Setting Two Headers in display Table

I want to set 2 headers in display table like one is main header and one is sub header. Example is like following:
SUB 1 | SUB 2 | SUB 3 | SUB 4 |
Data1 | Data 2 | Data 3| Data 4 |
I have to generate this type of table using <display:table> tag and also i
want this both headers to be fixed and the data to be scrolled in page.The data is to be scrollable both horizontally as well as vertically. The header and subheader would remain fixed when vertical scrolling and would scroll with data incase of horizontal scrolling.
Please help.

I presume <display:table> is ... interesting.
1. have you tried <td colspan=2> ???
2. have you tried subtables for the subheadings ???

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    cast as float or multiply by 1.00 or see
    Re: show as percent - format change

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    Class PublicationTableModel:
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        PublicationManager pubManager;
        /** Creates a new instance of PublicationTableModel */
        public PublicationTableModel(PublicationManager pm)
            pubManager = pm;
        public int getColumnCount()
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            if (o != null) return o.getClass();
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            System.out.println("asked for column name "+columnIndex+" --> "+GUISettings.getColumnName(columnIndex));
            return GUISettings.getColumnName(columnIndex);
        public Publication getPublicationAt(int rowIndex)
            return pubManager.getPublicationAt(rowIndex);
        public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
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            String columnName = getColumnName(columnIndex);
            if (columnName.equals("Address"))
                if (pub instanceof Address) return ((Address)pub).getAddress();
                else return null;
            else if (columnName.equals("Annotation"))
                if (pub instanceof Annotation) return ((Annotation)pub).getAnnotation();
                else return null;
           else if (columnName.equals("Title"))
                return pub.getTitle();
            else if (columnName.equals("Key"))
                return pub.getKey();
            return null;
        public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
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        public void setValueAt(Object vValue, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
        }Class GUISettings:
    public class GUISettings {
        private static Vector fields = new Vector();
        private static Vector classes = new Vector();
        /** Creates a new instance of GUISettings */
        public GUISettings() {
        public static void setFields(Vector f)
        public static int getDisplayedFieldCount()
            return fields.size();
        public static String getColumnName(int columnIndex)
            return (String)fields.elementAt(columnIndex);
        public static Vector getFields()
            return fields;
    }GUISettings.setFields has been called before table is displayed.

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for your suggestion
    now i am looking in to combining two headers together , but i am not sure how to do,
    right now i had wrapped the whole table in to  a subform , say S5
    and there are now two header rows
    Header row[0]
    header row[1]
    body row
    i am trying to wrap the two headers as you suggested , but not sure how to proceed on. i have attached the pdf, can you please suggest me the changes. The table :"Table2"  is  Page 3 of the form.
    Thank you

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    In SE51 (Screen Painter), select/click-on the field (not the column header).
    Press F2 (to get the Properties window) and set the Visible Length to a larger number.  Save and activate the screen.

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    That should be a simple issue of customizing table cell editor and renderer.
    See tutorials.

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    Hi Kanika,
    There are 2 ways:
    In the configuration of your view you can set the fields as display mode.
    In the method get_i* of your atributtes you can disable the field too.
    I think the better solution is using the configuration.
    Best regards,
    Caíque Escaler

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    I don't understand very well, but i guess that the background is gray when the table content's empty, isn't it?
    When the table model is empty, the JTable doesn't paint, so its container displays its background (often gray).
    In this case, what you must do is force the table to paint, even if the model is empty. So, you have to create your own table and override three methods :
    public class MyTable extends JTable
    //specify the preferred and minum size when empty
    myPreferredWidth = 200;
    myPreferredHeigth =200;
    myMinimunWidth = ...;
    myMinimunHeigth = ...;
    public Dimension getPreferredSize()
    if(getModel().getRowCount() < 1)
    return new Dimension(myPreferredWidth, myPreferredHeigth);
    return super.getPreferredSize();
    public Dimension getMinimumSize()
    if( getModel().getRowCount() > 0)
    return new Dimension(myMinimunWidth, myMinimunHeigth);
    return super.getMinimumSize();
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    if (getModel().getRowCount<1 && isOpaque()) { //paint background
    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
    else super.paintComponent(g);

  • How to write two triggers on same table how it works?

    Hello sir..
    I have to write two triggers on same table for auditing different columns of different pages (may be different modules).
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    Now different users from different pages will update the data on same table may be same columns!
    If we write directly, we will not be able to know which column is updated from different pages.
    My question is how can we control the triggers to raise based on the pages

    A trigger is executed whenever the table is inserted / updated / deleted (depend on trigger definition). It won't know what 'page' caused the operation. You can prepare a trigger for one page.
    In order to fulfill your need, you need some way to tell the trigger where you are. There are many ways to accomplish this. Some possible methods are (please check the documents for detail)
    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULEFor example, you can call DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER to set an ID from your page, and then call sys_context to read the ID back:
    In Page:
    exec dbms_session.set_identifier('Page1');
    ...In Trigger
    pageid  := sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') ;
    ...Note that if you use a connection pool, you may need to properly reset the session information before return, in order to avoid messing up the session information when the connection is used next time.

  • Two triggers on same table

    Hi Friend.
    I have to write two triggers on same table for auditing different columns of different users(may be different modules).
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    Now different users from different modules will update the data on same table may be same columns from different front end forms!
    If we write directly, we will not be able to know which column is updated by which user.
    My question is in this case how can we control the triggers to raise differently?

    You can use WHEN clause to fire a trigger only when some condition is true - you can check an user also,
    look at simple example:
    - suposse we have two users US1 and US2:
    C:\>sqlplus sys as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Pn Gru 6 13:14:22 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Enter password:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    SQL> create user us1 identified by us1;
    User created.
    SQL> create user us2 identified by us2;
    User created.
    SQL> grant connect, resource to us1, us2;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant create public synonym to us1, us2;
    Grant succeeded.and suposse we have a table with three columns + audit table:
    SQL> connect us1
    Enter password:
    SQL> create table tab123(
      2  col1 number,
      3  col2 number,
      4  col3 number);
    Table created.
    SQL> create table audit_tab123(
      2  username varchar2(100),
      3  col1 number,
      4  col2 number,
      5  col3 number );
    Table created.
    SQL>  grant select, update, insert on tab123 to us2;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL>  grant select, update, insert on audit_tab123 to us2;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> create public synonym tab123 for tab123;
    Synonym created.
    SQL> insert into tab123 values( 1, 1, 1 );
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.We want a trigger that is fired only by user US1 and only after update of COL1 and COL2
    (COL3 is ignored):
    SQL> connect us1/us1
      2  AFTER UPDATE OF col1, col2 ON tab123
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  WHEN ( user = 'US1' )
      5  BEGIN
      6    INSERT INTO audit_tab123( username, col1, col2 )
      7    VALUES( user, :new.col1, :new.col2 );
      8 END;
    SQL> /
    Trigger created.And we want a second trigger that is fired only by user US2 and only after update of COL2 and COL3
    (COL1 is ignored):
    SQL> connect us1/us1
      2  AFTER UPDATE OF col2, col3 ON tab123
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  WHEN ( user = 'US2' )
      5  BEGIN
      6    INSERT INTO audit_tab123( username, col2, col3 )
      7    VALUES( user, :new.col2, :new.col3 );
      8  END;
      9  /
    Trigger created.and now let test our triggers:
    SQL> connect us1/us1
    SQL> update tab123 set col1 = 22;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> update tab123 set col2 = 22;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> update tab123 set col3 = 22;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from audit_tab123;
    USERNAME         COL1       COL2       COL3
    US1                22          1
    US1                22         22
    SQL> connect us2/us2
    SQL> update tab123 set col1 = 333;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> update tab123 set col2 = 333;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> update tab123 set col3 = 333;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> commit
      2  ;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from us1.audit_tab123;
    USERNAME         COL1       COL2       COL3
    US1                22          1
    US1                22         22
    US2                          333         22
    US2                          333        333As you see, each trigger is fired only once, first triger only for user US1 and columns COL1 and COL2,
    and second trigger only for user US2 and only after update of COL2 and COL3.
    I hope this will help.

  • I need two header line in table control

    Hi all,
    I am using table control. The requirement is to have 2 headers in the table control. for example., if their is field name ' Vendor Comments', I need to display 'Vendor' in one line and 'Comments' in next line. Is it possible to have such 2 headers for 1 field?
    If have answer please reply me.
    Thanks in advance,

    You cannot do this in table control in dynpro environment. Maybe you can check the ALV to get more flexibility about header titles.

  • Display Table contents using HTMLB...Urgent Help Plz...

    Hello All,
    Im working on EP SP14 and SQL Server 2000.
    I have successfully established database connection.
    I want to know <b>how can I display Table contents using TableViewModel in HTMLB</b>.
    Please help.
    Its urgent.
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks in advance,

    See /thread/80270 [original link is broken]
    (please stop crossposting every question into two forums; thanks in advance)

  • Setting Column selection on transposed table

    I have a problem with a jTable I am using in a program. The table has a rotate feature which works correctly. To do this I am reversing the getColCount() and getRowCount() methods within a seperate tableModel and setting this model on the table when the user clicks rotate (table headers are dealt with seperately, don't relate to problem).
    This all works fine but when I select something within the rotated table I want the column to highlight. I thought that using setRowSelectionAllowed(false), and setColumnSelectionAllowed(true) would give me the desired result but it doesn't.
    I can perform this on the table when it is not rotated, but when I rotate the jTable it ignores any properties about selection I have provided.The code is listed below:
    //Method called on button click to rotate table
    public static void transpose(JTable pTable, JTable pTableFixed, JScrollPane pScrollPane){
            //if table is not transposed apply transposed tableModel
             if(transposed == false){
                      pTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(false);//won't apply call
                      pTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true);//won't apply call
                 pTable.setRowHeight(0,1); // hide row
                 pTableFixed.setVisible(false); //hide fixed table from non- rotated table
                  //Add new row headers  table to rotated table
                  JTable rowHeaders = new JTable(new String[][]{{"sample_number"},{"status"},{"ref"},{"comment"}},new String[]{"Lot"});
                  rowHeaders.setBackground(new Color(238,238,238));
                  transposed = true;
    //Apply cell renderer to each column
                       for(int i = 0;i< pTable.getColumnCount();i++){
                            TableColumn col = pTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
                            col.setCellRenderer(new TableImageRenderer(true));
    //apply table properties method to position on scrollPane
                   ahkTableModel.setTableProperties(pScrollPane, pTable,rowHeaders);
              //reverse procedure if table is rotated and user wants to rotate back     
             } else{
                 boolean[] baEditableColumns = {false, false, true, true};
    //set original model on table again
                 transposed = false;
                  setColumnProperties(pTable,pTableFixed, pScrollPane);
         }Thanks for your assistance.

    Any Ideas at all guys?? Really stumped with this problem there just doesn't seem an obvious explanation.

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    Take COffeesbreak as an example ,
    let's suppose that there are cof_name ,sup_id,price and so on;
    the same cof_name may be suplied by more sup_ids,
    and one sup_id may suply more cof_names.
    so the Primary key should be set the cof_name and sup_id ,
    how to set ?
    (of course that i konw if I set a cof_id,the problem will be easy work out
    but now there are those like above)
    I set that as following:
    create table coffees (cof_name VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY,sup_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY,PRICE INTEGER )
    THE database print error :cant add more primary keys!
    thanks in advance

    You can only use the PRIMARY KEY declaration on a column if it is the only Primary Key column.
    Use the PRIMARY KEY constraint statement instead.
    create table coffees (
      cof_name VARCHAR(32),
      sup_id INTEGER,  
      PRIMARY KEY ( cof_name ,sup_id )

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