Set no flow control

When I set the flow control to 'none' under the VISA Property Node and run a port monitoring program, it shows that the controlhandshake is SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL. Is there a way to set the controlhandshake to none? For that matter, is the controlhandshake property related directly to flow control? I am very new at the handshaking properites of serial ports, so I apologize if this makes very little sense. After I set the flow control to 'none' and then read the flow control property, the result is 'none', so I know that LabVIEW is writing it to the port, but why then is controlhandshake set to the serial_dtr_control and not none?
Thanks in advance.

DTR is not a form of flow control.  DTR stands for Data Terminal Ready, and it goes hi when the device sees DSR (Data Set Ready) go high.  It is just an indicator to say that the device sees the computer.  It does not do any flow control.  Flow control terminals are RTS and CTS for hardware flow control.  Software flow control sends commands called XON and XOFF.  I would not pay any attention to what the VISA property node is saying.  It has to put something in there.
- tbob
Inventor of the WORM Global

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    I want to know what exactly is flow control in odi.can anybody explain with an example.i have created a simple interface ie using contol append km .in this both the tables are in one data server ie in different this interface i have set the flow control as what circumstances we will use this flow control.

    Hi Sree,
    Couple of points u need to aware.
    There are two ways of Constraint checking in ODI (PK, FK, Condition, NOT NULL etc) using CKM.
    FLOW_CONTROL: If u enable this in ur IKM all the constraints checking will be done at I$ table (before target table loading).
    STATIC_CONTROL: If u enable this in ur IKM all the constraints checking will be done at TARGET table (after target table loading). In this case u need to DISABLE the constraint first and once STATIC_CONTROL is done then u need to ENABLE it.
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    Makes sense?

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  • ORA-25307: Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled

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    thanks, dave

    As rule of thumb, you don't need to set GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE as long as your are 100% GLOBAL_NAME compliant.
    So, setting GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE will not have any effect if your dblink is not global_name compliant
    and if your installation is global_name compliant, you don't need to set GLOBAL_NAME=TRUE.
    The first thing when you diagnose is to get the exact facts.
    Please run this queries both on source and target so that to see what are in the queues and where.
    Run it multiple time to see if figures evolves.
    - If they are fixed, then your Streams is stuck in its last stage. As a cheap and good starting point, just stop/start the capture, propagation and target apply process. Check also the alert.log on both site. when you have a propagation problem, they do contains information's. If you have re-bounced everything and no improvement then the real diagnose work must start here but then we know that the message is wrong and the problems is elsewhere.
    - if they are not fixed then your apply really lag behind for what ever good reason, but this is usually easy to find.
    set termout off
    col version new_value version noprint
    col queue_table format A26 head 'Queue Table'
    col queue_name format A32 head 'Queue Name'
    select substr(version,1,instr(version,'.',1)-1) version from v$instance;
    col mysql new_value mysql noprint
    col primary_instance format 9999 head 'Prim|inst'
    col secondary_instance format 9999 head 'Sec|inst'
    col owner_instance format 99 head 'Own|inst'
    COLUMN MEM_MSG HEADING 'Messages|in Memory' FORMAT 99999999
    COLUMN SPILL_MSGS HEADING 'Messages|Spilled' FORMAT 99999999
    COLUMN NUM_MSGS HEADING 'Total Messages|in Buffered Queue' FORMAT 99999999
    set linesize 150
    select case
      when &version=9 then ' distinct a.QID, a.owner||''.''|| nam, a.queue_table,
                  decode(a.queue_type,''NORMAL_QUEUE'',''NORMAL'', ''EXCEPTION_QUEUE'',''EXCEPTION'',a.queue_type) qt,
                  trim(a.enqueue_enabled) enq, trim(a.dequeue_enabled) deq, x.bufqm_nmsg msg, b.recipients
                  from dba_queues a , sys.v_$bufqm x, dba_queue_tables b
                   a.qid = x.bufqm_qid (+) and a.owner not like ''SYS%''
               and a.queue_table = b.queue_table (+)
               and not like ''%_E'' '
       when &version=10 then ' a.owner||''.''|| nam, a.queue_table,
                  decode(a.queue_type,''NORMAL_QUEUE'',''NORMAL'', ''EXCEPTION_QUEUE'',''EXCEPTION'',a.queue_type) qt,
                  trim(a.enqueue_enabled) enq, trim(a.dequeue_enabled) deq, (NUM_MSGS - SPILL_MSGS) MEM_MSG, spill_msgs, x.num_msgs msg,
                  x.INST_ID owner_instance
                  from dba_queues a , sys.gv_$buffered_queues x
                   a.qid = x.queue_id (+) and a.owner not in ( ''SYS'',''SYSTEM'',''WMSYS'')  order by a.owner ,qt desc'
       end mysql
    from dual
    set termout on
    select &mysql
    /B. Polarski

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    2. The apply process was running but was not receiving any messages according to v$streams_apply_reader, v$streams_apply_server
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  • Message Flow Control

              as I read, WLS provides the possibility to slow down message producers when certain paging thresholds are exceeded. I'm not quite sure, if the slow down of a producer is tied to it's session lifecycle, i.e. if the producer is slowed down only within its current session - or are producers, which are created from a new session, also slowed down right from the start.
              It would be great if someone could answer that. Unfortunately I have found nothing about that in the documentation.

    Hello Tom.
              First of all, thank you for your quick response. This forum is really working!
              I searched for this topic in the documentation, but didn't find anything appropriate explaining the in-depth details of the JMS flow control mechanism. Therefore, I wrote a simple test case (implementation and server configuration is attached at the end of this message) to check the flow control handling for certain conditions. Since there is no API to access the flow control properties of a message producer, I measured the JMS throughput within the test case and tried to derive some conclusions.
              Regarding the server configuration:
              - I configured one JMS Server (Test_JMSServer) with one Queue (TestQueue). I enabled the message paging at server level, starting at 1000 messages (i.e. message threshold high). The lower message threshold was set to 100 messages. As a paging store a file store (TestPagingStore) was used.
              - Message thresholds at destination level was disabled.
              - I further configured a connection factory (TestConnectionFactory) for which I enabled the flow control with a max. throughput of 50 msg/sec and a min. throughput of 1 msg/sec. The flow interval was set to 60 seconds, the number of steps was set to 6.
              Regarding the test case:
              There are 3 scenarios within the test case. Within each scenario
              - first all messages are consumed from the queue,
              - then 1000 messages are send to the queue in a row, thereby measuring the throughput,
              - finally again 1000 messages are send to the queue in a row, thereby measuring the throughput.
              The scenarios differ in how the bulk-send operation is performed.
              - The first scenario (test_noReuse) creates a new connection for each message to be send.
              - The second scenario (test_sessionReuse) creates a new session at the start and reuses that session for sending the messages. A new sender is created of each message.
              - The third scenario (test_senderReuse) creates a new sender at the start and reuses that sender for sending the messages.
              Here are the results of the test:
              Cleaned up <2000> messages.
              Throughput (messages/second): 51 [startMillis=1161249409788;endMillis=1161249429210;messagesSend=1000]
              Throughput (messages/second): 62 [startMillis=1161249429210;endMillis=1161249445304;messagesSend=1000]
              Cleaned up <2000> messages.
              Throughput (messages/second): 231 [startMillis=1161249452773;endMillis=1161249457101;messagesSend=1000]
              Throughput (messages/second): 245 [startMillis=1161249457101;endMillis=1161249461179;messagesSend=1000]
              Cleaned up <2000> messages.
              Throughput (messages/second): 790 [startMillis=1161249467351;endMillis=1161249468616;messagesSend=1000]
              Throughput (messages/second): 1 [startMillis=1161249468616;endMillis=1161249999226;messagesSend=1000]
              To me it seems, that reusing a session has no effect on the message flow control if a new sender is created for sending a message. The only scenario where a throttling occurs (at least it seems to be that way) is the last scenario, where the sender is reused for all messages.
              So my conclusion is, that message control flow is superfluous to configure, as long as
              - you don't have a small amount of (batch) message producers, each of which reusing a single sender for each message,
              - or you have some cache of senders (or a single sender) in your application and reuse the cached senders for sending messages.
              The latter is, of course, strongly discouraged, since neither JMS sessions, nor senders are thread-safe. So you need to implement some thread-safe cache and also have to deal with re-creating stalled JMS resources within that cache -- a really non-trivial implementation. Further, if many different threads produce messages, the flow control has no (or at least few) effect on the message load in the server.
              I just ask myself, what the flow control was designed for, since the cases where it really applies are rather rare, IMHO. Or have I made some error in the test or in the server configuration?
              Best regards,
              The test class:
              import java.util.Hashtable;
              import javax.jms.BytesMessage;
              import javax.jms.JMSException;
              import javax.jms.Message;
              import javax.jms.Queue;
              import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
              import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory;
              import javax.jms.QueueReceiver;
              import javax.jms.QueueSender;
              import javax.jms.QueueSession;
              import javax.jms.Session;
              import javax.naming.InitialContext;
              import junit.framework.TestCase;
              public class JMSFlowControlTest extends TestCase {
              private int messagesThresholdHigh = 1000;
              private QueueConnectionFactory conFactory;
              private Queue queue = null;
              protected void setUp() throws Exception {
              InitialContext ctx = null;
              Hashtable ctxEnv = null;
              ctxEnv = new Hashtable();
              ctx = new InitialContext(ctxEnv);
              this.queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup("jms/queue/TestQueue");
              this.conFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
              public void test_noReuse() throws Exception {
              System.out.println("==[" + this.getName() + "]=======================");
              public void test_sessionReuse() throws Exception {
              QueueConnection con = null;
              QueueSession session = null;
              System.out.println("==[" + this.getName() + "]=======================");
              try {
              con = this.conFactory.createQueueConnection();
              session =
              con.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              } finally {
              if (con != null) {
              try {
              } catch (JMSException e) {}
              public void test_senderReuse() throws Exception {
              QueueConnection con = null;
              QueueSession session = null;
              QueueSender sender = null;
              System.out.println("==[" + this.getName() + "]=======================");
              try {
              con = this.conFactory.createQueueConnection();
              session =
              con.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              sender = session.createSender(this.queue);
              } finally {
              if (con != null) {
              try {
              } catch (JMSException e) {}
              private Throughput
              int messagesToSend,
              int messageSizeBytes)
              throws Exception {
              int messagesSend = 0;
              long startMillis = 0L;
              long endMillis = 0L;
              QueueConnection con = null;
              QueueSession session = null;
              QueueSender sender = null;
              startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i = 0; i < messagesToSend; i++) {
              try {
              con = this.conFactory.createQueueConnection();
              session =
              con.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              sender = session.createSender(this.queue);
              sender.send(this.createMessage(session, messageSizeBytes));
              } finally {
              if (con != null) {
              try {
              } catch (JMSException e) {}
              endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return new Throughput(startMillis, endMillis, messagesSend);
              private Throughput
              QueueSession session,
              int messagesToSend,
              int messageSizeBytes)
              throws Exception {
              int messagesSend = 0;
              long startMillis = 0L;
              long endMillis = 0L;
              QueueSender sender = null;
              startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i = 0; i < messagesToSend; i++) {
              sender = session.createSender(this.queue);
              sender.send(this.createMessage(session, messageSizeBytes));
              endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return new Throughput(startMillis, endMillis, messagesSend);
              private Throughput
              QueueSession session,
              QueueSender sender,
              int messagesToSend,
              int messageSizeBytes)
              throws Exception {
              int messagesSend = 0;
              long startMillis = 0L;
              long endMillis = 0L;
              startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i = 0; i < messagesToSend; i++) {
              sender.send(this.createMessage(session, messageSizeBytes));
              endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
              return new Throughput(startMillis, endMillis, messagesSend);
              private Message
              Session session,
              int messageSizeBytes)
              throws Exception {
              BytesMessage message = null;
              message = session.createBytesMessage();
              message.writeBytes(new byte[messageSizeBytes]);
              return message;
              private void cleanupQueue() throws Exception {
              QueueConnection con = null;
              QueueSession session = null;
              QueueReceiver receiver = null;
              Message message = null;
              int messageCount = 0;
              try {
              con = this.conFactory.createQueueConnection();
              session =
              con.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              receiver = session.createReceiver(this.queue);
              do {
              message = null;
              message = receiver.receiveNoWait();
              if (message != null) {
              } while (message != null);
              } finally {
              if (con != null) {
              try {
              } catch (JMSException e) {}
              System.out.println("Cleaned up <" + messageCount + "> messages.");
              private static final class Throughput {
              private final long startMillis;
              private final long endMillis;
              private final int messagesSend;
              public Throughput(long startMillis, long endMillis, int messagesSend) {
              this.startMillis = startMillis;
              this.endMillis = endMillis;
              this.messagesSend = messagesSend;
              public int value() {
              long timeElapsedMillis = 0L;
              int timeElapsedSeconds = 0;
              int value = 0;
              timeElapsedMillis = this.endMillis - this.startMillis;
              if (timeElapsedMillis == 0) {
              timeElapsedMillis = 1;
              value = (int) ((this.messagesSend * 1000L) / timeElapsedMillis);
              return value;
              public String toString() {
              StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
              .append("Throughput (messages/second): ").append(this.value())
              .append(" [startMillis=").append(this.startMillis)
              return buffer.toString();
              The (partial) server configuration:
              Name="TestConnection Factory"
              <JMSFileStore Directory="filestore/paging" Name="TestPagingStore"/>

  • Odi error : Flow control not possible if no key is declared in your target

    Hi ...
    I have a requirement where I am trying to populate a view(the view some has some pl/sql package running behind the scenes to populate the appropriate tables) on database (oracle11g) using the odi interface.
    We are expcetd to populate the view only.
    I am encountering this error when i try to run the interface (Flow control not possible if no key is declared in your target datasource).
    The view doesnt have any key & I cannot change the key structure of the view.
    Is their any workaround for this in the ODI.

    If you don't have any keys on your table, Flow Control will not be possible as the step of flag rows for update. You must have a key defined in your table to use both resources of ODI.
    I recommend you to disable the FLOW_CONTROL option in your IKM and if you need to update your table, you'll have a problem. If you don't have, just disable the Update option also and go ahead with the execution.
    TIP: Do not forget of set keys on your temporary tables when uses the IKM of Incremental Update.
    Best regards.
    Luiz Araujo (A.K.A. Buchu)

  • Increase of priority flow control counters in a FCoE environment

    I need some input about what is normal in a FCoE environment in regards to priority flow contol counters.
    I see Increase of RxPPP and TxPPP counters on a FCoE end to end enviroment. however we don't see high traffic rates to/from storage array(<1Gbps). Customer have not reported low transfer from storage.
    CNA hosts - FEX2232 - N5K - EMC-VNX
    FCoE end-to-end, No native FibreChannel.
    CNA adapters = Emulex.
    Is a problem I should look further into or is it normal?
    I have read the troubleshooting guide.
    some output:
    N5K-2# sh inter priority-flow-control
    Port               Mode Oper(VL bmap)  RxPPP      TxPPP    
    FEX101-2232 1-8
    Ethernet1/1        Auto Off           0          211994    
    Ethernet1/2        Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/3        Auto Off           2891830    0         
    Ethernet1/4        Auto Off           6269410    0         
    Ethernet1/5        Auto Off           12109662   0         
    Ethernet1/6        Auto Off           79534      0         
    Ethernet1/7        Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/8        Auto Off           0          0         
    FEX102-2232 9-16
    Ethernet1/9        Auto Off           0          9994780   
    Ethernet1/10       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/11       Auto Off           24678      0         
    Ethernet1/12       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/13       Auto Off           4316       0         
    Ethernet1/14       Auto Off           136        0         
    Ethernet1/15       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/16       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/19       Auto On  (8)       1888566    10100200  
    Ethernet1/20       Auto On  (8)       10414603   1367098   
    Ethernet1/23       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/24       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/25       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/26       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/27       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/28       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/30       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/32       Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet1/38       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/39       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/40       Auto Off           0          0         
    Ethernet1/41       Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet1/42       Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet1/43       Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet1/44       Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    !CNA atttached hosts.
    Ethernet101/1/1    Auto On  (8)       37109      33155     
    Ethernet101/1/2    Auto On  (8)       120        32336     
    Ethernet101/1/3    Auto On  (8)       274        34404     
    Ethernet101/1/4    Auto On  (8)       1924       64754     
    Ethernet101/1/5    Auto On  (8)       144        14684     
    Ethernet101/1/24   Auto On  (8)       4296788    4466      
    Ethernet101/1/25   Auto On  (8)       104520     22        
    Ethernet101/1/26   Auto On  (8)       838        30824     
    Ethernet101/1/27   Auto On  (8)       796        7770      
    Ethernet101/1/28   Auto On  (8)       13749152   1684      
    Ethernet101/1/29   Auto On  (8)       5912918    1276      
    Ethernet101/1/30   Auto On  (8)       3296026    2292      
    Ethernet101/1/31   Auto On  (8)       0          80        
    Ethernet101/1/32   Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet102/1/1    Auto On  (8)       75656      323512    
    Ethernet102/1/2    Auto On  (8)       0          5632      
    Ethernet102/1/3    Auto On  (8)       4278       173828    
    Ethernet102/1/4    Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet102/1/28   Auto On  (8)       2872       300046    
    Ethernet102/1/29   Auto On  (8)       28216      11808124  
    Ethernet102/1/30   Auto On  (8)       4792       441340    
    Ethernet102/1/31   Auto On  (8)       0          0         
    Ethernet102/1/32   Auto On  (8)       1040       201214    
    Ethernet1/19       Auto On  (8)       1888566    10100200  
    Ethernet1/20       Auto On  (8)       10414603   1367098   
    Just a one of the servers
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e101/1/29 priority-flow-control
    Port               Mode Oper(VL bmap)  RxPPP      TxPPP    
    Ethernet101/1/29   Auto On  (8)       5912932    1276      
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e101/1/29 | in pause
        0 Rx pause
        0 Tx pause
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e101/1/29 priority-flow-control
    Port               Mode Oper(VL bmap)  RxPPP      TxPPP    
    Ethernet101/1/29   Auto On  (8)       5913378    1276      
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e101/1/29 | in pause
        0 Rx pause
        0 Tx pause
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter priority-flow-control | in Ethernet1/19 ne 1
    Ethernet1/19       Auto On  (8)       1889064    10100536  
    Ethernet1/20       Auto On  (8)       10414603   1367164   
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e1/19 | in "input rate"
      30 seconds input rate 133346744 bits/sec, 16668343 bytes/sec, 10762 packets/sec
        input rate 96.22 Mbps, 8.31 Kpps; output rate 118.68 Mbps, 8.83 Kpps
    GDC-CORE-SW04# sh inter e1/20 | in "input rate"
      30 seconds input rate 36024752 bits/sec, 4503094 bytes/sec, 2342 packets/sec
        input rate 33.96 Mbps, 2.09 Kpps; output rate 24.95 Mbps, 1.50 Kpps

    Hi, thank your for your answer.
    I actually already enabled the system qos manually since we run 5.0(2)N2 release.
    We will implement FCoE over 5500. What I'm worried about is the warning message I posted above on Nexus 7009s connected to my 5500s after I enabled the system qos.
    Could it be originated by the DCBX feature? May I have some problem if 'Priority-flow-control' setting between N5k and N7k don't match?

  • Debugging -  Process flow control

    Hi All,
    I am doing initial load for one condition object(R3AS), and when I check SMW01 I am getting BDoc validation Error.
    I want to debug the BDoc flow context i.e MI0(validation function module) where Bdoc posting is failing.
    I followed OSS note- 432661- Debugging and process support of flow control: Enhancement
    Here is the Note:
    Error analysis requires debugging flow control services.
    Other terms
    SMW01, Flow Control, BDOC, BDoc, BDoc Message, Flow Service, Update task, qRFC step, asynchronous step
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Error analysis requires debugging flow control services.
    This feature is available with CRM 3.0 starting SP04 and higher releases.
    •     The flow header structure SMW3_FHD is extended to hold a flag indicating debug mode. To debug, set this flag before calling CL_SMW_MFLOW=> PROCESS_OUTBOUND (Parameter IN_HEADER, Field DBGMODE), PROCESS_NOTIFICATION (Parameter HEADER, Field DBGMODE) or PROCESS_NOTIFICATION_MULT (Parameter HEADER, Field DBGMODE). If update task and/or asynchronous tRFC/qRFC step is done, the message is not written into a qRFC queue or tRFC. Instead the message get's a new state 'D01': To be processed (Debug).
    The message processing can then be continued from transaction SMW01.
    •     Select messages in state D01 possibly with bdoc type, send date, creation time, and user.
    •     In the list display check the message check box that you want to debug.
    •     Choose function Retry to process.
    The message will be processed by flow service function modules in the order shown in transaction SMO8FD. Processing occurs directly. Therefore all active breakpoints can be used to stop processing for further analysis.
    I set HEADER-DBGMODE = ‘X’, and passed this structure to CL_SMW_MFLOW=> PROCESS_OUTBOUND
    But none of the message is set to ‘D01’. Anyone have idea where I am missing?
    I basically want to debug this validation function module while Bdoc comes in CRM, Any other way other than this OSS note..?
    Vijay Raheja

    what the description of the error?
    Give details. Just by saying bdoc validation error does not nelp.
    Click on the error details icon and see wat it says.
    let us know then only can we help

  • Enabling/disabling flow control on hme0

    I found ndd and was able to disable auto-negotiation and set the duplex on hme0 to full but how do I disable/enable flow control on a NIC in Solaris?

    Sorry for bringing up a very old thread,
    After doing
    ndd -set /dev/bge1 adv_autoneg_cap 0, will it also take care of pause frames? I found that my server running solaris 10 is asking network switch to PAUSE frames. I do not want server to ask the switch to PAUSE it.
    So do i need to set flow control off on server and also set following values to 0 on server or flow control off itself on server will do it for me. flow control is off on switch.

  • XSQL and basic flow control

    Hello again,
    Is there any mean to execute more that one time the same XSQL action-element, like this (future XSQL version?):
    <xsql:for-each test="{@selectedITEMS}">
    WHERE ItemID = {.}
    Yes the duty can still be transferred outside XSQL, in the form of a DB proc or a custom action-element, but if some form of basic flow control exists/ed here inside XSQL, this would certainly come in handy!

    A simple way to do this would be to write an action handler that processes the value of the "selectedITEMS" parameter and sets a page-private parameter to the equivalent value with commas between them, then do:
    delete from items
    where ItemId IN ({@ListOfLitems})
    then you do it all in one trip to the database.

  • HT1420 How do I set up parental control on book downloads?  My daughter and I use the same Apple ID info.

    How do I set up parental controls on my apple account, I want to censor the books that she's dowloading. We use the same account  Thanks!

    Turning off in-app purchases and the App Store itself would be the best bet for you. You can always unlock these features as needed and lock them again.
    Apart from restricting purchases, there are a number of other restrictions you can setup. You can even setup a safe browser with remote parental controls from the App Store, like the one from Mobicip. You may find this tutorial to be helpful: How to setup Parental Controls on the iPad.
    Hope this helps.
    Disclaimer: This response is posted by a Mobicip representative who may stand to gain indirectly from it.

  • Set cursor in Control String component

    I would like to set cursor in "Control String" automatically when I open my VI. If I open my VI, cursor should be seen automatically in the text field of "Control String". The user hasn`t set cursor by mouse into this field. Has anybody an idea how can I do?

    Create a property node for the control on your block diagram and set the Key Focus property value to TRUE.​/lvprop/ctrl_key_focus/
    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
    If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
    "You are what you don't automate"
    Inplaceness is synonymous with insidiousness

  • When I try to set up Icloud control panel in Windows Vista, I get "your setup couldn't be started because the Icloud server stopped responding. I've tried loads of fixes suggested on the net but none worked. Can anyone help me please?

    When I try to set up Icloud control panel in Windows Vista, I get "your setup couldn't be started because the Icloud server stopped responding. I've tried loads of fixes suggested on the net but none worked. Can anyone help me please?

    Hello, ksb2. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    We are investigating this issue. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.
    iCloud: iCloud Control Panel setup cannot be started
    Jason H.

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