Sequence Timecode...

where could I change a sequence timecode or how could change timecode when exporting an OMF? I am on a sequence with a timecode of 00:00:00;00 and I need it to start at 01:00:00;00...
thank you!

I answered my own question... Thought someone would beat me to it...
A: Timelime drop-down menu, start time... to change timecode.
Thank you anyways...

Similar Messages

  • How to force sequence timecode out to DSR-11

    My sequence timecode is set to start at 58:30:00 to I can have color bars, slate etc ... and my film starts at 1:00:00:00. Now I want to force the timecode to be recorded onto the tape in my DSR-11.
    I've set the DSR-11 to record DVCAM and set the timecode to use 'External'. Within FCP is also seems I have to use 'Edit to Tape' rather than 'Print to Video' if I want to export timecode.
    So when I try all this, my sequence will be recorded on to the tape, but the timecode stays at 0:00:00:00, doesn't move. And when I play back the recorded sequence off the tape, the timecode doesn't change, just stays at 0:00:00:00 as well.
    So to be clear, I'm not asking about the timecode generator or reader filters. I just want the finished tape to reflect the timecode I've set in my sequence.
    Thanks for anyone's help here.
    G5 Dual 2.5    

    Since FCP 4 we have been unable to stripe a new TC such as 00:58:00:00 or 01:58:00:00 to a DVCAM tape with the DSR-11. NO MORE!! I think I found a solution.
    Get SimpleVideoOut from the Apple (its free):
    Then create a QT Movie in FCP or Xpress Pro from a sequence which has the starting TC you want on the tape. I just tried it with 00:58:00:00. In the timeline, I just put Bars & Tone for 90 seconds and a black slug for 45 (to take me over 01:00:00:00). You could create a sequence with whatever combination you wanted with the TC set to start at whatever timecode you need for your choice. But the Timeline TC MUST be set to your desired starting code. The exported QT file will have this TC in it.
    Then load this DV QT movie into SimpleVideoOut (having selecting Firewire / Apple Firewire PAL or NTSC when you open the app).
    Now load a fresh DVCAM tape and set your DSR-11 to:
    (Have the TC display turned on for this first test so you can verify it has worked.)
    Then just hold the REC and PLAY buttons together on the DSR-11 and press play in the SimpleVideoOut app and the new TC will be recorded to your DVCAM tape. Hey presto you are now able to stripe a tape with what ever timecode you want using a DSR-11.
    Remember to turn 'DV IN TC' back to INTERNAL on the DSR-11 when you come to record your edit to tape.
    The problem with the DSR-11 is that it is not the best deck and starting recording at the exact TC, but playing with the pre-rolls should eventually get it spot on. I have had some success with FCP's 'Edit to Tape' and very good results with Avid Xpress Pro after a few tweaks.
    Also, if you just had a black QT file, you can change the starting TC to suite the tape; i.e. 00:58:00:00 or 02:58:00:00 etc without going back into FCP or Xpress Pro and rendering out another QT. To do this, just use Sebsky Tools to alter the starting TC of the file.

  • Exporting a Sequence timecode to DV Tape?

    I have spent more than and hour looking for this answer on the boards and have been unsuccessful. It seems like most editors should know how to do this, but I do not.
    When the tape starts, I need the time code to read 00:98:00:00 and then have black and color bars to play for 2 minutes and then the Sequence starts playing at 01:00:00:00.
    I need to do this because I am sending this project to a company to have closed captions and audio descriptions added to it. They need a timecoded tape in order to accurately do their job. I believe exporting the timecode to tape this way is the standard among professional editors.
    I have a Sony DVCAM DSR-11. It plays DV, MiniDV and C/'/16K tapes.
    Is this Deck capable of exporting the sequences timecode to tape? If so, can I use a MiniDV tape or do I have to use a C/'/16K tape? I believe a C/'/16K tape is a DVCAM tape?
    If not, what deck do I need to buy in order to do this?
    The closed captioning company is asking for the project on a timecoded Beta SP, Digi Beta or DVCpro tape. Are these the standard tape formats among professionals?
    I want to provide projects to companies in a professional way. Please advice.
    Thank you,

    This post comes from Shane Ross's stickies database, so thank him:
    TC to DSR-11
    Since FCP 4 we have been unable to stripe a new TC such as 00:58:00:00 or 01:58:00:00 to a DVCAM tape with the DSR-11. NO MORE!! I think I found a solution.
    Get SimpleVideoOut from the Apple (its free):
    Then create a QT Movie in FCP or Xpress Pro from a sequence which has the starting TC you want on the tape. I just tried it with 00:58:00:00. In the timeline, I just put Bars & Tone for 90 seconds and a black slug for 45 (to take me over 01:00:00:00). You could create a sequence with whatever combination you wanted with the TC set to start at whatever timecode you need for your choice. But the Timeline TC MUST be set to your desired starting code. The exported QT file will have this TC in it.
    Then load this DV QT movie into SimpleVideoOut (having selecting Firewire / Apple Firewire PAL or NTSC when you open the app).
    Now load a fresh DVCAM tape and set your DSR-11 to:
    (Have the TC display turned on for this first test so you can verify it has worked.)
    Then just hold the REC and PLAY buttons together on the DSR-11 and press play in the SimpleVideoOut app and the new TC will be recorded to your DVCAM tape. Hey presto you are now able to stripe a tape with what ever timecode you want using a DSR-11.
    Remember to turn 'DV IN TC' back to INTERNAL on the DSR-11 when you come to record your edit to tape.
    The problem with the DSR-11 is that it is not the best deck and starting recording at the exact TC, but playing with the pre-rolls should eventually get it spot on. I have had some success with FCP's 'Edit to Tape' and very good results with Avid Xpress Pro after a few tweaks.
    Also, if you just had a black QT file, you can change the starting TC to suite the tape; i.e. 00:58:00:00 or 02:58:00:00 etc without going back into FCP or Xpress Pro and rendering out another QT. To do this, just use Sebsky Tools to alter the starting TC of the file.

  • Modifying sequence timecode when exporting?

    I am a bit clueless on how to change the T/C for a sequence. The client is asking me for a start T/C of 10:00:00:00 (don't ask why...) for every clip I render, but I just can't seem to find where I can do this. The only (and rather silly) solution I found was to DRAG the entire project all the way up to the 10:00:00:00 mark in the timeline and render it then.
    There must be a better solution to set the start T/C for a sequence... Please share your thoughts!

    In the Timeline's flyout menu, select "Start Timecode..."
    If you have PPro CC with the 7.0.1 update, you'll find that the Start Timecode dialog now has an option to set a value as the default start timecode for new sequences!

  • Conform caption timecode to sequence timecode?

    Working in a foreign language edit, had to cut and reassemble a caption track along with its corresponding video that needed moving around.  Caption clips move in the timeline and play fine on the program monitor, but the original timecode in the caption bin remains unchanged.  Upon export, captions pop up in their original, pre-edit, bin timecode, so that captions no longer match clips as they did in the program monitor.
    Is there an automatic way to conform caption timecode to where reassembled captions appear on the sequence, so that exports work/look the same as the program monitor?  I can't find any documentation on how one would do that. Not that a lot of people need this function, but I do.
    Conforming times manually is feasible but slow/ laborious: scrub the timeline,   type in the new start + end timecodes on the caption in the bin, one by one. Of course if the new time overlaps with an existing caption, Premiere won't let you make the change. Untangling this can be a real mess because you need to find un-captioned spaces.
    So, to avoid the overlap/untangle mess, one can first change all bin timecodes for after the end of the program (e.g, +1 hour); once lined up in the great beyond I can substract the extra time (again, manually, both start + end timecode) so that they again line up with my video sequence… hopefully in the correct places. But as you can see, laboriousness aside, this invites error (e.g., inadvertently breaking the translation).
    Any suggestions for shortcuts or automation for this process within Premiere?

    It's true you can't do it in Print to Video.
    Edit to Tape can look complex at a glance, but it's really pretty simple. You can get detailed instructions on how to use it in the manual (or search your "Help" menu for Edit To Tape), but basically, this is what you do:
    1. Set your timeline so your footage starts at 00:01:00:00, as you mentioned was your requirement. That means you're sequence actually starts at 00:00:20:00 due to the 40 seconds of bars/tone/countdown.
    2. Open the Edit to Tape window and click the "Black and Code" button at the top of the window.
    3. Set it to "Current Settings" and to start at 00:00:10:00 (you need to give the tape enough code for preroll to start at 00:00:20:00).
    4. Black and Code the tape.
    5. Set the In Point (bottom left of the Edit to Tape window) to start at 00:00:20:00.
    6. Drag your sequence right from the browser to the "Assemble" button in the Edit to Tape window (you can also use "Insert," depending on your requirements).
    7. Done and done.
    *It's a good idea to close all your sequences and turn off "Show overlays" in the canvas before you edit to tape. helps things run smoothly.
    Also...For the above explanation I am assuming you have placed the 40 seconds of bars/tone/countdown in your sequence. If you haven't, you can add them in using functions of Edit to Tape as well...again, see the manual. It's really quick.
    I may have failed to include some steps that are second nature to me so that's another good reason to check the manual or the Help file.
    Hope this helps,
    (one more thing, make sure your Beta deck is set to "External" when you're outputting so it takes the timecode from FCP)

  • Exporting videos with a 00:10:00:00 sequence timecode and 4 mono channels of audio

    I have to export a video for broadcast with a starting timecode of 00:10:00:00.  I have found out how to change my zero point on my sequence so that the video starts at the right timecode, however when I export my sequence, it exports it with a timecode of 00:00:00:00.  I have tryed both checking and unchecking the 'use 00:00:00:00 timecode' box with no avail. I am using Premiere Pro CS5 (5.0.3)  exporting to format: Mpeg2 MFX and codec: IMX30 Pal.
    Also does anyone know how to export a video from premiere with 4 mono channels rather than one stereo track.  This is in the delievery spec and would be really grateful if you can get me out of this pickle!

    Just curious but try a test export in another CODEC.
    In the past I have never had a problem doing what you want in .mov or .avi. (never delivered Mpeg2 MFX and codec: IMX30 Pal.)
    FWIW: I never use TC in that way now ...since all our broadcast delivery became file based.
    Cant imagine why 00:10:00:00 as an example ... would  even be a "delivery spec" any more!   Question them maybe.

  • Exporting Sequence Timecode for QT Movie - Not Working!

    I need to export a film I have been working on to a Quicktime file, but I need the QT film to keep the timecode in the sequence I have been working on. The film is going to a broadcaster in the UK, so I need the film to start at 10:00:00:00, with countdown leaders/colour bars appearing beforehand etc.
    I have been trying to export a normal, self contained QT file (not using QT conversion) but every time I do, the QT film has a starting timecode of 0:00. I have adjusted the sequence settings so the timecode is appearing as it should in the FCP sequence. Am I doing something wrong or have I missed a step? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
    P.S. I can export to tape also, which I tried, again with no luck (TC starting at 0 again!) If any of you know of a method to export to tape while keeping the sequence TC please let me know!

    I'm using Final Cut Pro 7.0.2.
    I'm checking the timecode of the exported file both by looking at the timeline at the bottom of the QT movie and by viewing the movie properties on QT. Both the video and audio tracks start at 0:00:00.
    They haven't asked for burnt in TC (this means actually having a timecode display burnt onto the film itself right?). They they just want the film as either a data file or printed to tape with the timecode settings they specified. So far I have been unable to do either.

  • Jumping to timecode in a synced multiclip sequence

    Has anyone used multi clip "open as sequence" and then been able to key in V1 timecode to jump to it?
    in Avid, as in FCP, and in premiere pro source monitor, you can type in the timecode and it goes right to it.  but with the multi clip, obviously, it takes on the sequence there any way to specify which clip's timecode you want to jump to?  It's going to take years moving to the exact timecode with my cursor. 
    any help appreciated!

    The help is your friend. Searching for "start time" took me directly to this page: Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Adding clips to sequences
    The last section on that page:
    Set sequence start time
    By default, each sequence’s time ruler starts at zero and measures time according to the timecode format you specified in the Display Format field of the New Sequence dialog box General tab. However, you can change the starting time of the sequence’s time ruler. For example, you may want to set the start time to match a master tape, which typically begins at 00;58;00;00, to accommodate a two-minute leader before the standard program start time of 01;00;00;00.
    In a Timeline panel menu, choose Start Time, and enter a starting timecode, and click OK. (The starting time must be a positive number.)  

  • Sequence playout with source clip timecodes?

    What I want is actually quite simple, but it's more difficult then I thaught.
    Our cameraman has shot al lot of material onto Panasonic P2 cards (and copied them on to a Harddrive). And now I need to make a rushes playout with burned in timecode. (and i don't want to render)
    All the clips have timecode from itself (time of day). Is it possible to create a playout with those timecodes instead of the master sequence timecode? (a little bit like freerun) With the use a digibeta recorder to read the timecode from de rs422 port (and then crash rec on a dvdrecorder)
    Anybody who can help me?
    Ciao, Gideon

    YOu want to output the sequence, and have the deck record the timecode that exists on the clips themselves? So that you then make a tape of all the P2 footage and retain the P2 footage TC?
    Sorry, I don't know of any edit system that does that. Timeline timecode, or pre-striped TC only.

  • Change timecode start in sequence manually to 58:00:00:00

    I'm prepping the leader manually on a sequence (NOT using Print to Video or Edit to Tape), and I can't find a way to change the sequence timecode to start at 58:00:00:00 (or anything "before" 00:00:00:00), in order to leave room for bars and countdown and slate and all. The closest I get is in the Sequence Settings, Timeline Options tab, but I can only change it to 00:00:00:00, not 58:00:00:00 or 59:00:00:00. Any ideas?

    Oop - Silly me! Of course, I needed to be at 00:58:00:00 instead, which was completely do-able where I was trying to change it. Guess I should stop trying to get work done late at night.....
    Thanks for your reply. Most helpful.

  • Timecode reader to reveal sequence time

    When i use the timecode reader filter in FCP, it only gives me the clip time and not the sequence time when I embed it on screen?
    How can show the Sequence timecode in the reader window?

    I'm in a mood so allow me to expand on DH's post.
    The reader filter looks for the timecode that already exists on the clips and displays it.
    The timecode generator replaces or overrides or overwrites (you pick which concept you like) the existing timecode with new code and displays it.

  • Timecode panel resets when sequence switching

    Hello guys and girls.
    I am finding the timecode panel near useless at the moment cause whenever i switch sequences (i usually have more than 4 open at a time) it resets to "sequence timecode", and who needs that when there are already 2 other references to draw from. I wish it would stay on the selected setting whatever that may be.
    Does anyone know how to change the timecode panel settings so it stops resetting after a sequence switch?
    I've already sent a report to adobe, wasn't till after i thought to ask the community.
    All goods though, if i get the answer is here, they'll probably just ignore my report, (though i also asked for optional multible lines of timecode).
    Thank you all
    Te Rurehe

    Yes thats the same for me too.
    But did you know, in the timecode panel from the dropdown setting on the top right of the panel, you can set the timecode panel to reference the clips timecodes on a specific video track from your sequence? I think that is awsome, especialy for my workflow! Though the darn thing keeps resetting to the plane old sequence timecode (when switching sequences) which is useless cause its already there in the sequence panel and the program out panel.
    I'm looking to somehow set the timecode panel to a specific setting and not change when i switch sequences. Or even better remember the setting it was on for specific sequences.
    That is what i'm talking about, i'm sorry if my first message was a bit confusing, i hope this one is clearer.

  • How can I sync free-run clips to a timeline by timecode?

    I shoot weddings with multiple cameras.  For shooting a lot of the pre-ceremony and reception footage, I have the ability to jam the cameras so that they have the same free-run timecode.  So, as the day goes on I am recording some shots with CAM A and my other camera operator is recording shots elsewhere with CAM B.  Naturally, at times both cameras are shooting simultaneously and from time-to-time we are shooting the same stuff from different angles.  But, being a wedding it is impossible to slap a slate every time we want to sync up shots.  So, I'm looking for an easy way to sync all of the shots from the day using the timecode.
    I think this would work best, if someone knows a way to do it: 
    Let's just assume that CAM A shoots the first shot of the day.  What I'd like to be able to do is create a timeline with the same start time as the first clip from CAM A, drop all of the clips from CAM A onto one track and be able to line up the clips by their timecode to the timeline's timecode. Then, do the same for all of CAM B's clips on Track 2.  So, I would end up with 2 tracks, CAM A's clips on Track 1, CAM B's clips on Track 2 and gaps when neither camera was shooting. 
    I know I could choose all of CAM A's clips and make a multi-camera sequence by timecode which would add the gaps between the clips, but this also puts each clip on a different track.  It's also very difficult to then try and line up CAM B's clips with CAM A's.  There is a way to do it by nesting the multi-cam sequences, but it's way too complex and doesn't make for easy editing since you can't see the individual clips.
    The only way I've figured out to achieve what I'm wanting to do is to make a timeline that has the same start time as CAM A's first clip and manually drop each clip, one-by-one, onto the timeline using its start timecode as my reference.  As you can imagine, with several hundred clips per camera, this is very time-consuming.
    If anyone knows a better way to achieve what I'm looking for, please let me know.

    Jim Simon wrote:
     Even with that feature, though, you'd end up with an eight hour sequence.
    That's true, but I could take out the gaps pretty easily.  Plus, I usually separate the day into sections anyway, such as Pre-Ceremony, Post-Ceremony, Reception, etc. 
    Jim Simon wrote:
     It'd be a better feature request, I think, if you could designate selected clips as Camera 1, then other clips as Camera 2, etc.  Then have PP create a sequence with all timecodes synced to each other, each camera's clips on their corresponding track.  This would eliminate gaps where nothing was shot, which you'd get a lot of syncing the cams to a sequence timecode.
    That's true, but beggars can't be choosers and I'd be happy just being able to sync clips to the timeline by timecode.  I did submit the feature request though.  Thanks for the link!

  • Multiclip on FCP 7 with timecode: multiple files for the same camera have different Angle

    I have FCStudio 7 with OS 10.6.8
    I just filmed a concert with 6 cameras (Sony XDCAM).  They are all timecode sync'd.
    For various reasons there are multiple vid files for each camera (i.e. 172_003 thru 172_006 for camera 1).
    I imported into FCP 7 using SonyXDCAM plug in with no problems.  Each camera file group was given its camera number as the Reel Name (i.e. Camera 1) and that camera's number as its Angle Name (i.e. 1).
    Now when I try and create a multiclip using all six cameras, instead of keeping all the files for a specific camera under a single angle name it treats each file as its own camera angle.  It treats each file as an individual camera instead of having the files flow as a single clip from a single camera based on their timecode.  In viewer I have 8 different angles for a single camera (because of 8 files).  In the make media window for multiclip, the Angle Name is different for each clip but its position is still aligned to its timecode.
    I worked the same project last year and the multiple files for each camera lined up fine, based on its timecode value and camera/reel name.  I can't see what has changed.
    I need each camera's files to sync under that camera Angle Name, and for the files to play in the same angle spot in viewer.
    All advice welcomed as I'm in a major time crunch to complete the job.

    Well why not just prebuild each angle in its own sequence with sequence timecode matching the source timecode?  Export with current settings and import these files back into fcp and then create your multiclip. 

  • How do I turn off timecode burn in

    I'm up to page 140 of the manual, methodically working my way through Premiere, and tried Timecode burn in. Worked well. But how do I turn it off? No explanaiton anywhere in the manual or online as far as I can find.
    This timecode thing has got me confused. My GH2 hasn't got timecode as far as I'm aware. Yet timecode is appearing all over the place in Premiere. On p141 of the manual it states: "If you have the Source panel selected, the Timecode panel will display source timecode." Well, I didn't think my source had timecode, but timecode is being displayed. Why?
    I'm now up to page 144, and a similar problem has appeared with In and Out points. I can set them in the Project Window, and a yellow bar appears on the clip icon, and a green bar in the Source Window, showing the extent of the In/Out setup. I can delete the In/Out setup by Control-clicking on the green bar, and then the yellow bar also disappears. That's all okay.  But I can't work out how to delete the In/Out points in the Icon in the Project Window from within the Icon, the place I originally set them up.

    ...tried Timecode burn in. Worked well. But how do I turn it off?
    Timecode burn-in is an effect applied in the Timeline in order to
    display clip (or sequence) timecode within the video preview of the clip.
    To turn off timecode burn-in, you disable or delete the effect.
    View timecode as a burn-in
    "If you have the Source panel selected, the Timecode panel
    will display source timecode." Well, I didn't think my source
    had timecode, but timecode is being displayed. Why?
    The 'Timecode Panel' is different from a timecode burn-in.
    The panel can be activated by checking it in the 'Window' menu.
    Your source clip's timecode will be displayed in the timecode window
    whle the Source Monitor is selected or playing.
    If the clip has no embedded timecode,
    the counter will assume that the clip begins @00:00:00:00.
    View timecode in the Timecode panel (CS6)
    I'm now up to page 144, and a similar problem has appeared with In and Out points. I can set them in the Project Window, and a yellow bar appears on the clip icon, and a green bar in the Source Window, showing the extent of the In/Out setup. I can delete the In/Out setup by Control-clicking on the green bar, and then the yellow bar also disappears. That's all okay.  But I can't work out how to delete the In/Out points in the Icon in the Project Window from within the Icon, the place I originally set them up.
    A screen capture of what you are seeing here might help.

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