Separating cad in illustrator

i am being asked to assist in separating cads in illustrator at my work. i know AI pretty well. I have never worked with cad, but have a general knowledge of what it is.
what would separating cads entail? and could i catch onto it coming from a production/design background?
i realize this is a very general question, but it was put this generally to me.

What do you mean by "separating cads?"? Are you talking about color-separating color artwork generated by a CAD software? Separating individual parts in a vector drawing exported from a CAD software? What?

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    We need to create a PDF from Illustrator, I guess by using 'save as', that can be correctly displayed in Acrobat 7 onwards.
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    My understanding is that PDF-X could ensure overprint is on, so the PDF will display correctly.  But, for versions 7 and 8 overprint preview will need to be activated in order for the PDF to be correctly displayed.
    Does anyone know of another solution, in that we could create a PDF, correctly separated and viewable in Acrobat Reader 7, 8, 9.

    Why are your Reader users using different versions? It's a free download. Get them all on the current version.

  • Color Separation Preview in Illustrator CS3

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    You can open your AI file in Acrobat and use its very robust separation preview features. Acrobat can even highlight overprints, rich blacks, and areas that are above user specified ink limits.

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    This won't help, but Illustrator's origins as a Postscript vector application have never meshed well with drafting packages, in my experience. The constructs and conventions of the two platforms don't match up well, and Illustrator's interpretation of CAD-originated data has always been somewhere south of reliable, even at the single-layer level, let alone all structural aspects.
    Perhaps someone else will come along with a more positive lesson which produces a result closer to your need, but as far as I'm concerned, a workflow built around bringing CAD into Illustrator is ill-advised.

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    > Which versions of which software do you have exactly?
    Have, or installed?
    I have Photoshop LE, Photoshop 4.1 (I think it was -- the first version with layers), Photoshop 5.5, Photoshop 6, Creative Suite, Photoshop CS2, and Photoshop CS5.
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    (And thanks for your help.)

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    Mac OS Yosemite, CC 2014

    It is not possible to open the files in a previous version of Muse. It is not backward compatible.

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    I'm not sure I can provide you with an answer that will meet your needs as I have no working knowledge of Illustrator. The file:
    Library/PPDs/Contents/Resource/en.lproj/HP laserjet 5000 Series.gz
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  • Message splitting using java mapping and BPM

    Hi all,
    I have a PLAIN FILE to IDOC Scenario.
    We decide to use javamapping instead of message mapping because we have several hierachical structures.
    We has more than one IDOC for file. And the mapping it's unable to detect the another header and create it at XI.
    I had seen:
    "XI: IDOC bundling - the "trick" with the occurance change"
    But the problem it's we doesn't use mapping programs, so we can't apply to this case.
    So now i need to create a BPM scenario for resolve this issue. Anyone knows any example for split the income message and send any idocs to destination?
    Thanks in advance,

    IT WORKED !!!!
    The only thing it's at out code line we must improve it in another way.
    For everyone who needs to resolve, i copy the code line of the java mapping program.
    The relationship is from the specific mapping for every scenary calling GenToHierMap. GENERIC PACKAGE (GenToHierMap)
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.w3c.dom.Text;
    public class GenToHierMap
         private Element root, idoc;
         private Element nodeArrayRef[];
         private String nodeArrayTagName[];
         private Relation  rel ;
         private int  stack_count ;
         private String nameSpace;
         private String separator="#!";
         protected String msgName;
         GenToHierMap(InputStream in, OutputStream out,Vector v1,String msgName1,String nameSpace1)
         msgName = msgName1;
         nameSpace = nameSpace1;
         rel = new Relation(v1);
        public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
              Element e ;
              Relation cur_rel;
              DOMSource domS = null;
              Element keyNodeParent;
              //int numdocs;
                           DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                             TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                             Transformer transform = tf.newTransformer();
                             // Create DOM structure from input XML
                             DocumentBuilder builderel = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                             Document docIn = builderel.parse(in);
                            NodeList rows = docIn.getElementsByTagName("ROW");
                            nodeArrayTagName = new String[rows.getLength() + 1];
                            nodeArrayRef = new Element[rows.getLength() + 1];
                             Document docOut = builderel.newDocument();
                             root = docOut.createElement(msgName);
                             //idoc = docOut.createElement("IDOC");
                            //Número de documents inicialitzat a 0
                            //Per cada filera ROW
                       for (int count=0;count<rows.getLength();count++)
                                  String dataRecord = "";
                                  Node node = rows.item(count);
                                  node = node.getFirstChild();
                                  dataRecord = node.getNodeValue();
                                  String fieldValue [] = dataRecord.split(separator);
                                  //Cada cop que es troba una nova capçalera es crea un nou document.
                                  //Això permet que hi hagi més d'un IDOC per missatge processat.
                                  if (Integer.valueOf(fieldValue[0]).intValue()==1){
                                       //numdocs = numdocs + 1;
                                       //if (numdocs > 1){
                                            //Es dona sortida al document anterior abans de crear-ne un de nou - BE AWARE BECAUSE IN THE NEXT LINES WE DEFINE THE UNBOUNDED IDOC ATTRIBUTE, WITH BEGIN = 1 ****
                                            //transform.transform((domS),new StreamResult(out));
                                            //docOut = builderel.newDocument();
                                            //root = docOut.createElement(msgName);
                                            idoc = docOut.createElement("IDOC");
                                  cur_rel = (Relation) rel.v.get(Integer.valueOf(fieldValue[0]).intValue());                    
                                  String keyId = cur_rel.node;
                                  keyNodeParent = searchNode(keyId);
                                  nodeArrayTagName[count] = keyId;
                               e = docOut.createElement(keyId);
                               nodeArrayRef[count]= e;
                              domS = new DOMSource(docOut);
                              stack_count = stack_count + 1;
                         transform.transform((domS),new StreamResult(out));
           catch (Exception t)
    //returns the parent of the given node
    private Element searchNode(String keyId)
         Relation cur_rel;
         for (int i=0;i<rel.v.size();i++)
              cur_rel = (Relation) rel.v.get(i);
              if (cur_rel.node.equals(keyId))
                     for (int j=0;j<cur_rel.parents.length;j++)
                              if (cur_rel.parents[j].equals("NULL")) return root;
                              if (cur_rel.parents[j].equals("IDOC")) return idoc;
                               for (int k=(stack_count-1);k>=0;k--)
                                   for (int p=0;p<cur_rel.parents.length;p++)
                                       if (nodeArrayTagName[k].equals(cur_rel.parents[p]))
                                       return nodeArrayRef[k];
    return null;
    //Creates all the elements of the given node
    private void createXmlTree(Document docOut,Element node,String keyId, String fieldValue[])
          Element tagName;
          Text tagValue;
          Relation cur_rel;
          for (int i=0;i<rel.v.size();i++)
                     cur_rel = (Relation) rel.v.get(i);
                     if (cur_rel.node.equals(keyId))
                        for (int j=1;j<cur_rel.elements.length;j++)
                           tagName = docOut.createElement(cur_rel.elements[j]);
                           if ( j < fieldValue.length  && fieldValue[j].length() != 0 )
                           if ( fieldValue[j].substring(0,1).equals("""))
                           if ( fieldValue[j].length() > 2 )
                           fieldValue[j] = fieldValue[j].substring(1,( fieldValue[j].length() - 1 ));
                           fieldValue[j] = new String ();
                           if ( j >= fieldValue.length )
                           tagValue = docOut.createTextNode(new String());
                           tagValue = docOut.createTextNode(fieldValue[j]);
    //Main thread of execution SPECIFIC ONE
    * Mapping Program to Convert NOM IDOC Master Structure to the Generic structure Expected by
    * the FTP Receiver adapter
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    //Specify the Hirearchial Structure
    public class INT938_mapping implements StreamTransformation
         public Vector v;
        private Map map;
        /** * method setParamters is required, but we do not anything with it */
         public void setParameter(Map param)
              map = param;
         } /** * method execute is called by the XI mapping program */
    public void buildXsd()
      Relation  mriRel ;
      v = new Vector();
      mriRel = new Relation();
      mriRel.parents = new String[1];
      mriRel.node =  "IDOC" ;
      mriRel.parents[0] =   "NULL" ;
      v.add(mriRel) ;
      //NODE - 01
      mriRel = new Relation();                          
      mriRel.parents = new String[1];                                                    
      mriRel.elements = new String[22];                                                                 
      mriRel.node = "E1BPEBANC";                                    
      mriRel.parents[0]   =   "IDOC";                                              
      mriRel.elements[0]  =   "SEGMENT";   
      mriRel.elements[1]  =   "PREQ_ITEM"; 
      mriRel.elements[2]  =   "DOC_TYPE";  
      mriRel.elements[3]  =   "PUR_GROUP"; 
      mriRel.elements[4]  =   "CREATED_BY";
      mriRel.elements[5]  =   "PREQ_NAME"; 
      mriRel.elements[6]  =   "PREQ_DATE"; 
      mriRel.elements[7]  =   "SHORT_TEXT";
      mriRel.elements[8]  =   "MATERIAL";  
      mriRel.elements[9]  =   "PLANT";     
      mriRel.elements[10] =   "STORE_LOC";
      mriRel.elements[11] =   "TRACKINGNO";
      mriRel.elements[12] =   "MAT_GRP";   
      mriRel.elements[13] =   "QUANTITY";  
      mriRel.elements[14] =   "UNIT";      
      mriRel.elements[15] =   "DELIV_DATE";
      mriRel.elements[16] =   "ACCTASSCAT";
      mriRel.elements[17] =   "DES_VENDOR";
      mriRel.elements[18] =   "PURCH_ORG"; 
      mriRel.elements[19] =   "BATCH";     
      mriRel.elements[20] =   "VEND_MAT";  
      mriRel.elements[21] =   "CURRENCY";
      v.add(mriRel) ; 
      //NODE - 02
      mriRel = new Relation();                                   
      mriRel.parents = new String[1];                                                    
      mriRel.elements = new String[2];                                                                  
      mriRel.node = "Z1SOLCOM";                                    
      mriRel.parents[0]  =   "E1BPEBANC";                                                     
      mriRel.elements[0] =   "SEGMENT";  
      mriRel.elements[1] =   "ZPO_NUMBER";
      v.add(mriRel) ;
      //NODE - 03
      mriRel = new Relation();                                   
      mriRel.parents = new String[1];                                                    
      mriRel.elements = new String[3];                                                                 
      mriRel.node = "E1BPEBKN";                                    
      mriRel.parents[0]  =   "IDOC";                                                   
      mriRel.elements[0] =   "SEGMENT";
      mriRel.elements[1] =   "PREQ_ITEM";   
      mriRel.elements[2] =   "COST_CTR";
      v.add(mriRel) ;
      //NODE - 04
      mriRel = new Relation();                                   
      mriRel.parents = new String[1];                                                    
      mriRel.elements = new String[8];                                       
      mriRel.node = "Z1SOLRES";                                    
      mriRel.parents[0]  =   "E1BPEBKN";                                                   
      mriRel.elements[0] =   "SEGMENT";            
      mriRel.elements[1] =   "DADES_PACIENT";      
      mriRel.elements[2] =   "NOHIS";              
      mriRel.elements[3] =   "ZNINTER";            
      mriRel.elements[4] =   "ZFEIMP";             
      mriRel.elements[5] =   "NMPAC";              
      mriRel.elements[6] =   "ZNLOTE";             
      mriRel.elements[7] =   "ZNSERIE";            
      v.add(mriRel) ;
    public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws
         INT938_mapping rel = new INT938_mapping();
         new GenToHierMap(in,out,rel.v,"ZPREEX01","http://namespace1/namespace");
    public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception
                   INT938_mapping rel = new INT938_mapping();
                   FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream ("C:/DOM_IN.xml");
                   FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream ("C:/DOM_OUT.xml");
                   new GenToHierMap(in,out,rel.v,"ZPREEX01","http://namespace1/namespace");
              }catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    //Transformation of flat structure to hirearchial structure
    Any issue you can contact me. Best regards and reward points !

  • Add a "Mixed Ink" swatch like in InDesign

    The new separations palette in Illustrator CS4 is a strong move in the right direction for designers and print production, but having the ability to add a Multi-Ink to your swatches like you can in InDesign would be even better. As a printing company, we often do double hits of spot inks and CMYK mixes under spot inks for special effects. These are very easy to do using Mixed Inks in InDesign, but in Illustrator we have to duplicate objects and set them to overprint each other.
    Also, an Ink Manager similar to InDesign would be great too.

    I agree! It will also minimize the errors especially that there's a tendency to forget setting the overprint in the spot color.
    There are lot of medical/scientific Journals that requires a lot of mixed ink swatches not only in the layout but also in individual artworks.
    It opens the possibilities for creativity combining appearance palette, mixed ink swatches, and graphic styles.
    I also noticed that novice users of Illustrators have apprehensions using the appearance palette. They'd rather duplicate the object and apply overprint which results to error-prone files.
    Since this feature is already available in InDesign, I hope there should be little compatibility issue when linking the artwork in the layout even in lower versions of InDesign.
    I hope that the Illustrator development team consider this small request...

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    Computer is Dell StudioXPS Win 7 and I've never had this problem before not?
    Here's a link to the crash data, hopefully someone can help and advise?
    Dropbox - aicc2014-oct-crash.txt

    Astute doesn't have an AI2Canvas plugin.
    But some of the Astute Graphics plugins might need an upgrade:
    Astute Graphics on Twitter: "Reported issue with InkQuest’s Separations panel in Illustrator 18.1 (latest CC2014). Inves…

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    My colors are set up as spot. I even tried to print from Acrobat and "separations" is gray there also. Do I need to re-install my drivers or the programs.
    I am trying to print to postscript printers but neither one lets me select separations.
    I am using CS3
    Microsoft Windows XP
    Version 2002
    Service Pack 2
    Intel(R) Core (TM)2CPU
    6600 @ 2.40 GHz
    2.93 GB RAM
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I’m not familiar with those models. Are the PostSCript compatible? If so, then you should get the most recent drivers from the manufacturers’ websites. It’s been ages since I needed to worry about printer drivers in Windows, but maybe you need a PostScript printer utility or printer driver from Adobe, too.

  • Exporting DXF with Coordinates Illustrator to CAD program

    I often have to export graphics from Illustrator CS5 for use in Catia or Pro Engineer.
    Usually, if it's a graphic I have made myself, all I do is drag the 0,0 on my rulers to the position on the artwork where I require the coordinate system to be placed in the DXF file and that's fine.
    However, recently I have received files from other sources which need to be converted from a PDF to a DXF for use in my CAD programs and I am having difficulty relocating the coordinate system to the desired location.
    For instance, if I convert the PDF to DXF without moving my 0,0 location on my rulers, sometimes the coordinate system is top left or bottom left of the artboard the PDF has been imported into Illy on. (It varies file to file). So I figured that if I move the 0,0 location of my rulers to where I want the coordinate system to appear, that should work because it usually does so in artwork I create. But it always gets overwritten. The only way I can counter this is to assume that the coordinate system is bang-on the corner of the artboard and move all my artwork to the corner and then convert the file to DXF.
    I guess my question is, for those of you who have a similar task to do, is this the only way I can relocate the coordinate system (by moving the artwork to the corner, which seems a bit dodgy cos it's all on assumption) or is there a more accurate way to do so.
    Thanks in advance.

    I o not know if that is the only way but I will point out the reason you might be seeing 0,0 either at the to left or lower left is that in Cs 5 it has been change to the top left i CS 4 and earlier it was the  bottom left, so depending on what version it was created from it might change this for you as well a way of changing this for you is to ask from them to save the file as an ai fie first in a version that is CS or earlier than make that a pdf.
    Or what might be easier is to live with it until everyone changes to CS 5 or later?
    Or make it a symbol and use the orientation proxy in the symbols options to select the orientation you desire.

  • Illustrator Graphs; Add totals to a column design; Need , (comma) as decimal separator

    Hi all
    I am editing a German Annual Report.
    I live in Australia.
    My system runs OS X 10.10.2 and my Adobe Suite CC is English (or Australian, if that does make a difference in some library)
    I need to create a bunch of columns and bar graphs.
    The label next to a single column or bar is taken automatically from the data spread.
    The decimal separator in the data spread is a . (full stop, or dot)
    I need it do display a comma on the final graph. This is standard in many European languages.
    If I enter a comma in the data spread Illustrator refuses to draw a graph for this value.
    How can I do this?

    Thank you Jacob
    I have to play with this and see what happens if I open data with , as a separator at a later stage.
    Also I got lots of clients on the go at all times. I can not change my OS settings for this and then unwittingly create a problem on other clients files.
    I am looking at solving this for a specific client on a specific project. Also the files may be edited at the clients site (in Switzerland [Swiss German System]) at a later stage.
    I just sent them a test file and they tell me the separator is still a . when they open and edit the data.
    If it is in deed a OS issue... ...that should change the moment the edit the graph me thinks...

  • Slug Text in Illustrator Separations not printing

    We've just installed CS3 on a new computer and in Illustrator the text that should be in the slug line will not print. All the text in the art and separations prints fine but no color separation info is printed. Are we missing a font or something else wrong?

    Sorry, I thought this might be more of a setup issue...
    This machine is Win7 and I just checked for Updates and none were found...

  • Vectors in Illustrator, versus CAD and GIS programs

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    Because CAD sees the files as arthimazic and Illustrator seesit as something that has to be drawn or if you wish rendered before output but I think that should be changed my6self as that one change would give Illustrator the real advantage users have been looking for smaller files size, better rendering and super fast working speed.

Maybe you are looking for

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