Setting up iTunes on a NAS?

OK, lot's of threads about this topic, but here's my dilemma:
I have a Drobo NAS with thousands of AIFF files on it (about 2.5Tb), which I had used with a Sonos system until I hit the 65,000 track limit.  So, I want to keep the files on the networked Drobo, but access them through iTunes on a MacBook Pro.  I'd like to set up a new iTunes Library on the laptop, and access the Drobo through the network.  The issue I have is every time I start to set up the new Library, iTunes tries to make a copy of the files, either on the laptop or on the NAS (depending on which method I use to add the files), rather than just creating an indexed path to the files.  I had tried option-dragging the various folders from the NAS to the open iTunes window to do this, but it still copied the orignal files to the laptop (I found this method on another discussion thread and thought it had worked, then discovered it was copying the files, rather than just indexing).
I want to keep all the metadata associated with the files, and currently they're organized into multiple folders by genre, artist, and then individual album folders are labeled starting with the year (I'm an organization freak).  I don't particularly like the "Keep iTunes music folder organized" option since I don't really like its method of organization, but I believe I need to do this to keep the metadata intact, correct?
Is "Add to Library" an option?  If so, can I just choose the main folder holding all the subfolders and "Add to Library" and keep the metatdata intact?  Makes me nervous, as I have years of time adding info/album art/notes, etc. to the files.
BTW, the path I set up to link to the Drobo was this: /Volumes/Drobomusic/NAS Music.  I had assumed this would reorganize all the files into a new iTunes Music folder in that new "NAS Music" folder on the Drobo, but when I tried both option-drag and also command-drag of a test folder of music into an open iTunes window, it still copied the files. 
So, can anyone shed some light on how to best set up a large library like this?  Thanks!

Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Hold down the option (alt) key (shift on Windows) and open iTunes.  At the prompt to create or choose a library choose the copied iTunes folder.
If this is to a new computer and you put the copied iTunes folder in the default location of Macintosh HD > Users > *User Name* > Music  then you don't even need to start with the option key held down, iTunes will automatically look for it there.  (Make sure there isn't anything already in the iTunes folder there that you want to keep since you will be replacing it with the one you are moving.)
Windows users see tip at:
Consider moving everything from your Windows PC to your Mac in a single move, including your iTunes library: About Windows Migration Assistant - - Learn about how to use Windows Migration Assistant to migrate your files from a Windows PC to a Mac.

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    iTunes prefs < Advanced.
    Set the iTunes media folder location to the *iTunes media* folder on the NAS.
    Then File -> Add folder to library and select the *iTunes media* folder on the NAS.

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    Apple doesn't have a problem with iTunes, it works if you dont interfere. iTunes manages its own data. They are your media files, but don't you try to manage them.
    Setup your NAS volume as the iTune media library. My iTunes library is on a USB external 2TB HD. Then set "keep iTunes Media folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library.
    When you add new media file to iTunes you drag them to iTunes Library (top of left column.)
    Never touch the iTunes files or folders on the NAS volume. Never move, rename, add or delete files or folders.

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    How exactly did you set it?  You do not do it in preferences (a common mistake).  You do it by starting up iTunes while holding down the option/alt key whereupon iTunes will irreversibly convert what it sees as the library, namely the iTunes Library.itl file, to a version which will only work with the newest version of iTunes you run (your 12).  Clearly you can't use 12 on your old computer so there is no way to share the same library file. Each version of iTunes will have to run its own library file which will essentially maintain its own independent list of entries, though they can share media.  This means changes you make to one library will mostly not appear in the other but if you do something such as delete media in one library the other library will fuss it can no longer find the file, etc.
    If you are going to start doing advanced iTunes things you need to learn how iTunes works.
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
    One other tip. Just about every mention I see of people using iTunes with a NAS is something with a problem that results from using iTunes with a NAS.  iTunes is likely not written with NAS use in mind.  It may work, or it may not.  Keep regular backups.

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    Hmmm, I'd give it a try, easy enough to move the FW drives.

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    One iTunes library per person.  One iTunes account per person.
    If people wish to share songs, they can make copies.
    When the inevitable day comes when the kids get older, you will not have to come back here and post asking how all that stuff can get separated!

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    Open itunes, connect ipad, select what you want, sync.
    Connect ipod, select what you want, sync

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    30GB and 4GB   Windows XP  

    Hi Tigerlily89,
    welcome to Apple Discussions,
    I would suggest that you don't have your iPod set to automatically download all your contents of iTunes to your iPod, this way you are free to control what goes onto each of your iPods from the same Library.
    When your iPod is connected to your computer and appears in iTunes goto Preferences iTunes and select iPod. You should see a little box at the bottom with words Enable Disk Use.
    Tick this box.
    You should see that your iPod's contents in iTunes has now turned black rather than grey. This means that you can now manually drag songs out of your iTunes Library onto your mounted iPod icon on the side of your iTunes.
    Eject your iPod via the little eject symbol to the right of your iPod pic in iTunes.
    Now connect your Mini to your computer and wait.
    Now drag from your main iTune library whatever you wish into the iPod Mini little pic.
    You can delete whatever you want to off your iPods by just clicking on the icon then viewing the contents of the iPodusing the top right Browse button.
    Hop this helps you.

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    Hi Diesel,
    Many thanks for your reply. I have been doing that, but running it as an administrator means that my calendar info is not synced. I get a blank calendar on my iPad.  I need to be able to set it up so that users can run it in their own accounts. There must be a way to do this?
    Kind regards,

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    You need to look for your itunes library under Computers and select it, then music.
    Music column is for web based content not local content, just to confuse everyone.

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    iTunes on your computer has nothing to do with an iCloud backup.  If you wife's phone is backing up to your iCloud account it's because you are sharing the same account.  Migrating her phone to a separate iCloud account will fix this.
    If you want to mirate her iPad to a separate account, start by saving any photo stream photos that she wishes to keep on your iPad to her camera roll by opening the my photo stream album, tap Edit, then tap all the photos you want to save, tap Share and tap Save to Camera Roll. 
    Once this is done, go to Settings>iCloud, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  (This will only delete the account her iPad, not from iCloud.  your devices will not be effected by this.)  When prompted about what to do with the iCloud data, be sure to select Keep On My iPad.  Then sign back in with a separate Apple ID to create her new account and choose Merge to upload the data to her account.  Note: you can continue to share the same ID for iTunes, it does not need to be the same as the ID used for iCloud.

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    Do as this article says:
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
    That will make your iPod the syncing computer.
    You can only have one syncing computer/iTunes library for apps. and photos. You can however, manually sync music and vides from multiple computer/library if you sync manually. See that topic of:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad

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