Setting in ME38(Urgent)

Dear Experts, Good Morning!
Our client wants to use Scheduling Agreement with Sub Contracting...for this we must maintain components to be provided,and where we mention like in Sub Contracting PO....?
In ME38->Item->Components->New BOM Explosion...what it means?For our client this option is showing in grey field,can any one tell me how to get this option in required or optional mode????
Please do reply me.

Let's discuss the basics first.
In SAP. sub contracting purchasing document supports one major process in which a company provides components required for an assembly and orders from a vendor.  It could be a simple PO, or a PO created from a Contract or a scheduling agreement delivery schedules.  All these however, will have a unique feature that controls subcontracting procurement just nothing but "Item Category" L - Subcontracting.  This one drives the rest of the process.  This L demands for a BOM to be maintained (planned) in CS01 transaction.  It basically covers the list of components and quantities (it may even include drawings) for manufacturing some base quantity (say 100).  When a subcon PO or a subcon delivery schedule for scheduling agreement is created, it will use the bom to view your area of concern: components overview.
Using MB1B or ME2O you can transfer components required for subcontracting PO, via transaction 541.  This transfers your components to vendor.  When vendor delivers finished product, you will receive using MIGO (101 mvt ty).  While receiving FG,. it automatically consumes components using 543 mvt type.
Hope, this clarifies briefly about S/C scheduling agreement, delivery schedule, and associated process.  For extensive details about subcontracting, view my postings....

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    Hi Venu,
    have a look under System Administration - System Configuration -- Knowledge Management -- Configuration --Content Management -- User Interface -- Commands -- UI Command Groups -- StatemanagementGroup.
    See Java class: Take the class and decompile this and everything needed around to understand how this class works.
    Then you can choose to extend this CommandGroup to also have a command "Resubmit for Approval" or you can implement your own UI Command only for resubmitting (you will also have to activate your command (group) by settings within the configuration).
    On the other hand, if all this is completely new to you, I'm a bit sceptical if the task isn't a bit too big as a first task on KM implementation topics...?
    Hope it helps

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         for(int i=0;i<3;i=i+1)
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    Your code looks strange, it contains some errors. First of all, what does your set...() method do? You have a for-loop that does the same thing 3 times. Your get...() method has a return inside a for-loop. That makes no sense; the method will return at the first iteration.
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      return this.proj_title.cont;

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    ***INCLUDE Z00_BCI010 .
    TABLES: z00_bc_cpt_sess,       " Stockage des compteurs associés aux
                                   " progs de traitement.
            z00_bc_erreur,         " Table des anomalies des programmes
    " spécifiques.
    *début ajout FAE 30463
            z00_bc_err_log.        "Table de stockage et retention des
    *fin ajout FAE 30463
           t100.                  " Messages.
                       Déclaration des données internes                  *
    Table interne des anomalies.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_erreur OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE z00_bc_erreur.
    DATA: END OF itb_erreur.
    Nombre de jour pour la suppression des données dans la table des
    DATA: i_nb_jour(3) TYPE n.
    *début ajout FAE 30463
    DATA: w_dl_delai    LIKE z00_bc_err_log-z_delai,
          w_in_stockage LIKE z00_bc_err_log-z_stockage VALUE 'X'.
    *fin ajout FAE 30463
    Date et heure d'éxécution.
    DATA: i_dt_date_execution LIKE sy-datum,
          i_hr_heure_execution LIKE sy-uzeit.
    Date de suppression.
    DATA: z_date LIKE sy-datum.
    Compteur de session.
    DATA: o_ct_session LIKE z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session.
    Compteur pour le numéro de ligne de la table d'anomalie.
    DATA: l_ct_num_ligne LIKE z00_bc_erreur-z_no_num_ligne VALUE '00'.
    Données utile au remplissage de la table interne des anomalies.
    Nom du programme ABAP.
    DATA: i_repid LIKE z00_bc_erreur-z_repid.
    Libellé du traitement.
    DATA: w_lb_traitement LIKE itb_erreur-z_lb_lib_trait.
    Clé identifiant l'objet traité.
    DATA: i_ds_clef_objet LIKE z00_bc_erreur-z_ds_clef_objet.
    Code anomalie.
    DATA: i_cd_message LIKE sy-msgno.
    Type de message d'anomalie.
    DATA: i_ty_message LIKE sy-msgty.
    Classe de message.
    DATA: i_classe_message LIKE sy-msgid.
    Variable de message.
    DATA: i_msgv1 LIKE sy-msgv1,
          i_msgv2 LIKE sy-msgv2,
          i_msgv3 LIKE sy-msgv3,
          i_msgv4 LIKE sy-msgv4.
    Phase d'éxécution du programme.
    DATA: i_in_phase_exec LIKE z00_bc_erreur-z_in_phase_exec.
    Libellé de la clé.
    DATA: i_clef_objet(30).
    CONSTANTS: k_heure(8) VALUE 'Heure',                        "#EC NOTEXT
               k_code(4) VALUE 'Code',                          "#EC NOTEXT
               k_lb_message(80) VALUE 'Désignation',            "#EC NOTEXT
               k_ligne LIKE sy-linsz VALUE '127',
               k_projet LIKE sy-title VALUE 'LOGOS'.
                                TRAITEMENT                               *
    Nettoyage de la table interne et des données.
    FREE itb_erreur.
    CLEAR: i_msgv1,
        Form F930_INIT                                                   *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Renseigne la table transparente des anomalies.                     *
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - ITB_ERREUR             Tables internes des erreurs.                *
    Entrées :                                                            *
    - I_REPID                Nom du programme en erreur.                 *
    - I_NB_JOUR              Nombre de jour avant la suppression des     *
                             enrgistrement de la lable Z00_BC_ERREUR.    *
    Sortie :                                                             *
    - O_CT_SESSION           Compteur de session.                        *
    FORM f930_init USING i_repid
    Appel de la routine de suppression des vieux enregistrement.
      PERFORM f911_suppression_anomalie USING i_repid
    Mise à jour des compteur de session.
      PERFORM f912_maj_z00_bc_cpt_sess USING i_repid
                                       CHANGING o_ct_session.
        Form F930_INIT_BLOCAGE                                           *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Suppression des vieux enregistrements
    - mise à jour table session
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - ITB_ERREUR             Tables internes des erreurs.                *
    Entrées :                                                            *
    - I_REPID                Nom du programme en erreur.                 *
    - I_NB_JOUR              Nombre de jour avant la suppression des     *
                             enrgistrement de la lable Z00_BC_ERREUR.    *
    Sortie :                                                             *
    - O_CT_SESSION           Compteur de session.                        *
    FORM f930_init_blocage USING i_repid
    Appel de la routine de suppression des vieux enregistrement.
    avec contrôle entrée de blocage
      PERFORM f911_suppression_anomalie_bloc USING i_repid
    Mise à jour des compteur de session.
      PERFORM f912_maj_z00_bc_cpt_sess USING i_repid
                                       CHANGING o_ct_session.
        Form F900_ERREUR                                                 *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Renseigne la table transparente des anomalies.                     *
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - ITB_ERREUR             Tables internes des erreurs.                *
    Donnée locale :                                                      *
    - l_CT_NUM_LIGNE         Compteur de ligne                           *
    - O_CT_SESSION           Numéro du compteur de session               *
    Entrées :                                                            *
    - I_REPID                Nom du programme en erreur.                 *
    - I_IN_PHASE_EXEC        Phase d'éxécution du programme              *
    - I_DS_CLEF_OBJET        Clé identifiant l'objet traité.             *
    - I_DT_DATE_EXECUTION    Date d'éxécution.                           *
    - I_HR_HEURE_EXECUTION   Heure d'éxécution.                          *
    - I_TY_MESSAGE           Type de message.                            *
    - I_CD_MESSAGE           code anomalie.                              *
    - I_CLASSE_MESSAGE       Classe de message.                          *
    - I_MSGV1                Variable de message.                        *
    - I_MSGV2                Variable de message.                        *
    - I_MSGV3                Variable de message.                        *
    - I_MSGV4                Variable de message.                        *
    FORM f900_erreur USING i_repid
                           value(i_msgv4).                      "#EC CALLED
    DE3K913901 début ajout
    On récupère l'incrément qui sera inclu au n°de session :
      IF o_ct_session IS INITIAL
      AND i_repid = 'Z06_MMR001'.
        PERFORM f912_maj_z00_bc_cpt_sess USING 'Z06_MMR001'
                                         CHANGING o_ct_session.
    DE3K913901 fin ajout
    Nettoyage de la zone de l'en tete de la table interne.
      CLEAR itb_erreur.
    Incrementation du compteur du numéro de ligne de la table d'anomalie.
      l_ct_num_ligne = l_ct_num_ligne + 1.
    Remplissage de la table interne.
      MOVE: i_repid TO itb_erreur-z_repid,
            l_ct_num_ligne TO itb_erreur-z_no_num_ligne,
            i_dt_date_execution TO itb_erreur-z_dt_date_exec,
            i_hr_heure_execution TO itb_erreur-z_hr_heure_exec,
            w_lb_traitement TO itb_erreur-z_lb_lib_trait,
            i_in_phase_exec TO itb_erreur-z_in_phase_exec,
            i_ds_clef_objet TO itb_erreur-z_ds_clef_objet.
      CONCATENATE i_ty_message
             INTO itb_erreur-z_cd_message.
    Récupération du libellé du message.
                msgid               = i_classe_message
                msgnr               = i_cd_message
                msgv1               = i_msgv1
                msgv2               = i_msgv2
                msgv3               = i_msgv3
                msgv4               = i_msgv4
                message_text_output = itb_erreur-z_lb_message.
    *début modification FAE 30463
    *Si  le flag est pas coché, on met à jour la table des erreurs
    *s'il n'y a pas d'entrée dans la table on met aussi à jour
      IF NOT w_in_stockage IS INITIAL.
    Mise à jour de la table.
        PERFORM f910_mise_a_jour.
    Mise à jour de la table interne.
      APPEND itb_erreur.
    Nettoyage des variables.
      CLEAR: i_msgv1,
    *fin modification FAE 30463
        Form F910_MISE_A_JOUR                                            *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Mets à jour les tables Z00_BC_CPT_SESS et Z00_BC_ERREUR.           *
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - ITB_ERREUR            Tables internes des erreurs.                 *
    FORM f910_mise_a_jour.
    Mise à jour des anomalies.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_erreur TO z00_bc_erreur.
      CONCATENATE itb_erreur-z_dt_date_exec
             INTO z00_bc_erreur-z_no_num_session.
      MODIFY z00_bc_erreur.
        Form F911_SUPPRESSION_VIEILLE_ANOMALIE                           *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Supprime les villes anomalies.                                     *
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - Z00_BC_ERREUR       Table des anomalies des programmes spécifiques.*
    Entrée :                                                             *
    - I_REPID             Nom du programme en erreur.                    *
    - I_NB_JOUR           Nombre de jour avant la suppression des        *
                          enrgistrement de la lable Z00_BC_ERREUR.       *
    FORM f911_suppression_anomalie USING i_repid
    début ajout FAE 30463
      SELECT SINGLE z_stockage z_delai
               INTO (w_in_stockage, w_dl_delai)
               FROM z00_bc_err_log
              WHERE z_repid = i_repid.
    *si le programme est dans la table z00_bc_err_log, on récupère la zone
    Z_DELAI (délai de rétention des erreurs)
    *sinon le délai est celui passé en paramètre de cette fonction
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        z_date = sy-datum - w_dl_delai.
        z_date = sy-datum - i_nb_jour.
      Pas d'enreg. ds table param, alors on stockera ds Z00_BC_ERREUR
        w_in_stockage = 'X'.
    fin ajout FAE 30463
    Suppression des enregistrements trop vieux.
      DELETE FROM z00_bc_erreur WHERE z_repid EQ i_repid
                                  AND z_dt_date_exec LE z_date.
        Form F911_SUPPRESSION_ANOMALIE_BLOC                              *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Supprime les villes anomalies en tenant compte des objets de bloc  *
    Donnée globale :                                                     *
    - Z00_BC_ERREUR       Table des anomalies des programmes spécifiques.*
    Entrée :                                                             *
    - I_REPID             Nom du programme en erreur.                    *
    - I_NB_JOUR           Nombre de jour avant la suppression des        *
                          enrgistrement de la lable Z00_BC_ERREUR.       *
    FORM f911_suppression_anomalie_bloc USING i_repid
    Blocage de la table
          mode_z00_bc_erreur         = 'E'
          z_mandt                    = sy-mandt
          z_repid                    = i_repid
      X_Z_REPID                  = ' '
      _SCOPE                     = '2'
      _WAIT                      = ' '
      _COLLECT                   = ' '
          foreign_lock               = 1
          system_failure             = 2
          OTHERS                     = 3.
    Suppression des enr que si la table pour ce pg n'est pas bloquée
    Si bloquée => ne rien faire car suppression aura déjà eu lieu
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    début ajout FAE 30463
        SELECT SINGLE z_stockage z_delai
                 INTO (w_in_stockage, w_dl_delai)
                 FROM z00_bc_err_log
                WHERE z_repid = i_repid.
    *si le programme est dans la table z00_bc_err_log, on récupère la zone
    Z_DELAI (délai de rétention des erreurs)
    *sinon le délai est celui passé en paramètre de cette fonction
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          z_date = sy-datum - w_dl_delai.
          z_date = sy-datum - i_nb_jour.
        Pas d'enreg. ds table param, alors on stockera ds Z00_BC_ERREUR
          w_in_stockage = 'X'.
    fin ajout FAE 30463
    Suppression des enregistrements trop vieux.
        DELETE FROM z00_bc_erreur WHERE z_repid EQ i_repid
                                    AND z_dt_date_exec LE z_date.
    Déblocage de la table.
         MODE_Z00_BC_ERREUR         = 'E'
                  z_mandt              = sy-mandt
                  z_repid              = i_repid.
        Form F912_MAJ_Z00_BC_CPT_SESS                                    *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Renseigne la table transparente des sessions.                      *
    Données globales :                                                   *
    - z00_BC_CPT_SESS      Stockage des compteurs associés aux progs de  *
                           traitement.                                   *
    - Z00_BC_ERREUR        Table des anomalies des programmes spécifiques*
    Entrée :                                                             *
    - I_REPID              Nom du programme en erreur.                   *
    Sortie :                                                             *
    - O_CT_SESSION         Numéro de session.                            *
    FORM f912_maj_z00_bc_cpt_sess USING i_repid
                                  CHANGING o_ct_session.
    Blocage de la table
          mode_z00_bc_cpt_sess       = 'E'
          z_mandt                    = sy-mandt
          z_repid                    = i_repid
      X_Z_REPID                  = ' '
      _SCOPE                     = '2'
      _WAIT                      = ' '
      _COLLECT                   = ' '
          foreign_lock               = 1
          system_failure             = 2
          OTHERS                     = 3.
    Si la table est déjà vérouillée.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    Si c'est la 99eme fois que l'on reboucle alors on sort du programme.
          IF sy-index EQ 99.
    sinon attendre 1 seconde.
          WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS.
    Blocage de la table
              mode_z00_bc_cpt_sess       = 'E'
              z_mandt                    = sy-mandt
              z_repid                    = i_repid
             X_Z_REPID                  = ' '
             _SCOPE                     = '2'
             _WAIT                      = ' '
             _COLLECT                   = ' '
              foreign_lock               = 1
              system_failure             = 2
              OTHERS                     = 3.
    Si table bloquée.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Lecture dans la table des sessions.
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM z00_bc_cpt_sess WHERE z_repid EQ i_repid.
    Contrôle si un enregistrement avec le même nom de programme existe et
    si le compteur de session est différent de '99'.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session NE 99.
        z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session = z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session + 1.
        o_ct_session = z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session.
        MODIFY z00_bc_cpt_sess.
    Si un enregistrement avec le même nom de programme existe et
    si le compteur de session est égal à '99'.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session EQ 99.
        o_ct_session = z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session.
        MODIFY z00_bc_cpt_sess.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc NE 0.
        z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session = '00'.
        z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_repid = i_repid.
        o_ct_session = z00_bc_cpt_sess-z_ct_session.
        MODIFY z00_bc_cpt_sess.
    Déblocage de la table.
                mode_z00_bc_cpt_sess = 'E'
                z_mandt              = sy-mandt
                z_repid              = i_repid.
      X_Z_REPID                  = ' '
      _SCOPE                     = '3'
      _SYNCHRON                  = ' '
      _COLLECT                   = ' '
        Form F920_TOP_OF_PAGE                                            *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Entête Schneider                                                   *
    Entrée :                                                             *
    - I_REPID              Nom du programme en erreur.                   *
    FORM f920_top_of_page USING i_repid.                        "#EC CALLED
    En-tete de page.
                p_linsz   = k_ligne
                p_pagno   = sy-pagno
                p_prog    = i_repid
                p_projet  = k_projet
                p_societe = k_societe
                p_sujet   = sy-title.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        Form F920_EDITION                                                *
    Fonction :                                                           *
    - Edition des erreurs.                                               *
    Données globales :                                                   *
    - ITB_ERREUR           Table interne des anomalies.                  *
    Entrée :                                                             *
    - I_REPID              Nom du programme en erreur.                   *
    - I_CLEF_OBJET,        Désignation de la clé de l'objet.             *
    FORM f920_edition USING i_repid
                            i_clef_objet.                       "#EC CALLED
    En-tete de tableau.
      WRITE AT (sy-linsz) sy-uline.
      WRITE:          sy-vline,
      WRITE AT sy-linsz sy-vline.
      LOOP AT itb_erreur.
    Edition de la table interne des anomalies.
    Controle des couleurs.
        IF itb_erreur-z_cd_message(1) NE 'S'.
          IF itb_erreur-z_cd_message(1) EQ 'W'.
          ELSEIF itb_erreur-z_cd_message(1) EQ 'I'.
        WRITE AT (sy-linsz) sy-uline.
        WRITE:          sy-vline,
    *Begin change PIT DE3K936510
    *End change PIT DE3K936510
        WRITE AT sy-linsz sy-vline.
      WRITE AT (sy-linsz) sy-uline.
    INCLUDE: z00_bci010.                   " Gestion des anomalies.
                          Déclaration des données                        *
                       Tables de la bases de données                     *
            ekpo,        " Poste document d'achat.
            lfa1,        " Base fournisseurs (généralités).
            marc,        " Données division de l'article.
            eord,        "Répertoire des sources appro. Achats
            eina,        "Fiche infos-achats - données générales
            t024,        "Groupes d'acheteurs
            tvarv.                                              "FAE17345+
                       Déclaration des données internes                  *
    Déclaration de la table interne qui permet de recuperer les mois.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_months OCCURS 12.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE t247.
    DATA: END OF itb_months.
    Table pour récupération d'infos sur les divisions
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t001w OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE t001w-werks,
            fabkl LIKE t001w-fabkl," Clé du calendrier d'entreprise
          END OF itb_t001w.
    Déclaration de la table interne contenant les infos sur l'adresse du
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_adresse OCCURS 0,
            lifnr LIKE lfa1-lifnr,           " Numéro de compte fournisseur.
            name1 LIKE lfa1-name1,                              " Nom 1.
            name2 LIKE lfa1-name2,                              " Nom 2.
            name3 LIKE lfa1-name3,                              " Nom 3.
            name4 LIKE lfa1-name4,                              " Nom 4.
            stras LIKE lfa1-stras,           " N° de rue et nom de la rue.
            pstlz LIKE lfa1-pstlz,           " Code postal.
            ort01 LIKE lfa1-ort01,           " Localité.
            pfach LIKE lfa1-pfach,           " Boîte postale.
            pstl2 LIKE lfa1-pstl2,           " Code de la boîte postale.
            land1 LIKE lfa1-land1,           " Clé de pays.
            landx LIKE t005t-landx,          " Pays.
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,           " Code langue
    END OF itb_adresse.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur les
    prévisions de commande.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_prev_cde OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,            " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,            " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,            " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,            " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,            " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,            " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,            " Désignation article.
            bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,            " Quantité de commande.
            men00 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité du mois en cours M.
            men01 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+1.
            men02 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+2.
            men03 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+3.
            men04 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+4.
            men05 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+5.
            men06 LIKE plaf-gsmng.            " Quantité pour le mois M+6.
    DATA: END OF itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les commandes convernant les PFC
    DATA str_pca_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    *add sde
    DATA str_eord_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les prévisons PFC
    DATA str_prev_pfc LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur le
    portefeuille des commandes d'achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_pca OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE ekpo-werks,    " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,     " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,    " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,    " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,    " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,    " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,    " Désignation article.
            ebeln LIKE ekes-ebeln,    " Numéro du document d'achat.
            ebelp LIKE ekes-ebelp,    " Numéro de poste du document d'achat.
            slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt,    " Date de livraison statistique
            eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,    " Date de livraison indiquée dans la
                                      " confirmation de la cde.
            menge LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité indiquée dans la confirma-
                                      " tion de la commande.
            attdu LIKE eket-wemng,    " Portefeuille fournisseur.
            netpr LIKE ekpo-brtwr,    " Prix net du document d'achat dans
                                      " la devise du document.
            rtard TYPE i,             " Retard en jours ouvres.
            wemng LIKE eket-wemng,    " Quantité de l'entrée de marchandise.
            bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat,    " Date inscrite sur la pièce/sur le
                                      " document.
            qtran LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité en transit.
            dtran LIKE ekes-eindt.    " Date du dernier avis de transit.
    DATA: END OF itb_pca.
    DATA: w_i TYPE i,                "Compteur
          w_i_char(1) TYPE c,        "Texte pour récupérer compteur
          w_nm_zone(20) TYPE c,      "Nom zone pour assign au field-symbols
          w_nb_j TYPE i,             "Nb de jours ouvrés jusqu'à fin mois
          w_nb_j_tot TYPE i.         "Nb de jours ouvrés du mois
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les fiches info achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_eina OCCURS 0,
            matnr LIKE eina-matnr,
            lifnr LIKE eina-lifnr,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf.
    DATA: END OF itb_eina.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les infos groupe acheteur.
    *DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t024 OCCURS 0,
           ekgrp LIKE t024-ekgrp,
           eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
           ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
           telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    *DATA: END OF itb_t024.
    Déclaration d'une table pour le transfert du fichier.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_transfert OCCURS 0,
            col00(8),                 "division
            col00bis(20),             "Reference article
            col01(18),                "No article
            col02(45),                "libelle article
            col021(17),               "Groupe acheteur
            col022(13),               "gestionnaire
            col03(17),                "qte commandée ou No de commande
            col04(13),                "Mois 1 ou No poste cde
            col05(20),                "Mois 2 ou délai initial
            col06(33),                "Mois 3 ou délai négocié
            col07(13),                "Mois 4 ou qté cdée
            col08(13),                "Mois 5 ou qté attendue
            col09(13),                "Mois 6 ou Montant attendu
            col10(13),                "Mois 7 ou retard
            col11(13),                "qte partielle livree
            col12(13),                "date livraison partielle
            col13(13),                "qté en transit
            col14(13).                "date
    DATA: END OF itb_transfert.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant la liste des fournisseurs.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_lifnr OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf,
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,
            eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
            ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
            telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    DATA: END OF itb_lifnr.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans la table MSEG.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_mseg OCCURS 0,
             mblnr LIKE mseg-mblnr,
             mjahr LIKE mseg-mjahr,
             ebeln LIKE mseg-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE mseg-ebelp,
           END OF itb_mseg.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekpo OCCURS 0,
    ebeln LIKE ekpo-ebeln,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             ekgrp LIKE ekko-ekgrp,
             ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp,
             matnr LIKE ekpo-matnr,
             werks LIKE ekpo-werks,
             menge LIKE ekpo-menge,
             bpumz LIKE ekpo-bpumz,
             netpr LIKE ekpo-netpr,
             peinh LIKE ekpo-peinh,  "Base de prix FAE17345+
             bpumn LIKE ekpo-bpumn,
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,   "AFT++
           END OF itb_ekpo.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekko OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             spras LIKE ekko-spras,
           END OF itb_ekko.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKES.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekes OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE eket-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE eket-ebelp,
             etens LIKE ekes-etens,
             ebtyp LIKE ekes-ebtyp,
             eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,
             menge LIKE ekes-menge,
             dabmg LIKE ekes-dabmg,
           END OF

    hai ,
    use code inspector to find the performance issue sorce code and also it gives some tips to tune the peformance.
    Go to program in display mode or editable mode and in  menu bar you
    have program menu in first......chose it and go to it we have list including code inspector do it and tune it............
    plzz reward if useful

  • How to set BPEL classpath(urgent)

    I Want to set the classpath of the BPEL server with a jar file.
    I have already posted a question on this issue.But didnt get any reply.
    I have mysql jar file which is needed for mysql database connection.In the jdeveloper project settings I am adding the classpath of the library.But when i run my BPEL process i am getting classNotFoundException.Probably when BPEL server starts it sets some classpath.I think i need to update the classpath entry and put my jar file path there.
    And one more thing i am not using Database Adapter rather i am using java class to connect to the database.And the java class is called from BPEL process using <bpelx activity.
    Can anyone help me how to do this.

    I found out the way we can set the classpath.
    In C:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\orabpel\bin directory edit obsetenv.bat file and add ur class files there.

  • 2LIS_03_UM Set up -Very Urgent

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm trying to fill the set-up tables for DataSource 2LIS_03_UM. I have 5 Company codes.
    While I execute T.Code OLIZBW, it prompts for an entry in Archiving Run apart from the Company Code, Name of Run, Termination time.
    Where do you get the numeric value of the "Archiving Run"? I can't fill the set-up table without the value for the "Archiving Run".
    Kindly help me out.
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear Swetha,
      2LIS_03_UM in you filling the um no need to give the
    archive run. only select company code and name of run
    and termination date and time .
    jobs run in background only -->select program in menu bar
    execute in background>give the printer name and select immediately
    like this fill the all company codes..
    assign points ...if its helpful......

  • Result Set(Value set ) Error..URGENT

    Hi Gurus,
             I am facing an issue here. I created a valueset and passed it as a variable to pass the top 10 customer to another query. When we run the second query ( which need top 10 customers as value set)we get message 'ABORT COULD NOT CARRY OUT ALL NORMINGS'
    Also on the RSA1> Reporting Agent> Valueset after scheduling the scheduling package to Immediate, when we check the Scheduling package for Job Over view, we get message saying ' Job List is Empty'. We need your help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    What database are you connecting to?
    There is a bug in Oracle 8 that will make all
    your Select * from ... result sets not updatables,
    you need to list the columns name to get around it.

  • Setting color dynamically - Urgent

    Based on the flag in my table , I need to set the color of a boilerplate object dynamically( a small square )
    I've tried format triggers, but in vain.
    Could someone help me out

    Since you are setting a rectangle, the PL/SQL would be:
    if (:P_1 IS NOT NULL)
    end if;
    You were probably missing the 'solid' call since setting a value if the pattern is 'transparent' has no effect.
    The "Conditional Formatting" property against any layout object allows you to graphically create these format exceptions to be added to the format trigger for that object.

  • Extra Space coming while looping through Hash Set in JSP: URGENT

    I have to loop through the Hash Set in jsp, and display the contents with a comma seperated list.
    I am able to display the values withing the set, however.. after every value,
    i am getting an extra space and then a comma. How do i get rid of this extra space?
    Below is the code snippet
    <% Set tagSet = new HashSet();
         tagSet = (Set)request.getAttribute(PhotoConstants.REQ_RELATED_TAGS);     
         Iterator i = tagSet.iterator();     
         String tagName=(String);
    <a href="/outlook/photo/keywords?keywords=<%=URLEncoder.encode(tagName)%>"><%=tagName%></a>
    I am getting following output:
    NY , sky , Sports & Recreation , clouds , New York City , New York
    Expected Output:
    NY, sky, Sports & Recreation, clouds, New York City, New York
    I want space after a comma, not befor comma...
    Any help is really appreciated..

    <% while(i.hasNext()) {
        String tagName=(String); %>
        <a href="/outlook/photo/keywords?keywords=<%=URLEncoder.encode(tagName)
        %>"><%=tagName%></a><%if(i.hasNext()==true){ %>,<% } %>
    <% } %>I think this is an html whitespace thing... try moving your code around to look like what's above (ie move the end of line to inside your scriptlet tag)
    Code looks OK...

  • E-mail Setting Up - Require Urgent Help for BlackBerry 9380

    Hi guys.
    I've bought a BlackBerry 9380 and everything seems to be working except for setting up my emails.
    Everything I read says: Go to 'Settings' then 'Email Setup', but I do not have email set up in my settings, I only have an option that says 'Email Accounts', which for the BB9380 I'm sure you have to do.
    However, everytime I click it, it says 'Connecting to email settings...' and after a couple of minutes it will say: 'Your device had a problem connecting to the server.' And everytime I click retry, the same thing occurs. All my wireless settings are on, my signal's good etc, but I can't find how to sort this anywhere.
    All I want to do is add m hotmail email address to my BlackBerry so the emails come straight through to my phone.
    Please help!!!
    Thanks you.
    P.S, I've already tried the whole 'Pull you battery out and reload thing' etc

    hi psatkeson,
    As you said you already have a active data plan and using BBM right. On your Home screen Go to Manage
    Connection > Service Status >What you can see :Blackberry Internet Service  : ? ,Blackberry Enterprise
    Server :  ?
    Do let us know.. 
    Good Luck.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • E-mail Setting Up - Require Urgent Help for BlackBerry 9380 Options

    Hi guys.
    I've bought a BlackBerry 9380 and everything seems to be working except for setting up my emails.
    Everything I read says: Go to 'Settings' then 'Email Setup', but I do not have email set up in my settings, I only have an option that says 'Email Accounts', which for the BB9380 I'm sure you have to do.
    However, everytime I click it, it says 'Connecting to email settings...' and after a couple of minutes it will say: 'Your device had a problem connecting to the server.' And everytime I click retry, the same thing occurs. All my wireless settings are on, my signal's good etc, but I can't find how to sort this anywhere.
    All I want to do is add m hotmail email address to my BlackBerry so the emails come straight through to my phone.
    Please help!!!
    Thanks you.

    Hi there,
    Can you confirm that you are on a BlackBerry data plan? In order to use email on your BlackBerry, you need access to the BlackBerry data network. If you are sure that you have a BlackBerry data plan (e.g. if you're able to use services like BBM), then try doing the following:
    1. Go to Options > Device > Advanced System Settings > Host Routing Table and then press the BB Menu button and select Register now. You should get a message in your Inbox stating that your device is now registered on the BlackBerry network.
    2. Try to go to Setup > Email Accounts again. Are you now able to access the email setup?
    If you don't get the message stating that your device is registered on the BlackBerry network, you need to contact your carrier and ask them to ensure that they have set up your BlackBerry data plan correctly. I've had that happen before and once they changed my data package over, everything started working correctly.
    I hope this info helps!
    If you want to thank someone for their comment, do so by clicking the Thumbs Up icon.
    If your issue is resolved, don't forget to click the Solution button on the resolution!

  • Set tree property       urgent pleasssssssssse

    dear all
    i want use SET_TREE_PROPERTY to replace between
    two record group RG1 RG2 (already created )
    name of tree is : tree55
    and i want to use when_new_block_instance trigger
    how do i can assign the record group to the above tree ??????
    please advise
    best regards to all

    Use the Record Group property of your tree item.

  • Plz Urgent in BADI

    In production server in vl01n transaction server some one put BREAK-POINT  out bound delivery order when item level badi implementation..
    I used all method but its not showing in Method code.
    How i can find zbadi implementation where break point is set.
    Very urgent.
    Plz reply as sooon as possible.

    Hi dugesh,
                       you can put the break point  in se19  --interface ---under the method <b>change_input_header_items</b>.The pariculer BADI will trigger when you click on PGI(post goods issue from the outbound delivery(VL02N).
    Hope now you have catch my point.
    and you can develop any objects in developemen server.In production server you can test the object only .You have no rights access Functional .

  • Setting up personal email on new blackberry pearl

    Hi all,
    I have recently purchased a Blackberry  Pearl and am trying to set up my personal email however I am not being given the option to create or add a new email address....only getting the option for 'enterprise server account for a work email'.  Can anyone assist with this please.  I am not getting any response from my provider and need to set this up urgently.

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    To use the proprietary RIM Push email capability, you must have an adequate data plan from your carrier. The carriers host BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) for their BB users. Typically, BIS is not available via generic data plans. Many carriers call what is necessary The Blackberry Data Plan. Whatever they call it, it is the carrier who delivers BIS to their BB users -- contact them for assistance. Once you have a BIS-capable data plan on your BB (at whatever fees your carrier will charge, btw), you will then have Personal Email added to the email setup wizard.​eed_a_Data_Plan_for%3F
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
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  • Scheduling Agreement - Cannot Release, cant create message in LPA

    I have gone through all the threads on Scheduling Agreement but could not find the answer to the problem I am facing.
    I created scheduling agreement through LP, everything went through smooth.
    Now while create scheduling agreement through LPA, I am facing these problems, I cannot create output message while using ME38, but can create message through ME32L, but message output through me32L just creates printout of required quantity, no line items printed on it, and when I try to create output message through ME38 the message window comes in display mode, whereas while creating output message through LP, it allowed me to configure it. So first question, how can I enter my output setting in ME38 where SA is created through LPA.
    Secondly document is created through LPA, but I cannot release it through ME84. I followed all the required settings, but its not letting me release the document, the traffic light is constant RED. Any ideas?
    Lastly, No GR. Going through forum messages, I learnt that until the document is not released I cannot do GR. The dates of lines I changed it to post date, even behind the post date, but its still coming up as document doesnot have selectable items. Please help

    Hello Prasand,
    Your answer was helpful, but all these steps mentioned by you were already followed by me. My one question got answered there, why I get the messages in ME38 in uneditable format, but when I use ME84 for SA release, the result comes up in Red, and there I dont see any option to go further. Am I missing any step before it?
    I clicked on List>Print Preview, the messages of JIT are there, then I click List> Print, dialog box comes up asking Output Device, I use default device LP01 there and then when I click OK message comes up Spool request (number 0000005941) created without immediate output and the problem remains no Sa released. Any help?
    3. Ensure that the output message condition records for output types LPJ1 / LPH1 maintained.
    Is this line refering to Customizing>MM>Purchasing>Messages>Output control>conditions tables?Define Condition tables, if yes I dont know how to configure this and havent read anywhere how to get this part configured.
    I configured Output control>Messages Determination Schemas>Define messages schemas for SA>Define Message determination schemas, there in control data, i put LPJ1 and LPH1 requirements as 105 which is for delivery schedule, earlier it was pointing to 109 and 111, then Assign Schema: Sa release/expiditer I checked the R indicator. Am I correct?
    I guess without the SA release, I cannot do the GR against my SA as when I do GR it gives message no selectable items.
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on Dec 11, 2008 6:46 AM
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on Dec 11, 2008 7:24 AM

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  • Email for Apple

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