Settings Location Services Siri not there???

When I look under location services I do not have a Siri button.
Siri is turned on.
Any thoughts on why it isn't showing up???

Never mind. I did a reset and it showed up.

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    Contact Whatsapp for support.
    There is no logical expectation for Whatsapp to be listed under location services or for that to have any affect on what the app can access.

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    Greetings Biyase, 
    Thanks for contributing to the Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like the Outlook app is not launching after you updated iOS. In this case, I recommend the troubleshooting steps found at this link:
    If an app you installed unexpectedly quits, stops responding, or won’t open - Apple Support

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    j.cruznunez wrote:
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    Did you have a passcode lock on it?  Or did you have restrictions enabled?  If not, it is very possible someone has found it, simple disabled location services in settings, and is using it.  If you did not secure it, anyone with it can do anything they want with it as it is when found.

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    Have you recently changed WiFi routers?

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    Your Wi-Fi only iPad do not have GPS.
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    Your location is determined from a location database which contains the MAC addresses of routers and their physical location. A MAC address is a unique number which is built-in to all network devices when manufactured. The database is built and updated by actually driving around and mapping router locations.
    Since you just moved the location of your router has not been updated in the database and when you use Maps you will see your old location.
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    Dave and Razor,
    I tried the hard reset but I haven't had time to try a full restore, thanks for the suggestion. I'll do it this weekend. I am tempted to just open this ipod up and physically disable the bluetooth chip, but I may just go ahead and make a line-in adapter and microphone preamp for the dock connector rather than go through the minijack.
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    First, verify that location services are on and that the app you are using has been granted privledges to use it. Look in Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    Alos, if you have WiFi-only iPad, it does not contain a built-in GPS chip - only the 3G models do. Apple relies on a database of WiFi hot spot locations and it could be that your hotspot and those around you have never made it into that database.
    What have you done to troubleshoot already? What were the results?
    Have you read this support article about Location Services?

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    Location services works based on there being a known WiFi access point in the Apple Access Point database.
    While not in the basement, you are likely seeing neighboring WiFi access points which are geo-located as opposed to yours which apparently is not.
    I have heard that the database gets populated by iPhone and cellular iPads being located by cellular, then associating that location with WiFi access points visible to the iDevice.
    I also believe they used the SkyHook Wireless database at one time, and may still do so.
    You can submit your WiFi Access Point and geo-location which may or may not help.

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