Shake on 2011 MBP

I just did a quick test of Shake 4.1 on a 2011 15" 2.0GHz MBP,
using the defocus filter. Seemed to render 3 times faster than
my 2.4GHz C2D iMac.
maxthread = 8, which seems really cool, except that
Any other experiences out there?

My 2011 quad-core 2.2GHz 15" MBP arrived! Against all advice, I just used Migration Assistant
(I'll do a real install later) and I have these test results. Basically I just pasted this script:
shake -checker 1600 1600 2 -turbulate 1 1 10 10 10 10 -nocache -cpu 8 -fo /shaketemp.tga -v
into a Terminal window, changing the number after -cpu to change the number of threads used.
So here is the number of seconds required to render one frame of this script:
1 thread 10.99
2 threads 5.75
3 threads 4.27
4 threads 3.97
5 threads 3.43
6 threads 3.05
7 threads 2.74
8 threads 2.53
This pattern of diminishing returns as the thread count goes up is typical
of multicore processors I've seen running this test. I also did some tests with
a bunch of nodes rendering to ProRes 422. No problem.

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  • Early 2011 MBP 17 Random Shutdown and Battery Behavior

    Hi all, new to the forums here.
    I recently purchased a refurbished early 2011 MBP 17' 2.2 Ghz i7 with 8gb and 10.7.5. Out of the box, machine looked great, but I noticed that the power cable was different than the one I had for my early 2011 MBP 15' I have for work. This raised an immediate redflag (buying from a refurb site outside of apple is always a cause for concern IMO) so I abstained from using that charger until I knew a little more. I plugged in the machine and booted it up and everything worked great. The batter was close to 100%, so after charging for approximately 20 min, I unplugged it, and the laptop immediately died. I powered it back on, and the harddrive began to spin for a few seconds, then the same result, total loss of power. Started up again, and I was able to boot into OS X and play around for a bit for a period of time before again, shut down.
    For the next few days, same story. I was able to at one point, drain the battery completely and do a full cycle charge. The first time I did this, no change in behavior. Again, a few days later, I was able to drain the battery and perform a full cycle charge, but this time, a major change in behvior. Since the second full cycle charge, I have had absolutely no power problems. I haven't really "pushed" my MBP to see if fully utilizing the CPU/RAM/GPU will produce the similar results I had early, but it appears that everything is working great.
    Here a few interesting notes to my situation.
    When I was first operating the system (when plugged in, there were no shutdowns, only while on the battery) I pulled up my system report, and noticed that my battery cycle was very low (~5). This seemed odd, because I had opted for a used battery instead of a new one.
    Prior to reinstalling Mountain Lion, my volume up key would trigger a few strange events. The screen for briefly get quite bright, then all open applications + the doc and widgets would restart (similar to killing explorer.exe in the windows task manager).
    Since performing the fresh install, I have had abslutely no issue with my MBP and I love it, its a beautiful machine. However, as I purchased refurb, I'm hesitant to proceed (I will exceed my return period in ~2 weeks) without knowing my machine is in prime working condition. I have read issues about early 2011 models having issues with batteries and GPUs, but my symptoms were dissimilar to those described by others with those particular issues.
    Any thoughts?
    I have a genius appointment tomorrow evening for a general diagnostics check, but if others have experienced these issues, I would appreciate some input.

    Do a SMC reset:
    Run an Apple Hardware Test:
    You may need to use OPTION D to start it.
    Install iStat pro and open Activity Monitor.  Set Activity Monitor to show 'All Processes' and '%CPU' to display values from high to low.  Post images of the two such as these:

  • Can't install windows 8.1 on early 2011 MBP

    Hey all,
    I'm having problems installing Windows 8.1 on my Early 2011 MBP (MacBookPro8,2). When my superdrive died I installed an SSD for the boot drive and kept the original hard drive as a secondary drive. I used BCA (modified to support USB) to create a USB 2 Windows 8.1 install drive from an ISO I previously created. I also had it partition the hard drive. When it reboots I get the "no bootable device found" and blinking cursor issue. I've tried holding down option and choosing EFI, but i've picked up during the last week that installing through EFI on my MacBook Pro isn't possible. Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?

    I ended up coming across this last night: rive.32474/
    I am in the process of testing this out, but currently I'm stuck with an issue with winclone not expanding the image of the usb install disk to use all the space in the partition. However I did boot into the Windows installer and didn't run into the "couldn't find partition" , "no bootable disk", or "not an MBR" errors I've seen before.
    I Think the key for non supported hardware and Windows 8 or later is to create the bootable usb in windows and not through BCA. I actually used the VMWare Fusion trial and a windows 10 technical demo image to do the monkeying around in windows. Hope this helps someone else. I'll keep updating.

  • Problems with Late 2011 MBP (catalog corrupt, won't boot from USB/CD)

    I have had some problems with my Late 2011 MBP running OSX 10.8.x (latest update)
    I was using Safari when suddenly my screen froze. It has happened a couple of times before but it usually is either: 1.) a black screen for 5 seconds while nothing works responds and then it continues work like nothing happened, or 2.) just a freeze for a moment which goes away within a few seconds. I have visited the official service and they found nothing wrong with my laptop and said that it may have been just random occurrence. This time it froze and as I waited the fans went crazy and had no other option but to shut down from the power button. Later, when I wanted to boot up, it gets to the Apple logo, the circle spins and the small bar below appears and after a second or two, it disappears and then the computer shuts down. I went to recovery mode and used disk utility to verify and repair the problem (which only works to find out the problem, not to fix it, thanks anyway apple) Heres what it showed:
    Verifying volume “nihil”
    Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Keys out of order
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .mdworker_2013-07-21-081г41_эartin-RichaѲds-эacBѯok-ѐro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 4398046511104)
    Illegal name
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .mdworker_2013-07-22-б20303_MartiѮ-RiѣharѤs-MѡcBoѯk-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 67108864)
    File has incorrect number of links (id = 60851670)
    (It should be 1 instead of 67108865)
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect block count for file .mdworker_2013-08-04-145002_Martin-Richards-MacBook-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 1024)
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .opendirectoryd_201г-08-04-б516а5_MѡrtiѮ-Riѣhards-MacBook-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 67108864)
    File has incorrect number of links (id = 66286495)
    (It should be 1 instead of 67108865)
    Invalid catalog record type
    The volume nihil could not be verified completely.
    Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.
    Verify and Repair volume “nihil”
    Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Keys out of order
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .mdworker_2013-07-21-081г41_эartin-RichaѲds-эacBѯok-ѐro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 4398046511104)
    Illegal name
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .mdworker_2013-07-22-б20303_MartiѮ-RiѣharѤs-MѡcBoѯk-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 67108864)
    File has incorrect number of links (id = 60851670)
    (It should be 1 instead of 67108865)
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect block count for file .mdworker_2013-08-04-145002_Martin-Richards-MacBook-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 1024)
    Invalid extent entry
    Invalid extent entry
    Incorrect size for file .opendirectoryd_201г-08-04-б516а5_MѡrtiѮ-Riѣhards-MacBook-Pro.crash.plist
    (It should be 0 instead of 67108864)
    File has incorrect number of links (id = 66286495)
    (It should be 1 instead of 67108865)
    Invalid catalog record type
    The volume nihil could not be verified completely.
    Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    I tried to boot DiskWarrior from a USB and a CD, after pushing enter in the bootable device's screen, I get a continuous loop of 3 beeps and I can't boot from either of the mediums.
    I also tried the Single-user mode (Command-s when booting) and the /sbin/fsck -fy said that my HD is not completely verifiable. Also, 3/4 of the files mentioned in disk utility are also mentioned in this process, with errors as forrows: keys out of order, invalid index key, invalid extent entries (7 times), incorrect block counts, number of links and incorrect sizes for the foretold files and invalid catalog record type.
    The reason why I'm not doing a clean install is that the last few days I've been in the process of deleting unnecessary items on my laptop so I could make a back-up (as for some reason, Time Machine is awfully slow and a new 600 gb backup would take and enormous amount of time, but that's a problem for another day) and as I had not yet reached the backing up part, my data is locked on this (possibly) corrupt HD. How should I advance and what steps should I take?
    My first and most important mission would be to get back into my OS to make a back-up. Then I'd deal with the "not being able to boot form USB nor CD" and the TM problem.
    Thank you all in advance,

    Before you even start, consider that there may be no Windows 7 driver support for some of the hardware in your laptop. You won't know which hardware devices and functions are unsupported until you find out the hard way. In some cases, a driver conflict could cripple your computer.
    Like most OEMS, Toshiba pre-installs Windows 8 to boot with EFI on a GPT hard drive. Your Windows 7 install disc, on the other hand, most likely boots with a BIOS from an MBR. Therefore, your Windows 7 disc will not boot your computer.
    You would need to start by performing a low-level format of your hard drive. This completely erases the disc and its metadata. Then you could boot from your Windows installation disc and try to install Windows 7. How successful you will be depends on driver support.
    All things considered, you should stay with Windows 8. Next time, more research before you buy.

  • 2011 MBP 15", how to install Windows 8 via USB?

    I successfully got my Windows 8 installation files on a USB. I just upgraded to Mountain Lion and no longer have the option to install Windows from another source. How can I install Windows 8 off my USB? BootCamp Assistant only offers the CD option.
    Best regards.

    On computers which Apple shipped with an Optical drive, then the Boot Camp utility expects you to use that optical drive to install your Windows OS.  Since the 2011 MBP shipped with an optical drive, the Boot Camp utility expects you to boot the Windows installer from that drive.

  • Can't install Win7 on 2011 MBP

    Hi All,
    I have a new 2011 MBP 15 i7 with the Apple SSD and I'm trying to installing Windows 7 (64 bit Ultimate) via Boot Camp. I also tried the 32 bit version, with the same results...
    I used Boot Camp Assistant to make a 60GB partition, and got pretty far along in the Windows installation. Windows started, but then immediately rebooted, and then just kept rebooting. I never got as far as installing the drivers. Anyone seen this?
    Of course I did a software update first, and read the installation instructions for BootCamp.
    In case it's relevant:
    Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B04
    SMC Version (system): 1.69f1
    Thanks in advance!

    Windows 7 came out in 2009.
    The MacBook Air has support files
    Windows 7 SP1 DVDs would be nice and more likely to support more hardware natively.
    I can see Apple dropping XP, why create, test new drivers for new hardware.
    Windows on Mac takes back seat to the consumer-entertainment side of business, and to OS X.
    The 2011 MBP are so new that they were not it appears part of the standard 10.6.7 release cycle. Not the first time (10.4.9 fell on release of Mac Pro 2007 8-core) and had to wait for 10.4.10 to get everyone on the same build and test cycle. A perfect storm is new hardware, new OS, and everything incompatible on multiple fronts.
    "Save drivers to CD" on 2011 MBP would be essential. The drivers HAVE to be on flash drive or something DURING the boot and install of Windows 7. Only way it would work.
    Now, it seems that some people are successful getting Win7 on new MBP so something seems different. No idea what.
    The most current FAQ on Boot Camp (from that link above)
    I will hand it to Apple Support pages, they could always of course be and do better and have help articles (vote on? most accessed? newest vs oldest? by category?) I'd even though in some under yours that are particular to installing Windows -

  • My early 2011 MBP 13" does not recognize my Sandisk 16GB 45MB/s Extreme Pro SDHC card.  I went to the Genius Bar and we tried it in all the MacBook Pro's in the Apple Store and NONE could recognize the card.  However, iMacs did.  Any suggestions?

    My early 2011 MBP 13" does not recognize my Sandisk 16GB 45MB/s Extreme Pro SDHC card.  I went to the Genius Bar and we tried it in all the MacBook Pro's in the Apple Store and NONE could recognize the card.  However, iMacs did.  Any suggestions?  Genius behind the Bar suggested wait for LION OS X release...

    You really don't need to post multiple times, you will get attention eventually.
    Find the reply here:
    MacBook Pro 13 (MBP 8,1 random restarts)

  • Does anyone know if this HD works with a early 2011 MBP?

    Looking to upgrade my internal HD on my early 2011 MBP. Before placing the order, would like to get some professional advice.
    The HD being considered is:
    SAMSUNG Spinpoint M9T ST2000LM003 2TB 5400 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 2.5" Internal Notebook Hard Drive
    Thanks in advance for all advice/inputs

    Oh, sorry, I didn't note that I am planning on using logic 8 to attempt this. I don't have access to a machine with logic and pro tools installed to try it myself, else I would.

  • Why is the WIFI so slow on my 2011 MBP? its getting frustrating

    why is the WIFI so slow on my 2011 MBP? its getting frustrating

    Hi Jeff,
    Can you elaborate on your issue a bit further. What is "slow" in your approximation? Tell us about the environment you're in, what type of router, band and channel. How many other wireless routers does your machine pick up? Is it slow other places with wireless or just this current location? New issue, ongoing?

  • 27-30" Monitor to accompany 2011 MBP

    I'm looking to upgrade desk monitor now that I've got the 2011 MBP with the Radeon HD 6750M. Primary use is video editing, with some standard home-office activity. I do have some light coming into my study, so antiglare has become more important to me. Here are the options I've been mulling over...
    1. Dell U3011
    2. 27" iMac (although not antiglare and facing refresh soon)
    3. 27" Apple Cinema Display
    If I have the patience I'm inclined to wait for the iMac refresh to see if they come with antiglare along with the better hardware. But I'm also very interested in the real estate of the U3011.

    I'm using a 2010 15" MBP with apple's 27" cinema display mainly for Final Cut Pro and Aperture / Photoshop works. The experience couldn't be better. This screen is massive, and unless you get a spotlight or a window right behind your shoulders pointing directly to it, it's own brightness would eliminate any other reflections in your room.
    If you find a way to test it in you'll stay with it, I guarantee that.
    regarding the dilemma of buying an iMac or a new MBP, I would buy the latter and here's why:
    an iMac will never come in Matte, so there's no difference between an iMac screen and an apple cinema display.
    an iMac is still limited and not expandable as MacPro is, so choosing between a desktop configuration and a portable-cinema configuration would make sense only if the desktop configuration is a MacPro.
    The latest generation of MBPs is being reported as fast and powerful as today's MacPros model and even better so why limiting yourself to a desktop workstation while you can have the best of both words by opting for a MBP-Cinema display configuration!

  • Transfer disks from 2008 MBP to 2011 MBP?

    My early 2008 MBP died (Apple Genius said logic board), so I took the opportunity to purchase a refurbished early 2011 MBP from the Apple Store.  On the original MBP, I had replaced the HDD with an SSD and replaced the optical drive with a 7200 HDD. The MBP was current with Lion 10.7.2.  I would like to install the SSD and 7200 HDD into the new MBP - any reason I won't be able to boot right up into the disks assuming a successful install?      Thanks -

    I see in another post that the drives from my old MBP won't have all the hardware drivers needed for the new MBP, so I'll need to do a fresh install on the drives 
    If so, the migration process is more complicated.  I'll need to backup everything from the SSD and HDD [somwehere] and then reformat the disks and install Lion and then transfer apps/settings/data from [somewhere] to the freshly installed disks.
    Is Migration Assistant the utility I will use to pull over apps/settings/data?  Can it pull from SuperDuper image?  Can it pull from just a data folders?  I probably won't have a Time Machine backup handy, but I do have SuperDuper and straight backups.

  • 10.6.7, the 2011 MBP, and the death of easy cloning....

    I'm a photographer and whenever I've hit the road in the past, I'd clone my MacPro boot drive to an external, then boot my MacBookPro from the external, clone the external to the internal on the MBP and I'd be off, with an exact replica of my desktop machine, with all my apps, settings, email, etc.
    Just got a 2011 MBP and tried this out with 10.6.6. It would not boot the MBP. After some research, I figured out that I needed to install from the MBP OS install DVD onto the external boot drive while it is attached to the MBP, then clone it over to the internal. This worked, but sucked up some major time to do the instal.
    Now 10.6.7 is out, with different flavors for different machines. Seems if I install 10.6.7 on my Desktop and then clone to an external drive, I wont be able to run the 10.6.6 installer disk the came with my MBP.
    According to this article: 6-7 I might wind up with some weird problems if I do.
    Any suggestions out of this mess until 10.6.8 comes along and (maybe) fixes this?

    Instead of cloning the whole boot volume, why not just copy your documents? You wouldn't want identical systems on a Mac Pro and a portable, even if it were possible.

  • Considering going from late 2011 MBP to MBA. Seeking advice on performance.

    I currently have a late 2011 MBP with 4GB RAM, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 and am running into some performance issues. My main issue is that it takes time to switch between apps and sometimes to open a new tab in chrome. I have a lot of apps open for work purposes and I'm thinking the slowness could be due to not having enough RAM. When I look at Activity Monitor>System Memory, I see that I have about 1GB in Inactive, 1 GB in Active, and 2 GB in Wired. Then I'm seeing 5.62GB of swap used (that doesn't seem good).
    I like how compact the MBAs are and am thinking of getting either the i5 or i7 with 8GB of RAM. I'm thinking that the increase in RAM as well as the flash storage would help with the type of slowness I'm seeing, but would hate to buy it only to have the same problems.
    I would love to get some advice on this.

    I HAD the same 2011 MBP you have, and HAVE the current Macbook AIR,....theres almost no comparison between the two. You should possibly go use one for a bit at the Apple store etc, however regarding your question "will it be a difference/ big upgrade" the answer is of course yes,....definately so.

  • 2011 MBP MC700 13" cann't install win7 from  an external usb CD/DVD ROM

    My new 2011 MBP MC700 13" cann't install win7 from an external usb CD/DVD ROM,WHY?

    Yes, very annoying. Not unworkable though. We've a bucket load of different external devices too, tried all of them.
    It's not common to one OS either - can't boot OSX DVD, Ubuntu, Win7.... Only way I can is via the internal SuperDrive when it's actually internal.
    Even tried it with just 1 x Hard Disk & an External USB. No joy.
    Obviously not annoying enough for me to try and find a solution I just work around it now. Interesting it's been the same on my last three MBPs though - no problem on both the Air's I've owned.

  • AMD Radeon HD 6750M, Early 2011 MBP, 10.9.4 Problems

    Ever since 10.9.3 update I have a serious problem with my Early 2011 MBP with AMD Radeon HD 6750M card.
    First my configuration:
    MBP 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 (Macbook Pro 8,2)
    16 GB RAM
    512 GB Sandisk SSD and 750 Stock HDD
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M and Intel HD Graphics 3000
    OS X 10.9.4
    I'm usually using my MBP with external display with a resolution of 1920x1080. The display is connected via DVI to Mini Display Port adapter. When I connect the external display, my MBP switches to the AMD card. Here's where the problems begin. If I'm using Davinci Resolve, Capture One Pro or any other software (that I use regularly) that uses the GPU extensively, the cpu usage will rise, the computer will start to feel sluggish and my productivity almost becomes none because even the simplest tasks such as opening another tab in firefox or safari takes anywhere between 1-3 sec. When the computer starts doing that, I cannot play a simple HD video at native fps and the whole machine basically becomes too expensive paper weight. The strange thing is that even after I quit all programs, the system cpu usage continues to be high, around 50% with kernel_task being the star using all this cpu and it keeps using all of this cpu forever, at least until i shut it down or disconnect the external display and manage to make it switch to the internal Intel gpu.
    The problem started after istalling the 10.9.3 update and it's still there with the 10.9.4 update. I even formatted the computer and reinstalled everything but the problem still persists.
    I haven't experienced anything like this on 10.9.2 and the machine was actually quite fast before that. Now, I have too expensive paper weight on my desk.
    Since the problem is very specific, I doubt many users will complain and I doubt Apple will ever do anything to fix it, at least until hopefully the new drivers in 10.10 fix the issue hopefully.
    My question is:
    1. Has anyone else experienced this and managed to solve the problem?
    2. How can I downgrade to 10.9.2? I don't have time machine backup but i have bootable usb with 10.9.2. Will it help?
    All best,

    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.   
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    ☞ Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above. Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first. Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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