Setting object attribute in dynamic sql

I am trying to set an object attribute in PL/SQL. It looks like execute immediate is unhappy with
create type test_object as object(username varchar2(200),id number);
obj test_object;
username varchar2(50);
obj := test_object(null,null);
username := 'MIKE';
execute immedaite 'begin :x.username := :y; end;' using obj,username;
Is this supposed to work?

Hi Tony,
Thanks so much for your response. I've had to study up on the dbms_sql package to understand your function... first time I've used it. I've fed my dynamic query to your function and see that it returns a colon delimited list of the column names; however, I think I need a little more schooling on how and where exactly to apply the function to actually set the column names in APEX.
From my test app, here is the code for my dynamic query. I've got it in a "PL/SQL function body returning sql query" region:
  v_query      VARCHAR2(4000);
  v_as         VARCHAR2(4);
  v_range_from NUMBER;
  v_range_to   NUMBER;         
  v_range_from := :P1_FY_FROM;
  v_range_to   := :P1_FY_TO;
  v_query      := 'SELECT ';
  -- build the dynamic column selections by looping through the fiscal year range.
  -- v_as is meant to specify the column name as (FY10, FY11, etc.), but it's not working.
  FOR i IN v_range_from.. v_range_to  LOOP
    v_as    := 'FY' || SUBSTR(i, 3, 4);
    v_query := v_query || 'MAX(DECODE(FY_NB,' || i || ',PFH_HEADCOUNT,0)) '
      || v_as || ',';
  -- add the rest of the query to the dynamic column selection
  v_query := rtrim(v_query,',') || ' FROM ('
    || 'LEFT OUTER JOIN ('
    || 'WHERE PL_ID = ' || :P1_PROJECT || ') B '
    || 'ON A.FY_ID = B.FY_ID)';
  RETURN v_query;
END;I need to invoke GET_QUERY_COLS(v_query) somewhere to get the column names, but I'm not sure where I need to call it and how to actually set the column names after getting the returned colon-delimited list.
Can you (or anyone else) please help me get a little further? Once again, feel free to login to my host account to see it first hand.
Thanks again!

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    i'm trying to develop a generic library that is able to execute a call to a pl/sql with a generic list of types.
    If the objects are native (i.e. number, varchar2...) works fine, but i cannot understand how to do the same with a generic user defined object.
    For example:
         B     VARCHAR2(40),
         C          CLOB
         E     A
    And the pl/sql:
         PROCEDURE exempl (inInfo IN OUT D);                                   
    Do you have an example of how to do this ??, obviously i dont whant to use the OTT, because i want the maximum level of flexibility. I think i have to use the OCIObjectNew functions and the related ones, but i don't know how.
    Best regards,

    i'trying to solve the problem with this code (just use of set Object attribute and get object Attribute) , but it doesn't work:
    #define SQLCA_NONE
    #define ORACA_NONE
         sql_context sqlCtx;
         char* dbName = "dbName";
         char* oraPwd;
         char* oraConnection;
         char* oraUsr;
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <sql2oci.h>
    extern "C" {
         #include <orid.h>
    sword checkErr(sword status, OCIError * error)
         text errbuf[512];
         sb4 errcode = 0;
         int     errorCode = 0;
         string     errorDesc;
         switch (status) {
              case OCI_SUCCESS:
              case OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO:
                   OCIErrorGet((dvoid *)error, (ub4) 1, (text *) 0, &errcode, errbuf, (ub4) sizeof(errbuf), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
                   errorDesc = (char *)errbuf;                    
                   cout << "error: " << errorDesc << endl;
              case OCI_NEED_DATA:
                   cout << "warning: NEED DATA"<< endl;
              case OCI_NO_DATA:
                   cout << "warning: NO DATA" << endl;
              case OCI_ERROR:
                   OCIErrorGet((dvoid *)error, (ub4) 1, (text *) 0, &errcode, errbuf, (ub4) sizeof(errbuf), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
                   errorDesc = (char *)errbuf;
                   cout << "error: " << errorDesc << endl;
              case OCI_INVALID_HANDLE:
                   cout << "error: INVALID HANDLE" << endl;
              case OCI_STILL_EXECUTING:
                   cout << "error: STILL EXECUTING" << endl;
              case OCI_CONTINUE:
                   cout << "error: CONTINUE" << endl;
                   cout << "error: ???" << endl;
         return status;
    int main ()
         OCIType *           tdo;
         dvoid *           objectPointer;
         dvoid *          null_struct =(dvoid*) 0;
         OCIString *          message4AB= (OCIString *)0;
         OCIInd                ind4AB = OCI_IND_NOTNULL;
         ub4 len[] = {1};
         const char *attrName[] = {"B"};
         dvoid *               attr_null_struct =(dvoid* ) 0;
         OCIString*           newString = (OCIString*) 0;
         OCIType *          attr_tdo;
         OCIInd                newIndMessage = OCI_IND_NULL;
         OCITypeCode           typecode ;     
         OCIEnv *     mEnvHandler;
         OCISvcCtx *      mSvcEnv;
         OCIError *     mErrorHandler;
         oraUsr = (char*) "gpridb";
         oraPwd = (char*) "gpridb";
         oraConnection = "ic9su002";
         sqlca sqlca;
         EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :sqlCtx;
         EXEC SQL CONNECT :oraUsr IDENTIFIED BY :oraPwd AT :dbName USING :oraConnection;
         if (SQL_ERROR == SQLEnvGet(sqlCtx, &mEnvHandler) ) {
              cout << "Error during creation of environment Handler"<< endl;
              exit (1);     
         if (SQL_ERROR == SQLSvcCtxGet(sqlCtx, (text *)dbName, (ub4) strlen(dbName), &mSvcEnv )) {
              cout << "Error during creation of svc Environment"<< endl;
              exit (1);     
         if (SQL_ERROR == OCIHandleAlloc( mEnvHandler, (dvoid **) &mErrorHandler, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, 0, (dvoid **) 0)){
              cout << "cannot initialize error handler" << endl;
              exit (1);
    checkErr (OCITypeByName ( mEnvHandler,mErrorHandler,mSvcEnv,(text *) 0,(ub4) 0,
                   (const text *) "A", (ub4) strlen ("A"),
                   (const text *)0, (ub4) 0,OCI_DURATION_SESSION,OCI_TYPEGET_ALL, &tdo),mErrorHandler);
    checkErr( OCIObjectNew ( mEnvHandler, mErrorHandler, mSvcEnv,OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT,tdo, (dvoid*)0,
                   OCI_DURATION_SESSION,true ,&objectPointer),mErrorHandler);
    checkErr(OCIObjectGetInd (mEnvHandler, mErrorHandler,
    objectPointer, &null_struct ),mErrorHandler);
    checkErr(OCIStringAssignText (mEnvHandler,mErrorHandler, (text *) "INVIO",
    strlen ("INVIO") ,&message4AB),mErrorHandler);
    cout << "Value in string: " << (char *) OCIStringPtr(mEnvHandler, message4AB) << endl;
    checkErr(OCIObjectSetAttr (mEnvHandler, mErrorHandler, objectPointer, null_struct,
    tdo, (const text **) attrName , len, (ub4) 1,(ub4 *) 0,
    (ub4)0, ind4AB, &attr_null_struct,
    (dvoid *) message4AB),mErrorHandler);
    checkErr (OCIObjectGetAttr(mEnvHandler, mErrorHandler, objectPointer, null_struct, tdo,
                   (const text **) attrName, len, 1, (ub4 *)0, (ub4)0, &newIndMessage,&attr_null_struct,
                   (void **) &newString, &attr_tdo),mErrorHandler);
    typecode = OCITypeTypeCode(mEnvHandler, mErrorHandler, attr_tdo);
    if (newIndMessage == OCI_IND_NULL) {
              cout << "null"<< endl;
    } else {
         cout << "indicator: " << newIndMessage << endl;
         switch (typecode)
         case OCI_TYPECODE_DATE : /* fixed length string */
              cout << "date" << endl;
         case OCI_TYPECODE_RAW : /* RAW */
              cout << "raw" << endl;
         case OCI_TYPECODE_CHAR : /* fixed length string */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR : /* varchar */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_VARCHAR2 : /* varchar2 */
              cout << "vc" << endl;
         case OCI_TYPECODE_SIGNED8:
              cout << "sign" << endl;
              cout << "uns" << endl;
         case OCI_TYPECODE_OCTET:
              cout << "octet" << endl;
         case OCI_TYPECODE_REAL: /* REAL */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_DOUBLE: /* DOUBLE */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_INTEGER: /* INT */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_SIGNED16: /* SHORT */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_SIGNED32: /* LONG */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_FLOAT: /* FLOAT */
         case OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER: /* NUMBER */
              cout << "num" << endl;
              cout << "defaut" << endl;
         char p = (char ) OCIStringPtr(mEnvHandler, newString);
         cout << " read from object (" << typecode << "): " << (char *) OCIStringPtr(mEnvHandler, newString) << endl;
    the output is:
    Value in string: INVIO
    indicator: 0
    read from object (9): @|

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    Kevin Rubesh

    Sajjad2 wrote:
    explicit grant to the objectsKarthick's idea about roles was my first thought too. since you have explict grants we will have to look elsewhere.
    Do you need synonyms to reference objects in another schema? What happens if you prefix the table names with the schema owner?

  • How to create a function with dynamic sql or any better way to achieve this?

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            throws an error "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a
            function.". In below code First cursor reads all client database names and second cursor
            reads client locations.
                      DECLARE @clientLocation nvarchar(100),@locationClientPath nvarchar(Max);
                      DECLARE @ItemID int;
                      SET @locationClientPath = char(0);
                      SET @ItemID = 67480;
       --building dynamic sql to replace database name at runtime
             DECLARE @strSQL nvarchar(Max);
             DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(100);
             DECLARE @localClientPath nvarchar(MAX) ;
                      Declare databaselist_cursor Cursor for select [DBName] from [DataBase].[dbo].
                      OPEN databaselist_cursor
                      FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
                      WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
       PRINT 'Processing DATABASE: ' + @DatabaseName;
        SET @strSQL = 'DECLARE organizationlist_cursor CURSOR
        FOR SELECT '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[usGetLocationPathByRID]
        FROM '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[tblItemLocationDetailOrg] where
                                   ItemId = '+ cast(@ItemID as nvarchar(20))  ;
         EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL;
        -- Open the cursor
        OPEN organizationlist_cursor
        SET @localClientPath = '';
        -- go through each Location path and return the 
         FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor into @clientLocation
         WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
           SELECT @localClientPath =  @clientLocation; 
           SELECT @locationClientPath =
    @locationClientPath + @clientLocation + ','
           FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor INTO
           PRINT 'current databse client location'+  @localClientPath;
         -- Close the Cursor
         CLOSE organizationlist_cursor;
         DEALLOCATE organizationlist_cursor;
         FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
                    CLOSE databaselist_cursor;
                    DEALLOCATE databaselist_cursor;
                    -- Trim the last comma from the string
                   SELECT @locationClientPath = SUBSTRING(@locationClientPath,1,LEN(@locationClientPath)-  1);
                     PRINT @locationClientPath;
            I would like to create above query in function so that return value would be used in 
            another query select statement and I am using SQL 2005.
            I would like to know if there is a way to make this work as a function or any better way
            to  achieve this?

    This very simple: We cannot use dynamic SQL from used-defined functions written in T-SQL. This is because you are not permitted do anything in a UDF that could change the database state (as the UDF may be invoked as part of a query). Since you can
    do anything from dynamic SQL, including updates, it is obvious why dynamic SQL is not permitted as per the microsoft..
    In SQL 2005 and later, we could implement your function as a CLR function. Recall that all data access from the CLR is dynamic SQL. (here you are safe-guarded, so that if you perform an update operation from your function, you will get caught.) A word of warning
    though: data access from scalar UDFs can often give performance problems and its not recommended too..
    Raju Rasagounder Sr MSSQL DBA
          Hi Raju,
           Can you help me writing CLR for my above function? I am newbie to SQL CLR programming.
           Thanks in advance!

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    Any help would be great. Thanks, Will

    Now I'm wondering if maybe the PreparedStatements are ONLY being called on the database when I call getConnection(), and not when I call executeQuery() or executeUpdate() from the Statement object. I just can't see why the database would have to make an access path for every SQL statement executed, but I could see it creating an access path for every connection requested. Any thoughts on that theory?

  • How to use SQL import to set the attribute value based on another?

    Hello all,
    I want to set an attribute of a dimension based on another attribute (if matches). Let's say I have a dimension PRODUCT. And I have defined two user defined attributes MANAGER and ISVISIBLE.
    Now within a PERMIT_READ program I want to set the ISIVISIBLE to true where the MANAGER Value is selected from a table.
    Something like
    <define a cursor c1 to select all the Manager values>
    sql import c1 into -
    Obviously the above is not correct. But I am stuck as to how this can be done? Can some one on this forum please help me with correct syntax/ approach please?
    Thanks a lot.
    This statement assigns true to the isvisible attribute for every gc_dim_bu dimension (selected as part of cursor c1).
    If I want to change the above so that the attribute value gets assigned based on another attribute for the dimension (say a flag). i.e.
    Set the isvisible to true where attribute flag has a certain value. How do I code this in OLAP DML?

    There are a number of ways to do this. If you want to use an attribute that has been defined within AWM as an attribute of Product then simply using the mapping tool to populate the attribute as part of the normal dimension load procedure.
    Alternatively you could create an attribute at the DML level, and assuming you are not using surrogate keys, you can then define a cursor to read the relational table to populate your attribute. Something like this:
    sql declare MKT_BASKET cursor for -
    from PRODUCT_DIM
    if SQLCODE ne 0
    then goto ERROR
    sql open MY_CURSOR
    sql close MY_CURSOR
    sql cleanup
    If you want to create a complex PERMIT function using OLAP DML then personally I would create a formula and assign a program of type BOOLEAN and have the program return a YES or NO depending on the outcome of your test. Then your PERMIT_READ still references a dimension object. For example:
    The program will then return Yes or No depending on the processing you need to do.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Data Warehouse Solution Architect
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
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  • Any tricks to use PL/SQL types in object attributes?

    I guess this is a bit of a newbie-question, but I haven't been able to find any workarounds elsewhere, so please bear with me... I'm far from new to object orientation, but I'm rather new to Oracle's object features.
    I was wondering if there's some trick you can use to keep references to attributes of PL/SQL types even though they are not allowed in object types (as these are "SQL", yes I do think I understand). I was thinking there might be some way you could cast them to some data type that is supported in SQL and then get them back by the reverse process when you need them in the PL/SQL inside the methods?
    In the concrete case, I would like to keep a reference to a utl_smtp connection in my object. It doesn't matter that the reference would be meaningless in other sessions etc. (actually I may not even want to store the objects in any persistent table - it's the polymorphism I'm after):
    att1 NUMBER,
    att2 sys.utl_smtp.connection
    - which of course give me:
    0/0     PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    3/12     PLS-00329: schema-level type has illegal reference to
    The problem becomes rather dull since I can't pass the connection record as a parameter to methods either.
    The only workaround I could think of was to keep the connection as a global variable in a PL/SQL package and then get it from there inside the methods. Of course this can be refined using an index by table and some object unique id to support multiple objects with their separate connections. But it still seems rather clumbsy - especially given that what I was looking for was the elegance of polymorphism.
    Any tricks I don't know of?
    I'm working in Oracle 10gR2.
    best regards,
    Edited by: schmidt on Mar 21, 2011 10:52 PM

    The UTL_SMTP Connection record is not too complicated, and can be easily translated into SQL object types. Add a package to aid in conversion between SQL and PLSQL, and voila!
    create or replace type o_utl_tcp_connection is object (
         remote_host     VARCHAR2(255),
         remote_port     INTEGER,
         local_host     VARCHAR2(255),
         local_port     INTEGER,
         charset          VARCHAR2(30),
         newline          VARCHAR2(2),
         tx_timeout     INTEGER,
         private_sd     INTEGER
    define     typeOf_SQL_BOOLEAN     = 'number'
    define     SQL_BOOLEAN          = '&typeOf_SQL_BOOLEAN(1)'
    define     SQL_TRUE          = 1
    define     SQL_FALSE          = 0
    create or replace type o_utl_smtp_connection is object (
         host          VARCHAR2(255),          -- remote host name
         port          INTEGER,          -- remote port number
         tx_timeout     INTEGER,          -- Transfer time out (in seconds)
         private_tcp_con o_utl_tcp_connection,     -- private, for implementation use
         private_state     INTEGER,          -- private, for implementation use
         -- Optionally, encapsulate all UTL_SMTP package calls behind object methods
         member procedure open(
              self                    IN OUT NOCOPY     o_utl_smtp_connection,
              host                    IN          VARCHAR2,
              port                    IN          INTEGER DEFAULT 25,
              tx_timeout               IN          INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
              wallet_path               IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
              wallet_password               IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
              secure_connection_before_smtp     IN          &typeOf_SQL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT &SQL_FALSE
         member procedure writeData(
              self                    IN OUT NOCOPY     o_utl_smtp_connection,
              data                    IN          VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS
    create or replace type body o_utl_smtp_connection is
         member procedure open(
              self                    IN OUT NOCOPY     o_utl_smtp_connection,
              host                    IN          VARCHAR2,
              port                    IN          INTEGER DEFAULT 25,
              tx_timeout               IN          INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
              wallet_path               IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
              wallet_password               IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
              secure_connection_before_smtp     IN          &typeOf_SQL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT &SQL_FALSE
              self := SMTP_UTILS.toSqlConnection(SYS.UTL_SMTP.Open_Connection(
                   ,     port
                   ,     tx_timeout
                   ,     wallet_path
                   ,     wallet_password
                   ,     nvl(secure_connection_before_smtp = &SQL_TRUE, false)
         member procedure writeData(
              self                    IN OUT NOCOPY     o_utl_smtp_connection,
              data                    IN          VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS
              conn     SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection          := SMTP_UTILS.toPlSqlConnection(self);
                   SYS.UTL_SMTP.Write_Data(conn, data);
                   self := SMTP_UTILS.toSqlConnection(conn);
              when others then
                   self := SMTP_UTILS.toSqlConnection(conn);
    create or replace type o_test is object (
         attr1          number,
         attr2          o_utl_smtp_connection,
         member procedure doSomethingWithConnection
    create or replace package SMTP_UTILS
         function toPLSQLConnection(aConnection in o_utl_smtp_connection)
         return SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection;
         function toSQLConnection(aConnection in SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection)
         return o_utl_smtp_connection;
    create or replace package body SMTP_UTILS
         function toPLSQLConnection(aConnection in o_utl_smtp_connection)
         return SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection
              result     SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection;
              result.port                    := aConnection.port;
              result.tx_timeout               := aConnection.tx_timeout;
              result.private_state               := aConnection.private_state;
              result.private_tcp_con.remote_host     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.remote_host;
              result.private_tcp_con.remote_port     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.remote_port;
              result.private_tcp_con.local_host     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.local_host;
              result.private_tcp_con.local_port     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.local_port;
              result.private_tcp_con.charset          := aConnection.private_tcp_con.charset;
              result.private_tcp_con.newline          := aConnection.private_tcp_con.newline;
              result.private_tcp_con.tx_timeout     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.tx_timeout;
              result.private_tcp_con.private_sd     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.private_sd;
              return     result;
         function toSQLConnection(aConnection in SYS.UTL_SMTP.Connection)
         return o_utl_smtp_connection
              result     o_utl_smtp_connection;
              result.port                    := aConnection.port;
              result.tx_timeout               := aConnection.tx_timeout;
              result.private_state               := aConnection.private_state;
              result.private_tcp_con.remote_host     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.remote_host;
              result.private_tcp_con.remote_port     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.remote_port;
              result.private_tcp_con.local_host     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.local_host;
              result.private_tcp_con.local_port     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.local_port;
              result.private_tcp_con.charset          := aConnection.private_tcp_con.charset;
              result.private_tcp_con.newline          := aConnection.private_tcp_con.newline;
              result.private_tcp_con.tx_timeout     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.tx_timeout;
              result.private_tcp_con.private_sd     := aConnection.private_tcp_con.private_sd;
              return     result;
    create or replace type body o_test is
         member procedure doSomethingWithConnection
              -- Make SMTP calls thru connection object methods
    /Hope it helps.
    Edited by: gaverill on May 17, 2011 3:02 PM - formatted code

  • How to set field attributes type such as enumeration / boolean / text in Search UIBB when creating search creatria dynamically using default_config?

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    Thanks !

    Was it really necessary to post the whole API description?!?
    Locale[] locales = Locale.ENGLISH();ENGLISH is not a method in class Locale, so do not add the braces "( );".
    Also, the constant ENGLISH is not an array, but just a single Locale object.
    You didn't say what your problem was. What do you want to achieve with your program and what is it that you don't understand?

  • Item Values Not Set - Dynamic SQL Fails to Parse.

    ** Think I've fixed this **
    (By simply defining some page computations I was able to set the item values to some default. Please don't feel the need to reply :-))
    I have a page consisting of 5 report parameters and a report, all in one region, 4 parameters are LOVs and one is a text field which in the query are all compared to table column values. The report region type is SQL Query(PL/SQL function body returning SQL Query).
    If I load the page in a new session with default values for the LOVs as '%' and a null text field, I get the following error message:-
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    If I examine the session state, I see that none of the parameter values are set, which is probably why the dynamic sql is failing.
    If I set one of the parameters to something, eg. choose another value in an LOV or type some text in the text field, and re-run the report, it executes without error.
    What's the easiest way to fix this, is it to set the page items to some specific values when the page is first loaded? If so how do I do that? I'm not having much luck creating some process to do it.
    All help appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Ian,
    Did you already try to put a default value for that lov?
    Or try to do a computation before header?

  • Dynamically setting field attributes based on input

    Hi all,
    I am trying to see if it is possible to dynamically set field attributes depending on other fields.  For example, in screen 1100 of IQ01, I want to make it so that "Certification number" becomes mandatory if "certification status" = 1, and becomes optional if "certification status" = 2,3 or 4.
    Is this possible?  If so, how?

    Have you checked this
    if your requirement is to do this in Tcode IQ01 then the above answer is not sufficient
    Edited by: Abhishek Jolly on Aug 15, 2008 5:41 PM

  • Trying to set control hints in entity object attributes in generic classes

    Hi, how are you? I work for a project , that uses JDeveloper version and I am assigned to solve some problems in the part that is associated with ADF Business Components—Model—of the application. The question is how could I implement generic functionality in CustomEntityImpl and there I am to assign some control hint values to some attributes and then the entities that will extend this class will acquire this functionality in their attributes.
    I send you some code I have in my mind in order to find out how to write something relevant to set control hints. I have searched in relevant api’s for AttributeHints and EntityDef but I did not find a solution to my problem. I’ve tried this code:
    AttributeHints ah=new AttributeHints(new AttributeDef(RIBUTE_DISPLAY_HINT_HIDE ) );
    but it does not work. How could I set this value – to hide one attribute whenever it exists in my entities , setting it once in my CustomEntityImpl class?
    I’ve read the whole tutorial ADF Business Components For Forms 4GL Developers but I did not find a solution to my problem. Your help would be a gift to me. Thank you very much!
    private String primary_key = "Id";
    private final String dte_insert = "Dteinsert";
    private final String dte_update = "Dteupdate";
    private final String user_insert = "Usrinsert";
    private final String user_update = "Usrupdate";
    private final String afm = "Afm";
    protected boolean findAttribute(String name) {
    String[] list = this.getAttributeNames();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {                       
    if (name.equals(list))
    return true;
    return false;
    protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent transactionEvent) {
    //Insert Operation
    if (operation == DML_INSERT) {
    //Add history column
    if (findAttribute(dte_insert)) {
    Date date = new Date((new Date()).getCurrentDate());
    this.setAttribute(dte_insert, date);
    //Update Operation
    else if (operation == DML_UPDATE) {
    //Add history column
    if (findAttribute(dte_update)) {
    Date date = new Date((new Date()).getCurrentDate());
    this.setAttribute(dte_update, date);
    //Delete Operation
    else if (operation == DML_DELETE) {
    //To DO
    super.doDML(operation, transactionEvent);

    I Suggest you set its Attribute on EOImpl, override doDML, and before call super.doDML set your Attribute. There is a special reason to set Attribute on beforeCommit?
    Best Regards

  • Setting property attribute values for multiple selected objects.

    Is there an easy way to set the attribute property values for more that one selected Table Operator Attribute (column) at a time. For example the target table has over 100 columns but I only want to INSERT/UPDATE 10 of those columns. The generated MERGE, INSERT and UPDATE statements will perform DML on all of the columns in the target table, setting the 90 columns with no mapping set to NULL. This is due to the Loading Properties 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' both default to Yes. I would like to select multiple Attributes in the Table Operator and change the 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' to No. This is similar to what you were able to do in Oracle Forms 9.0 Designer select multiple Items in a Block and change the properties en-masse.

    Using OMB scripting to set attribute properties in a data mapping sort of defeats the purpose of utilizing a graphical user interface to define and set properties for a data mapping? Surely the GUI data mapping tool was created to get away from writing scripts and scripting would also require that you know the name of the data mapping, table operator and the set of attribute names for which you have to write one line of script to set each property value, i.e. 90 lines to set 90 attribute values.

  • Help Needed in Dynamic Sql or alternate to Dynamic Sql

    Hi Am working in sqlserver 2008 R2 and here is my Table structure and SPC
    ;create table SalaryReport(IdSalary int primary key identity(1,1),
    IDMainCompany int,IDSubCompany int,Salary money,Incentive int,NoofEmployees int, SalaryDate datetime, Creditscore int );
    insert into SalaryReport (IDMainCompany,IDSubCompany,Salary,Incentive,NoofEmployees,SalaryDate,Creditscore)
    ( Select 100 as IDMainCompany , 1000 as IDSubCompany ,200000 AS Salary, 20000 as Incentive, 500 as NoofEmployees,
    '2014-01-01' as SalaryDate, 60 as Creditscore union all
    Select 100 as IDMainCompany , 1001 as IDSubCompany ,300000 AS Salary, 40000 as Incentive, 600 as NoofEmployees,
    '2014-01-01' as SalaryDate , 70 as Creditscore union all
    Select 100 as IDMainCompany , 1002 as IDSubCompany ,400000 AS Salary, 40000 as Incentive, 1500 as NoofEmployees,
    '2014-01-01' as SalaryDate , 45 as Creditscore union all
    Select 101 as IDMainCompany , 1003 as IDSubCompany ,30000 AS Salary, 2000 as Incentive, 100 as NoofEmployees,
    '2014-01-01' as SalaryDate, 60 as Creditscore union all
    Select 102 as IDMainCompany , 1004 as IDSubCompany ,450000 AS Salary, 25000 as Incentive, 700 as NoofEmployees,
    '2014-01-01' as SalaryDate, 30 as Creditscore)
    Sample Test Script:
    DECLARE @IDMainCompany int = 100;
    DECLARE @Process_Date datetime = '2014-01-01';
    declare @Query nvarchar(max);
    CAST(SR.IDMainCompany AS VARCHAR(12)) AS IDMainCompany
    ,CAST(SR.IDSubCompany AS VARCHAR(12)) AS IDSubCompany
    ,CAST(SR.Salary AS VARCHAR(12)) AS Salary
    ,CAST(SR.Incentive AS VARCHAR(12)) AS Incentive
    ,CAST(SR.NoofEmployees AS VARCHAR(12)) AS NoofEmployees
    ,CAST(SR.SalaryDate AS VARCHAR(15)) AS SalaryDate
    ,CAST((SR.Creditscore) AS VARCHAR(15)) AS average
    FROM SalaryReport SR
    WHERE SR.IDMainCompany = @IDMainCompany
    AND DATEPART(MM, SR.SalaryDate) = DATEPART(MM, @Process_Date)
    '' AS IDMainCompany
    ,'' AS IDSubCompany
    ,'Total: ' + CAST(SUM(SR.Salary) AS VARCHAR(12)) AS Salary
    ,'Total: ' + CAST(SUM(SR.Incentive) AS VARCHAR(12)) AS Incentive
    ,'Total: ' + CAST(SUM(SR.NoofEmployees) AS VARCHAR(12)) AS NoofEmployees
    ,'' AS SalaryDate
    ,'Total: ' +CAST(avg(SR.Creditscore) AS VARCHAR(12)) AS Totalaverage
    FROM SalaryReport SR
    WHERE SR.IDMainCompany = @IDMainCompany
    AND DATEPART(MM, SR.SalaryDate) = DATEPART(MM, @Process_Date)
    group by IDMainCompany, DATEPART(MM, SalaryDate)
    the sample data i posted is having less columns. actually i have 20 columns in the select list. Also the parameters to the where condition i gave two i.e IDMainCompany, SalaryDate. I will also need to use IDSubCompany for some case. My skeleton will be 
    Create Procedure Test(@IDMainCompany int, @IDSubCompany int = null, @SalaryDate datetime)
    IF(@IDMainCompany is not null && @IDMainCompany > 0 && @SalaryDate is not null && @SalaryDate <> ' ' &&
    @IDSubCompany is null)
    --The logic what discussed on previous posts will falls here with @IDMainCompany, @SalaryDate as parameter to the where condition
    IF(@IDMainCompany is not null && @IDMainCompany > 0 && @SalaryDate is not null && @SalaryDate <> ' ' &&
    @IDSubCompany is null && @IDSubCompany > 0 )
    --The logic what discussed on previous posts will falls here with @IDMainCompany, @SalaryDate,@IDSubCompany as parameter to the where condition
    As said i need to include 20 columns in the select list and as union all used on the previous sample there are 20 columns on the first query and 20 columns on the second query after the union all. The SPC will become big. If i repeat this for second if condition,
    it will be too big. How can i reduce this writing more lines.
    I am aware of the concept dynamic sql. Is there any other way to do this? or if dynamic sql is the only option, can anyone help me rewriting this select statements as dynamic sql
    Could anyone please assist me 
    loving dotnet

    thanks for your reply and yes, i am invoking this from my application using C# language.  Would you like to share something?
    You can use client side dynamic sql. I'm not talking about concatenating strings. I'm talking about using Runtime Text Tamplates (preprocesed templates in Visual Studio 2010).
    Add a new "Runtime Text Template" item to your VS project. Be "" the file name of the runtime text template.  The content of this file should be something like the following:
    <#@ template language="C#" #>
    <#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
    -- part of your query goes here
    -- the interesting part come next
    SalaryReport SR
    SR.IDMainCompany = @IDMainCompany
    <# if (IDSubCompany.HasValue && IDSubCompany.Value > 0) { #>
    AND SR.IDSubCompany = @IDSubCompany
    <# } #>
    DATEPART(MM, SR.SalaryDate) = DATEPART(MM, @Process_Date)
    IDMainCompany, DATEPART(MM, SalaryDate)
    Add a new c# code file named MyReportTemplate.partial.cs closed to with the following code:
    public partial class MyReportTemplate
    public int? IDSubCompany { get; set; }
    Then, to execute the query you can write a code similar to the following:
    public DataTable ExecuteReport(int mainCompanyId, int? subCompanyId, DateTime processDate )
    using (var cn = CreateConnection())
    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
    using (var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
    cmd.Connection = cn;
    var template = new MyReportTemplate
    IDSubCompany = subCompanyId
    cmd.CommandText = template.TransformText();
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDSubCompany", subCompanyId == null ? (object) DBNull.Value : subCompanyId.Value);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDMainCompany", mainCompanyId);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Process_Date", processDate);
    var table = new DataTable();
    return table;
    EntityLite: A Lightweight, Database First, Micro ORM

  • Use Granfeldts Create Object to create dynamic groups

    Trying to use Sorens Granfeldts, Create Object WF activity to create dynamic groups.
    In a standard function evaluator activity I generate the Filter as [//WorkflowData/Filter]
    The "string" I set it to is:
    &lt;Filter xmlns:xsi=&quot;; xmlns:xsd=&quot;; Dialect=&quot;; xmlns=&quot;;&gt;/Person[ObjectID
    = /*[ObjectID = &apos;8dfcb5e8-ff01-400c-8ca7-2a0002d2d2d4&apos;]/ComputedMember]&lt;/Filter&gt;
    In the CreateObject activity I then just have [//WorkflowData/Filter],Filter among the initial values.
    The creation works if I remove this attribute so the rest of the attributes seems to be working.
    The creation fails however end I get the error below in the Forefront Identity Manager event log.
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.GetDisplayStringFromGuid(Guid id, String[] expansionAttributes)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.ReplaceGuidWithTemplatedString(Match m)
       at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.Replace(MatchEvaluator evaluator, Regex regex, String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat)
       at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(String input, MatchEvaluator evaluator)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.GetStringAttributeValue(Object attribute)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.ResolveEvaluatorWithoutAntiXSS(String match, ResolverOptions resolveOptions)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.ResolveEvaluatorForWithAntiXSS(String match, ResolverOptions resolveOptions)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WFActivities.Resolver.ReplaceMatches(String input, Boolean useAntiXssEncoding, ResolverOptions resolveOptions)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Hosting.ResolverEvaluationServiceImpl.ResolveLookupGrammar(Guid requestId, Guid targetId, Guid actorId, Dictionary`2 workflowDictionary, Boolean encodeForHTML, String expression)
       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Activities.ResolveGrammarActivity.Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
       at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutor`1.Execute(T activity, ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
       at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutor`1.Execute(Activity activity, ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
       at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutorOperation.Run(IWorkflowCoreRuntime workflowCoreRuntime)
       at System.Workflow.Runtime.Scheduler.Run()
    Have anyone used this WF activity to create dynamic groups and can tell how to set the Filter?

    Hey Kent!
    I did the same thing, with Søren`s Create Object WF. I did it like this on the filter part:
    <Filter xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Dialect="" xmlns="">/Person[(Department = '[//Target/ObjectID]')]</Filter>,Filter
    The whole thing looks like this:
    (I use Function evaluator to generate a AccountName for groups based on a clean version of DisplayName).
    <Filter xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Dialect="" xmlns="">/Person[(Department = '[//Target/ObjectID]')]</Filter>,Filter
    Regards, Remi

  • Add Object Attributes to a DisplayObject that is created in the Authoring Tool

    Hello, how can I add attributes to a Display Object, that I have created in the Authoring Tool, so I can acces it by:
    Is a DisplayObejct a dynamic class, that can be extended from anywhere?
    Thanks a lot

    I just found the syntax to add a new ObjectAttribute to an Instance of the Object. But is this ObjectAttribute also added to all other  Instances of the Obejct?
    My plan was to create a MovieClip and set some ActionScript inside its timeline in the first frame that adds some Objcet Attributes to that MovieClip, so that the new Object Attribute can be used for all Instances of this MovieClip, that are created in the runtime.

Maybe you are looking for