Several VHDL Modules in One Test Bench

I am working with a image system consisting of three major parts:
- A CCD array
- A FPGA card
- A frame grabber
I have written one VHDL module for every component and now I would like to simulate them in one test bench. Is it possible to include several modules in one test bench? Or do I need to instantiate two of them as components?
Thanks in advance!

johnju wrote:
I am working with a image system consisting of three major parts:
- A CCD array
- A FPGA card
- A frame grabber
I have written one VHDL module for every component and now I would like to simulate them in one test bench. Is it possible to include several modules in one test bench? Or do I need to instantiate two of them as components?
You certainly can simulate an entire system. There is no reason why you cannot.
I generally create system simulation test benches which have the FPGA as just one component. So in your case, you'd model the CCD, find or write models for the converters, wire them to the FPGA, and then write models for the transport between the FPGA and the frame grabber card, and finally finally you will have to write a model of the frame grabber as a data sink.
It can be a lot of work, but if you want to prove out your system, and also exercise the FPGA with real stimulus, this is the way to go.
And if you feel the need to do a post-place-and-route timing simulation, if you are clever and use VHDL configurations, you can simply swap the timing model for the FPGA source in the test bench's instantiation of the DUT.

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    Hi Eric,
    I answer point by point.
    "I can comment most about the Switches you would need. You first mentioned 150V, 400Hz, then 30VDC and 2A, and a maximum current reading of 6A. How much AC current does your three phase need to supply? Would the 6A maximum current be just a quick current spike or steady state current?" 
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    There are a few modules that I would look at for your system:
    PXI-2586 - 10 channel SPST, 300VDC CAT II, 12A max current
    PXI-2568 - 31 channel SPST, 150VDC, 2A max current
    PXI-2567 - 64x1 channel multiplexer, 300 V CAT I, 2A max current
    "How many devices will you need to be testing at once? We also have the PXI-2585, a 10 channel 12A multiplexer (rather than SPST) so you can route power to one of 10 different DUTs."
    Ten DUTs are a good number for my test bench, if security requirements and test correctness are fullfilled (i.e. time parallel test procedure). The minimum number is 1  or 2 at once.
    "We also have high speed digitizers that could function as your oscilloscope."
    My idea is to attach several equipments to a "NI relay card" (i.e oscilloscope, amperometer, voltmeter, multimeter ecc. ecc.), piloted by PC via bus in order to setup meters and record data about th test.
    " I would contact your local sales engineer who can help spec out the whole system for you. You can find your sales engineer by going to and clicking 'contact us' in the upper right."
    Thanks for your attention and time. I write down a document with main specification to get  a better system view of test bench .

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    Best regards,

    Welcome to TestStand!!  It's by far the best off the shelf test automation software out there. 
    Are you talking about immediately repeating the failed steps?  Or are you talking about repeating the failed steps after the test has completed?  If you want to immediately repeat on a fail there are a couple options. If you look at the Properties for a step you'll see the Post Actions.  Basically this is anything that happens after the step has completed.  There is a On Fail box in there and you can change that to Goto step and choose the same step.  Or you can choose a sequence and create a sequence that will wait for the operator and then return and repeat the step.  There is also an Engine Callback which you can add and modify if a step fails as well.  You could do some manipulations in there.
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    Hope that helps.  Let me know if you have any questions.
    CTA, CLA
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    Go to Solution.

    >>What kind of hardware are you using? 
    In this case, NI 9401, but we will be expanding to cover several different module types
    >>Did you look in the NI Example Finder? 
    Yes.  There are two (in Labview 2011) returned with searching for "testbenches" that are very basic.
    >>Which tutorial are you talking about?
    This shows how to use a Template from the "Execute VI on Development Computer with Simulated I/O" option on the Debugging tab of the FPGA Target Properties. The template covers a single input and it's not clear to me how to simulate more than a single input.

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    On WLS CONSOLE, go to StartupClasses and make sure JAXWS class is target it to the managed server which you are deploying this webservice.
    Gabriel Abelha

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    Thank you,

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    Hi All
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    No un-ambiguous selection of mapping module (above one) for BDoc type 3932399B34D6279BE10000000A11449E.
    Service that caused the error: SMW3OUTBOUNDADP_CALLADAPTERS._
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    2. Assigned the number range to the Customer group
    3. Created a corresponding number range (External) in ERP and a corresponding CRM Customer account group as a copy of the standard 0001 Sold-to-party account group and assigned the number range to it.
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    Is there anyone out there who has met this very same problem or knows the solution to this.
    Thanks in advance.

    We managed to get a solution to the problem. Here it goes:
    When a new adapter object (e.g a custom one) is created, the SMOFOBJECT table is populated with the entry and, in turn, the SMOFUPLMAP is populated with the object and the mapping module for uploading to R/3. During the upload process, a search for custom mapping modules is done and if not found the standard mapping modules are used. However, and it seems weird since it seems as if it applies to the BUPA_MAIN object or the corresponding mapping module (BUPA_MWX_BDOC_UPLOAD_MAIN_R3), there has  to be a one-to-one mapping between an mapping module and adapter object.
    I had created a custom adapter object (Z_BUPA_MAIN) to which I wanted to put some custom filters and did not want to test with the standard object. So two objects using the same mapping module ended up existing  in the SMOFUPLMAP table (one-to-many mapping). The function module in which this happens is the GET_UPL_FUNCTION_FOR_OBJ.
    So the solution would be to delete the object if it is not needed or to maintain the SMOFUPLMAP table to remove the entry. When you delete the object, it sometimes does not automatically/subsequently remove the entry in SMOFUPLMAP, so manual maintenance has to be done or the same object has to be recreated and have the mapping module allocated. After this, the problem would be solved. What is weird to me is that the only one-to-one mapping is allowed. I created a custom object for the download of conditions and I did not get that error. So it means that in this case you would have to copy the mapping module and create a custom one for the custom object.

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    H. Thomasson

    Hi Holger,
    Maintenance cycle and SMI project is a 1:1 relationship.
    In status GoLive you will be able to continue developement/work on normal corrections but you will not be able to release any transport requests/create transport of copies so your testings in QA will be limited.
    In phase GoLive you are able to import requests into production.
    Normal Corrections which have not been released yet are not lost. Depending on your scenario you may switch phases back to "in dev with rel." after you imported into production. It is not necessary to close and recreate maintenance cycles if you use one project for daily/weekly maintenance.

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    Revision: 10131
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-09-10 14:25:42 -0700 (Thu, 10 Sep 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixes to several effects bugs and one styles-related bug.
    QE notes: Fixes to all filed auto-center feature bugs.
    Doc notes: None
    Bugs: sdk-22994, sdk-22992, sdk-22990, sdk-21850, sdk-22973
    Reviewer: Jason (+Glenn for RadioButton/CheckBox changes, 21850)
    Tests run: checkintests, Mustella (transform effects, Slider, DataGrid - all passed last week, prior to skin/test changes)
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

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    I would like to be able to deploy an application in Weblogic 12c having one ejb module and several web modules with the same context root. Even though the web modules have the same context root, each of them is deployed to a different virtual host.
    Weblogic allows deploying the modules this way as long as their targets are different (i.e. each having a distinct virtual host). However this works only when I don't select a target for the .ear:
    Component Type Current Targets
    application.ear Enterprise Application (None specified)
    application.jar EJB AdminServer
    web1.war WEBAPP virtualHost1
    web2.war WEBAPP virtualHost2
    However if I select as target for the .ear to be AdminServer, the deployment doesn't work anymore, complaining that the context roots are in conflict.
    If I remove web2.war from the .ear and deploy the .ear and .jar to AdminServer and web1.war to virtualHost1, the deployment works but the strange thing is that the web application can be accessed also through the AdminServer's main network channel, even though I would expect that it should be accessible only through virtualHost1 network channel. I believe this is the reason why there are context root conflicts when specifying a target for the .ear, because both wars are made accessible to the main network channel.
    The reason why I want to keep the wars inside the same .ear is because I want to make them access the application's local EJBs (since as far as I know it's not possible to access a local EJB outside the application even if they belong to the same VM).
    Is there a way to deploy the web modules only to the virtual hosts without being targeted to the main network channel?

    Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong it will
    A corollary to Murphy's law: When everything fails, read the manual.
    Web application funda: Every web application must have its own context root. So, if wkfsocos is one
    web application then, wkfsocos1 is another web application -
    and hence must have its own context root.
    Hello Aman,
    If you are in E-Commerce version 4.0, then read this
    [ISA_Buildtool document |]
    to create a copy of the application in its own context root.
    From your URL pattern I guess you are in E-Commerce version 4.0.
    If you are in E-Commerce 5.0 or above, then the
    [Extension Guide |]gives steps to create a copy with its own context root for use in modification.
    (See the chapter on - Creating a project specific Web Application with own context root )
    Both these links require access to SAP Service Marketplace. You can also find the
    documents through /instguides shortcut in Service Marketplace.
    Easwar Ram

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    I am currently desiging a small AC Motor Test Bench to test motors on the production line. I am trying to decide the best way to detect a break in the light curtain. A beak in the light curtain will be removing all line voltages from the bench top and will also reset the vi to await a start signal from an operator push button. I have a NI cDAQ 9178 with a NI 9205 and six NI 9481 modules.
    I do have a extra relay contact in my safety circuit that I can pass a 0-10V signal through to the 9205. I am considering using a 120VAC to 9VDC transformer to generate a control voltage. I would then use the control voltage as an input into the 9205. I could wire my start button, safety relay and stop button in series. The safety signal would be normally closed and the stop and start would be normally open. I do not need this to be real fast detection by the circuit but would like it to be under 1 second.
    Is this the right approach?
    How should I write this into my vi to detect an input even is a sub-vi is running?

    So, a question:
    Are you performing any other acquisitions with your 9205?  If so, are they hardware-timed?  I believe the 9205 has a single clock (I might be wrong about that, you'll have to check), which means that you can only run a single hardware-timed task with it.  This may not be relevant, but it's something to note.
    Since the detection doesn't have to be very fast, you could set up a software-timed task to read the line which has your "stop" signal.  (That avoids any sample clock conflicts.)  You'll want that task in its own loop, in parallel with the rest of your code, so that it runs all the time.
    When you detect a "stop" signal, you'll need to take action in the other software loop(s).  I'd use an Action Engine (search the forum if you're not familiar with it) to set a flag which is read by the other loop(s).  Use the flag to trigger whatever shutdown actions are necessary.  Your "stop" monitor loop will write to the Action Engine -- your other loop(s) will read from it.
    Does that help get you started?

  • Immediate Small Project - Test Bench Data Acquisition, Processing, & Basic Automation

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    Acquire data from 16 LVDT with 4-20 mA signal simultaneously at a single time.
    Convert to distance using bit resolution conversion.
    Calculate best fit plane for data points, given a (x,y) location of each sensor, where the signal is the z coordinate.
    Calculate properties of part with distance from best fit plane to individual LVDT points and report to LabView SPC.
    Trigger 24 VDC I/O to actuate pneumatic solenoids with timing delays to provide throughput through test station.
    Trigger data acquisition when part is present in test area of machine.
    Requested completion time is one week.  Project is located in Clover, SC outside of Charlotte, NC.  Remote work is acceptable.
    Please email me if interested in project. [email protected]

    I am need of a Labview Programmer to assist immediately on a test bench setup.  The sepcifics are as follows....
    Acquire data from 16 LVDT with 4-20 mA signal simultaneously at a single time.
    Convert to distance using bit resolution conversion.
    Calculate best fit plane for data points, given a (x,y) location of each sensor, where the signal is the z coordinate.
    Calculate properties of part with distance from best fit plane to individual LVDT points and report to LabView SPC.
    Trigger 24 VDC I/O to actuate pneumatic solenoids with timing delays to provide throughput through test station.
    Trigger data acquisition when part is present in test area of machine.
    Requested completion time is one week.  Project is located in Clover, SC outside of Charlotte, NC.  Remote work is acceptable.
    Please email me if interested in project. [email protected]

  • What the heck, why are Test benches so expensive!?

    No idea..
    But on a similar note, I plati-dipped my rims and brake calipers.  They turned out nice. 

    So I was thinking of plasti dipping or vynil wrapping my PC case at home just to give it a change on the color. Of course I will want to use my PC to watch something online or play a game while working on my case so I will need something to put it in. I thought I should just get one of those open test benches for PC because its easy to install and remove. I was looking for some online thinking it was an easy $20 for a good one. NOPE.. A good one will run you $100. Literally the cheapest one I found was $45. Why are these things so expensive? Im probably going to take a pc from work and make my own.
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    Hi Lakshmi,
    The best way to do it is to assign all the three RFC Enabled FM's to one function group. Later on the top menu in Utilities you get an option to Create a Webservice from a Function Group.
    You can create one single Webservice using all the the 3 FM's.
    I hope this helps.

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