Send money - for Freehand up-grade

Ok, so who do I / we send our money to, too get Adobe to
up-grade Freehand.
All right, how do we get Adobe to release / sell Freehand to
someone who will continue up-grading it?
Yes, it seems silly to have Adobe sell Freehand, why hell,
it's it's biggest competitor - but they CAN'T be that worry, or
think it's that good an application, or they would up-grade it
themselves - wouldn't they?
Why would ANYONE fight it - if you have an LARGE group of
folks willing to GIVE you money for something, why not take it!
Don't have such an ego, that you can't see your way clear to
provide folks with an alternative program, or better yet, just a
simple up-grade to one they love and use daily. How would you
(Illustrator / PS Users) like it, if we took away your favorite
applications, and said "Oh well!"
[email protected]

it's not going to happen
Adobe seem to have forgotten what "customer" means
this is what happens when one company get the lions share -
microsoft, google
they don't give a crap because no-one has a choice
the only choice we do have is to just refuse to stop using FH
as it is. My version is still working quite happily - and I can do
everything I want to do with it.
Do I need more bells and whistles? No - not really
Do I need extra speed? It would be nice but it's not truly
Over they years there have been one or two really important
changes - like the multiple pages that appeared from FH3 to FH5.5
(that was a significant upgrade - we stopped using Quark - HOORAY)
and there's the master pages thing - which s really helpful.
but right now there isn't really that much I feel is missing
from what I've got - so unless there's a really really good reason
to switch I wont.
the only problem I have in real terms is not within my
company or my own workflow but rather from others who are using AI
or Indy. I inherit a file and not only do I have to have the same
program to be able to open it I also have to have the latest
version. People that are sending me files in Indy CS3 don't impress
me - they might think they do, but they are wrong.
all they are doing is Adobe's dirty work - pushing us all to
buy the latest upgrade an switch from programs we love to ones they
want us to use.
Is it fair? No
can we stop it? No
have I ranted enough yet? Actually you got there a while

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    The signature WILL work! I've just looked into it more, thank you so much for pointing me in that direction.
    I get it now, it locks the form fields in place after my coworker fills them in and signs it (as the very last step).
    I wish I would have asked on here a full day ago. Would have saved a lot of headache and Googling.
    Thanks again.

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    I have achieved this by implementing the BADI : CRM_MKT_ADR_SEARCH
    In this BADI's method : CHANGE_SEARCH_RESULTS you can modify the data which is being sent back to system for campaign execution.
    NOTE: I am using Address Independent Communication Data of Business Partner
    Below is my sample code for contact person email :
      data: wa_bp_cp_channel type crmt_bp_cp_channel.
      field-symbols: <fs_bp_cp_channel> type crmt_bp_cp_channel.
      types: begin of ty_cp,
              partner type but000-partner,
              address type but000-addrcomm,
             end of ty_cp,
             begin of ty_bpcp,
               partner1 type but051-partner1,
               partner2 type but051-partner2,
             end of ty_bpcp.
      data: it_cp type table of ty_cp,
            wa_cp type ty_cp.
      data: it_bpcp type table of ty_bpcp,
            wa_bpcp type ty_bpcp.
      data: it_bp type table of ty_cp,
            wa_bp type ty_cp.
      read table ct_bp_cp_channel into wa_bp_cp_channel with key com_channel = '03'.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        select partner addrcomm
          from but000
            into table it_cp
              for all entries in ct_bp_cp_channel
                  partner = ct_bp_cp_channel-cp_number.
        select partner1 partner2
          from but051
            into table it_bpcp
              for all entries in ct_bp_cp_channel
                  partner1 = ct_bp_cp_channel-bp_number.
        if it_bpcp[] is not initial.
          select partner addrcomm
            from but000
              into table it_bp
                for all entries in it_bpcp
                    partner = it_bpcp-partner2.
        sort it_cp by partner.
        sort it_bp by partner.
        sort it_bpcp by partner1.
        loop at ct_bp_cp_channel assigning <fs_bp_cp_channel> where com_channel = '03'.
          read table it_cp into wa_cp with key partner = <fs_bp_cp_channel>-cp_number binary search.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            <fs_bp_cp_channel>-addrnumber = wa_cp-address.
            clear <fs_bp_cp_channel>-bp_number.
            clear <fs_bp_cp_channel>-bp_guid.
            read table it_bpcp into wa_bpcp with key partner1 = <fs_bp_cp_channel>-bp_number binary search.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              read table it_bp into wa_bp with key partner = wa_bpcp-partner2 binary search.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                <fs_bp_cp_channel>-addrnumber = wa_bp-address.
                clear <fs_bp_cp_channel>-bp_number.
                clear <fs_bp_cp_channel>-bp_guid.

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