Send page to a friend

Hi all,
How do you create the link on a page that when someone is on
that page can 'send to a friend'. I know how to create links to
other pages or sites, but not sure how to do this? Can someone help

Dennis if you are OK with a client-side solution, feel free
and steal my code
for the link to pop-up window from:
Right click and VIEW /SOURCE on the pop-up form window.
"carbiz" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:febr5f$6nc$[email protected]..
> Hi all,
> How do you create the link on a page that when someone
is on that page can
> 'send to a friend'. I know how to create links to other
pages or sites,
> but not
> sure how to do this? Can someone help me.
> Thanks,
> Dennis

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    Because Pages documents are actually packages of files, emailing them can be tricky. Many times one or more of the files isn't included in the transfer. To prevent that, before you attach to the email, archive the file. In the Finder, command-click on the document. From the contextual menu, select Create Archive For (your file name). Attach that new, archived file to your email.
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    Hi Winnie
    Unfortunately I have been sick and did not read the message before. I apologize.
    I have not received help beyond what is on the page. But when I get I tell you.
    I hope you can get answers. If you receive, I ask that you share with me.
    thank you very much
    best regards
    Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:33:10 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Pop up Window before saving remembering the need (forcing) to fill required fields in a form
        Re: Pop up Window before saving remembering the need (forcing) to fill required fields in a form
        created by Win_Form in Forms - View the full discussion
    Hi ACI wonder if you can share any responses on to your question above?I too have never used a script but, I have the same problems as you in regards to building a form. And wants to have the same 'protection' and message reminders for the end users. Any information, including a script and/or a contact email of experts you can share with me will help tremendously. Thank you so much in advance. Winnie
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    Hi ..
    You can use iTunes to transfer photos to your iPhone >  iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer

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    Is your device recognized by your computer? If yes, copy the pictures and videos as shown in this article:
    Copying personal photos and videos from iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your computer
    If it is not recognized, try this first: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Disable autosync in iTunes, right click on it in the device list and choose "transfer purchases" to copy apps and other media bought in iTunes to your new library.
    Do the same again and choose "backup", to create a manual backup without syncing.
    Since your device will be erased due to the new iTunes library during the first sync, you can use this backup afterwards to restore your settings and data.
    Set up at least one contact and event on your computer before you start, to be able to merge calendars and contacts.



    Open the document, click Share in the Menu Bar > Send a Copy > Email > PDF is the safest but not easily edited on PC. You can choose Word if you know the person you are sending to has Microsoft Word.

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    It is peculiar, that Chrome, Safari, and Skype can access FB, but not the iPhoto uploader.
    Do you see any error messages/ diagnostics in the Console Window, when you try to connect to Facebook?
    Launch a Console window from Applications > Utilities and clear the Console Window. Then try to upload. Are there any new messages?
    And also launch a Terminal and have a look, if "" is properly resolved:
    into the window. Do you see any transmissions? What is the IP address used?
    I see:
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=243 time=110.486 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=109.365 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=243 time=110.101 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=109.829 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=242 time=111.323 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=242 time=110.346 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=242 time=110.708 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=242 time=112.685 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=243 time=124.256 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=243 time=112.106 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 109.365/112.120/124.256/4.159 ms
    Try the same with "dig":
    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>>
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25051
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;                              IN          A
    ;; ANSWER SECTION:                    775          IN          A
    ;; Query time: 11 msec
    can you "ping" facebook?

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    Click-hold the unified Back / Forward button, or right-click it to get the Back / Forward history for that tab.
    Or install this extension to get the old "drop-marker" button restored. <br />

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    Hi, If u want that SMS is coming to in your application for that purpose your application is listen on a particular port and the SMS is also come from the Same port.

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    * Idea 3 will always work, except the syntax of the page directive is incorrect. Try this:
    /* In the JSP that has the HREF tag include the following */
    <%@page errorPage="MyErrorPage.jsp" %>
    /* In MyErrorPage.jsp include the following */
    <%@ page isErrorPage="true"%>* If the servlet and the PDF document exist on the same server, you could use the File class to see if the file exists.
    * What is the stack trace you're getting on Idea 1?

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    Unfortunately, most of my advice is in the "hindsight is 20-20" category.
    First off, I would never have purchased the peripheral accessories until the 14 day return period had expired. Second, you learned the hard way what the "14 days" really means.
    Too bad you didn't do any homework, reading this and other forums and tech sites. Even word of mouth from others. That, more than anything could have steered you towards different phone choices from the get-go and I will leave that there with no further comment other than to say most of the issues you described have been discussed in this forum, ad nauseam.
    Once you got into the refurbished phone exchanges, that is where things really went haywire. What someone tells you over the phone is a sketchy proposition, and when it comes down to it, it's your word against theirs.
    I think Verizon tried to make it right, though. Remember, they don't make the phones. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    You stated yourself you were a satisfied Verizon customer before this. Had the first two phones performed as they should, you would still be a satisfied Verizon customer.
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  • Send page in EMAIL

    Is it possible to send a page as it is via mail to users. I have one page which has few reports and some graphs. I want to send the whole page as HTML to user Inbox, is that possible using APEX_MAIL.
    I was going though this thread
    Send page in rtf format via email
    and if I am not wrong this will send the URL as a link. I don't want to send a link but the page itself.
    Can anyone help please.
    Thanks in advance.

    This doesn't answer your question exactly, because I don't know how to send "a report" or "a graph" via email, but perhaps by looking at this you can work something out. This sends an email with page elements (not an URL to a page, but actual html stuff)
      l_body_html varchar2(4000);
    l_body_html := '<html><body>This is a table with three columns, table title element:'||:P7_DPR||'
    <table border=1 bordercolor="#0000FF" width=900><tr><td width=200><font size="2" face="Times">Parameter</font></td><td width=350>Value</td><td width=350>Remarks</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Retrieval Code</td><td>'||:P7_RETRIEVALCODE||'</td><td>'||:P7_RETRIEVAL_REMARKS||'</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Additonal Information</td><td>'||:P7_ADDITIONAL||'</td><td>'||:P7_ADD_REMARKS||'</td></tr>
          P_TO       => :P7_EMAILTO,
          P_CC       => :P7_EMAILCC,
          P_FROM     => '&[email protected]',
          P_SUBJ     => :P7_EMAILSUBJ,
          P_BODY     => l_body_html,
          P_BODY_HTML=> l_body_html);
    end;One idea that might have merit would be to produce a PDF report with all your content, then email that PDF report? That sounds like a fun research project.

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    Either try
    What is your specific question?
    Edited by: meacod on Jun 17, 2008 10:40 PM

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