Set Security Level per Security Zone in IE

I am trying to set the Trusted Security Zone to Low in IE (all versions).
I have made the change under Computer > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Internet Control Panel >
Security Page > Trusted Sites Zone Template (and also tried under User). With User logged in I can see rsop which shows the setting, but in IE it remains at Medium.

Please check below article and set the security level for each zone:
Practice: How to use Group Policy to configure Internet Explorer security zone sites
Yan Li
Regards, Yan Li

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    Hi Priya,
    Start with SMP, under the NetWeaver 04 Documentation site:
    <a href="">NW 04 Documentation</a>
    On the left, click on How-To Guides:
    On the right, click on Portal, Knowledge Management and Collaboration.
    Scoll down to "How to Use Security Zones in NW04 SPS09"...
    I hope that this helps,

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    Check this link

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    I have done this.
    Have a hidden input field on form  <input name="ZoneExpiry" id="ExpiryDate" />
    Then have a function as follows:
    var dat=new Date();
                                                      dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + 365);
                                                      var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
                                                      var pretty = dat.getDate() + "-" + monthname[dat.getMonth()] + "-" + dat.getFullYear();   
    Hope this helps.

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    Jeremy Leigh

    f12>Console tab, refresh the page to show suppressed error messages, warnings, blocked content warnings.
    A 'High' security zone settings is equivalent to the Restricted Zones default setting.
    by default Active Scripting, scripting of ActiveX and applets and xss is disabled in the Restricted Zone.... basically domains mapped to the Restricted sites zone will be useless without active scripting.

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    Hi Diego,
    Thanks for responding.  We aren't using the LC PM module, so that takes one suggestion out of the running.
    We tried some Javascript we found on the Acrobat forum (see below for what we used) - using it as an action with a bookmark, but it didn't work.  The guy who wrote the script on that forum looked at our file and thought that the problem was likely because the form was developed in LiveCycle.  We are not Java experts (or even close!), so we have no clue where to start.  And unfortunately if we cannot find a solution for this dilemma, we will have to decline a project from a client. 
    So again, any thoughts or suggestions on where to go from here are greatly appreciated!
    (function () {
        // Get one of the fields in the group
        var f = getField("");
        // Determine new readonly state, which
        // is the opposite of the current state
        var readonly = !f.readonly;
        var readonly_desc = readonly ? "deactivate" : "activate";
        // Ask user for password
        var resp = app.response({
            cQuestion: "To " + readonly_desc + " the fields, enter the password:",
            cTitle: "Enter password",
            bPassword: true,
            cLabel: "Password"
        switch (resp) {
        case "your_password": // Your password goes here
            getField("private").readonly = readonly;
            app.alert("The fields are now " + readonly_desc + "d.", 3);
        case null : // User pressed Cancel button
        default : // Incorrect password
            app.alert("Incorrect password.", 1);
    In this example, the fields that are controlled by this all have a field name prefix of "private", for example "", "private.address", etc. This makes it easier to control the fields as a group, as I do in the line of code that begins: getField("private").readonly  If you don't use such a field naming convention, you'd have to have a separate such line for each field in the group.
    Replace "your_password" above with one of your own. The first and last lines are not necessary, but do prevent the needless creation of document-global variables, which is a good thing.

  • Set security at app level

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    We do use incremental dimension builds and we haven't seemed to have a problem about errors not written to the error log.<BR><BR>There was a period when the write and append functions of the error logging were working backwards in MAXL, but that has long since been fixed.<BR><BR><b> import database 'credits'.'credits' dimensions <BR>from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day7" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day7" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day7" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day6" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day6" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day6" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day5" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day5" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day5" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day4" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day4" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day4" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day3" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day3" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day3" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day2" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day2" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day2" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day1" using server rules_file 'store'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day1" using server rules_file 'acct'<BR>, from local text data_file "D:\\hyperion\\essbase\\app\\daily_05\\daily_05\\600$day1" using server rules_file 'depts'<BR>on error write to '3g.out';</b><BR><BR>This is a particularly nasty example of an incremental build, using daily data files to do the dimbuild but when we get errors, they seem to come from more than the last file parsed.<BR><BR>If the <b>on error write to</b> isn't working for you, try the <b>on error append to</b>. Sometime in the not so distant past, the write and append functions were flopped causing a bug of the first degree.<BR><BR>I'm no longer onitoring production processes, moving on to development and documentation, but I've written quite a bit of MAXL in the past and much prefer it to ESSCMD.

  • Setting a secure zone expiry date beyond the invoice date.

    Is it possible to set the secure zone expiry date later than the invoice date? We're just looking at a way to let our members continue to have access for say 1 week after an invoice has failed so that they can log in and update their credit card details, possibly without seeing the 'access expired' message.
    I've seen this behaviour on a site before, but I think that may have had something to do with the fact that it was a weekly membership site and that the invoices were already generated.

    Hey Gaurav,
    This is for a monthly recurring subscription. What I was thinking was that if for example a user signed up on the 1st of the month that their SZ access expires on the 8th of the next month, but the invoice is still issued and paid on the 1st of the following month, and when the invoice is successfully paid the SZ access gets extended till the 8th of the next month - now that I've written it out like that I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, unless there is some setting that dev can see in the backend?

  • Secure Zone password set (send log in details email) link not working for everyone

    Hi Guys,
    I have a site with three secure zones for different online programs. We're beginning to sell some programs and, because we aren't using a seemless gateway, we are manually subscribing them to the secure zones then clicking the 'Send log in details email' button. The email seems to be going out which is good. But, some clients can't click on the link to set their password. Nothing happens. Even if they copy and paste the link text into a browser window, still nothing.
    Anybody know why this would be working for some people and not others. Could it be to do with cookies or email clients etc. We are at a loss and therefore have lost two sales so far (they asked for refunds) because they couldn't access their programs in the secure zone.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Thanks LiamDilley for such a prompt reply. Currently my code looks like this:
         ...and your password is [<strong>{tag_password}</strong>]
    Are you saying that I should be changing the '[<strong>{tag_password}</strong>]' to:
    [<strong>,a href="{tag_password}>{tag_password}</a></strong>]
    The thing is, most of the time the link text appears as a link, but not for everyone. Do you think this will fix it?

  • What level of support is required for Secure Zones?

    I am trying to determine the most cost effective hosting solution for a potential client.  They will have a very basic website, but they want a secure area for downloading project information. 
    What is the lowest cost hosting package that will support secure zones?  (i.e. WebBasics+)

    Lowest plan that provides secure zone access would be "webMarketing". 
    To view feature breakdown per plan please view the page below.
    Hope this helps!

  • Setting up subscription secured zone

    I am trying to setup a subscription based secured zone. I followed the directions in the knowledge base but i think the directions were outdated cause it is adding an Invoice field to the credit card form. When we try to test it we get an error:
    Credit Card Payment Failed
    There was an error processing your credit card. Please correct this and try again.
    Invoice Number Not Found: . Please go back and correct this.
    Shouldnt the invoice number populate the field automatically?
    How can the user know what the invoice is to input it?
    Tom Cuneo


  • Set expiration dates for Secure Zone Memberships

    We run an online exercise company offering memberships with access to exercise videos so users can exercise online - we sell memberships by the week, month, or month to month memberships. We also sell a beginner courses. The site has been built in Adobe Muse, integrated with Business Catalyst.
    For the time-based memberships we have inserted a snippet of code in Business Catalyst that limits the amount of time members have access to the secure zone where we keep the videos - this is tied to the form members fill out when they purchase. The issue is that when the entire Muse site is republished or just the page with the form - the code disappears. So we have to go into each form and reinsert the code. This has been going on for quite some time. Below is most of the code we've been using - which we found in Business Catalyst Forum Section a couple years ago:
    function setExpiryDate( )
    var dat=new Date();
    dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + 8);
    var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
    var pretty = dat.getDate() + "-" + monthname[dat.getMonth()] + "-" + dat.getFullYear();
    document.getElementById("ExpiryDate").value = pretty;
    };setExpiryDate( );
    We are looking to 'permanently' anchor the code in the form.

    If you are using BC secure zones then you can setup the expiry date from BC end only, regarding the code that you are using , I believe you are trying to use specific form for secure zone sign up and limiting the expiry date.
    Regarding form code being stripped off, are you submitting the form once from site front end and then also code is stripped off ?
    Please include site url in your response.

  • Property editor, Permission editor and security zone

    Could anyone let me know what different between <u>Property editor, Permission editor and security zone</u> when we build the new role in portal and have to go through these three for setting up. Could you compare them with creating new role in R/3 system?
    Thank you so much and sorry to bother you guys.

    Property editor is the editor which shows a list of properties of any pcd object like iView property or page property etc. Using this, u can edit the properties of the pcd object.
    Permission editor is the editor where u can change the permission level for particular application or portal content objects like read/ write permission, end user permission etc. So using this, u can set permissions for different users to access different pcd objects.
    Security zone mentions the level of portal security like low, high etc.

  • New role created and Security zone.

    When I create the new role and I need to set the properties for that role. Then after I try to add this role to user and have user test the access.
    Why there are some error happen and I need to go to 'security zone' by follow path from the error, then my new role into security zone, then user can access without any problem.
    Please anyone explain why do we need to add role again in security zone even though we already set the property to that role in 'content administration.' Please let me know the difference. Thank you very much.

      Security Zones are used to prevent unauthorized users from accessing iviews, Portal Components and Portal Services through a direct url used outside of the portal environment. It will be controlled by means of progressive safety levels and permissions, which are assigned by the system administrators to authorized users in the permission editor.

  • How to create a Payment Form for access to multiple secure zones

    I'm trying to create a Payment Form that allows the user to select from a dropdown of videos, each of which represents a secure zone page with an embedded video.
    What I can't figure out -- and tech chat can't help -- is how to redirect the user to the correct secure zone for the video they purchased.
    Videos are are streaming, vimeo embeds, not downloads.
    Anyone know how to do this? Can post link to test form if you need it.

    This can be done for already available list. Have a look at the following steps:
    Create an Empty SharePoint Project, then right click the project, add SharePoint “Layouts” Mapped Folder.
    Right click the project name, add New item Application Page, then add the custom code there.
    Under Features, add a feature, right click the added feature then add an event receiver, override the FeatureActivated method to set the new edit/new form as the default form.
    How to set new form as default form:
    SPList lstTest = web.Lists["Shared Documents"];
    string newUrl =
    string.Format("layouts/NewEditForm.aspx", web.ServerRelativeUrl, lstTest.RootFolder.Url);
    var form = web.GetFile(newUrl);
    if (form !=
    null && form.Exists)
     //string newFomrUrl = lstTest.DefaultEditFormUrl.Replace("EditForm.aspx", "docEditForm.aspx");
      lstTest.DefaultEditFormUrl = newUrl;
    For more information, see
    To add a custom list form, the best way I think is using SharePoint Designer 2010, it’s very fast.
    Kelly Chen

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