Setting up a LAN | iMac eMac | wireless router

G'day everyone.
I have just bought a wireless router and I'm hoping I can use the Internet on two computers, and be able to move files from one to the other.
Here's what gear I have:
iMac with OSX 10.5.2
eMac with OSX 10.3.9 (no wireless facility)
Belkin wireless G router
cable modem
I have the eMac hooked up to the router with an ethernet cable, and the iMac using Airport. The Internet is working on both computers.
So, can I create a LAN so the computers can talk to each other too? Is that a complicated job?
Thanks in advance.

Sorry, if I was jumping the gun. It is difficult to judge user skill-levels here and it looked as if you were well on the way.
To make sure they are on the same netowrk, open System Preferences in each of them and click on Network. The panel shows to the left, the types of connections (Ethernet, Airport, etc.). The active network should be at the top and with a green "light" next to it.
To the right of that you will have the fact that they are connected and ". . . has the IP address x.x.x.x", perhaps something like or If the computers are on the same network, they will all have numbers in that same series. In other words, if three have 10.0.0.x and one has 192.0.0.x that last one is not on the same LAN.
For more information about the network, click on the Advanced button at bottom right of that panel, then click on the TCP/IP tab. In there, you will see in addition to that computer IP number, the IP number of the router.
If any computer is showing a number that begins 169. . . . that is not connected to the network and has a self-assigned IP number.
Check your IP numbers first, then we can look at connections or any changes that need to be made.
You can get some more information

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    You cannot use the AE to extend wireless from a non apple router such as your cisco modem router.. they are not compatible..
    You need to tie to the two devices together either with ethernet or something like EOP adapters.. They are about $120 and you can price match in officeworks.

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    Many thanks,

    Thank you toomanydonuts!
    I will do this when I get back to the townhouse this evening.
    Just so that I am prepared for tonight - I want to confirm and ask a few questions on the "options" and note a couple things I noticed that may help with answers...
    Internet connection type - should be easy, I assume there is a "cable modem" option.
    SSID - I do not know what this means or what to choose
    wireless encryption method (WEP, WPA, WPA2) - Which is best, or is there one I must pick due to computer used and such, I also want to get my Nintendo Wii accessing correctly, I saw these options on that setup, though it didn't work per my first message on the board. I assume whatever encryption method used needs to be chosen for the Wii?
    wireless encryption password - I think I can handle this one
    A couple of notes -
    this laptop has this always on radar looking for wireless connections - how can I name my router so I know it's mine, other than the fact that it is the strongest signal. Maybe that's a network setting?
    Thanks again, glad I came here.
    Edit: I suppose I should add, just to ensure - in order to do this process through the url provided above, I need to be ethernet wired through the router to the modem? in order to access last night, I was straight into the modem, didn't seem to work wired through the router.
    Message Edited by Syxpack on 03-27-2008 05:25 AM

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    Unless Verizon has made a major change in the last few days, you will not be able to use the TC as the primary router......simply because it is not possible to configure the Verizon router to act as a simple modem......which is what it must do if you want to have the TC act as the primary router on your network.
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    2) Ask them if they can provide you with a simple, bridge mode modem......instead of the modem/router that you have now. A simple modem will have only one Ethernet port, and it will not offer any type of routing or wireless service at all.)

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    Dan, Welcome to the discussion area!
    ...can the airport card in the iMac be used to extend the range of the network?
    Sorry, but no that won't work.
    Or perhaps, is it possible for me to have the iMac simultaneously connected to 2 networks: 1 connecting it to the netgear router (and therefore the web and the windows PC), and a 2nd network just between the iMac and the airport express (to just steam music).
    No, the iMac can not simultaneously be the client of a wireless network and act as a server on a wireless network.

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    Thanks all in advance, Steve.

    Hi Steve
    Yes, you can. It's always better for robustness and security to get a dedicated hardware router, but the iMac will certainly share out its internet connection.
    Go into System Preferences, Sharing, and highlight "Internet Sharing". You'll need to set the options this way:
    Share your connection from: Ethernet
    To computers using: Airport
    then click "Airport Options" to set the wireless network name, and any encryption that you want on the network (recommended). Then start sharing by ticking the Internet Sharing tickbox. Your PC should be able to locate and connect to your new named network.

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    Open the setup page of the router .
    On the Basic Setup page at the bottom you will see the Time Zone settings .
    Select the Time Zone in which you are .
    See if that helps you .

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    Message Edited by bixfisher on 06-11-2009 08:24 AM

    The Router offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. You can choose which services you want to use. The two choices are : :
    TZO :
    You have to sign up with the Service DynDNS or TZO...
    Access your router's web interface and go to the DDNS tab under the Main tab 'Setup'

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    Hi guys.
    First time in the community
    So, I couldn't find any answers to my question, sorry if it alredy exists.
    I've been using my DSL connection using a ethernet cable connected directly to my Macbook Pro.
    I wanted to make it into a wirelles router to use it in my iPhone 4. I went to prefenrences > sharing and I configured it there.
    Everything alright both ethernet and Wifi turned green, the airport icon in the menu bar turned into a "little tv set", I chose a 128bits WEP sucurity password,
    founded the wifi in my iP, it connects (takes a little longer than the average), but I can't use it.
    On my Macbook I can use the ethernet connection, but not in the iP.
    Sorry my english!
    OS: 10.7.2

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    I am unsure as to how I setup the printer connected via usb to the router....
    Do I use the network installation setup...? Or do I use the USB setup...??
    Any help is greatly appreciated...

    Connecting the printer to a router's USB port (aka. print server) will only allow you basic print functionality , it won't provide you any scan functionality, faxing from the computer, ink levels or any operation of the HP Solution Center program.
    To get full functionality you must work with the provided functionality which means USB connection directly to a single PC or Ethernet connection to a router.. therefore using an Ethernet router will be the preferred solution for you.
    In order to setup the printer as you described you should connect the printer to the USB port and go to Control Panel > System. click add a printer and add it through the network.. there might be a need to enter your wireless homepage to enable the printer through the USB, there might be additional setup information in there.. that veries between different print servers and you may contact Huawei support or your ISP for any assistant within the print server configuration.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Can I Add a Second Wireless Router to my Airport Extreme?

    I have an Airport Extreme 802.11n, (the square one).
    I just bought a new wireless Epson All-in-One, the Artisan 700.
    Even though this is a brand new model, Epson foolishly built it as 802.11g, and not 802.11n. Who knows what they were thinking. 802.11n has been around long enough for them to have incorporated it into their newest models... Oh, well.
    Anyway, I understand that any 802.11g element on my 802.11n network will slow everything down to 802.11g speed. I obviously do not want that to happen, but I do not want to lose the convenience of wireless printing and scanning.
    So here is what I want to do, and I'd like to know if it will work.
    Can I buy a cheap 802.11g wireless router, and plug it into one of the three <---> ethernet outputs on my Airport Extreme, and have a second wireless network, providing both internet and wireless printing/scanning at 802.11g, while preserving the speed of the Airports 802.11n? The idea would be to stay connected to the Airports 802.11n network except when printing, then switch to the 802.11g network.
    Alternatively, I imagine if that will not work, I could just set up a cheap 802.11g wireless router, not connected to the Airport Extreme, or the internet, but solely there to provide me with wireless printing.
    Any help, or other ideas is greatly appreciated!

    Can I buy a cheap 802.11g wireless router, and plug it into one of the three <---> ethernet outputs on my Airport Extreme, and have a second wireless network, providing both internet and wireless printing/scanning at 802.11g, while preserving the speed of the Airports 802.11n?
    Yes, this is known as a "dual band" network.
    Setting up a "dual band" network is described in the Designing AirPort Networks document, starting on page 48.

  • Should Wireless Router be turned off when not in use?

    I successfully installed the Linksys Wireless G Broadband Router Model WRT54G.  It was very easy.
    I notice that it now appears to be "on" all the time, and I use my home PC & Laptop perhaps up to about only 2 hours a day.  Should I be turning it off when not in use?  Is it a potential security risk to always have it on?  If I do turn it off, is the only way to unplug the power adapter?  I can not locate any on/off button on the router.

    You said your router was "very easy" to set up.  I hope that this does not mean that you skipped setting up security.  If your wireless router is not secured, having it on or using it is a security risk.  If your router is secured, then it is OK to leave it on 24/7.
    If your wireless is not secured, anyone in the area can log into your router and use your DSL line.  At a minimum, this wastes your bandwidth.  At a maximum, someone could send spam, visit child porn sites, distribute viruses, and give away copyrighted music  ---  all from a DSL account with your name on it!    Additionally, if your router is not secured, others can see what you are doing on the net, including seeing your bank account numbers, passwords, and credit card numbers.  So my advice is ... secure your system.
    In order to keep intruders off of your wireless system, you need to enable wireless security.  To do this, pick an SSID and don't broadcast it.  Encrypt your wireless system using the highest level of encryption that all of your wireless devices will support.  Common encryption methods are:
    WEP - poor  (see note below)
    WPA - good
    WPA2 - best
    WPA and WPA2 sometimes come in versions of "personal" and "enterprise".   Most home users should use "personal".  Also, if you have a choice between AES and TKIP, and your wireless equipment is capable of both, choose AES.
    The wireless devices (computers, printers, etc.) that you have will need to be set up with the SSID, encryption method, and passwords that match those you entered in the router. 
    For additional security, on many routers, you can limit wireless access to just the MAC addresses of the wireless devices that you own.  If possible, you should definitely use this feature.
    And don't forget to give your router a new login password.
    Also, when you pick your login password, SSID, and encryption key (or password or passphrase) you should use a random combination of capital letters, small letters, and numbers.  An SSID, or a login password, should be 12 characters or more.  WPA and WPA2 passwords should be at least 32 characters.
    Note below:  Recently the FBI demonstrated that WEP can be broken in under 5 minutes using standard, internet available, cracking tools.  This suggests that virtually all wireless users should upgrade their wireless equipment to WPA or better.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 12-22-200601:05 AM

  • Need help setting up my d-link wireless router to my imac

    I need some help trying to set up my D-Link WBR 2310 wireless router to my iMac. I currently have Bell Sympatico high speed.
    The reason I want to set up the wireless router is because my girlfriend works from home sometimes with her office computer downstairs and needs a wireless connection (she has a PC). I tried to call D-Link, but they're useless.
    Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. It would be great to know what settings to change and as much step by step info as possible. I realize it's probably pretty simple to set up, but I'm fairly new to Macs and also to wireless.
    Thanks again

    Connect the D-Link to the iMac by Ethernet.
    Open Safari (or Firefox)
    Navigate to
    Enter your password (default user is Admin and password "admin" - change it!)
    Find the Wireless Security section and change the SSID to your own name i.e. "home network" .
    Set the Encryption setting to "WPA" and enter a password of your choice. This is the encryption key and is different to the router's admin password.
    Configure the WAN part of the router (which will vary depending on your ISP).
    Configure the DHCP to serve clients (should be a simple on/off).
    Disconnect the iMac
    Go to the iMac and turn on Airport on (on the menu bar).
    When the iMac finds your SSID select it and enter the encryption password.
    Check to allow Keychain to store that detail.
    Hope that helps

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