Sequential numbers on forms

I need to have a unique sequential number printed on each form that is printed. Like the way checks are numbered. Can anyone help? Thanks!

Yeah, I'd like to do that too, however I don't think it's possible outside of scripting or using the generic Bates numbering under ADVANCED > DOCUMENT PROCESSING > BATES NUMBERING

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    On face value this would seem impossible, but hey, Never say this something that can be done??

    There is not a way for the person filling out the form to see such a number the instant they fill out the form. If the form e-mails to the respondent with a copy of their responses however, the e-mail includes text indicating which response number their submission has counted up to. (If you also receive e-mail receipts of each submission, you would see the same info.)
    So, for instance, you and the respondent would see, at the top of the e-mail, something like:
    "The form <your form name here> has a new submission.
    Total Responses: 238"
    I hope that helps,

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    Hi Paul,
    I presume that you are using the desktop version of Acrobat Pro to author the form.
    I will move this discussion to the PDF Forms forum so that the experts in the forum can answer your question.
    Please note that the Reader/Acrobat DC mobile apps (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.) have limited JavaScript support.
    JavaScript for Reader Mobile API Reference (iOS)
    You may be able to make the form work as you want in the desktop version of Adobe Reader/Acrobat Reader DC.  However, some functionality (e.g adding a sequence number to each PDF) will not work in the mobile apps due to the limited JavaScript support.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    There is not a way for the person filling out the form to see such a number the instant they fill out the form. If the form e-mails to the respondent with a copy of their responses however, the e-mail includes text indicating which response number their submission has counted up to. (If you also receive e-mail receipts of each submission, you would see the same info.)
    So, for instance, you and the respondent would see, at the top of the e-mail, something like:
    "The form <your form name here> has a new submission.
    Total Responses: 238"
    I hope that helps,

  • Making sequentially numbered forms in InDesign

    I am a prepress designer and I have a 2 part NCR form which needs to be sequentially numbered (1-xxxx) in the top right corner.
    I used to send out any forms that needed numbering because I thought I could not do it in house until today. I was told by another store that I can look into Variable Data through InDesign and print out these NCR forms on my digital press with the numbering correct in the top corner. I know how to use other Adobe programs but not InDesign.
    Can someone please point me on a direction i should be researching to accomplish this project? thanks!

    I do this all the time using Data Merge, do forms, 4up and 8up Raffle tickets, etc.
    First set-up you numbers by using data fill in Excel, (single column for 1 number) export as text, for some reason Data Merge doesn't like my excel text files and requires me to open in text edit and save as text again.
    Set-up you data merge cell(s), link your data
    Export your merged file.
    Yes the files can be large, but you have just saved the process of sending your forms to a place to crash # them @ $25 min. run.
    For short run consec #ing, this is great, but I've even done 8up 11x17 raffle tickets with 10,000 #'s (usually break the file in 2 or 3 units), when a fast turnaround on color laser was required.  You need a fast processor to do something like this.

  • How to print Sequential  Numbers like purchase order?

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    Thanks in advance

    Here is a modified version of my original script which was posted in :
    This time, with a single run, we may define the number of consecutive invoices to create.
    --[SCRIPT openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber.scpt
    déplacer le fichier créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    aller au menu Scripts , choisir Pages puis choisir openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber
    crée un nouveau document à partir du modèle personnel prédéfini
    et renomme le document avec un nouveau numéro.
    Il insère également le numéro de facture au début du document.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as Script, Application or Application Bundle:
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    go to the Scripts Menu, choose Pages, then choose openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber
    will create a new document from the defined user template
    and name it with a new number.
    It also insert the invoice number at the very beginning of the document.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
    2010/12/20 edited to apply if the template is a flatfile one.
    2011/01/11 added ability to build several invoices in a single call
    property theApp : "Pages"
    property theExt : ""
    property myTemplate : "ma_facture.template" (*
    Adapter à vos besoins
    Put your preferred template name *)
    property fichierNum : "le_numéro.txt" (*
    Adapter à vos gouts
    Put your preferred text file name *)
    on run
    if theApp is "Pages" then
    set theExt to "pages"
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The application “" & theApp & "” is not supported !"
    error "L’application « " & theApp & " » n’est pas gérée"
    end if
    end if
    if my parleAnglais() then
    set nombredefactures to my askAnumber("Enter the number of consecutive invoices needed", 1, "i")
    set nombredefactures to my askAnumber("Saisir le nombre de factures consécutives demandé", 1, "i")
    end if
    repeat nombredefactures times
    my buildaninvoice()
    end repeat
    end run
    on buildaninvoice()
    set {p2myTemplate, numero} to my prepare()
    set numero to text -5 thru -1 of ("0000" & numero) (* pour numéro de 5 chiffres *)
    set UNTITLED_loc to my getLocalizedFrameWorksName(theApp, "Untitled")
    tell application "Pages"
    close document UNTITLED_loc
    end try
    end tell -- to Pages
    tell application "Pages"
    open p2myTemplate
    set theDoc to numero & "." & theExt
    set name of document 1 to theDoc
    tell document 1
    tell body text
    if my parleAnglais() then
    set paragraph 1 to "invoice #" & numero & return & paragraph 1
    set paragraph 1 to "facture n°" & numero & return & paragraph 1
    end if
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end buildaninvoice
    on getLocalizedFrameWorksName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFApplication.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    set x_loc to my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    return x_loc
    end getLocalizedFrameWorksName
    on getLocalizedFunctionName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFTabular.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    set x_loc to my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    return x_loc
    end getLocalizedFunctionName
    on getLocalizedName(aa, tt, ff)
    tell application aa to return localized string tt from table "Localizable" in bundle file ff
    end getLocalizedName
    on prepare()
    local d1, d2, p2d, containerOfTemplates, pathToTheTemplate, p2n, nn
    tell application theApp
    set d1 to localized string "Templates" (* nom local du dossier "Modèles" *)
    set d2 to localized string "My Templates" (* nom local du dossier "Mes Modèles" *)
    end tell -- theApp
    set p2d to (path to application support from user domain) as Unicode text
    set containerOfTemplates to p2d & "iWork:" & theApp & ":" & d1 & ":" & d2 & ":"
    set pathToTheTemplate to containerOfTemplates & myTemplate & ":"
    set pathToTheTemplate to pathToTheTemplate as alias
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The template “" & pathToTheTemplate & "” is unavailable! Please make sure the template file “" & myTemplate & "” is installed in Numbers “Templates:My Templates” folder, then rerun this script."
    error "Le modèle « " & pathToTheTemplate & " » est introuvable! Veuillez installer le fichier modèle « " & myTemplate & " » dans le dossier « Modèles:Mes modèles » de Numbers avant de relancer ce script."
    end if
    end try
    tell application "System Events"
    if class of disk item (pathToTheTemplate as text) is file then
    (* flat file *)
    set p2n to containerOfTemplates & fichierNum
    if not (exists file p2n) then
    make new file at end of folder containerOfTemplates with properties {name:fichierNum}
    write "100" to file p2n (* mettez le numéro de départ de votre choix *)
    end if -- not…
    (* package *)
    set p2n to "" & pathToTheTemplate & fichierNum
    if not (exists file p2n) then
    make new file at end of pathToTheTemplate with properties {name:fichierNum}
    write "100" to file p2n (* mettez le numéro de départ de votre choix *)
    end if -- not…
    end if
    end tell -- System Events
    set nn to read file p2n
    set nn to ((nn as integer) + 1) as text
    write nn to file p2n starting at 1
    return {pathToTheTemplate, nn}
    end prepare
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Asks for an entry and checks that it is an floating number
    set myInteger to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "i")
    set myFloating to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "f")
    on askAnumber(lPrompt, lDefault, IorF)
    local lPrompt, lDefault, n
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if IorF is in {"F", "f"} then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be a floating number." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre décimal." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be an integer." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre entier." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- IorF…
    end tell -- application
    Here if the first entry was not of the wanted class
    second attempt *)
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if IorF is in {"F", "f"} then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- IorF…
    end tell -- application
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The value you entered was not numerical !" & return & "Goodbye !"
    error "La valeur saisie n’est pas numérique !" & return & "Au revoir !"
    end if
    end askAnumber
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 11 janvier 2011 09:30:37

  • Sequential Numbering (Ex: Invoices) and #-Up per Sheet

    I have a 3 part NCR Invoice which measures 5.5x8.5. In the bottom left corner I need to put sequential numbering beginning with 31677 and continuing on 1,000 times. I am going to copy this sheet and put it 4-up on 11x17 sheet size. Is there anyway i can have Acrobat automatically number the forms correctly? if not, is there a plug-in or another program that will allow me to do this? thanks!

    I don't know how to do this in Acrobat, but I could do it in FileMaker Pro in no time.  If I only wanted paper copy I could do this in FrameMaker for output into a pdf file. The advantage FileMaker Pro has is that it could used to store the Invoice data if it was the sort of information you needed to keep track of.

  • Is there a Plug-In that automates sequential numbering of an independent text element?

    Is there a Plug-In that will enable automated sequential numbering of a particular item of text, independent of any of the other InDesign cues? Have some very large instructional book documents that have a main numeric element that is sequential and independent from page numbering or anything else that REALLY NEEDS to be automated. If nothing exists off the shelf how much would it cost for someone to created this software for me?

    Found this link via Google. I have CS6 and it looks like this, don't know about CC.
    How to Keep a Log of Your Work in Photoshop - Digital Photography School

  • Sequential numbering of imported scanned images in Aperture 2.1.4?

    I have a large number of old photographs which I want to import into Aperture 2.1.4. via a scanner, (Lexmark P4350) and I would like them to be sequentially numbered preferably into the Version Name field but any field would do. At the moment they are kind of numbered as "Scan 01" "Scan 02" etc., but this only applies to each session I do—going back to "Scan 01" for the next session. Is there any way that this can be achieved so that all the imported images are sequentially numbered? I did wonder whether or not an Automator script would do it but I have not worked out how to use Automator! I am using Image Capture to scan and import into Aperture. Any help would be great. Thanks

    This should be extremely easy to do with a custom name template after import into Aperture - you can choose to rename just the version or the file names as well. There are many different templates you can set up and each one containing a sequence will retain it's own count and pick up where it left off.
    This post is for export but it works the same way for version and file-renaming, you can do it at the time of import or after using the metadata batch change function.
    [ >

  • Adding sequential numbers to a slide show using Lightroom 4.4?

    How do you add sequential numbers to a slide show using Lightroom 4.4? I want images to show sequentially with each having a specific number such as 1 of 25, 2 of 25, 3 of 25 and so on. Please advise.

    Sorry, that computer is not connected to the internet right now- husband is using wifi to watch World Cup. Here's a picture from my phone. If it's too hard to read I can take a screen shot in an hour or so.
    Thank you both in advance for your help.

  • Photos recently changed from sequential numbering to date/timestamp.  When I import into apps for editing they are out of order.  What can be done to change back to sequential numbering instead of date/timestamp?

    Photos recently changed from sequential numbering to date/timestamp.  When I import into apps for editing they are out of order.  What can be done to change back to sequential numbering instead of date/timestamp?

    The date information is taken from the camera which writes it to the file. This needs to be set to the correct date and time in the camera itself.
    The order the images are shown in the Library mode is set by clicking on the sort button in the tool bar, which if not showing can be activated from view, tool bar. There are different sort orders that can be applied including sorting by file name. You can also sort by dragging the images to the order you wish them to appear in by selecting user order.

  • Sequential numbering using Office for Mac

    I have Office for MAC.  Is there an easy way to create raffle tickets with sequential numbers?

    First, uninstall the software responsible for installing these extensions:
    com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver          1.0.0
    com.squirrels.driver.AirParrotSpeakers          1.8
    com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt          0.0.68
    If removing the software and extensions doesn't solve the problem, then you are probably correct about the GPU:
    The problem is likely due to the discreet GPU failing. Download gfxCardStatus 2.3 and use it to disable the GPU. This is a temporary workaround until you get your motherboard replaced.

  • Sequential Numbering on Import?

    Does anyone know if the Sequential Numbering option, in the LR 3 Import window, have the ability to remember the last sequential number used and then restart at the next sequential number when you load  a new card or import new images? Photo Mechanic has this ability and so does Aperture. In the new LR 3 a window comes up to give you the ability to tell the system what number you want to start with but after the import of images it does not change to the new sequential number that it should be after loading a group of images. It actually stays at the number you input although it does number the new photo files correctly, in a running sequence. My reason for wanting to do this is that I started with PM and have always used an ongoing running number system that I hope to continue with LR. It seems all the necessary elements are in place for LR 3 to do what I want but for some reason it doesn't' go all the way and recall the last used number of a sequence. I'm hoping I'm just missing a check mark somewhere that somebody can tell me about.

    You don't normally have to change these numbers. These are starting numbers for the {Import#} and {Image#} tokens respectively.
    Whenever you import something using these token for renaming at import, these increment automatically: {Import#} by one for each import session and {Image#} by one for each imported image. Incrementation spans multiple sessions.
    What you need is to set up a filename template in Import that contains the {Image#} token.
    NOTE: Due to a bug in LR 3.x, avoid using the other {Sequence#} token, which like the {Image#} token, but does not span multiple sessions, but rather is initialized at each import with the "Start number" that you set in import dialog. Make sure the "Start number" is set to 1, even if you don't have the {Sequence#} token.

  • [Solve] Bash: Rename file in folder to sequential numbers saving path

    I have a folder with many subfolders with many files. I want to rename all files to sequential numbers (0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, .0003,jpg ...) but i want to save the path. I mean that the files should not be saved in the root directory (where i launched the script), but I want them to remain in original subdirectorys. How can i do this?
    Last edited by cypherinside (2011-11-14 18:37:16)

    cypherinside wrote:
    for src in "$1"/*; do ## "$1"/*
    are all the subdirectory. Can i use "$(pwd)/*" instead of "$1/*"? In this way i don't write the parent directory
    If you want to specify $PWD, just call the script with an argument of '.' to point it at PWD.
    cypherinside wrote:
    if [[ -d $src ]];
    walk "$src"
    I dont' understand
    It's simple recursion. You don't want to rename directories, you want to process the contents of the directory in the same way you're processing the current directory.
    cypherinside wrote:
    printf -v dest '%s/%04d.jpg' "$1" "$(( ++i ))"
    Stores in dest... what? I assume that %s is a string as in C language, infact you give "$1" as argument (but why?). And I assume that  "$((++i))" is like i=$((i+1)). Is it right?
    It's the bash equivalent of sprintf(3).
    cypherinside wrote:
    [[ $1 ]] || exit 1
    I don't understand.
    If $1 doesn't exist (i.e. you passed no arguments to the script), then refuse to run and exit immediately with an error.
    You weren't really clear in your requirements, so I wrote it as I interpreted it. If you want to reset the numbering for each directory, scope 'i' locally:
    walk() {
    local -i i=0
    for src in "$1"/*; do
    if [[ -d $src ]]; then
    walk "$src"
    printf -v dest '%s/%04d.jpg' "$1" "$(( ++i ))"
    mv "$src" "$dest"
    [[ $1 ]] || exit 1
    walk "$1"

  • ERS generated Invoice Not Editable when Sequential Numbering is enabled

    Dear All,
    We have an issue of the ERS Generated invoice (Autoinvoice) number not editable, if the Sequential Numbering Profile option is set to YES.
    We need to keep the Sequential Numbering enabled to generate the Voucher Number.
    In the case of ERS generated Invoice, the Voucher number won't get generated automatically, if we do the validation of the Invoice.
    But normally created invoices will be generating the Voucher Number, when a validation of the invoice is done, even though the Sequential Numbering profile option is NOT set.
    Our requirement is that the ERS generated Invoice number should be editable, as well as the Voucher Number should get generated automatically when a validation of the invoice is been done.
    How can we achieve this..? Please update....
    many thanks in advance.....

    Have you checked  whether the POdelivery (PO quantity) has cmpleted in the previous invoice? Is the PO marked for ERS? If no please mark for ERS. I hope this will help you. Thanks
    Edited by: Padmasri G on Sep 6, 2011 4:55 AM

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