  • Gl, vendor and customer balances in program

    I need to upload GL, Vendor and customer balances in single program(bapi or normal recording also.). If any body is having code for this and any thread is available please help me .. urgent...
    Thanks inadvance

    The Ope item balances may be taken adn clean the data.
    For AP some clients curt the check and release it later .
    If that is the case no need to load AP items,Agian this is depend on the business arrangemnets.
    The data may be loaded FB60, FB70 transactions.The transaction may be recorder and use LSMW
    Create a GL account ( data conversion acccount)
    Dr Customer
    Cr Data convertion accounmt
    Dr Convertion Account
    Cr Vendor
    The data collected in Xl may be converted as Tab delimited Txt file and may be used for LSMW.
    Hope this is clear. Allot the points if you get some resolution for yr doubt.

  • Custom converter for selectManyCheckbox

    I am having the following problem/general question regarding custom converter and a selectManyCheckbox tag:
    The value property of the selectManyCheckbox tag is referring to a List of Transfer Objects (TO). For this example it is a UserRoleTo, which consists of role id and role description. A List of the SelectItems is used to generate a complete list of roles. Now, I want to convert selected role id�s to UserRoleTOs, and vice versa, but it does not seem to work. What should be the Object returned by getAsObject method: UserRoleTO or SelectItem?
    I would appreciate help and an example.

    This article might provide an interesting read: []

  • Uploading the GL, Vendor and Customer balances

    What is the procedure to upload the Opening balances of GLs, Vendor and Customer balances using T Code F-02.

    The Ope item balances may be taken adn clean the data.
    For AP some clients curt the check and release it later .
    If that is the case no need to load AP items,Agian this is depend on the business arrangemnets.
    The data may be loaded FB60, FB70 transactions.The transaction may be recorder and use LSMW
    Create a GL account ( data conversion acccount)
    Dr Customer
    Cr Data convertion accounmt
    Dr Convertion Account
    Cr Vendor
    The data collected in Xl may be converted as Tab delimited Txt file and may be used for LSMW.
    Hope this is clear. Allot the points if you get some resolution for yr doubt.

  • Group by and then convert form Row to column

    Hi All,
    below is a transaction table for bank customer.
    region_id     cutomer_id     transaction_type     transaction_date
    101          12345          CC               10-March-2011
    101          12345          DC               07-March-2011
    101          12345          P1               01-March-2011
    101          12345          p2               10-Jan-2011
    102          45678          CC               15-feb-2011
    101          12345          p3               27-OCT-2010with combinaton of region_id and customer_id, we get uniq record from the table. There are also different kind of transaction a customer has done. It is given in transaction_type column (CC - Credit card, Dc - Debit Card, and those start with P% {including P1, p2, p3} = payment).
    Now my requirement is to get the number of transaction for each transaction type for a current year and also number of total transaction by the customer. Below is my output table.
    region_id     cutomer_id     transaction_type     transaction_date     Tran_type_cc     Tran_type_DC     Tran_type_P     count_tran
    101          12345          CC               10-March-2011          1          1          2          5
    101          12345          DC               07-March-2011          1          1          2          5
    101          12345          P1               01-March-2011          1          1          2          5
    101          12345          p2               10-Jan-2011          1          1          2          5
    102          45678          CC               15-feb-2011          1          0          0          1
    101          12345          p3               27-OCT-2010          1          1          2          5if i do group by it gives me result but at row level and to convert row into column to get above result, i need to use decode function. My sourcec is containing 25 miliion records, and if i execute the query, it is getting hanged. Can someone help me how can i write a fine tuned query by using analytical function

    How about this?
    Note: I suppose, p1, P1, p2, P2, p3, P3 all belong to the same payment category regardless of their upper/lower case.
    Here is the table and the data:
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (101, 12345, 'CC', TO_DATE('10-Mar-2011','DD-MON-YYYY'));
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (101, 12345, 'DC', TO_DATE('07-Mar-2011','DD-MON-YYYY'));
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (101, 12345, 'P1', TO_DATE('01-Mar-2011','DD-MON-YYYY'));
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (101, 12345, 'p2', TO_DATE('10-Jan-2011','DD-MON-YYYY'));
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (102, 45678, 'CC', TO_DATE('15-FEB-2011','DD-MON-YYYY'));
    INSERT INTO T1 VALUES (101, 12345, 'p3', TO_DATE('27-OCT-2010','DD-MON-YYYY'));Here is the query:
    FROM T1 ;
    r_id   cust_id      t_TYPE   T_DATE  CC_CNT  DC_CNT  P_CNT  T_CNT
    101     12345     CC     10-MAR-11     1     1     3     5
    101     12345     DC     07-MAR-11     1     1     3     5
    101     12345     p3     27-OCT-10     1     1     3     5
    101     12345     p2     10-JAN-11     1     1     3     5
    101     12345     P1     01-MAR-11     1     1     3     5
    102     45678     CC     15-FEB-11     1     0     0     1Edited by: PhoenixBai on Mar 14, 2011 4:16 PM

  • Export standard and Custom report to xls / word / power point ??

    Apps: 12.1.3
    DB 11gR1
    Is there any tool so that i can save standard and Custom report to xls / word / power point ??

    There are a few third party tools that let you do that.
    Some such tools are Monarch, Rep2excel etc.
    Google for "convert oracle report to excel" and you will get a few more hits.
    The best way to get it in Excel is to change the output format to XML and write a quick XML publisher template.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Independent Consultant

  • Image contains camera White Balance setting; LR 5.5 only shows "As Shot", "Auto", and "Custom"

    I have a new, Panasonic DMC-GX7. I shot a bunch of photos as JPGs. When viewing their Exif data using Exiftool, I can clearly see the camera's White Balance setting, as well as the Color Temp Kelvin, WB Red Level, WB Green Level, and WB Blue Level. However, Lightroom 5.5 only shows "As Shot", "Auto", and "Custom" when I click White Balance under Quick Develop on the Library tab or WB under Basic on the Develop tab. Exiftool shows the Exif Version as 0230 and the Panasonic Exif Version as 0405. Is LR looking for the white balance information in some other field? Do I need to configure it somehow for my camera? I am new to LR (but not to image processing), so could use some help figuring this out.

    The whole question is not so simple as converting to DNG. Yes DNG is openly documented, yes the file can be read, but that does not mean it can be correctly interpreted by other software in the future and the best you can then do is starting the PP of your images from scratch. Imagine a DNG with LR adjustments that in some years you open the file in another software, possibly non-Adobe. Even if the file can be read it will not look the same, as the Adobe specific developing instructions could not be strictly followed. Even if all software manufactures agreed on a common set of adjustments, let's say everybody had a Highlights slider and a Clarity slider and so on, which is unlikely, the results would still be different as the underlying algorithms would be different.
    Disclaimer: I only shoot raw and firmly believe it is the best option, but one must be conscious it has some shortcomings related to the future of our images.

  • Custom converter

    I am writing a custom converter to convert number to date and is trying to use it with inputRangeSlider component.
    The tick labels are converted but the range begin and end points are not.
    Is there a special coding to do it?
    I am using 11gTP4.

    You may want to try the [url]JDev 11g TP forum for that.

  • Custom converter - parameters not always work

    I have a web page, which part looks like this:
    <a4j:repeat value="#{list}" var="art">
        <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{art.content}">
            <my:substring length="125" />
    </a4j:repeat><my:substring /> is my custom converter, with parameter length (it has setLength, getLength methods).
    Content of #{list} depends on parameter set in page bean. There are also links on the page, which change this parameter and refresh the page:
    <h:commandLink value="#{paginator.currentPage + 2} ">
        <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{paginator.currentPage}" value="#{paginator.currentPage + 2}"/>
    </h:commandLink>After clicking link, page content changes as it should, but converter works with its default "length" parameter. My setting (length="125") is not used. There is new converter instance created, but setLength method is not called (I checked it by debug).
    Anybody knows how to solve this problem?
    Best regards
    Pawel Stawicki

    This article might provide an interesting read: []

  • Customs documents and customs declaration.

    Hi Experts,
    Can any one please briefly explain what is the difference between customs document and customs declaration. Is there any special process required to convert customs document as customs declaration?
    I will explain by taking one scenario.
    If we transfer any documents from ecc to gts those documents will called as customs documents. Please tell me am I Right or wrong if right,
    another scenario,
    when we send proforma invoice to gts those invoice will be converted as customs declaration. Is it right or wrong if it is right how it converts to customs declaration why cann't it convert as customs document.
    for converting customs document to as customs declaration is there require any process or configuration settings if yes please let me explain i am little bit confuse.
    Thanks in advance for help ful answer.

    Hi Hari,
    You are exactly bang on in explaining about what is a Customs document and What is a Customs declaration.
    Firstly, please take a look at the below thread where this had been discussed earlier also.
    Difference between customs document and customs declaration document
    But to further differentiate in real sense,
    A Custom document is something that is record in the SAP GTS system of the trade transactions occurring in the SAP logistics system and some time may a supporting document as well. An example of such a case is when we create a sales order , then a customs document is being generated in the GTS system. Here, SAP GTS Custom Documents are just a replica of the SAP feeder system's documents like Sales order etc. with Trade specific data like licenses embedded into them to further assist for future declarations and tracking.
    A Custom Declaration is something that contains data to be declared to the appropriate authorities in the specified format.  During this process ,data from the company's SAP business documents is copied into a declaration to further pass on to the authorities for approval for trade and related processes.
    I hope that now the things will be clear to you. If not, please open a discussion thread for an open discussion to get the required stuff.

Maybe you are looking for