Setting SPEL Programatically

Hi all,
Is it possible to set SPEL programatically. I want disable and enable a delete image column in a table in a standard page. I have to achieve this through customization. Any ideas how to do it?

Hi Pradeep ,
Programmatic SPELL is not possible , you achieve hide / show the image using switcher in OAF ,
Please refer this
Can we add SPELL programatically?

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    echo Insert code here for Windows 9x
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    You are asking questions about Windows batch scripting in a Java forum?
    When you get right down to it, the question is "How do I set an environment variable in a batch script", isn't it? Free your mind from useless distractions: the batch script and the operating system don't care at all what you're going to use that environment variable for.
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot: you use the SET command to set an environment variable.

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              In config.xml, under Domain->Application->WebAppComponent, there is an
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              Chishun Kwong

              "Chishun Kwong" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > Hello,
              > In config.xml, under Domain->Application->WebAppComponent, there is an
              > attribute called ServletReloadCheckSecs that is used by weblogic to
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              > Thanks,
              > Chishun Kwong
              In web.xml adding the following should work for you
              If you are using weblogic 7.x or 8.1 you can alternatively set this
              parameter in weblogic.xml
              <servlet-reload-check-secs>-1 </servlet-reload-check-secs>
              hope that helps

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    Make use of below code..
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    OADescriptiveFlexBean dffBean = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("DescFF");
    //Make the segments mandatory
    OAMessageLovInputBean segment2 =
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    VO Query select:
    CASE WHEN country <> 'US' THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END xxisTaxReq
    VO Attribute:
    SQLType="BIT" >
    <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="14" />
    Required attribute: ${oa.xxVO.xxIsTaxReq}
    I tried to create a new item thru personalization on the page and the value true/false comes through correctly on the screen.
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    Updated the subject accordingly
    Edited by: Don Williams on Sep 24, 2010 9:54 PM

    Thanks for taking my question. I am using VS 2010, and the CR and assemblies that came standard with it, 14.0.2.
    Meantime I came up with a workaround:
    I created a new input parameter called LASTNAME_IN and I can set that programatically. Then I modified the formula to read:
    and this functions as I wish. However this is incredibly manual  (I have to go back and add this parameter to each and every report) and it would be much easier to just be able to reference in the program.
    thanks again.
    Edited by: Chaseshaw on Sep 25, 2010 12:13 AM

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    1. I am calling wwpro_api_invalidation.execute_cache_invalidation
    2. I have executed wwv_context.sync
    3. I cleared the page group cache
    4. I invalidated all of the web cache
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

    I'm having an issue with setting a custom attribute and having it be searchable using Portal 10.1.4. The situation that we have is that we initially added a bunch of files to Oracle Portal using webdrive. Later on, we decided that we needed another custom attribute called "Pinned Item" that will be used for searching (boolean value) and gave it a default value of false. The attribute was then added to the "File" item type in the "Shared Objects" group.
    It appears that since this attribute wasn't initially available on the file object, we couldn't search on it so we decided to set it programatically. First, I tried using wwsbr.set_attribute but it errored out seemingly because the value wasn't set in the first place. If I set a value first by using the web front end, I could then use the set_attribute procedure.
    So, I moved on to using wwsbr_api.modify_item and it appears to set it (although everything is being set to false until I changed it to "text" instead of "boolean" which is OK because that's what I wanted anyway... see metalink bug 390618.1). I'm using the method outlined in metalink doc 413079.1. When I do set it to a "1", and edit the item the check box is checked indicating that it is set correctly. And if I just click "OK" to save the attributes after I open it everything works like it should.
    However, the advanced search (and custom search portlet) and the search APIs are not picking it up. I'm not sure if I'm hitting Metalink bug ID 5592472 or not as that's using the "set_attribute" procedure instead of the modify_item procedure. And their "workaround" of setting the attribute in the UI isn't really feasible for a couple thousand files.
    So far I've tried the following things to get it working:
    1. I am calling wwpro_api_invalidation.execute_cache_invalidation
    2. I have executed wwv_context.sync
    3. I cleared the page group cache
    4. I invalidated all of the web cache
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

  • SharePoint 2013 List & linked Document Set Project Help Needed

    I have struggling to find the best solution for a recent project. I'm sure someone will have a better suggestion than what I have come up with.
    Project Requests
    Project Tracking and Documents
    Status and other data
    Project Documents
    Offsite Syncing for active projects (SkyDrive Pro)
    Attempted Scenario
    1 List for Project Tracking
    1 Document Library for Project Documents (Document Set content type)
    I created a workflow to automatically create a new Document Set when an item was added to the list, then create a link to the Document set in a column called Documents. The goal with the document sets is to have them sent to another library (archive) when
    the project is marked complete. The reason is so that the user synching offline won't have so many document sets to sync or to browse through (there would easily be a few hundred within a couple of months)
    Is there a way to programmatically move the document set to an archive library when the list item status is set to complete?  And if the status were to change back to active, to move back to the active library. 
    Or maybe I am going about this the wrong way entirely?  All suggestions are greatly appreciated! 

    With Event Receiver, we can capture the ItemUpdated event of item of a list when the value of an item is updated, then perform the Document Set moving accordingly.
    Here is a step by step sample on creating a simple Item added event receiver for Custom List in SharePoint 2010:
    More information on
    Event Receiver for your reference:
    Here is a thread with code demo about
    moving Document Set programmatically:
    Feel free to reply if there are still any questions.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Getting error 025036 while setting bind variable value

    I have created a view object (ViewObj) having bind variable (Bind_Val).
    I am writing custom java method in, so that I can use that in serviceInterface.
    my method is:
    public void Met(String a){
    ViewObjImpl vo=new ViewObjImpl();
    I tried the below method also:
    public void Met(String a){
    ViewObjectImpl vo=new ViewObjectImpl();
    But when I am running the and select the Met method and pass the value for a. It is giving me error 02036.
    How to set the bind variable value in

    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for reply. It was helpful.
    Please go through the below mentioned two queries.
    My sql query is:
    FROM MESSAGE Message, MESSAGE_PROP MessageProp
    WHERE (MessageProp.Key='From' OR MessageProp.Key='To')AND Message.MESSAGE_ID = MessageProp.MESSAGE_ID And MessageProp.Value='B'
    and I have created one view criteria where I am giving the condition as MessageId=:Bind_MessageId.
    And then I am executing my findViewCriteria method from AppModuleServiceImpl where I am passing the value for Bind_MessageId and I am getting the output as I want.
    Now I am modifying my query as:
    FROM MESSAGE Message, MESSAGE_PROP MessageProp
    WHERE (MessageProp.Key='From' OR MessageProp.Key='To')AND Message.MESSAGE_ID = MessageProp.MESSAGE_ID And MessageProp.Value=:Bind_Value
    and setting the value for :Bind_Value programatically as:
    public void test(String s){
    ViewObjectImpl view = this.getViewObj1();
    VariableValueManager vm = view.ensureVariableManager();
    **Note- I have written this custom method in class
    Then firstly I am executing test method from AppModuleServiceImpl to set the value for :Bind_Value. After that I am executing findViewCriteria method but then I am not getting any record.
    **Note-I am not getting any error.
    I want to set Bind_Value programatically and then I want to execute my FindViewCriteria from serviceInterface.

  • Setting isolation level with JDriver for Oracle/XA

    edocs ( states that,
    if using jDriver for Oracle/XA you can not set the transaction isolation level
    for a transaction and that 'Transactions use the transaction isolation level set
    on the connection or the default transaction isolation level for the database'.
    Does this mean that you shouldn't try to set it programatically (fair enough)
    or that you can't set it in the weblogic deployment descriptor either? Also anybody
    got any idea what the default is likely to be if you are using an Oracle 9iR2
    database? Is this determined by some database setting?

    IJ wrote:
    edocs ( states that,
    if using jDriver for Oracle/XA you can not set the transaction isolation level
    for a transaction and that 'Transactions use the transaction isolation level set
    on the connection or the default transaction isolation level for the database'.
    Does this mean that you shouldn't try to set it programatically (fair enough)
    or that you can't set it in the weblogic deployment descriptor either? Also anybody
    got any idea what the default is likely to be if you are using an Oracle 9iR2
    database? Is this determined by some database setting?The system should honor the setting defined in the deployment descriptor,
    however, for oracle it may not be helpful to change it. Oracle provides two
    isolation levels. The default is always READ_COMMITTED. The other
    setting is SERIALIZABLE, but this hurts performance, and is also problematic
    in the way oracle implements it. For instance, even if you set SERIALIZABLE,
    oracle will not lock read data. It will allow other transactions to read and/or
    alter data trhat another ongoing SERIALIZABLE transaction has read. The
    only way to really lock read data in oracle is to issue oracle-specific SQL in
    your select: "SELECT ..... FOR UPDATE".
    All in all, you should collect a strong case for why you can't proceed with
    READ_COMMITTED first. Then you should research oracle's recommendations
    (and their problem record) with SERIALIZABLE.
    Joe Weinstein at BEA

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