Server & Web-based Font Licences

Looking to obtain a licence for 6 fonts (5 frutiger fonts & 1 futura font). I am using these fonts on 6 internal servers and having external employees access an interface to create PDF forms off of these servers. Where do I obtain the licence? I have already gone through 4 customer service reps, 3 sales rep, 1 get connected rep, and 3 sales reps, with no luck.
If anybody from Adobe can point me in the right direction it sure would be appreciated.
[email protected]

There will be no performance advantage over static or cartridge implementation.
If you could be a little more specific over what sort of performance problems you are seeing then I can help you more.
You may also like to read the Tuning Oracle Developer Server for the Deployment of Internet Applications whitepaper that is on this site under Internet Tools/Developer then scroll down
-- EIT Product Management -- JMP

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    There will be no performance advantage over static or cartridge implementation.
    If you could be a little more specific over what sort of performance problems you are seeing then I can help you more.
    You may also like to read the Tuning Oracle Developer Server for the Deployment of Internet Applications whitepaper that is on this site under Internet Tools/Developer then scroll down
    -- EIT Product Management -- JMP

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    The Web server filter plug ins and the Ticket Toolkit now were separated.
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    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

    Yes, I was very bummed when Sprint discontinued BCPE.
    SEVEN Networks, the company that made BCPE for Sprint, has several new products available under beta. None of them seem to offer exactly what we had with BCPE. In fact, one forum posting says that our style of usage (sync'ing directly with the data stored in the Outlook data file) was never actually a supported configuration. Anyway, you can sign up for the beta here if you want to explore the new options:
    Good luck in your search.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

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    13 pro licenses
    SDK - Development : 19 available licenses
    SDK - Implementation: 9999 available licenses
    SDK Tools - 99990 available licenses
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    I've seen this happen when the Page Setup on the FireFox browser was set to 80% (or probably anything less than 100%). Check that setting and change to 100% and reprint.

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    In short everything worked perfectly ... except the speed.
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    Has anything changed?
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    OK, I agree: changing the form (more views, less post-query, more pl/sql on database) will improve performance.
    But then I have to recreate every form (> 1000), so then converting c/s to web is not just recompile.
    We don't use images in our forms, the database is connected to the application server with a gigabit line. We did tests when even the client was on gigabit, but c/s remains faster. We did the test with just 1 client. and we have never experienced a bottleneck on the network using c/s (even with post-query on millions of records)
    So 1 database (2 Xeon CPU's 2GB RAM), 1 App server (2 XEON CPU's, 2GB RAM) and 1 client (XEON workstation, 512MB RAM) using web forms on a gigabit network is slower than the same client using forms (c/s) without an appl. server. => A lot more hardware for less performance?
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    Can webforms have the same performance as client server?

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    H E L L O !   - a JAVA book probably by Sue ???
    So you know about this then? - GOOD!
    Actually the first chapter is all about the early attempts to succeed in achieving computational result with a binary output, plus of course the history of programming perverts and people who were relatively normal once upon a while. It goes from Nigel Astley Heatherington-Smythe, who as one time assistant to Charles Babbage spent the remainder of his twilight years with the Tuareg people of North Africa, mounting camels and cackling insanely to himself whist reciting natural logarithm tables. And spanning right accross the decades to the present day 'uj' from Sweden, who seems to be suffering from a severe gender identity crisis typical of many of his forebears.
    (The second chapter is about spanking ... mostly)

  • Can't export web based 'sent' mail out of Network Solutions server

    can't export web based 'sent' mail out of Network Solutions. Inbox and mozilla based sent mail ok. thanks!

    How about asking Network Solutions?

  • SSRS web based report viewer control rendering issues - text getting clipped chopped off

    I am using web based SSRS report viewer control to display SSRS reports in browsers like Chrome, FF, IE, Safari etc. My issue is some text is getting chopped off (clipped) in all cells of some reports. I investigated on my end by analyzing generated HTML
    and I could see a problem in the HTML that report viewer control is generating. But I am afraid to apply any HTML or Javascript hacks at the moment considering we have hundreds of reports.
    You can see in above image how text got chopped off. The problem in HTML (given below) is the text has been wrapped in a div tag with a fixed height. If I remove the height and also padding on parent TD, the text appears properly.
    <td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597c" style="HEIGHT:5.00mm;background-color:#d3d3d3;"><div style="HEIGHT:3.24mm;overflow:hidden;"><table lang="en-US" cellspacing="0"
    cellpadding="0" border="0" class="Pd9776e5f7eaf4df696265b8b49d1da39_1_r17"><tbody><tr><td class="A23dfe7c5f99245f2a0db522a22a6035597" style="word-wrap:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap;">MyType11</td></tr></tbody></table></div></td>
    Please let me know if you have faced a similar scenario before.
    Here is link to stackoverflow thread -
    Stackoverflow thread

    Hi Murtaza,
    According to your description, when you display the report with Report Viewer control, the data within the text is cutoff.
    Based on my research, the issue could cause by that Arial Unicode MS font hasn’t been installed on the server where Reporting Services run. Besides, when we use ReportViewer control to render report, we’d  better set
    AsyncRendering="true" in the Report Viewer control. Also please run the IE with compatibility mode. For more information, please refer to similar threads below:
    Data in column getting cut-off in report viewer control
    SSRS Rendering Issues
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

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