Server Behavior

Hi, someone know how I can migrate a custom server behavior
from DW8 to DW CS3?
Thanks a lot...

GD WebDev wrote:
> Hi,
> I have set-up up a database based upon username,
password and security access
> level, the access level contains 3 types of groups.
group 1, group 2 and group
> 3.
> I've used the dreamweaver login user server behavior.
Looking at this it only
> allows you to go to one succeed page.
> Because i have got three user access levels, i'm looking
for it to send each
> set of users from each access level to three different
succeed pages.
> In other words, group 1 is sent to one succeed page,
group 2 is sent to a
> different and group 3 to another.
> Is there away of doing this?
You could do a redirect on the page that they do land on once
My personal preference would be to make one page, and only
show the user
groups parts of the page that they are allowed to see.

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    viktor.iwan wrote:
    Hello, i'm building multiple language site.. i would like to know if there is possible way to add dynamic parameter in my query, without break the server behavior.
    Server behaviors are simply bits of boilerplate code automatically generated by Dreamweaver. Editing the code doesn't "break" it (unless your edits are badly written). However, once you edit the code, Dreamweaver no longer recognizes it, so you lose the ability to drag recordset results from the Bindings panel.
    If you want to edit server behavior code, the best way to handle it is to lay out your page as you want, using the Bindings panel. Once everything has been done, only then edit the server behavior code.

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    ADDT has been dead for quite a while.   The deprecated server behaviors in DW won't work with PHP 5.5+ so relying on them for current or future projects is futile.   Adobe removed them from DW CC for a reason.
    Steer clear of CS6's Behaviors Panel and learn to manually code with MySQLi (improved) or PDO.
    Alternatively, Web Assist sells a commercial extension for DW that uses MySQLi Behaviors.
    $149.99 USD to replace the deprecated Server Behaviors panels.
    MySQLi Server Behaviors | Dreamweaver extension | WebAssist
    Nancy O.

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    please provide us a complete vision of your script or what ever your are doing.
    because you miss many things in your question such as what comes before this error or after it... thank you

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    Hi Lefing,
    See this discussion Re: Dreamweaver CC 2014 and Server Behaviors. I am locking this post so that we can have all this discussion in one forum post.

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    this is generally possible, as the included files sure can have their own server hehaviours -- did that several times, where the "container" page had about no server behaviours embedded, but the included file did.
    ADDT´s server side includes will, loosely said, basically just "dynamically" strip the included document´s "head", but leave other components like server behaviours untouched
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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    The Server Behavior panel cannot determine whether "Log In
    User" or "Log In User" is applied to your page. Please select the
    Edit Server Behaviors and change one of the two behaviors to ensure
    that each is uniquely identifiable.
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    Sylvain; thank you for the reply.  No, this issue impacts entries other than automount as well.
    So far I have observed this with entries consisting of :
    1) top/posixaccount/organizationalPerson/person/inetOrgPerson,
    2) top/groupofuniquenames/posixgroup
    3) top/iphost/nsHost
    4) top/nisNetgroup
    I have double/triple checked the schema and any log files as well to no avail.
    I have opened SR 3-10281206831 related to this issue.

  • Server Behavior, Bindings and Components Panels [subject edited by moderator]

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    The Deprecated Server Behaviors were removed for good reason.  The code is woefully outdated and the old MySql connections won't work on servers with PHP 5.5 or higher.
    Which operating system?
    Which version of PS?
    Which version of DW?
    Which version of Extension Manager?
    Replace Deprecated Server Behaviors with a modern commercial extension -- MySQLi (improved) or PDO: e-extensions/
    Nancy O.

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    Any clue on how to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    You can also check with your host if they are running suexec. If they are you can possibly use a PHP-CGI wrapper in your script to have it create files/folders with the right permissions. It's more about the ownership of the php interpreter. Surprising though as I never seen ADDT have this kind of issue. I have seen this issue several times in hand written scripts by me where I don't do a lot of pre-checking.

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    I am using Adobe DreamWeaver CS4.
    Here is the Scenerio, i am doing  php mysql driven website.
    While adding the server behavior for insert record i got following error
    Plz help me..
    Thanks in Advance

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    I'm also confused by your statements.
    >Now, I am wondering how I can restrict access to these pages
    >(i.e.  someone won't be able to access the pages by typing the url)
    >since I  will not be connecting to a database anymore.
    It doesn't matter where you store the credentials - database or php file - the techniques for restricting access will be similar. I really don't understand why you moved away from the database when you got more clients. The more data you need to manage, the more reason to store it in a database.
    After logging in, most sites direct users to the same page, yet pull user specific data from the database. If for some reason you can't do this and need to built individual pages for each client, then store the 'landing' page for the client in the php file or database. Restrict access to each page by comparing the logged in name with an allowed login name. Or a more dynamic approach would be to dynamically pass the page name to a database query that validates that it's ok for the logged in user to access.
    Also, these questions are more appropriate for the app dev forum.

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    Thank you

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