Setting BackgroundColor of a TextInput

I've already tried a lot, but there was no way I could change
the color of my textInput. What am I doing wrong? Adobe Livedocs
couldn't help me and there was no working piece of code I could
find in other messageboards.
These things haven't work for me:
myTextInput.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFF00);
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", Number(0xFFF00));
myTextInput.setstyle("backgroundColor", "#FFF00");
Do I have to do something about the border of the textInput.
Or about the "background"-Property (if it still exists for AS3)??

I mean, if you have enabled your textfield background
myTextInput.textField.background = true;
and you set some color to backgorund
myTextInput.textField.backgroundColor = 0xFFF000;
is this possible to make this backgroundColor to alpha channel.
So text is set to alpha 100% and textfieldBackground is set to alpha 50%
I know that you can make text to alpha, but textBackground i couldn't make to alpha... :/
myTextInput.textField.alpha = 0.3;

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    width="310" height="210"
    <mx:PhoneFormatter id="phoneDisplay"
    formatString="(###) ###-####"
    <!-- User interface -->
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    width="310" height="210"
    <mx:PhoneFormatter id="phoneDisplay"
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    <!-- User interface -->
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    Chris, first off thank you so much for your patience. I really appreciate it.
    I opened your sample file and it works perfectly. But when I create something similar myself it simply doesn't work. I created a brand new file, inserted an image, and inserted a textbox on top of it. I gave the textbox a white fill, and I copied and pasted your code into the text field's Exit event. And it just doesn't work.
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    No, the two basic differences between PPR and fire action!
    1)Fire action submit the entire OA Page Form elements, while PPR only refreshes the form components of that particular region.
    2)When PPR event is done, framework neglects any other action done on the page.
    Now, like your basic question, why should u use PPR event ?Instead y not firaction always?
    The reason is the very first defination of PPR.If i have n number of items on my page, if I define every action as fire action after each event page will refresh, so even for a small update like vanishing a field, i have to refresh the entire page which will be unusual for the user because it will take some time to load if page has some heavy components like hgrids , tables etc. Thats y we prefer PPR event over fire action in case of individual events, which is much fast, refreshing only particular form items.
    In standard j2ee web applications, the same is done using DHTML and javascript.
    I hope i am clear.

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    var myNameString = "";
    myNameString = textInput.text
    "tayl" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:edjutm$ptl$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I've been banging my head against the wall with this
    > I've placed aTextInput Flash Component on the stage
    which reads/displays a
    > value from an external text file. So far so good.
    > If I enter new text during run-time - editable is set to
    true - the
    > TextInput
    > component updates to reflect what I've typed. BUT, how
    do I retrieve that
    > text
    > to a variable? (I need to save the new value back to the
    external text
    > file).
    > Current code:
    > myfieldtext = sprite(51).text
    > And eventPassMode is set to passAlways
    > this retrieves the initial value regardless of what I
    > Any help appreciated!

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         <mx:Form label="Basic" width="100%" height="100%">
         <mx:FormItem label="Surname" width="100%" height="100%">
              <mx:TextInput id="surnameInput" text="{gridPacjent.selectedItem.nazwisko}" editable="false" width="200"/>
         <mx:FormItem label="Name" width="100%" height="100%">
              <mx:TextInput id="nameInput" text="{gridPacjent.selectedItem.imie}" editable="false" width="200"/>
         <mx:Form label="Advanced" width="100%" height="100%">
             <some other formItems....>
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    private function newPerson():void {    
             surnameInput.editable = true;
             nameInput.editable = true;
             tabNav.selectedIndex = 0;
             //I tried this
             //and this
             stage.focus = nazwiskoInput;
             //and this
    but every solution I try sets the focus on tab navigator's tab instead of a textInput control. Has anyone got any idea how to do it properly?
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    Hi lbarim,
    Checkout this example below...It works even if you navigate to another tab and returns to the original tab...
    Actually I think the problem is coming with the property that you set editable="false" on TextInput...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
       private function newPerson():void {    
                surnameInput.editable = true;
                nameInput.editable = true;
                tabNav.selectedIndex = 0;
                //This below line is required only if you want to put the cursor at the first position of textinput
    <mx:Button label="Set Focus" click="newPerson()"/>
    <mx:TabNavigator id="tabNav" width="433" height="100%" fontSize="12" fontWeight="normal" creationPolicy="all">
         <mx:Form label="Basic" width="100%" height="100%">
         <mx:FormItem label="Surname" width="100%" height="100%">
              <mx:TextInput id="surnameInput" text=""  width="200"/>
         <mx:FormItem label="Name" width="100%" height="100%">
              <mx:TextInput id="nameInput" text="" width="200"/>
         <mx:Form label="Advanced" width="100%" height="100%">

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    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Shape@8a11331 to flash.text.engine.TextLine.
    then, I click DismissAll button,now I remove the list into the paras, but the listitem that I selected just now has a backgroundcolor
    Is it a bug or ...?
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    2. if it isn't list , I can set color and backgroundcolor
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    Pic2. I click dismissAll btn,then I remove the list, what can you see? The para that changed from the listitem  has been set the backgroudcolor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not sure what app you are running - can you post a small example showing the crash?  I'm not able to reproduce the problem.

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    In some cases I'd like to always overwrite text in the input, or at least overwrite it by default.

    set an empty string to textInput's click property.
    txt.text = " ";
    <mx:TextInput id="txt" text="click here to erase this text" click="clearText(event);"/>
    Check out this example:
    import mx.controls.Alert; 
    private function clearText(event:Event):void{
              txt.text =" ";
     private function showNewText(event:Event):void{        
    "New text: " +txt.text);
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" verticalGap="20" > <mx:TextInput id="txt" text="click here to erase this text" click="clearText(event);"/>
     <mx:Button id="showNewTxt" label="Show Newly Entered Text" click="showNewText(event);" />
    -Shravan P.
    Message was edited by: Shravan P

  • How to change background color in iWeb Header?

    I cannot change Header background color nor make it smaller.  I've gone into Inspector and zeroed out Header height, nothing changed. Color is problem.

    That the Fine Line theme, correct?  Try this:  delete the shape that's above the navbar. Move the navbar down till you get the right amount of white space above it.  Then use the following code in an HTML snippet to change the navbar background to white:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    function navBackgroundColor () {
    elem = parent.document.getElementById('nav_layer'); = "#5D68C3";
    chkNavLink = setInterval('navBackgroundColor()', 500);
    // -->
    Change #5D68C3 to #FFFFFF for a white background.  You could try setting backgroundColor = "#5D68C3" to backgroundColor = "" for a transparent background (not sure of this but worth a try).

  • Cursor focus during a PPR event

    I have two messageTextInput columns (lets say text1 and text2) inside a table region. When a user enters a value in text1 and do a tab out, I fire a PPR event and set some attributes in my VO. The problem is: after it is done, the cursor focus does not move to text2, even though the user did a tab out after entering a value in text1. Cursor focus returns again to text1.
    Also, I do not want to do a page forward, so that processRequest is called again. That would be a costly operation for us. Please let me know if there is a way to regain cursor focus to the right textInput bean.
    Note: This is IE 7.
    Thanks. Much appreciate your inputs.

    Raja see this thread, i have replied this some time back:
    Re: How to set focus on a textinput/poplist using PPR

  • Change item background color on runtime

    i have a List control in my application. What do I have to do
    to change its items background color on runtime?

    You have to access the style of the object and then set the
    piece of the style you want to change. You need to set
    myList.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#ABABAB");
    #ABABAB is grey, and you can put any hex color value there
    you like.
    Hope that helps.

  • Is Parent (Application) is it possible to access child components??

    Hi ,
    In my  MXML Application , is it possible for me to access the child components Data
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:local="*">
            public function CallMe():void
    // Here i want to access the Canvas TextInput fromCanvas id
        <mx:TextInput x="113" y="128" id="kiran" change="CallMe()"/>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="400" height="300" backgroundColor="black">
        <mx:TextInput id="fromCanvas" x="83" y="85"  text="From Canvas"/>

    Please help to resolve this : I did the same as what you suggested
    This is my Canvas
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas id="ccCanvas" xmlns:mx="" width="400" height="300" backgroundColor="black">
    public function get fromCanvasText():String
    return fromCanvas.text;
    <mx:TextInput id="fromCanvas" x="83" y="85"  text="From Canvas"/>
    This is my Application (Main)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:local="*">
            import mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries;
            import mx.controls.Text;
            import mx.resources.Locale;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
    public function callMe():String
        var str:String;
    str =ccCanvas.fromCanvas.toString(); // Error coming here saying that Access of Undefined  Property ccCanvas
    return str;
        <mx:TextInput x="113" y="128" id="kiran" text="{callMe()}"/>
    Thanks .

  • Simple question: masking text in flex

    I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious on this, so
    forgive me if I have, but is there a way to set the background
    color on text? A label or a text field don't seem to allow you to
    change the background color. So far the only way I can figure out
    to do it is put a label or text field within a tile of the color I
    want, which is cumbersome and difficult to size the way I want etc.
    Is there an easier way?

    "Developer504" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g6lbpe$pcs$[email protected]..
    > I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious on this,
    so forgive me if I
    > have,
    > but is there a way to set the background color on text?
    A label or a text
    > field don't seem to allow you to change the background
    color. So far the
    > only
    > way I can figure out to do it is put a label or text
    field within a tile
    > of the
    > color I want, which is cumbersome and difficult to size
    the way I want
    > etc.
    I think you can use the opaqueBackground property on a label
    to make it
    opaque and then I _think_ you can set backgroundColor on it,
    even though
    this isn't documented.

  • Retaining the cursor on a Text Field when error on the field

    We have a requirement, where when we tab out of a text field, the data entered gets validated and exceptions are caught using array list and then thrown on top of the page.
    However, we have a requirement, that on tab out, the cursor should remain in the same field in case there are errors thrown on that field otherwise should move to the next field.
    My Approach is
    1) Capture the tabout event in PFR.
    2) If the validation returns erorr messages, do a forwardImmediately to CurrentPage
    3) Set the focus in PR and throw the exception.
    I read the discussion on the link How to set focus on a textinput/poplist using PPR
    and tried the same approach but below are my observations.
    Approach - 1) WITH FIRE PARTIAL ACTION on text field.
    Input = Invalid, then error message is thrown and I am not able to see the cursor.
    Input =  Valid  , then I see the cursor in the next text field, which is correct.
    Approach - 2) WITH FIRE ACTION
    Input = Invalid, then error message is thrown, the text in the textfield looks selected, which is the required functionality.
    Input =  Valid, then still I see the same text as selected. Here I dont want the text to be selected and want the cursor to move to the next field. This is not happening.
    Please let me know where exactly I am committing the mistake.
    Edited by: SaurabhAg on Jan 25, 2012 5:53 AM
    Edited by: SaurabhAg on Jan 25, 2012 6:06 AM
    Edited by: SaurabhAg on Jan 25, 2012 6:44 AM

    Can someone please reply to this. Its urgent.

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