Service Type HTTPS

We have configured AccAD for our Enterprise Portal 7.0, In this we are able to access the Portal using default Service Type "NW Portal 7.0 from SPS13" on HTTP-50000 Port from a single Application Server Instance. ( )
But we are using SAP WebDispatcher to load balance between 3 Application Server Instances of Portal and it is accessible on HTTPS (443). ( )
We have configured Secured Tunnel between SFE and CFE, but there is not any default Service Type HTTPS (443) available in AccAD,
Is there any need to configure Secure communication between SFE and Data Center Server?
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Dashrath,
actually you can configure to address a service via HTTPS the following way:
1. Create Service Type itself (e.g. Portal from SPS13)
2. Create Data Center
3. Add Service to Data Center
4. Within this service you can now define the according port and set the flag "encrypted" for https communication
Whether you re-encrypt the traffic within your data center between SFE and Load Balancer / Portal, really depends on your security requirements. Generally, you might configure the Load Balancer as well to accept HTTP traffic, which then would save some effort for the reencryption - but whether this is feasible depends very much on your existing landscape and security guidelines.
Hope that helps, best regards

Similar Messages

  • Redirect service from http to https, session is lost

    I have setup two web sites using NT 4.0 IIS so that both
              "http://nossl/mybeanbeans" and "https://ssltest/mybeanbeans"
              can execute the commerce server mybuybeans example.
              Then I modify the shoppingCartDetail.jsp and commandAssembler.jsp
              (files attached) hoping that when I click the "Checkout" button
              on the Shopping Cart screen, it will redirect the service from
              http to https.
              The URL is redirected to "https" but it depicts the welcome page
              instead of showing the Order Check Out page.
              Previous session information is lost.
              Can anyone help me?
              <!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              <%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              <%@ page import="java.lang.reflect.*" %>
              <%@ page import="theory.smartx.command.*" %>
              <%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              <%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase" %>
              <%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants" %>
              <pt:monitorsession />
              <%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              // Get the Command class name to instantiate
              String commandClassName = request.getParameter(COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM);
              System.out.println("COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM : " + commandClassName);
              if (commandClassName != null) {
              // Get the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker = (BuyBeansSessionTracker)session.getValue(com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalAdminHelper.qualifiedName(BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY ,request));
              // Construct an array of 1 element to hold the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              // parameter type that the constructor takes.
              Class constructorParamTypes[] = new Class[1];
              constructorParamTypes[0] = sessionTracker.getClass();
              try {
              // Get the Class for the concrete Command
              Class commandClass = Class.forName(commandClassName);
              // Get constructor that takes the BuyBeansSessionTracker as argument
              Constructor commandClassCtor = commandClass.getConstructor(constructorParamTypes);
              // Set the BuyBeansSessionTracker argument for the constructor
              Object ctorParams[] = new Object[1];
              ctorParams[0] = sessionTracker;
              // Create the instance of the concrete Command
              Command command = (Command) commandClassCtor.newInstance(ctorParams);
              // Pass the HttpRequest to the command so that it can
              // read the parameter and then execute it.
                   // Store the outstanding command in the session tracker so that
                   // the main portal page can execute it.
                   setOverrideDestination(request, getHomePage(request));
              <%-- Added by Warren --%>
              String queryString = request.getQueryString();
              String encodeURL=response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request));
              String redirectURL=response.encodeRedirectURL("https://ssltest"+encodeURL);
              System.out.println("queryString:" + queryString);
              System.out.println("encodeURL:" + encodeURL);
              System.out.println("redirectURL:" + redirectURL);
              System.out.println("========before sendRedirect============");
              System.out.println("========after sendRedirect============");
              System.out.println("======== end commandAssemblerSSL ============");
              catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, cnfe);
              catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, nsme);
              catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessEx) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, illegalAccessEx);
              catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgEx) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, illegalArgEx);
              catch (InstantiationException ie) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ie);
              catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ite);
              <!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              <%@ taglib uri="lib/wljsp.jar" prefix="wl" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="lib/esportal.jar" prefix="pt" %>
              <%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              <%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.Portlet" %>
              <%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.tags.PortalTagConstants" %>
              <%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>
              <%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants"%>
              <pt:monitorsession />
              <%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
              function submitShoppingCartDetailsForm(commandClassName, bbContent)
              document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>.value = commandClassName;
              document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>.value = bbContent;
              BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker = (BuyBeansSessionTracker)getSessionValue( BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY, request );
              // Get the current Order
              Order currOrder = sessionTracker.getEBusinessSession().getOrder();
              // Get all the items in the cart as a Vector of orderlines from the session tracker
              java.util.Vector orderLines = sessionTracker.getCartOrderLines();
              <!-- Display the items from the shopping cart -->
              <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
              <tr bgcolor=FFFFFF>
              <td> </td>
              <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">
              <td colspan="6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif"><%@ include file="contentMessages.jsp" %></font></td>
              <td colspan="6"> <%= JspHelperBase.formatAsTitle("Shopping Cart - SSL*** ") %> </td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Product ID</b></font></td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Description</b></font></td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Quantity</b></font></td>
              <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Price</b></font></td>
              <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Subtotal</b></font></td>
              <form method="get" name="ShoppingCartDetailForm" action="<%= response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request)) %>" >
              // Declare a currency format type
              Quantity one = QuantityHome.create();
              // Print out all the items in the cart
              for(int i = 0; i<orderLines.size(); i++ ) {
              OrderLine currOrderLine = (OrderLine)orderLines.elementAt(i);
              Item myItem = currOrderLine.getItem();
              ItemValue iv = myItem.getItemByValue();
              String desc = iv.description;
              String id = iv.identifier;
              // Specify the color of the row
              String rowColor = (i%2 == 0) ? ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_1 : ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_2 ;
              // Specify the name of the quantity text field - name it as qty+i
              String qtyInputName = ORDER_QUANTITY + i;
              // Specify the name of the remove checkbox
              String removeInputName = REMOVE_CHECKED + i;
              <!-- print out the details of each item -->
              <tr bgcolor="<%= rowColor %>">
              <td><%= id %></td>
              <td><%= desc %></td>
              <input type="text" name="<%= qtyInputName %>" size=3 maxlength=3 value= "<%= JspHelperBase.formatQuantityAsInteger(currOrderLine.getQuantity()) %>" >
              <td align="right"><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(myItem.calculatePrice(one, null)) %></td>
              <td align="right"><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrderLine.getLinePrice(null)) %></td>
              <td><input type="checkbox" name="<%= removeInputName %>" value="<%=REMOVE_CHECKED %>" > Remove </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td align="right"> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="3" color="#666600"><b>Total:</b></font></td>
              <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#990000"><b><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrder.getTotalPrice()) %>
              </b> </font> </div>
              <input type="button" name="<%=UPDATE_CART_BUTTON %>"
              onClick="submitShoppingCartDetailsForm('examples.buybeans.client.UpdateShoppingCartCommand', '<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>')"
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <input type="button" name="<%=CHECKOUT_BUTTON %>"
              onClick="submitShoppingCartDetailsForm('examples.buybeans.client.CheckOutCommand', '<%= CHECKOUT_JSP %>')"
              <tr colspan="6">
              <td> </td>
              <%-- DESTINATION_TAG is required because the form action goes to getTrafficURI() --%>
              <%-- In this case, the destination is the command assembler --%>
              <%-- <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="<%= COMMAND_ASSEMBLER_JSP %>"> --%>
              <%-- The following line is used for testing SSL redirect --%>
              <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="/portals/buybeans/portlets/commandAssemblerSSL.jsp" >
              <%-- The following two parameters are set by the JavaScript function based --%>
              <%-- on the button that the user presses (default value are provided ) --%>
              <input type=hidden name="<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>" value="<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>">
              <input type=hidden name="<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>" value="examples.buybeans.client.UpdateShoppingCartCommand">
              <td> </td>

    the problem is when the cookie is exchanged between the browser
              and the app server IE treats request coming from
              and as one and the same : so the browser maintains
              the same session but netscape treats this as responses coming from two
              different servers and hence u lost the session.
              I assume u are having this problem with netscape and not IE.
              the solution is set this property in the file
              "senthil ramiah" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hi,
              > Did you receive any replies for this question.
              > thanx
              > senthil
              > Warren Li <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >
              > >I have setup two web sites using NT 4.0 IIS so that both
              > > "http://nossl/mybeanbeans" and "https://ssltest/mybeanbeans"
              > >can execute the commerce server mybuybeans example.
              > >
              > > Then I modify the shoppingCartDetail.jsp and commandAssembler.jsp
              > > (files attached) hoping that when I click the "Checkout" button
              > > on the Shopping Cart screen, it will redirect the service from
              > > http to https.
              > >
              > >The URL is redirected to "https" but it depicts the welcome page
              > > instead of showing the Order Check Out page.
              > > Previous session information is lost.
              > >
              > >Can anyone help me?
              > >
              > >Thanks
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              > >
              > ><%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              > ><%@ page import="java.lang.reflect.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="theory.smartx.command.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase" %>
              > ><%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants" %>
              > >
              > ><pt:monitorsession />
              > >
              > ><%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > // Get the Command class name to instantiate
              > > String commandClassName =
              > > System.out.println("COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM : " + commandClassName);
              > > if (commandClassName != null) {
              > >
              > > // Get the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              > > BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker =
              rtalAdminHelper.qualifiedName(BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY ,request));
              > >
              > > // Construct an array of 1 element to hold the
              > > // parameter type that the constructor takes.
              > > Class constructorParamTypes[] = new Class[1];
              > > constructorParamTypes[0] = sessionTracker.getClass();
              > >
              > > try {
              > > // Get the Class for the concrete Command
              > > Class commandClass = Class.forName(commandClassName);
              > >
              > > // Get constructor that takes the BuyBeansSessionTracker as
              > > Constructor commandClassCtor =
              > >
              > > // Set the BuyBeansSessionTracker argument for the constructor
              > > Object ctorParams[] = new Object[1];
              > > ctorParams[0] = sessionTracker;
              > >
              > > // Create the instance of the concrete Command
              > > Command command = (Command)
              > >
              > > // Pass the HttpRequest to the command so that it can
              > > // read the parameter and then execute it.
              > > command.assemble(request);
              > >
              > > // Store the outstanding command in the session tracker so that
              > > // the main portal page can execute it.
              > > sessionTracker.setCommand(command);
              > > setOverrideDestination(request, getHomePage(request));
              > >%>
              > >
              > ><%-- Added by Warren --%>
              > ><%
              > > String queryString = request.getQueryString();
              > > String encodeURL=response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request));
              > > String
              > > System.out.println("====================");
              > > System.out.println("queryString:" + queryString);
              > > System.out.println("encodeURL:" + encodeURL);
              > > System.out.println("redirectURL:" + redirectURL);
              > > System.out.println("========before sendRedirect============");
              > > response.sendRedirect(redirectURL);
              > > System.out.println("========after sendRedirect============");
              > >%>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > System.out.println("======== end commandAssemblerSSL ============");
              > > }
              > > catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, cnfe);
              > > }
              > > catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, nsme);
              > > }
              > > catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessEx) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600,
              > > }
              > > catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgEx) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600,
              > > }
              > > catch (InstantiationException ie) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ie);
              > > }
              > > catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ite);
              > > }
              > > }
              > >
              > >%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              > >
              > ><%@ taglib uri="lib/wljsp.jar" prefix="wl" %>
              > ><%@ taglib uri="lib/esportal.jar" prefix="pt" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              > ><%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.Portlet" %>
              > ><%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.tags.PortalTagConstants" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>
              > ><%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants"%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><pt:monitorsession />
              > >
              > ><%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              > >
              > ><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
              > ><!--
              > >function submitShoppingCartDetailsForm(commandClassName, bbContent)
              > >{
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>.value
              = commandClassName;
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>.value =
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.submit();
              > >}
              > >//-->
              > ></SCRIPT>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker =
              (BuyBeansSessionTracker)getSessionValue( BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY,
              request );
              > >
              > > // Get the current Order
              > > Order currOrder = sessionTracker.getEBusinessSession().getOrder();
              > >
              > > // Get all the items in the cart as a Vector of orderlines from the
              session tracker
              > > java.util.Vector orderLines = sessionTracker.getCartOrderLines();
              > >%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Display the items from the shopping cart -->
              > > <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
              > > <tr bgcolor=FFFFFF>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              > > <td>
              > > <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"
              align="center" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">
              > > <tr>
              > > <td colspan="6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana,
              sans-serif"><%@ include file="contentMessages.jsp" %></font></td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td colspan="6"> <%= JspHelperBase.formatAsTitle("Shopping
              Cart - SSL*** ") %> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              size="2"><b>Product ID</b></font></td>
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              > > <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              color="#666600" size="2"><b>Price</b></font></td>
              > > <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              color="#666600" size="2"><b>Subtotal</b></font></td>
              > > <td></td>
              > > </tr>
              > >
              > > <form method="get" name="ShoppingCartDetailForm" action="<%=
              response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request)) %>" >
              > > <%
              > > // Declare a currency format type
              > > Quantity one = QuantityHome.create();
              > > one.setCount(1);
              > >
              > > // Print out all the items in the cart
              > > for(int i = 0; i<orderLines.size(); i++ ) {
              > > OrderLine currOrderLine =
              > > Item myItem = currOrderLine.getItem();
              > > ItemValue iv = myItem.getItemByValue();
              > > String desc = iv.description;
              > > String id = iv.identifier;
              > >
              > > // Specify the color of the row
              > > String rowColor = (i%2 == 0) ? ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_1 :
              ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_2 ;
              > >
              > > // Specify the name of the quantity text field - name
              it as qty+i
              > > String qtyInputName = ORDER_QUANTITY + i;
              > >
              > > // Specify the name of the remove checkbox
              > > String removeInputName = REMOVE_CHECKED + i;
              > >
              > >
              > > %>
              > > <!-- print out the details of each item -->
              > > <tr bgcolor="<%= rowColor %>">
              > > <td><%= id %></td>
              > > <td><%= desc %></td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="text" name="<%= qtyInputName %>" size=3
              maxlength=3 value= "<%=
              JspHelperBase.formatQuantityAsInteger(currOrderLine.getQuantity()) %>" >
              > > </td>
              > > <td align="right"><%=
              JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(myItem.calculatePrice(one, null))
              > > <td align="right"><%=
              > > <td><input type="checkbox" name="<%= removeInputName %>"
              value="<%=REMOVE_CHECKED %>" > Remove </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <%
              > > }
              > > %>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td align="right"> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              size="3" color="#666600"><b>Total:</b></font></td>
              > > <td>
              > > <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica,
              sans-serif" size="3" color="#990000"><b><%=
              JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrder.getTotalPrice()) %>
              > > </b> </font> </div>
              > > </td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="button" name="<%=UPDATE_CART_BUTTON %>"
              > >
              ingCartCommand', '<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>')"
              > > value="Update">
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="button" name="<%=CHECKOUT_BUTTON %>"
              > >
              mand', '<%= CHECKOUT_JSP %>')"
              > > value="Checkout">
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr colspan="6">
              > > <td> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > >
              > > <%-- DESTINATION_TAG is required because the form action goes
              to getTrafficURI() --%>
              > > <%-- In this case, the destination is the command
              > ><%-- <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="<%=
              COMMAND_ASSEMBLER_JSP %>"> --%>
              > >
              > > <%-- The following line is used for testing SSL redirect --%>
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>"
              value="/portals/buybeans/portlets/commandAssemblerSSL.jsp" >
              > >
              > > <%-- The following two parameters are set by the JavaScript
              function based --%>
              > > <%-- on the button that the user presses (default value are
              provided ) --%>
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>"
              value="<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>">
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>"
              > >
              > > </form>
              > > </table>
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > ></table>
              > >

  • Can't select service type in iManager - Firefox 3

    I found another problem configuring filtering exceptions in iManager
    with Firefox 3. When I click the "service type" button a window pops
    up, but it's empty. Workarounds- use Internet Explorer or filtcfg.
    Perhaps someone can pass along this bug, too.
    Jim Wagner

    Craig Johnson wrote:
    > Is it there in BM39SP1?
    > Craig Johnson
    > Novell Support Connection SysOp
    > *** For a current patch list, tips, handy files and books on
    > BorderManager, go to ***
    We have BM39SP1 installed.
    Jim Wagner

  • Info./links for service type PO process

    Could anyone who has a links or useful references (other than the stuff) on the process and config. steps for service type POs please provide them.

    The below link may explain the process.

  • Calling a OSB service(Service Type: Any XML Service) from BPEL

    Recently i had question in an Interview:
    How can a OSB service (of Service Type: Any XML Service) can be called from a BPEL service ?
    This OSB service is not exposed as a WSDL.
    Protocol: http
    Endpoint URI: /TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS
    host: localhost
    port: 7001
    URL: http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS
    When i hit this URL i am getting the message --> "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."
    WSDLURL: http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS?WSDL
    When i hit this URL i am getting the message --> "Error 500 - Internal Service Error -- This service is not associated to a WSDL"
    Is there any way yo invoke this service from BPEL?

    Thanks for your instance response.
    I had used HTTP Binding adapter in BPEL (with GET).
    Getting below error:
    Unable to invoke endpoint URI "http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS" successfully due to: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to oracle.webservices.mdds.AtomicPrototype
    Copied the reference (Http binding) from Composite.xml
      <reference name="InvokeOSB" ui:wsdlLocation="InvokeOSB.wsdl">
        <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
        < port=""
                    location="InvokeOSB.wsdl" supports="http">
          <property name="http.verb" type="xs:string" many="false">GET</property>
          <property name="endpointURI" type="xs:string" many="false">http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS</property>
          <property name="http.payload" type="xs:string" many="false">url-encoded</property>
    Please help me to resolve this.

  • Service type description in QM

    Hi All,
    I got a requirement to genearate a QM report with service type and service type description(Short Text for Object Part Code),(QMFE-OTEIL, RIWO00-TXTCDOT).But RIWO00 is a structure, so am not able to retrieve the data.
                             So any body have an idea how to get the service type description for that particular
    field by using any table or function module.

    Each SRV record ties to what server they should be using

  • Service type of redirect.

    Hi, I'm being requested to setup the following with service type of redirect.
    !**************************** DQL
    dql xxxxxxx
    domain x.x.x.x
    domain x.x.x.x
    !*************************** OWNER
    content xxxxxxxx
    protocol tcp
    vip address x.x.x.x
    balance weightedrr
    vip-ping-response local-remote
    advanced-balance sticky-srcip
    redirect "please wait while you are redirected to xxxxxxxx"
    port 80
    url "/*" dql xxxxxxx
    add service xxxxxxx1
    add service xxxxxxx2 weight 5
    !************************** SERVICE
    service xxxxxxx1
    ip address x.x.x.x
    keepalive type http
    keepalive port 50100
    keepalive uri "/index.html"
    port 50100
    type redirect
    redirect-string "x.x.x.x:50100/irj"
    service xxxxxxx2
    ip address x.x.x.x
    keepalive type http
    keepalive port 50100
    keepalive uri "/index.html"
    port 50100
    redirect-string "x.x.x.x:50100/irj"
    type redirect
    My question is this,
    Since all services are of type redirect,
    1. advanced balance never comes into play?
    2. Service ip address is only required only for the keepalive?
    3. The clients will never have the full benifit of the CSS since they are being redirected? I.E. failover of services?
    Is there any other benifits that they will not receive because of the service type of redirect?

    1. advanced-balance does not care about the service type. So it should work.
    2. yes, it will be used only for keepalive.
    3. there will still be loadbalancing and upon server failover, the client should come back to the vip address and it will be redirected to the next available server. So, there is still a benefit when using such a solution.

  • Service type of Standard Service Category

    I want to make use of the field service type of Stadard ser. cat in AC03 ( Service Master ).
    Pl provide img node to add new entries.

    Hi Sangeeth
    In AC03->goto->classification  you can assign a class to the service master.
    The class (or many classes) is defined in CL01 with class type 038. You can also define characteristics(CT04) and add  to this class (CL01/CL02) to represent properties of service.
    Service category: Construction
    You want to differentiate services related to earth work, building, painting separately.
    Define Characteristics (CT04): Type of service. Define values for this characteristic as 'Building', 'Earth Work', 'Painting'
    You can define a class (CL01): COnstruction Services and assign the above char
    In AC03, you can assign this class to services and assign a value for characteristic which best represents the service.
    REad the documentation for classification (It's one of the cross-application best functionalities in SAP):
    Best regards

  • Osb proxy service on https,help?

    The Client use https protocol to send message to OSB'S proxy service,so how to configue the proxy service?
    At present:
    service type:Messaging Service
    request message type:xml
    reponse message type :none
    https required:unchenk
    it works on http.
    Anybody can tell me the way to configue a proxy service to receive the https message ?

    As you are using the xml message type for request message you can easily get the value through the message that you have defined.
    Just put a report or log to see whether the incoming message is holding the value that ur sending.
    Then continue from there as per your usecase.
    Sorry missed one info, then you have to select the method that you are going to use in https. You can test this from osb test console by selecting the method as per your usecase.
    Edited by: veejai24 on 14-May-2012 03:43

  • CSS 11150 - "Keepalive type http" doesn't work.

    I've two webservers, A and B, sharing the same webdata on a NetApp filer. A CSS 11150 (5.033) have a content rule, C, with a VIP registred in internet DNS.
    I've added A and B to C. When using default "Keep alive type (ICMP)" on services the site is fully functional. When I disable the site on webserver A, clients attached to this server get errors and are not redirected to the B webserver. This is because the CSS doesn't check the for "Keepalive type http".
    The CSS thinks that A is online because it is answering for ping. This solution is not good so I tried to change the "Keepalive type" to http. This is better when something is wrong with one of the load-balanced webservers, but when activating "Keepalive type http" the CSS marks A and B down and site is offline.
    Is something wrong with my configuration???
    service lbws1.kov
    ip address xx.xx.193.25
    protocol tcp
    port 80
    service lbws2.kov
    ip address xx.xx.193.27
    port 80
    protocol tcp
    owner KOV
    content D
    protocol tcp
    add service lbws1.kov
    add service lbws2.kov
    balance aca
    port 80
    advanced-balance sticky-srcip-dstport
    vip address xx.xx.193.245
    content C
    add service lbws1.kov
    add service lbws2.kov
    protocol tcp
    port 80
    balance aca
    advanced-balance sticky-srcip-dstport
    vip address xx.xx.193.28

    By default the CSS will attempt to read http:///index.html
    It looks like that may not exist. Try to access the index page yourself from each of the services.

  • Is it possible to set the IMB Service Type Identifier on a per record basis

    From not doing any research, it looks like Presort applies the IMB Service Type Identifier to all records in the output file. Does anyone know if it's possibly to specify different Service Type Identifiers within the same Presort job?
    In my specific example I want to enable OneCode Confirm on specific records within the presort job, but not all records within the presort job.

    Hi Jay,
    You are not restricted to a single Service Type ID for every record in a job.  By using the PW.SRVC_Type input field, it is possible to assign different Service Type IDs to your records.
    Here's a more indepth how-to from our knowledge base:
    Thank you,
    Brandon Law

  • How to Configure Service Types in Collaboration ?

    Hi everyone,
    How can i configure <b>Service types</b>, In order to take advantage of features of the Coolaboration Launch Pad ?
    Thanks & regards

    If you finish the steps in basic configuration and system configuration instant messaging will work.
    If you post your mail id i will send a detailed document.

  • Compare service-types.db.pacnew, binary file

    After today's update I have /usr/lib/avahi/service-types.db.pacnew. I use 'Meld' to usually, compare .pacnew with the original file. However I am unable to do so because 'Meld' says, "Could not read file... appears to be a binary file".
    I don't have any knowledge of comparing binary files.. I don't know how to deal with it even if I use any other utility which might read binaries.
    I need to know, whether it will be safe to delete either file, /usr/lib/avahi/service-types.db or /usr/lib/avahi/service-types.db.pacnew?
    I am sure I never edited the said file, unless some application did so.
    The Forum guidance is requested.
    Last edited by fantab (2013-03-03 11:28:50)

    I got the reply to my query with the package maintainer:
    Gaetan Bisson wrote:
    Feel free to inspect the svnlog:
   … ages/avahi
    Notice that this changed to the backup array was introduced to
    "implement FS#33930", and check the corresponding bug report:
   … 842f2d4496
    If someone can translate the gist of the links in simple English I will be grateful.

  • Implementation of OSB service to Http GET XML payload

    I am new to OSB.I have a requirement where Ecommerce system will post a XML over HTTP.
    Our OSB service has to receive that XML using Http GET and send it to a SOA composite as a SOAP.
    My doubt are
    1.can we implement the proxy service with service type any XML structure
    2.Will Ecommerce provide any WSDL so that we can configure it in our proxy service.
    Pls help.

    947423 wrote:
    1.can we implement the proxy service with service type any XML structureYes, that should be alright...
    2.Will Ecommerce provide any WSDL so that we can configure it in our proxy service.\Probably not, if they are just sending an XML over HTTP that is probably not SOAP, if at least they can provide you an XSD that would be nice... Otherwise you may have to write one...
    It is considered good etiquette to reward answerers with points (as "helpful" - 5 pts - or "correct" - 10pts)

  • Different Service Types

    Hi All,
    Can any body please suggest me the difference between various service types available in integration directory..
    - Business System
    - Integration Process
    - Business Service
    Thanks and best regards,
    Kulwant Singh

    Business system :
    Business Service is an Absract Unit with Sender and Receiver Interfaces,In this case you need to explicitly add the message interfaces while doing configuration in ID.
    It is generally used for NON-SAP applications, this is just a general prinicple followed but not mandatory.
    A Business system will have an entry in SLD unlike a business service.
    I configure  business service and not a Business system.  suppose a  client is not ready to provide  with his system details.
    Integration process
    All the links provided in this thread would give u good insight into Inegrationprocess
    Integration Process

Maybe you are looking for

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