Setting FSB to 133

Hi Folks,
Hey, I'm a novice, and I need a pointer.
I've got a 845Ultra, 512MB of DDR PC2100 and a 120G drive. I just upgraded to a P4 2.4G processor.
The problem is I'm stuck at 1.8G speed. Yes, I read the MSI article to bump up the FSB to 133, but it won't hold; it shuts down and resets itself to 100 on reboot. I've upgraded BIOS to the AMI v3.5 and I'm running FuzzyLogic 4 which I've also tried to use to change the FSB.  That's about the extent of my expertise.  Any Ideas? I appreciate any help.  Please keep those answers simple for my simple mind!

Originally posted by Meeks
I'm using Fuzzy Logic 4.  FL3 came with our boards and I had to scrounge up 4.0 from a friend.  I didn't find a way to download it from the MSI site.  Maybe you'll do better.
I mentioned previously that I upgraded the BIOS to v3.5 before overclocking.  I'm no wizard, but maybe that is making my system a little more stable too.
You're right on the warm reboot.  My system always resets itself to 2.4g at reboot.  BUT, with FL4 you simply click the "Turbo" and it's immediately back to 2.8+g.  It remembers my last setting - I don't have to rerun the oc test each time which takes 2-3 minutes.  Good luck!
Nope - it doesn't work for me.  Are you sure you have the 2.4 that runs on the 533mhz fsb?  When I run fuzzy logic 4 it completely misreads the cpu and starts overclocking at 100 * 18 rather than 133 * 18.  That would be ok but it misreports the 100 as 133 so the counter starts counting up from 133 when the cpu speed is in fact based on the 100 fsb.  For example, when fuzzy logic reports that my fsb is 180, it is in fact only 134 for some stupid reason and the cpu is only running at 2.42.
So I am trying to figure out how you managed 2.8 if you have the same cpu as I.  I am running the latest version of Fuzzy Logic (just downloaded from MSI's live update).

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    Go in the BIOS to the Hardware Monitor Setup page.  There are two entries that have to do with the FSB.  The first one is CPU FSB CLK.  You can only set this to 100 or 133.  The next is CPU FSB Overclocking.  This one adjust the FSB one at the time.  For running at 133 FSB use the first and check if the system is stable.  then if you must, overclock (or underclock).

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    Vac~Input |Voltage 115/230v| Voltage 10a/5a) | Frequency 60/50 hz
    Max DC | +3.3 | +5 | +12| -12 | -5 | +5sb |Green | Grey |
    OutPut | 28A | 40A| 18A|1.0A|3.0A| Com |P-On | PG

  • MSI 645 MAX 2 - LRU P4 1.8A OC FSB 100- 133

    Geetings, board users and fellow israeli moderator (does this mean u wont mod my messages?    )
    I am planning on buying the above mentioned board and processor. from my understanding, the best method of OCing the said combination is by raising the FSB from 100 to 133. I understand this is easily done from the BIOS, so this is not the issue here. what is the issue, however, is the change in the PCI/AGP and memory speeds as a result of changing the FSB. from what ive read here, i gather that if the FSB is at 133 exactly, the board takes care of the PCI/AGP dividers by itself so they remain 33 and 66 respectively. is this true?
    one more issue i would like to discuss is the memroy speed. i have decided to buy a 333 DDR memory, and from what i understand, setting the FSB to 133 and the CPU: Dram ratio to 4:5 would result in 333 DDr speed, which is what i want. is this correct?
    lastly, i would like to know whether a 2:3 ratio is possible for a PC3200 DDR or a 5:7 ratio for a PC3000 DDR (i hope my calculations are correct  :D ) in 133 FSB, of course. if not, are BIOS updates which would allow such ratios due to come?
    Thanks alot in advance  )
    Oh and i forgot to ask - i was thinking about setting the Vcore to 1.55 (3.3% increase) and the DDR voltage to 2.6 (4% increase). i understand these are minor changes that wont do any damage but rather improve my OCed system's stability. am i right on this one?
    Thanks again

    Excellent... Youve been of great help !  :]
    The only thing i dont understand is something about the memory...
    PC3000 is not a standard and is not supported by any chipset, it is only usefull for overclocking.
    but i AM overclocking, so how can i use a 366 DDR, for example, if i dont have the right multiplier? if more multipliers come in future bios upgrades, that would be good.
    and Vgames are great, they have excellent forums in a variety of subjects... and if you like hardware IS the place for you, i hang around there occasionally too... lots of MODS and OCs and really advanced stuff (most of it too advanced for me though :(  )
    and as for my planned OC, it was also surprising to me but:
    I've heard a few people have been able to hit 2400mhz outta the box (stock)......So I went for it! I selected the option for "2400mhz" and I didn't touch anything else, not even the cpu core voltage. The bios automatically set my memory fsb speed to 133fsb. I saved and exited and prayed it would boot up..........IT DID! It booted right up and started loading windows....So , I let it run Sisoft Sandra Cpu burn-in for about 8 hours at "high stress"...).....LOL. Ok, ok, he can hold his own ( he usually does.....bwahahhhaa)....back to the system, it was totally stable! After a 2 day uptime with WinXp using the computer constantly , in and outta games like Ra3 and MOH, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't gonna crash"
    The 1.8A seems to be reaching a guaranteed 2.4 GHz, using default or slightly higher vcore
    Using a SiS 645DX motherboard, we were able to easily reach the magic 2.4 GHz overclock on the standard 133/533 MHz FSB
    (with no voltage changes)
    and thats not mentioning many ppl in lots of forums who reported similar results...
    anyway, even if i get a crappy processor that wouldnt allow me to set the FSB at 133 (and it certainly has to be crappy to not allow that) i can always go for higher voltages, up to the maximum 1.65 which isnt so risky... and EVEN if 1.65 wont be enough, there is always a chance that a bios upgrade allowing greater voltages will come out, isnt there?
    i mean what could possibly happen? the mobo will shut down the computer if the processor gets too hot wont it?
    but thats being extremely pessimistic... im quite sure my OC will work just fine with far less than 1.65V, and the above quotes confirm that...  

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    After staring at the motherboard for a few minutes I noticed there were "fsb jumpers" pins 1-6 near the cpu.  for pins 1-2 and 3 and 4, the table etched on the board says its 166mhz fsb.  So I set it to that, and whenever I set the same fsb settings in the bios multiplied by even 15.0, after reboot it reports 933Mhz.  I was running through the windows setup @this speed fine, but during the HD format it shuts itself off.
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    -2 x 256MB Crucial Cas 2.5 DDR
    -Nvidia geforce fx 5200 128MB
    -40GB HD
    -Plextor 16x10x40 Burner
    -Bios is latest 1.4 release
    I have read the FAQ regarding this board and the "wait 15min" procedure when clearing the board's CMOS.  Even after following all that, I still get the same thing.
    ahhh this is driving me insane

    "...I have read the FAQ regarding this board and the "wait 15min" procedure when clearing the board's CMOS. Even after following all that, I still get the same thing..." Does it mean there are no changes in Bios after clearing CMOS ? You don't need to wait if you drain all current on Mobo after disconnecting P.Su. from wall socket and taking off battery, by pressing case power button. What is memory speed ? Both memory same make ? Have you tried with only 1 memory ? What are AMPS. actual P.Su. gives to 3.3v. 5v. and 12v. rails ? BTW. If. Mobo has jumpers to set FSB you should use them to set FSB. not Bios's.

  • Powers off above FSB of 133 (barton 2500)

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    AMD (Barton) 2500
    Mushkin 512MB 3200 In the Light green slot
    Enhance 300W PSU
    Fresh Install of XP Pro SP1
    Copper cooler CPU Fan and heat sink
    120MM Case fan
    Big Ass Problem
    First of all when I was installing XP from CD it would get to the starting windows screen and then just power off. The only way to start back up was to unplug the power supply and it would power back up.
    I changed to the Bios to defaults and was able to get XP loaded. (Only running at 1100 on the processor)
    Now when I change the FSB to 166 it will run for about 5 to 30 min and the power of issue is back. I change the FSB to 100 or 133 and it will stay on and I can even use it.
    Could this be a memory issue or a heat issue? It has even powered of in the BIOS screen when I had the FSB on 166.
    Any ideas?

    Depends what else you've got on your system. My system runs fine with a generic 350W PSU - people will tell you that you need 500w beasts, but hey - Kingmax Memory is supposed to be stroppy with Deltas, but mine's fine The only thing I'd say is that if you've got more than 1 HDD and 1 CD/DVD, then you could do with pepping up the PSU.
    Mine's been running non-stop since I got it, night and day, never hit more than 35C with stock cooling and no case fan, and never locked up. Yippee

  • Set FSB higher than 100Mhz?

    I have a msi 6533 (sis 645) board
    i have been useing a celeron 2.6 Ghz processor the last 3 month and it has run fine.
    now i have gotten 2 different processors
    1. P4 2.4 Ghz with hypertreading
    2. p4 2.55Ghz
    if i use the 2.4Ghz processor my system tells me that i run 1200Mhz  12*100
    i suppose it should be 12*200Mhz.
    if i use the 2.55Ghz processor my system informs me that i run 1900Mhz 19*100
    i suppose it should have been 19*133
    But how do i change the FSB?
    ive tried 5 different bios and only 1 had the option to do so. but 100Mhz was the only choice?

    Originally posted by Harlem
    why are they not supported?
    all my informations say that it can run p4 processors up to 2.6 Ghz ??
    Hi Harlem,
    The mainboard was designed before CPU's were released and there are certain mainboard limits.......
    Being able too use a CPU not suitable for mainboard shows you have brought wisely and that the cpu is allowing you to "back" clock to a lower FSB....
    If you would like to run CPUs at full, change mainboard.

  • Setting FSB above 250 changes DRAM to 5:4---Why???

    Board is a MSI 865PE Neo2 PFISR
    I can boot nicely with a 2.4C at 250 FSB at Synch 1:1
    Move it 1 mghtz up to anything above 250 FSB----and it instantly clocks the RAM Asynch 5:4
    Nothing I do in the bios will put me back at 1:1 even though my RAM is rated at PC4000 at 2.5, 7,4,4.
    The bios (3.6)seem pretty flakey as well.
    Different settings popping up after reboot----I have to constantly go in and reset things----recovering from an overclocking crash is a tedious process----many reboots involved before the settings seem to hold.

    Interesting thing to observed johnrr6, to be honest I'll never try the DDR500 as yours so I not trying this yet. In your case the bios could automaticaly change the DRAM Frequency when passing 275 mhz using DDR550 or PC4400.
    The funny thing is my mobo should automatically set my DRAM Frequency as yours to ratio 5:4 when it passing the 217 mHz, but it doesn't do that which is same as AI7 nothing change the DRAM Freq.
    Its good idea to find out the use of CC on OC Menu, it possible you have problem using DDR533 since its supposed to be DDR500, please let me know.
    In my opinion you already have a great 250 mHz with your DDR500, and I dont thing it can do DDR533 setting but may be more a bit from 250 mHz with ratio 1:1.
    Casing Tt Xaser III Skull
    M/B 865 PE Neo-2 PFS Platinum Edition Bios Ver.3.6
    CPU:P4 2.4C (HT enable) and ThermalTake SubZero 4G
    (DOT Rank=Commander,Turbo,2395 mHz - 2760 mHz)
    Memory: Corsair XMS 3500 2x512 meg (dual-channel dimm 2 and 4)
    VGA:WInFAst A360 Ultra TDH(FX 5700 with 128 meg DDRII)
    HD:2 SATA Maxtor 80gig and 1 ATA Maxtor 80Gig
    CD/RW Yamaha and Pioneer DVD
    PSU:ThermalTake Silent PurePower 480W (W0010/Black)
    +5 V/40 A, +3.3 V/30 A, +12 V/18 A, -5 V/0.3 A, -12 V/0.8 A, +5 VSB/2 A Peak Load 550 W
    Window XP PRO SP1
    NEC FP2141SB
    Microsoft DesktopPro
    Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum + Klipsch Promedia 4.1

  • Setting FSB:DDR ratio?

    How does one go about setting the FSB:DDR ratio on the Neo-2 (865)?
    I'm trying to overclock my P4 2.4C (with HyperX PC3500 RAM), but I'm not able to get any higher than about 2.7 GHz because the DDR frequency gets too high, even if I lock it at 400 MHz in the BIOS.
    Is there a setting I'm missing?  Does the board automatically set the ratio if the system bus is set high enough?
    Help would be appreciated, thanks.

    You don't really 'lock' it to 400. You set it to 400 which puts it in 1:1 synch with the FSB at 200. I think what you want to do is set the DRAM clock at 333, so as it steps up with the FSB it won't reach 400 until your CPU is at a higher speed.
    If you get this working, please report your current benchmark and your new benchmark when not running 1:1. I'm cursios to see the net effect of increasing your CPU speed while sacrificing memory speed.

  • Set FSB:DRAM 1:1

    HELLO ...
    this is my system :
    PD 930 3.0
    MSI 945P NEO
    2G DDR2 533

    Quote from: the king2006 on 19-September-08, 13:37:32
    but why i dont have 400 !! its weared
    Dunno ask here as suggested:
    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 19-September-08, 13:35:27
    According to manual should have 400 option{That will keep it in 1:1}:
    System Memory Frequency
    This setting allows you to set the bus frequency for installed DRAM. Settings: [Auto],
    [400MHz], [533MHz], [667MHz].
    Have a ask here: if 400 is N/A.

  • Help change FSB to 133

    I have an sis 745 ultra board and also have an 2600xp amd and in windows and bios it reads 1900+. I have already flashed the bios to 1.6 and it still does not read correctly.
    HOw can I change my fsb from 100 to 133??? is there a jumper on the mobo??

    well it is the 266 version of the 2600+ not the 333. also when I try to change the fsb from 100 to 133 what key do I press?? enter wont allow changes. hmm not quite sure how to change it. I know this sounds like a stupid question but I am not at my computer at the moment.

  • My System wont start after setting FSB to 200

    My System wont start after I'd set my FSB to 200,
    when the system starts, nothing comes up, and my Pc screen LED just blinks,
    I have tryed to reseting the Bios but it doesn't help, have also tryed with new RAM and new Graphiccard but it doesnt help.
    Please help me:-(
    Am I resetting the Bios wrong? I set the jumper to safe mode and 100mhz, then I use the jumper to clear the CMOS. And the restart at set the jumpers back
    3ghz AMD BARTON
    NVIDIA nforce2 k7bn2 Delta
    512 DDR RAM PCI3200

    Originally posted by roobster
    set the multiplier lower , FSB(200) X multiplier (ex.10.5) = 2100 MHz , and your voltage raise it a bit too let say 1,700 ( default is 1.650 ) If this doesn't work at once , keep booting . My rig started up after 5 times . Strange but true .
    does not work if he has a 3000.
    they are multiplier locked.

  • Can't set fsb clock (k7t266 pro )

    Hi there,
    I hope someone of you gurus is able and wanting to shed some light on my problem:
    I replaced the duron 700 on my k7t266 pro with a xp2000+
    (palomino). When I want to change the fsb clock in the bios
    I can't. It stays 100Mhz
    I upgraded the bios with ver 1.90, and disabled bios prot.
    What is it that I'm doing wrong?

    should i try a lower version of the bios?
    In the bios setup menu i don't have the possibility to load
    high-performance settings ( that option isn't there).
    But maybe that is correct in ver 1.90

  • CPU FSB clock

    I don't know much of computers and i have just bought an Athlon XP 2000+ processor. What BIOS settings do i have to change to make it work at the correct operating speed?
    I've anyone could help me, i don't wanto fry my PC.
    AMD says it's 266 for the CPU FSB clock it this correct?

    It may be set up correctly now. What speed is your chip running now - about 1667 MHZ. How is chip IDed at startup - XP2000+? If not, say you have 2000+ Tbred, set FSB to 133 (266 DDR) and multiplier to 12.5 (think that's correct default). Be sure to give your motherboard manual a good read! Will help with settings.
    Depending on your motherboard model, memory, cooling etc, you may (with some experience) be able to run that chip to 166-200 FSB. But don't try above 133 FSB without proper research. You can damage your system. You'll have to furnish your system details to get a better handle on its potential.

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