Send password to process

There is application called blabla.exe. If I type blabla.exe in command prompt, it will asked password.
In java, I create blabla.exe process by this code:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("blabla.exe");The question is how do I send "password" programmatically to "blabla.exe" process that created by my java class???

how do i do that??? I try this code:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("blabla.exe");
String password = "superman";
OutputStream outputStream = p.getOutputStream();
outputStream.write( password.getBytes() );
outputStream.close();Is it true???? It fail anyway.....
anyway.... I try the code from
import java.util.*;
public class MediocreExecJavac
    public static void main(String args[])
            Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
            Process proc = rt.exec("javac");
            InputStream stderr = proc.getErrorStream();
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stderr);
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
            String line = null;
            while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null)
            int exitVal = proc.waitFor();
            System.out.println("Process exitValue: " + exitVal);
        } catch (Throwable t)
}I change javac to java.... But it hangs after this line:
In br.readLine(), I think....
What is the problem??? java 1.5.0 in windows xp.

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  • I cant reboot. Shutdown freezes at sending SIGTERM to processes

    I could use some advice. For the past 4 months or so I have not been able to do a full shutdown or reboot. When I run the shutdown -r now or reboot commands the process starts but freezes at Sending SIGTERM to processes. At this point I can switch to diffrent terminals with Ctrl+Alt+F? but I cant type.The only thing I can do is hold my power button down to shut off. I have been searching online  fore awhile and restored my rc.shutdown script to the original backup I have from months ago but I am still having the same issues. Ill attach my local and shutdown scripts
    Thanks for taking a look.
    # /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script.
    #/bin/plymouth quit --retain-splash
    alsactl -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state restore
    #rm /tmp/.X25-lock
    mount LABEL=Backup /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    mount LABEL=FatBackup '/home/ahron/Backup Images'
    #su ahron -c "vncserver -geometry 800x600 -alwaysshared -localhost -dpi 96 :25"
    # /etc/rc.shutdown
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    # avoid staircase effect
    stty onlcr
    echo " "
    printhl "Initiating Shutdown..."
    echo " "
    run_hook shutdown_start
    [[ -x /etc/rc.local.shutdown ]] && /etc/rc.local.shutdown
    run_hook shutdown_prekillall
    run_hook shutdown_postkillall
    stat_busy "Saving Random Seed"
    install -TDm 0600 <(:) $RANDOM_SEED
    if [[ -r $POOL_FILE ]]; then
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED count=1 bs=$POOL_SIZE &>/dev/null
    [[ $TIMEZONE ]] &&
    status "Saving Time Zone" \
    cp --remove-destination "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime
    # Write to wtmp file before unmounting
    halt -w
    status "Deactivating Swap" swapoff -a
    # stop monitoring of lvm2 groups before unmounting filesystems
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating monitoring of LVM2 groups" \
    vgchange --monitor n &>/dev/null
    # if we don't have devtmpfs support, /dev is mounted as tmpfs, so don't unmount it
    status "Unmounting Filesystems" \
    umount -a -r -t nodevtmpfs,notmpfs,nosysfs,noproc,nodevpts -O no_netdev
    run_hook shutdown_postumount
    # Kill non-root encrypted partition mappings
    if [[ -f /etc/crypttab && $CS ]] && grep -q ^[^#] /etc/crypttab; then
    stat_busy "Deactivating encrypted volumes:"
    # Maybe someone has LVM on an encrypted block device
    # executing an extra vgchange is errorless
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]] && vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    do_lock() {
    stat_append "${1}.."
    if $CS remove "$1" &>/dev/null; then
    stat_append "ok "
    stat_append "failed "
    read_crypttab do_lock
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating LVM2 groups" vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    status "Remounting Root Filesystem Read-only" \
    lsof /
    mount -n -t ext4 --verbose -o remount,ro /dev/sda3 /
    reboot -d -f -i
    run_hook shutdown_poweroff
    # Power off or reboot
    if [[ $RUNLEVEL = 0 ]]; then
    printhl "${C_H2}POWER OFF"
    poweroff -d -f -h -i
    printhl "${C_H2}REBOOTING"
    # if kexec is installed and a kernel is loaded, use it
    [[ -x $(type -P kexec) ]] && kexec -e &>/dev/null
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
    Last edited by ahronzombi (2011-11-12 17:10:43)

    So installing the testing initscripts seems to fix the reboot command, but still the most commonly used command shutdown -r now still wont do a full reboot.
    # /etc/rc.local.shutdown: Local shutdown script.
    #killall dropbox
    #umount /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    #killall Xvnc
    #fuser -vm /
    # Check local filesystems
    fsck_all() {
    fsck -A -T -C"$FSCK_FD" -a -t "no${NETFS//,/,no},noopts=_netdev" $FORCEFSCK
    # Single-user login and/or automatic reboot after fsck (if needed)
    fsck_reboot() {
    # $1 = exit code returned by fsck
    # Ignore conditions 'FS errors corrected' and 'Cancelled by the user'
    (( ($1 | 33) == 33 )) && return 0
    if (( $1 & 2 )); then
    echo "********************** REBOOT REQUIRED *********************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* The system will be rebooted automatically in 15 seconds. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sleep 15
    echo "***************** FILESYSTEM CHECK FAILED ****************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* Please repair manually and reboot. Note that the root *"
    echo "* file system is currently mounted read-only. To remount *"
    echo "* it read-write type: mount -n -o remount,rw / *"
    echo "* When you exit the maintenance shell the system will *"
    echo "* reboot automatically. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sulogin -p
    echo "Automatic reboot in progress..."
    umount -a
    mount -n -o remount,ro /
    reboot -f
    exit 0
    mount_all() {
    mount -a -t "nosysfs,no${NETFS//,/,no}" -O no_netdev
    umount_all() {
    # $1: restrict to fstype
    local mounts
    while read -r target fstype options; do
    # match only targetted fstypes
    if [[ $1 && $1 != "$fstype" ]]; then
    # don't unmount API filesystems
    if [[ $target = /@(proc|sys|run|dev|dev/pts) ]]; then
    # avoid networked devices
    IFS=, read -ra opts <<< "$options"
    if in_array _netdev "${opts[@]}"; then
    done < <(findmnt -runRo TARGET,FSTYPE,OPTIONS / | tac)
    umount -r "${mounts[@]}"
    remove_leftover() {
    stat_busy "Removing Leftover Files"
    # handle this separately until we declare the non-symlinks obsoleted
    [[ ! -L /var/lock ]] && rm -rf /var/lock/*
    if [[ ! -L /var/run && -d /var/run ]]; then
    find /var/run/ \! -type d -delete
    ln -s /run/daemons /var/run/daemons
    /usr/lib/initscripts/arch-tmpfiles --create --remove && stat_done || stat_fail
    bootlogd_stop() {
    [[ -f /run/ ]] || return 0
    touch /var/log/boot
    kill $(< /run/
    rm -f /run/
    sed -i -r -e 's/\^\[\[[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?[ms]//g' \
    -e 's/\^\[(\[1?[0-9][0-9]|%)G//g' -e 's/\^\[\[0;1//g' /var/log/boot
    # Custom hooks in initscripts #
    # Hooks can be used to include custom code in various places in the rc.* scripts
    # Define a hook function in a functions.d file using:
    # function_name() {
    # add_hook hook_name function_name
    # It is allowed to register several hook functions for the same hook
    # Is is also allowed to register the same hook function for several hooks
    # Currently, the following hooks exist:
    # sysinit_start: at the beginning of rc.sysinit
    # multi_start: at the beginning of rc.multi
    # single_start: at the beginning of rc.single
    # shutdown_start: at the beginning of rc.shutdown
    # sysinit_end: at the end of rc.sysinit
    # multi_end: at the end of rc.multi
    # single_end: at the end of rc.single
    # sysinit_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.single
    # sysinit_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.single
    # sysinit_premount: before local filesystems are mounted, but after root is mounted read-write in rc.sysinit
    # sysinit_postmount: after local filesystems are mounted
    # shutdown_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postumount: after filesystems are unmounted
    # shutdown_poweroff: directly before powering off in rc.shutdown
    # Declare add_hook and run_hook as read-only to prevent overwriting them.
    # Too bad we cannot do the same thing with hook_funcs
    if (( RC_FUNCTIONS_HOOK_FUNCS_DEFINED != 1 )); then
    declare -A hook_funcs
    add_hook() {
    [[ $1 && $2 ]] || return 1
    hook_funcs[$1]+=" $2"
    run_hook() {
    [[ $1 ]] || return 1
    local func
    for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do
    declare -fr add_hook run_hook
    # Function for setting console font if required
    set_consolefont() {
    [[ $CONSOLEFONT ]] || return 0
    stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
    #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used
    [[ $CONSOLEMAP && ${LOCALE,,} =~ utf ]] && CONSOLEMAP=""
    local i
    for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do
    setfont ${CONSOLEMAP:+-m "${CONSOLEMAP}"} \
    "$CONSOLEFONT" -C ${i} &>/dev/null
    if (( $? )); then
    elif [[ $CONSOLEMAP ]]; then
    cat <<"EOF" >>/etc/profile.d/
    if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi
    if [[ $DAEMON_LOCALE = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if [[ -r /etc/locale.conf ]]; then
    parse_envfile /etc/locale.conf "${localevars[@]}"
    export LANG=C
    # set colors
    if [[ $USECOLOR = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if tput setaf 0 &>/dev/null; then
    C_CLEAR=$(tput sgr0) # clear text
    C_MAIN=${C_CLEAR}$(tput bold) # main text
    C_OTHER=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 4) # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 0) # separator
    C_BUSY=${C_CLEAR}$(tput setaf 6) # busy
    C_FAIL=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 1) # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 5) # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 6) # highlight text 2
    C_CLEAR="\e[m" # clear text
    C_MAIN="\e[;1m" # main text
    C_OTHER="\e[1;34m" # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR="\e[1;30m" # separator
    C_BUSY="\e[;36m" # busy
    C_FAIL="\e[1;31m" # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD="\e[1;35m" # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2="\e[1;36m" # highlight text 2
    # prefixes:
    PREFIX_HL=" >"
    # Source additional functions at the end to allow overrides
    for f in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*; do
    [[ -e $f ]] && . "$f"
    # Exit current shell if user is not root
    need_root() {
    (( EUID )) && printf 'You need to be root.\n' && exit 1
    # Quit script if it's not running by root
    # This can be disabled in scripts sourcing functions by setting NEED_ROOT=0
    # A local call to need_root can be done to ensure part of script need root privilege
    (( ${NEED_ROOT:-0} == 1 )) && need_root
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:

  • Issue with Sender Side JDBC processing

    I am facing some problem with Sender Side JDBC Processing.
    I am polling the DB MY SQL Server 2000 and using some SELECT statement i picked up some data and updated the DB with an UPDATE statement. At the receiver side i am using RFC adapter which takes the data from the DB and process further to SAP system.
    At sender side , i can see that the DB has been updated but in Integration Engine / Adapter Engine i could see any message related to that. So now my question is where did the message go.
    Can you please provide the inputs.

    Hi Surya,
    as u mentioned that u r unable to see ur message in IE & Adapter enigne
    pls do chk with the DB connections with XI and make sure that u choose every thing under same name space
    pls try to refersh cache

  • Send Message from Process Chain Step without Process Log

    We send a mail message, depending on the success or failure of the process chain step, to user list.
    When the message is sent not only custom message but also the status information and the process log are sent.
    Our users are only interested about the result of the chain and they don' t want to view all technical information.
    Is it possible to send message without process log?

    Take 2 process(red and green line) from each of the process in the process Chain, one is for sucessfull and other is for failure and at the end of the proces chain,  just put all failure process to the OR and have add a ABAP Program (with Not Sucessfull) and then just put all sucessfull process to the AND and have add a ABAP Program (with Sucessfull) .
    This wil send the mail to the users, when ever there is failure in PC any where, or sends a mail ..if the process chain completes sucessfully.
    If you want only add the send of mail option at the end of the process chain, we can just add 2 process (red and green line) and have same flow as above. so that.. it will only sends mail..when there is failure or sucessfull of the process chian.
    Hope it helps ......

  • I reset my IPAD password but the verification email wasn't sent to my primary or secondary email address.  Without the verification email I can't complete the password change process.  Any recommendations?

    I reset my IPAD password but the verification email wasn't sent to my primary or secondary email address.  Without the verification email I can't complete the password change process.  Any recommendations?

    Great tip from dorothy.  Also, some isp services are more aggressive from others in filtering what they think might be spam.  You might check your spam file from a computer, and see if the verification e mails are sitting there.   When i wen through the process, the verification e mail came to the new e mail address in under a couple of minutes.

  • JDBC Sender channel not processing the messages

        From yesterday onwards JDBC Sender channel not processing the messages. In CC monitoring it is showing in Green Led and status is functioning. Cahnnel is polling for messages to DB server as per polling interval. But it is not processing the msg's. Under Processing detials for cluster node it is showing only "Processing Started" for each polling interval.
    I have done the check in DB server by executing the query in the channel, whether there are any records are exisitng or not. There are 1000+ records.
    Previously the parameter "Disconnect from DB after processing each message" was not set. I have set the parameter and activated in Productiion. Still the messages are not processing by channel
    What was the problem? How to rectify with this.

    Check in the Visual Admin >Cluster> "LOCKING ADAPTER"
    we get a option of Display Locks .Check for an entry with
    reset the locks and restart the CC ,now it works fine.
    Note 1083488 - XI FTP/JDBC sender channel stop polling indefinitely(04/04S)

  • Can't create eprint service account, says already exists, won't send password to my email ????

    When I try to create an ePrint service account it tells me there is already an account with my email address. I do have an account on the hp website but it does not accept that password. When I request that is send the password it asks for my email and when I type it in and submit it comes back with the error message to give the email address associated with the account.
    This is crazy and frustrating. If the email address has an account associated with it then why won't it send password info to that email address.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    More likely your ePC account was assigned to the SnapFish service during its first registration and therefore the described behavior appears.
    Please try the following steps and check if that may help:
    1. Go to and click the Log In option at the top.
    2. Click 'Forgot your password?' and follow the directions.
    3. Make sure to log in to Snapfish using the temporary password and complete the proccess to select a new password.
    4. Go to and login using the modified account details
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • AOL email cannot send PASSWORD securely to the server???

    Hi, When I set up any aol account in mail, and click create, it always comes up with cannot send password securely to the server. This problem happened right after updating to snow leopard. Any one else have the same problem? Any solutions? Thanks.

    For years and years most email servers accepted connections that were insecure, meaning that passwords were transmitted in plain text, and the email messages came back as plain text as well.
    Now many servers encourage the use of SSL connections, which encrypts the data in both directions. Mail is trying to warn you that the SSL connection cannot be established, and therefore your data could be intercepted in transmission.
    AOL's website ( states that they do not support SSL connections, therefore your only method of accessing your email is to use an unsecure connection.
    Alternatively you could go to (not use and read your email here as this will establish a secure HTTPS connection.
    The best solution though is to stop using AOL and get either a MobileMe or a gmail account.

  • How to send password expiration email warning- (Set in password Policies)

    I tried creating a password policy and linked it with a resource object (iPlanet Directory Server). Its working fine. But I am not getting the email warning notification before the password actually expires.
    I am not sure as to how the checkbox that I checked while creating the policy i.e, "Warn after---- days" , works.
    Can anybody help me and detail me the process as to what and how should I do to send an email warning notification for the user whose password will expire in few days.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Amit,
    Please check the below link for the solution:
    Password protection for excel file - not urgent
    Hope that helps!

  • Mail clients will not send password

    I posted a question in the eMac discussion group, but realize now that I should have posted it here. So I hope I shall be forgiven for posting it again here.
    I have three different mail clients: Apple Mail, SeaMonkey, MS Entourage. I recently had some trouble unconnected with mail that necessitated my switching my computer off by its power switch. Thereafter none of the three mail clients would download mail, all saying that sending my password did not succeed.
    The password itself is correct. The e-mail system of my ISP ( is web-based, and I have no problem displaying my incoming mail in any of my browsers (Safari, SeaMonkey, Firefox), so this shows that my password is accepted by my ISP.
    I therefore did the following: I ran DiskWarrior to rebuild the hard disk directory; I used Onyx to check the S.M.A.R.T. status, to correct permissions and to reset the LaunchServices database; I reset the PRAM.
    None of these actions solved the problem. Finally I reset the Open Firmware. Hey presto, this worked.
    By an unlucky chance, a few days later there was a brief power cut in my part of town, and once again none of my mail clients would send my password and download mail. So I went through all the above procedures again, with the addition that I used Onyx to verify my startup volume before going on to permissions and the LaunchServices database.
    This time nothing, not even resetting Open Firmware, has restored my mail clients' downloading capacities.
    What can I do now? I should be immensely grateful for any advice.

    Yes, I understand (and understood) that, too, Kurt188. But when I referred to being able to read my mail in my browser, I was not referring to logging in manually (by typing my password). When I open my web-mail in my browser, my password is recognized by my ISP automatically. This must be achieved by software in my computer; otherwise anyone who knows my e-mail address would be able to read my mail without using a password just by going to Thus my password must be stored in my computer and automatically sent to btinternet every time I go to my mail page on btinternet. That, surely, is a similar process to my mail client sending my password to btinternet.
    Admittedly, the password that my mail client sends is stored somewhere associated with that mail client, because when I set up my account in the mail client I had to type my password into the account-setting page (and I had to do the same with each of my backup mail clients). To that extent it is a different process. But the point is that both the web-mail (browser) process and the mail-client process originate in my computer, and both terminate in my ISP recognizing my password (or not!).
    The only thing I can think of to account for my problem other than a fault in my software is the supposition that my browsers encode my password differently (perhaps by their particular kinds of encryption) than my mail clients, and that my ISP temporarily recognized all the three browsers' encodings but not the encodings created by each of my three mail clients. It doesn't sound likely to me; but if this is what you meant, I am prepared to bow to superior knowledge and accept your explanation.

  • How to send the entire process payload as an attachment in the Email

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement in my present project. If is there is any exception while executing the process, we have to send the Error Email notification to the end user with entire process payload as an attachment. we are using the SOA Suite and can any one help me out in this?

      There is tab called Attachments in Email activity where in you can attach the payload from your BPEL variables.

  • File sender adapter (FTP) - processing mode "Archive"

    Hello all
    We're polling files from an external FTP server. For this I created a scenario on XI according to this thread:
    When setting processing mode to "Archive" in the file sender adapter (ftp) it polls the file, stores it to the archive directory I specified and then tries to delete the file on the FTP server side. This returns me an error because we're not allowed to delete the retrieved files on the FTP server!
    Because of this error the file adapter stops further processing and does not poll all the other files.
    How can I disable this deletion mechanism while keeping processing mode to "Archive"?!?!?
    We do not want to use processing mode "Delete" or "Test" and we don't see other options to influence this behaviour.
    Thanks for any guideance on this one in advance!
    Kind regards,

    Hi Bhavesh
    Sorry for the late answer. Unfortunately I can't ask the application system to provide file names containing a timestamp within. The files are provided by an external partner and are retrieved by several others as well.
    In the meantime I managed to achieve this:
    In repository I created dummy data types, message types and message interfaces. No mapping programs and interface mappings!
    In configuration I created the necessary communication channels (1 ftp sender, 1 file receiver) and the required receiver and interface determinations as well as the sender and receiver agreements.
    The result of this is:
    I'm able to poll some specific files via ftp from remote host. The file names are file1.arj, file2.arj, file3.arj and file4.arj. All 4 files have the same SourceFileTimestamp (e.g. "20060727T053900Z").
    I'm able to store those 4 files 1:1 in a target directory with the same file names. Until here I did NOT need to follow this blog: <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/11/10/xi-the-same-filename-from-a-sender-to-a-receiver-file-adapter--sp14: The same filename from a sender to a receiver file adapter - SP14</a>.
    As of this blog it is possible to access adapter specific attributes and make them available in message mapping using user defined functions. This way I'm able to get the SourceFileTimestamp from the polled files and use it in a message mapping. This way I'm also able to use it in variable substitution on file receiver adapter (syntax = "payload:root,1,fileTS,1") in order to dynamically create a directory with this syntax: YYYYMMDD.
    So far so good... but the only remaining BIG problem now is, that as soon as the mapping is activated and assigned in the interface determination, the created files contain the XML payload instead of the original binary content. Where has it gone? How should the target message type look like so that it can carry over the original binary file content?
    BTW: isn't it possible to post screenshots? Would be much more easier to explain things... so sorry to anyone if I wasn't clear enough!
    TIA and best regards,

  • Message are sending from Business Process take a lot of time

    in my BP there is the problem that the sending takes a lot of time. I see for example that mapping are not going. How can find the problem; the queues are empty. This seams a generell problem because all processes are effected.
    Thanks in advance,

    Can ou give more details?
    Are you using a BPM? What are the steps in the BPM? What is the step that is taking a lot of time etc?
    Meanwhile, this tuning guide will prove handy,
    <a href="">SAP Exchange Infrastructure Tuning Guide XI 3.0</a>

  • Message sending during application processing

    Hi Experts,
    I want to send a message via IDOC marked as "to be processed immediate"(4) during application saving. In USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT a message is inserted into NAST. Transaction is VA11. The message should be processed during saving of document. But it is not sent. If it is marked as to be processed by job (1) and RSNAST00 is used it works. Other messages found by condition during VA11 processing are processed immediately.  
    Thanks in advance

      It's single server installation.
      I got the following suggestions from SAP from a message i sent them, i.e. "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full"
    1. took /3GB switch out of boot.ini
    2. Configured Analysis Services memory from:
    LowMemoryLimit - 1835008000 - 1750 MB
    TotalMemoryLimit - 2831155200 - 2700 MB
    LowMemoryLimit - 1218445312 - 1162 MB
    TotalMemoryLimit - 1835008000 - 1750 MB
    3. Rebooted Server.
      Appreciate it if you have any comments about this.
    Lip Chean

  • Sender Email Adapter: Process multiples attachments of a single email

    Hello all,
    is there any way to process all the attachments in a single email as different messages? I have the scenario that i receive an email with multiples attachments and i would like to process all of them as if they were single messages. Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance.

    >>>I have the scenario that i receive an email with multiples attachments and i would like to process all of them as if they were single messages. Is it possible?
    yes and no
    no - you cannot process them as XI messages - only as one message with multiple attachments
    yes - you can combine them all into one message and then split with different mappings to the same receiver
    (multiple lines in interface determination)
    or you can even split them one by one in the adapter module and send to XI as many messages as
    attachments that you have (this approach requires some dev in the adapter module but it's doable)
    Michal Krawczyk

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  • Tips on how to organize multiple iCloud calendars in iCal 5.0

    Found some workarounds but looking for tips from others since I have not been using Lion and the new iCal very long. Situation: I use iCal for work and have my own calendars and manage my boss's multiple calendars. An upgrade to Lion has thrown a mon

  • Apple Remote app on wired network: help please

    I am trying to use the remote app to control my apple tv. I noticed that my bedroom apple tv unit was showing up in my app but not the living room apple tv. After further inspection I found that the ethernet cable was not plugged into the bedroom app

  • Zsh permission problem

    I just added a new partition for my /home folder and copied everything over.  Somehow my permissions are all screwed up. When i try to compile a Script in my folder I get zsh: permission denied: SCRIPT_NAME  (I am using zsh) Permissions look fine, ev

  • Authorizations for View Cluster

    Hello all, I need to maintain authorization for View cluster. Example : I have a view cluster say 'VC_TEST' , now I should have an authorization where other employees can only display it. Steps which I have followed: 1. Assigned authorization object

  • Returning Non-Numeric character

    Hi All, Im using Oracle 11gR2. Following is my sample data and i want to search the string having non-numeric characters in it. with t as select '123' val from dual union select ' 123' val from dual union select '1123' val from dual union select 'A12