Separated SQL

Sometimes I go to view log in session monitor, there are many separated SQL in one session, why?
For example, I drag one dimension column named division, and two fact tables to generate one report, but the SQL does not be combined as fellowing code.
-------------------- Sending query to database named JCPDB2SO (id: <<16369218>>):
select T132364."DIV_PROD_ID" as c1,
count(T140341."ITM_PROD_KY") as c2
where ( T132364."PROD_KY" = T140341."ITM_PROD_KY" )
group by T132364."DIV_PROD_ID"
order by c1
+++zsun:39ec0000:39ec0003:----2012/02/13 00:20:31
-------------------- Sending query to database named JCPDB2SO (id: <<16369255>>):
select T132364."DIV_PROD_ID" as c1,
count(T140347."ITM_PROD_KY") as c2
where ( T132364."PROD_KY" = T140347."ITM_PROD_KY" )
group by T132364."DIV_PROD_ID"
order by c1

For the first issue you can try the "prompt" command.
For the second issue you can add a "set pagesize 0" command in your sqlplus-file.
You can use "set trimspool on" to elimate blanks at the end of each line in your outputfile (if you want).
set termout off
set feedback off
set heading off
set echo off
set linesize 5000
set trimspool on
set pagesize 0
spool c:\temp\abc.txt
Prompt Error Code;Error Message
SELECT lookup_code||';'||description
FROM fnd_lookup_values
ORDER BY TO_NUMBER(LTRIM(lookup_code,'E'));
spool offEdited by: hm on 31.03.2011 04:41

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  • Excel output issue from a semi colon separated sql file script

    I am executing a simple SQL script with back to back Select queries resulting in ; separated text output.
    I save this output as a text file and open in excel specifying delimited with ;.
    For example -
    SQL script is as follows-
    SET lines 5000
    SELECT 'Error Code'||';'||'Error Message'
    FROM dual
    SELECT lookup_code||';'||description
    FROM fnd_lookup_values
    WHERE lookup_type = 'NLUS_AR_INT_ERROR_MSG'
    ORDER BY TO_NUMBER(LTRIM(lookup_code,'E'))
    The output retrieved has the following 2 issues -
    1. A blank row is inserted after the "Error code Error message" row. I need to eliminate this blank row.
    2. The 2nd issue I am facing is an empty row is inserted after every 62 rows in the excel.
    Please let me know how I can eliminate these blank rows that are appearing after every 62 rows and in between each query's results.

    For the first issue you can try the "prompt" command.
    For the second issue you can add a "set pagesize 0" command in your sqlplus-file.
    You can use "set trimspool on" to elimate blanks at the end of each line in your outputfile (if you want).
    set termout off
    set feedback off
    set heading off
    set echo off
    set linesize 5000
    set trimspool on
    set pagesize 0
    spool c:\temp\abc.txt
    Prompt Error Code;Error Message
    SELECT lookup_code||';'||description
    FROM fnd_lookup_values
    WHERE lookup_type = 'NLUS_AR_INT_ERROR_MSG'
    ORDER BY TO_NUMBER(LTRIM(lookup_code,'E'));
    spool offEdited by: hm on 31.03.2011 04:41


    작성날짜 : 2003-10-21
    Oracle8i부터는 , SQL*Loader을 사용할때 record terminator을 지정할 수 있게
    Oracle8i 이전에는 record seperator로 default로 linefeed(carriage return,
    newline 등)였다. 이전에는 VAR 또는 FIX 등의 적당한 file을 다루기 위한 옵션을
    주어야 하기 때문에 복잡한 감이 있었고 flexible하지 못했다.
    Oracle8i부터는 , SQL*Loader을 사용할때 record terminator을 지정할 수 있게
    되었다. newline 또는 carriage return 문자를 포함하는 data 또는 special 문자를
    포함하는 data를 load하고자 할때 record terminator를 hexadecimal로 지정하여 활용할 수 있다.
    다음의 예제는 '|' (pipe line)을 record separator로 사용한다.
    record separator를 사용하기 위해서 SQL*Loader의 control file에 'infile'절에 적당한 값을 지정하여야 한다.
    아래의 예는 '|' (pipe line)을 사용하기 위해서
    "str X'7c0a'"을 'infile'절에 지정하였다.
    --controlfile : test.ctl
    load data
    infile 'test.dat' "str X'7c0a'"
    into table test
    fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
    (col1, col2)
    --datafile: test.dat
    1,this is the first line of the first record
    this is the second|
    2,this is the first line of the second record
    this is the second|
    SQL> desc test
    Name Null? Type
    COL1 VARCHAR2(4)
    COL2 VARCHAR2(100)
    $ sqlldr scott/tiger control=test.ctl log=test.log
    load된 data을 보면 아래와 같이 carriage return이 들어가 있는 data가 한 column에
    제대로 들어간 것을 볼 수 있다.
    SQL> select * from test;
    this is the first line of the first record
    this is the second
    this is the first line of the second record
    this is the second

  • Decimal Separator in SELECT Clause

    I have the following decimal format parameters:
    SQL> select value
    2 from v$nls_parameters
    3 where parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS';
    If I show a number with decimal I get a comma as the decimal separator
    SQL> select 10/100 from dual;
    But if I use a decimal separator in the SELECT clause I get:
    SQL> select 100 * 1,1 from dual;
    100*1 1
    100 1
    It doesn't work. But using a period as the decimal separator works:
    SQL> select 1.1 * 100 from dual;
    Maybe this is something I've never had to deal with before but I thought that the numeric format applied to the sql results and also the numbers that you used in the sql clauses.
    Néstor Boscán

    user594312 wrote:
    ... I thought that the numeric format applied to the sql results and also the numbers that you used in the sql clauses.No; it applies to results, and it can affect implicit conversions, but it doesn't apply to SQL code.
    The period (or dot, '.') is always the decimal separator in numeric literals. There is no way to change that.
    Think how confusing it would be if it did apply to SQL code! For example:
    WHERE   num_col  IN (1,2)Are we comparing num_col to 1 value or 2 values? Whichever it is, what if we wanted to do the opposite?
    If you really wanted to use comma as the decimal separator, you could have to use strings, not numbers, and that could be a lot less efficient.
    For example:
    SELECT  100 * TO_NUMBER ('1,1')    -- This assumes your NLS settings are correct
    FROM    dual;Of course, efficiency won't be an issue when you're selecting 1 row from dual.

  • Where do I look at UTLTZUV2.SQL output?

    Dear gurus,
    I'm in the process of applying Security Patch 16: 6637237(CPUJAN2008) on my Windows 32bit envs. In this process, I need to check the existing TSTZ data using this oracle provided script. I ran it and didn't see the result. Here in the info I got:
    SQL> @c:\C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utltzuv2.sql
    SP2-0310: unable to open file "c:\C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utltzuv2.sql"
    SQL> @c:\C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utltzuv2.sql
    SP2-0310: unable to open file "c:\C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utltzuv2.sql"
    SQL> @c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utltzuv2.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem $Header: utltzuv2.sql 21-dec-2006.02:22:10 huagli Exp $
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem utltzuv2.sql
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NAME
    SQL> Rem utltzuv2.sql - time zone file upgrade to a new version script
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem The contents of the files timezone.dat and timezlrg.dat
    SQL> Rem are usually updated to a new version to reflect the transition rule
    SQL> Rem changes for some time zone region names. The transition rule
    SQL> Rem changes of some time zones might affect the column data of
    SQL> Rem TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type. For example, if users
    SQL> Rem enter TIMESTAMP '2003-02-17 09:00:00 America/Sao_Paulo',
    SQL> Rem we convert the data to UTC based on the transition rules in the
    SQL> Rem time zone file and store them on the disk. So '2003-02-17 11:00:00'
    SQL> Rem along with the time zone id for 'America/Sao_Paulo' is stored
    SQL> Rem because the offset for this particular time is '-02:00' . Now the
    SQL> Rem transition rules are modified and the offset for this particular
    SQL> Rem time is changed to '-03:00'. when users retrieve the data,
    SQL> Rem they will get '2003-02-17 08:00:00 America/Sao_Paulo'. There is
    SQL> Rem one hour difference compared to the original value.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Refer to $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/readme.txt for detailed
    SQL> Rem information about time zone file updates.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem This script should be run before you update your database's
    SQL> Rem time zone file to the latest version. This is a pre-update script.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem This script first determines the time zone version currently in use
    SQL> Rem before the upgrade. It then queries an external table to get all the
    SQL> Rem affected timezone regions between the current version (version before
    SQL> Rem the update) and the latest one. This external table points to the file
    SQL> Rem timezdif.csv, which contains all the affected time zone names in each
    SQL> Rem version. Please make sure that you have the latest version of the
    SQL> Rem timezdif.csv (the one corresponding to the latest timezone data file),
    SQL> Rem before you run the script.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Then, this script scans the database to find out all columns
    SQL> Rem of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type. If the column is
    SQL> Rem in the regular table, the script also finds out how many
    SQL> Rem rows might be affected by checking whether the column data
    SQL> Rem contain the values for the affected time zone names.
    SQL> Rem If the column is in the nested table's storage table, we
    SQL> Rem don't scan the data to find out how many rows are affected but
    SQL> Rem we still report the table and column info.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem The result is stored in the table sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab.
    SQL> Rem Before running the script, make sure the table name doesn't
    SQL> Rem conflict with any existing table object. It it does,
    SQL> Rem change the table name sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab to some other name
    SQL> Rem in the script. You can query the table to view the result:
    SQL> Rem     select * from sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab;
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem If your database has column data that will be affected by the
    SQL> Rem time zone file update, dump the data before you upgrade to the
    SQL> Rem new version. After the upgrade, you need update the data
    SQL> Rem to make sure the data is stored based on the new rules.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem For example, user scott has a table tztab:
    SQL> Rem create table tztab(x number primary key, y timestamp with time zone);
    SQL> Rem insert into tztab values(1, timestamp '');
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Before upgrade, you can create a table tztab_back, note
    SQL> Rem column y here is defined as VARCHAR2 to preserve the original
    SQL> Rem value.
    SQL> Rem create table tztab_back(x number primary key, y varchar2(256));
    SQL> Rem insert into tztab_back select x,
    SQL> Rem          to_char(y, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR') from tztab;
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem After upgrade, you need update the data in the table tztab using
    SQL> Rem the value in tztab_back.
    SQL> Rem update tztab t set t.y = (select to_timestamp_tz(t1.y,
    SQL> Rem     'YYYY-MM-DD HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR') from tztab_back t1 where t.x=t1.x);
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem Or you can use export utility to export your data before the upgrade
    SQL> Rem and them import your data again after the upgrade.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem drop table sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab;
    SQL> Rem once you are done with the time zone file upgrade.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem NOTES
    SQL> Rem * This script needs to be run before upgrading to a new version time
    SQL> Rem     zone file. Also, before running this script, please make sure that
    SQL> Rem     you get the latest version of timezdif.csv file.
    SQL> Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS.
    SQL> Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script.
    SQL> Rem * This script is created only for Oracle 10.1 or higer. A separate
    SQL> Rem     script is provided for Oracle 9i.
    SQL> Rem * Two files, tzuv2ext_*.log and tzuv2ext_*.bad will be created in
    SQL> Rem     the directory of $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo when using the
    SQL> Rem     external table for timezdif.csv file to get the affected time zones.
    SQL> Rem     After running the script, please refer to these two files to see if
    SQL> Rem     there are any rows in timezdif.csv, which are not loaded. If so,
    SQL> Rem     it might affect the correct selection of affected tables in the database.
    SQL> Rem     You can always delete tzuv2ext_*.log and tzuv2ext_*.bad.
    SQL> Rem * A Java stored procedure is created to get the system file separator,
    SQL> Rem     e.g., Windows uses '\' and Unix uses '/'. Before you run this script,
    SQL> Rem     make sure that the Java source/class object does not conflict with
    SQL> Rem     any existing Java source/class object in the database. If it does, please
    SQL> Rem     change the Java source/class object name GetFileSeparator to some other
    SQL> Rem     name in the script. Also make sure that the Java stored procedure does not
    SQL> Rem     conflict with any existing function in the database. If it does, please
    SQL> Rem     change the function name GET_FILE_SEPARATOR to some other name in the script.
    SQL> Rem     If renaming is needed, please make sure that you change all the occurences
    SQL> Rem     to make them consistent.
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem huagli     12/21/06 - Backport huagli_bug-5126270 from main
    SQL> Rem               time zone update
    SQL> Rem srsubram     05/12/05 - 4331865:Modify script to work with prior
    SQL> Rem               releases
    SQL> Rem lkumar     05/11/04 - Fix lrg 1691434.
    SQL> Rem rchennoj     12/02/03 - Fix query
    SQL> Rem qyu      11/22/03 - qyu_bug-3236585
    SQL> Rem qyu      11/17/03 - Created
    SQL> Rem
    SQL> Rem=========================================================================
    SQL> Rem Check any existing table with this name sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab
    SQL> Rem=========================================================================
    SQL> DROP TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab
    2 /
    DROP TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> CREATE TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab
    2 (
    3 table_owner VARCHAR2(30),
    4 table_name VARCHAR2(30),
    5 column_name VARCHAR2(30),
    6 rowcount     NUMBER,
    7 nested_tab VARCHAR2(3)
    8 )
    9 /
    Table created.
    SQL> Rem========================================================================
    SQL> Rem Check any existing table with this name sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1
    SQL> Rem========================================================================
    SQL> DROP TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1
    2 /
    DROP TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> CREATE TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1
    2 (
    3 time_zone_name VARCHAR2(60)
    4 )
    5 /
    Table created.
    3 dbv     VARCHAR2(10);
    4 dbtzv     VARCHAR2(5);
    5 numrows     NUMBER;
    6 TYPE cursor_t IS REF CURSOR;
    7 cursor_tstz cursor_t;
    8 tstz_owner VARCHAR2(30);
    9 tstz_tname VARCHAR2(30);
    10 tstz_qcname VARCHAR2(4000);
    11 tz_version NUMBER;
    12 oracle_home VARCHAR(4000);
    13 tz_count INTEGER;
    14 plsql_block VARCHAR2(200);
    15 file_separator VARCHAR2(3);
    17 BEGIN
    19 --========================================================================
    20 -- Make sure that only version 10 or higher uses this script
    21 --========================================================================
    23 SELECT substr(version,1,6) INTO dbv FROM v$instance;
    25 IF dbv = '8.1.7.'
    26 THEN
    27      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TIMEZONE data type was not supported in ' ||
    28                'Release 8.1.7.');
    29      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No need to validate TIMEZONE data.');
    30      RETURN;
    31 END IF;
    33 IF dbv in ('9.0.1.','9.2.0.')
    34 THEN
    35      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Please contact Oracle support to get the script ' ||
    36                'for Release 9.0.1 or 9.2.0.');
    37      RETURN;
    38 END IF;
    40 --========================================================================
    41 -- Get $ORACLE_HOME
    42 --========================================================================
    44 plsql_block := 'BEGIN SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.GET_ENV(:1, :2); END;';
    45 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING 'ORACLE_HOME', OUT oracle_home;
    47 --========================================================================
    48 -- Use an external table created on timezdif.csv file to get the
    49 -- affected time zones. In this way, every time when time zone information
    50 -- changes, we only need to provide user with the updated timezdif.csv file
    51 -- without changing utltzuv2.sql.
    52 --
    53 -- 1. Setup the directory for timezdif.csv and log files(log, bad log)
    54 -- 2. Check any existing external table with this name
    55 -- sys.sys_tzuv2_affected_regions
    56 -- 3. Setup the parameters of the external table
    57 --========================================================================
    59 --========================================================================
    60 -- Create a Java stored procedure to get the file separator
    61 --========================================================================
    64                NAMED "GetFileSeparator" AS
    65                public class GetFileSeparator {
    66                     public static String get() {
    67                     return System.getProperty("file.separator");
    68                     }
    69                }';
    72                RETURN VARCHAR2
    73                AS LANGUAGE JAVA
    74                NAME ''GetFileSeparator.get() return java.lang.String'';';
    77 plsql_block := 'BEGIN :1 := GET_FILE_SEPARATOR(); END;';
    78 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING OUT file_separator;
    81                oracle_home || file_separator || 'oracore' ||
    82                          file_separator || 'zoneinfo''';
    86      'SELECT count(*)
    87      FROM all_tables
    88      WHERE owner = ''SYS'' and table_name = ''SYS_TZUV2_AFFECTED_REGIONS'''
    89 INTO tz_count;
    91 IF tz_count <> 0
    92 THEN
    93      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_affected_regions';
    94 END IF;
    97 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_affected_regions
    98                (
    99                version     NUMBER,
    100                time_zone_name VARCHAR2(40),
    101                from_year     NUMBER,
    102                to_year     NUMBER
    103                )
    104                ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL
    105                (
    106                TYPE ORACLE_LOADER
    107                DEFAULT DIRECTORY timezdif_dir
    108                ACCESS PARAMETERS
    109                (
    110                records delimited by newline
    111                badfile timezdif_dir:''tzuvext%a_%p.bad''
    112                logfile timezdif_dir:''tzuvext%a_%p.log''
    113                fields terminated by '',''
    114                lrtrim
    115                missing field values are null
    116                (
    117                     version, time_zone_name, from_year, to_year
    118                )
    119                )
    120                LOCATION (''timezdif.csv'')
    121                )
    122                REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED';
    124 --======================================================================
    125 -- Check if the TIMEZONE data is consistent with the latest version.
    126 --======================================================================
    128 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT version FROM v$timezone_file' INTO tz_version;
    129 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT MAX(version) FROM sys_tzuv2_affected_regions' INTO dbtzv;
    131 IF tz_version = dbtzv
    132 THEN
    133      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TIMEZONE data is consistent with the latest version ' ||
    134                dbtzv || ' transition rules');
    135      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No need to validate TIMEZONE data');
    136      RETURN;
    137 END IF;
    139 --======================================================================
    140 -- Get tables with columns defined as type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
    141 --======================================================================
    143 OPEN cursor_tstz FOR
    144      'SELECT atc.owner, atc.table_name, atc.qualified_col_name ' ||
    145      'FROM "ALL_TAB_COLS" atc, "ALL_TABLES" at ' ||
    146      'WHERE data_type LIKE ''TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE''' ||
    147      ' AND atc.owner = at.owner AND atc.table_name = at.table_name ' ||
    148      'ORDER BY atc.owner, atc.table_name, atc.column_name';
    150 --======================================================================
    151 -- Query the external table to get all the affected time zones based
    152 -- on the current database time zone version, and then put them into
    153 -- a temporary table, sys_tzuv2_temptab1.
    154 --======================================================================
    157      'INSERT INTO sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1
    158      SELECT DISTINCT time_zone_name
    159      FROM sys.sys_tzuv2_affected_regions t
    160      WHERE t.version > ' || tz_version;
    162 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ANALYZE TABLE sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1 ' ||
    163                'COMPUTE STATISTICS';
    165 --======================================================================
    166 -- Check regular table columns.
    167 --======================================================================
    168 LOOP
    169      BEGIN
    170      FETCH cursor_tstz INTO tstz_owner, tstz_tname, tstz_qcname;
    171      EXIT WHEN cursor_tstz%NOTFOUND;
    174           'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' ||
    175           tstz_owner || '."' || tstz_tname || '" t_alias, ' ||
    176           ' sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab1 r ' ||
    177           ' WHERE UPPER(r.time_zone_name) = ' ||
    178           ' UPPER(TO_CHAR(t_alias.' || tstz_qcname || ', ''TZR'')) ' INTO numrows;
    180      IF numrows > 0 THEN
    181           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' INSERT INTO sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab VALUES (''' ||
    182           tstz_owner || ''',''' || tstz_tname || ''',''' ||
    183           tstz_qcname || ''',' || numrows || ', ''NO'')';
    184      END IF;
    186      EXCEPTION
    187      WHEN OTHERS THEN
    188           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OWNER : ' || tstz_owner);
    189           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TABLE : ' || tstz_tname);
    190           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('COLUMN : ' || tstz_qcname);
    191           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM);
    192      END;
    193 END LOOP;
    195 --======================================================================
    196 -- Check nested table columns.
    197 --======================================================================
    200      'INSERT INTO sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab
    201      SELECT owner, table_name, qualified_col_name, NULL, ''YES''
    203      WHERE data_type like ''TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE''';
    206 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Query sys.sys_tzuv2_temptab table to see ' ||
    207                'if any TIMEZONE data is affected by version ' || dbtzv ||
    208                ' transition rules');
    212      IF INSTR(SQLERRM, 'KUP-04063') != 0
    213      THEN
    214      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Directory for file timezdif.csv is not correctly specified!');
    215      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sqlerrm);
    216      ELSIF INSTR(SQLERRM, 'KUP-04040') != 0
    217      THEN
    218      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('File timezdif.csv in TIMEZDIF_DIR not found!');
    219      ELSE
    221      END IF;
    223 END;
    224 /
    ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    2 /
    Commit complete.
    2 tz_count NUMBER;
    4 BEGIN
    6 --========================================================================
    7 -- After obtaining the file separator, drop the Java stored procedure
    8 --========================================================================
    11      'SELECT count(*)
    12      FROM user_objects
    13      WHERE object_name = ''GetFileSeparator'' and UPPER(object_type) like ''JAVA%'''
    14 INTO tz_count;
    16 IF tz_count > 0
    17 THEN
    18      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP JAVA SOURCE "GetFileSeparator"';
    19 END IF;
    22      'SELECT count(*)
    23      FROM user_objects
    24      WHERE object_name = ''GET_FILE_SEPARATOR'' and UPPER(object_type) = ''FUNCTION'''
    25 INTO tz_count;
    27 IF tz_count > 0
    28 THEN
    30 END IF;
    32 END;
    33 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    2 /
    Commit complete.
    SQL> Rem=========================================================================
    SQL> Rem=========================================================================
    SQL> spool off
    Could you help me find the TSTZ data if there are any? Thank you in advance.

    Ok, I found out that I need to apply the patch 5746875 to have that. But there only instruction to apply this patch on unix env. I need on Windows. Can any body help me?

  • Help need in sql

    i have a scenario like
    bank_division sum(amount) total_percentage(calculated by : / total sum of adjacent amounts i.e(10000+2000+3000+4000) *100
    aaaa 10000
    bbb 2000
    ccc 3000
    dddd 40000
    for above thing i have written sql like
    select bank_division,sum(amount)  from bank group by bank;
    but i am unable to calculate percentage for each bank_division..........
    .its like for aaaa correspoding percentage will be
    10000/ total sum of adjacent amounts i.e(10000+2000+3000+4000) *100
    and for bbb it will be
    2000/ total sum of adjacent amounts i.e(10000+2000+3000+4000) *100
    so on...
    can any one help me how to write in single sql

    user632733 wrote:
    in your sql you are using lag to display from existing total_sal....which cant be possible in above scenario..??? Where did you see existing total_sal? EMP table:
    SQL> select deptno,ename,sal from emp
      2  /
        DEPTNO ENAME             SAL
            20 SMITH             800
            30 ALLEN            1600
            30 WARD             1250
            20 JONES            2975
            30 MARTIN           1250
            30 BLAKE            2850
            10 CLARK            2450
            20 SCOTT            3000
            10 KING             5000
            30 TURNER           1500
            20 ADAMS            1100
        DEPTNO ENAME             SAL
            30 JAMES             950
            20 FORD             3000
            10 MILLER           1300
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> As you can see, there are multiple employees in each department. Now look at mu solution. Inner select:
             select  deptno,
                     sum(sal) total_sal
               from  emp
               group by deptnosummarizes sal for each department. If you run it separately:
    SQL>          select  deptno,
      2                   sum(sal) total_sal
      3             from  emp
      4             group by deptno
      5  /
            30       9400
            20      10875
            10       8750
    SQL> Outer select calculates previous department total salary and its ratio to report.
    P.S. And if you want to display individual employees along with department level summarization:
    select  deptno,
            last_value(total_sal) over(order by deptno range between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) prev_dept_total_sal,
            ratio_to_report(total_sal) over () * 100
      from  (
             select  deptno,
                     sum(sal) over(partition by deptno) total_sal,
                     max(deptno) over(order by deptno range between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) prev_deptno
               from  emp
      order by deptno
            10 MILLER           8750                                                           6.38569604
            10 KING             8750                                                           6.38569604
            10 CLARK            8750                                                           6.38569604
            20 ADAMS           10875          10                8750                           7.93650794
            20 FORD            10875          10                8750                           7.93650794
            20 JONES           10875          10                8750                           7.93650794
            20 SMITH           10875          10                8750                           7.93650794
            20 SCOTT           10875          10                8750                           7.93650794
            30 WARD             9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
            30 TURNER           9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
            30 ALLEN            9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
            30 JAMES            9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
            30 BLAKE            9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
            30 MARTIN           9400          20               10875                           6.86006203
    14 rows selected.

  • Lync 2013 and SQL 2012 on the same server

    I'm in the process of migrating Lync 2010 to Lync 2013.  I have a clean install of Windows Server 2012 R2.  Is it possible to install Lync 2013 and SQL 2012 on the same server or does it have to be on separate servers.

    Configure Separated SQL Server to use in an Enterprise deployment of Lync Server. Standard Edition servers use a collocated SQL Server Express version of SQL Server that is right sized for the workloads of a Standard Edition server.
    Also you can refer below link
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"

  • Problem in querying synonym using cachedRowSet & cachedDataProvider

    I have some trouble using cachedRowSet and cachedDataProvider combination. The problem was occured when I refreshed chachedDataProvider, my table component in pages show "No items found.", whereas... i'm sure there is nothing wrong with my query.
    here the detail
    i have cachedRowSet in my SessionBeans1 named globalRowSet
    globalRowSet.setPageSize(100);and then i have data provider in my pages (TestPage.jsp), linked to globalRowSet, named cachedRowSetDataProvider1
    cachedRowSetDataProvider1.setCachedRowSet((javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet) getValue("#{SessionBean1.globalRowSet}"));Note that in globalRowSet SQL command, there is a parameter (marked by '?'), so i put this code in init() method.
    getSessionBean1().getGlobalRowSet().setObject(1, "%MUA21%");that code replace '?' in my query with '%MUA21%'. so in the first time i open the page, my table in TestPage.jsp dont display empty data. this code was worked.
    then i put a button and a textfield in TestPage.jsp. I put them for dynamically changes my query parameter.
    public String button1_action() {
    try {
    getSessionBean1().getGlobalRowSet().setObject(1, this.textField1.getText().toString());
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(TestPage.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return null;
    }I ran my webpages, i hit the button, and i saw anomalies.
    before i hit the button, my table shows a lot of records. but after i hit, my table shows nothing but "No items found." displayed in table body.
    I debugged my code, and found nothing wrong with my query. I executed my query in separated sql editor and it works flawlessly,
    I truncated my code line by line for debugging, and found this line of code was the main reason for that problem
    this.cachedRowSetDataProvider1.refresh();I'm not sure why this line of code didnt work in my project. maybe this is because of my globalRowSet querying data from ORACLE synonym. please note that 'MSF620' in my query (SELECT EQUIP_NO, ORIGINATOR_ID FROM ELLIPSE.MSF620) is not a table, but synonym. I made same version but use oracle table (not synonym) and work fine...
    can anyone help give me a solution for this issue? ...
    please help..
    i have no progression for last 2 weeks because of this issue.......

    Hi Tushar,
    In your SELECT you select only record for record and you put the result into the header line of the table.
    SELECT posnr
          FROM RESB
         WHERE VORNR = '0010'
           AND AUFNR = '720000100'.
    Then you can loop over your internal table!.

  • Jet Express connect to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2

    I meet some problem when I use Jet Express to show report in excel.
    The message error is below:
    The ulr 'http://navap:7047/DynamicsNAV71/WS/SystemService' is not valid.
    The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
    Why are we get this message?
    How can I do to fix this error?
    Many Thanks,

    If you use Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (or 2013R2), you need to use Perpetual license model. If you use it, you need 'Starter Pack'+'Extended Pack' and you will get all manufacturing modules.
    You can use only Microsoft SQL, no Oracle.
    You can buy separately SQL and NAV, but you also van buy SQL together with NAV in first buying (you will pay only SQL CALs).
    You cannot use Oracle for NAV, but if you have some application on Oracle, you can integrate it with NAV, e.g. using web-services.
    If you have additional questions about NAV, I suggest you to write on Dynamics Community forum:


    Hi everyone,
    I'm running SCCM 2012 R2 within a separated SQL instance on another server. A state of the component SMS Outbox Monitor on this SQL Server changes constantly to failed. The error text is:
    Component Status Summarizer detected that the availability of component "SMS_OUTBOX_MONITOR" on computer "SQL1" has changed to Failed.
    Possible cause: This component has failed to generate a heartbeat within its heartbeat interval or has reported with its heartbeat that it is in a failure state.
    Solution: Verify that the condition persists by examining compmon.log and then check the component's log file.
    I've examined compmon log files both on CM and SQL servers, but there are no errors.
    How I can investigate this issue? Which log files can give me more information?

    You can look at outboxmon.log for details on the error.
    There's a post on the 2007 forum about the same error.

  • High availability - minimum requirements

    We currently have TFS2012 installed with SQL2008 on a single server. After a recent outage that required a server rebuild I'm looking to lower the risk of further outages and I've been reading about high availability options for TFS. I'm quite interested
    in the SQL AlwaysOn feature which allows you to run 2 mirrors of your TFS SQL database across 2 servers. My question is can I have TFS on the same servers? I.e.:
    Node A: TFS and SQL
    Node B: TFS and SQL
    I could then NLB the TFS front ends and have SQL in a HA AlwaysOn availability group. Is this possible? I would use the opportunity to upgrade to SQL2012/2014 and TFS 2013.
    Most articles I've read talk about separating SQL out onto it's own hardware - this would require 2 additional servers minimum to run SQL and most likely a 3rd to have an additional TFS front end.
    Other options would be to virtualise the above (perhaps in the future) or to use TFS online - although we have customised our TFS quite a bit so online may not be an option for us.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ceefla, 
    Thanks for your post. 
    According the information in this
    document, you need install SQL Server 2012 for TFS Server if you want use SQL Server Always On Availability Groups feature.
    What’s the “have TFS on the same servers” mean?  Install TFS and SQL Server on the same server machine? We suggest you install the TFS and SQL Server on the different server machines.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Plz correct this query

    iam trying to take input at the prompt in one statement only...
    but unable to do it..
    so plz correct my query
    accept var prompt "enter deptno=>" select * from emp where deptno=&var;
    SQL> accept var prompt "enter deptno=>" select * from emp where deptno=&var;
    Enter value for var: 20
    SP2-0003: Ill-formed ACCEPT command starting as select * from emp where deptno=2
    thank u

    These are two statements you need to exceute separately
    SQL> accept var prompt "enter deptno=>"
    enter deptno=>10
    SQL> select * from emp where deptno=&var;
    old   1: select * from emp where deptno=&var
    new   1: select * from emp where deptno=10
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300

  • SQL Loader: specify position for pipe separated file

    I have a problem with sql loader. i need to load 5 columns in a table and my file only contains 3 fields (pipe separated file) i need to add a sequenced id and a loading date. When i try to run the below, the sequence and the sysdate is populated correctly, but column3 is inserted into column1. If i add my file two more null columns, then it works properly:
    also if i put my variables in the end it also works, but i cannot restructure the table so this solution doesnt work. Do u have any idea how to specify positions in pipe separated files? i should load file in the below format:
    it onlz works properly if i add the two pipe in the beginning
    my control file:
    INFILE 'test201001.csv'
    INTO TABLE test_load
    id "seq.nextval",
    sys_creation_date "sysdate",
    Thanx your help in advance
    Edited by: user9013593 on 2010.01.19. 6:18
    Edited by: user9013593 on 2010.01.19. 6:19

    user9013593 wrote:
    I have a problem with sql loader. i need to load 5 columns in a table and my file only contains 3 fields (pipe separated file) i need to add a sequenced id and a loading date. When i try to run the below, the sequence and the sysdate is populated correctly, but column3 is inserted into column1. If i add my file two more null columns, then it works properly:I hope someone provides a better solution below, but since no one has yet ...
    Can you load the data "as is" into a work table, then use a PL/SQL program to process the work table correctly according to the data you have?

  • Filters separated by OR not applying to SQL

    I am having a problem where I have two prompts that need to apply either separately, or together. One is a text entry box and the other is a multi-select.
    I have a Filter set up in the report that looks like this:
    A is Prompted
    B is Prompted
    C is Prompted
    OR D is Prompted
    Where C and D are the fields in the prompt that is causing issues. I have a filter view set up on the report so that I can see what is being applied to the reports via the prompts. What I am finding is that if a user enters a value for C and not D, then the filter view in the report shows the value for C but it doesn't apply it to the SQL. If a user goes and enters values for both the fields it works fine.
    To me, it seems like a bug, because logic would state that if there is an OR statement, either of the two values being populated should be applied to the WHERE clause in the filter.
    I've tried hard coding the values so that C <> 9999999 OR D<> 999999 (999999 being a false value) and that didn't change the behavior. It's like OBIEE is requiring that there be entries by both the prompts before it will apply anything from the OR clause.
    Anyone out there have any suggestions? FYI, we're using 10g.

    Update: I've found that if I set a default value to the prompts, and both are filled in, it works fine. Even if the entry is something like 'No Values Selected'. OBIEE is just really needing to have something passed from both prompts in order to apply the OR statement.

  • SQL - Multiple Fetch into Single Column with Comma Separator

    Hello Experts,
    Good Day to all...
    I need your help on following scenarios. The below query returns set of titleID strings. Instead of printing them one below the other as query output, I want the output to be in batch of 25 values.i.e each row should have 25 values separated by comma. i.e If there are 100 titles satisfying the output, then there should be only four rows with and each row having 25 titles in comma separated manner.
    SELECT DISTINCT title_id
               FROM pack_relation
              WHERE package_id IN (      SELECT DISTINCT fa.package_id
                                                    FROM annotation fa
                                                GROUP BY fa.package_id
                                                  HAVING COUNT
                                                            (fa.package_id) <100);I tried with the PL/SQL block; whereas it is printing all the values continously :(
    I need to stop with 25 values and display.
    If its possible with SQL block alone; then it would be of great help
       v_str   VARCHAR2 (32767)  := NULL;
       CURSOR c1
         SELECT DISTINCT title_id
               FROM pack_relation
              WHERE package_id IN (      SELECT DISTINCT fa.package_id
                                                    FROM annotation fa
                                                GROUP BY fa.package_id
                                                  HAVING COUNT
                                                            (fa.package_id) <100);
       FOR i IN c1
          v_str := v_str || ',' || i.title_id;
       END LOOP;
       v_str := SUBSTR (v_str, 2);
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_str);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error-->' || SQLERRM);

    You can use CEIL
    Sample code
        LTRIM(MAX(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(val,',')) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS concat_val
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY val)    AS curr,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY val) -1 AS prev
                        level                          AS val,
                        ceil(rownum/3)  as nt /* Grouped in batches of 3 */
                        CONNECT BY level <= 10
        CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr
    AND nt              = PRIOR nt
        START WITH curr = 1;
            NT CONCAT_VAL
             1 1,2,3
             2 4,5,6
             3 7,8,9
             4 10Your code
        LTRIM(MAX(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(title_id,',')) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS concat_val
                ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITion BY nt ORDER BY title_id)   AS curr,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY title_id) -1 AS prev
                        ceil(rownum/25) AS nt /* Grouped in batches of 25 */
                        pack_relation tdpr
                    JOIN annotation fa
                        tdpr.package_id = fa.package_id
                    GROUP BY
                        COUNT (fa.package_id) < 500
        CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr
    AND nt              = PRIOR nt
        START WITH curr = 1;

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