Shape Animation Mask Help

Hey guys, i currently have a single shape, a red line. Starting at the  top, it then rotates 180 degree to the bottom area.  I need to mask off  the line from going into the stands. How do i do this? I tried simply  adding a rectangle mask to the line, but the rectangle rotates with the  line?

> what do you mean by precompose?
Here's a page that defines precomposing.
But I don't understand why you need to mask the shape to limit the line's length. Why not just draw the line on the shape layer at the length that you need?
By the way, I strongly recommend that people new to After Effects begin at the beginning and work their way through some introductory materials so that they understand some of the basic concepts like precompositions and drawing paths. This is a good place to start:

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    The 1009 error indicates that one of the objects being targeted by your code is out of scope.  This could mean that the object....
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    exactly my reaction - a rectangle with no fill or stroke is
    indeed nothing :p
    --> Adobe Certified Expert
    cinemaguy wrote:
    > I am confused. How are you animating a mask that is in
    the shape of a rectangle with no fill and no stroke. Wouldn't that
    be nothing?

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    One creates masks, the other creates shape layers. There are properties that you can animate with shape layers that are not available to masks. There are also a few things you can do with masks that you can't with shape layers.
    I'd suggest you take a look at the help files or do a Google Search on After Effects Shape Tutorials.

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    > Please don't mention rotoscoping, its not what I'm after for. I just
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    Despite what you said, I'm going to mention rotoscoping. The basic skills of rotoscoping involve knowing how to change and animate the shapes of masks, so the question that you're asking is best answered by pointing you to instructions that apply to rotoscoping.
    If you want to scale and transform an entire mask, but have the change only apply to one keyframe, make sure that just one Mask Path keyframe is selected, and then free-transform the whole mask path.

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    You should try placing it all inside a movieclip by copying/pasting it into the movieclip timeline.  That way it is completely mobile.

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    Hi Todd,
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    that's a flash bug.

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    Thank you!

    Each object must be on its own layer.
    For this example lets create a shape pick any of the shapes in the tool bar, just make sure you are using shapes which is found in the top tool bar.
    Click the create video time line in the animation panel, this should create a timeline for each layer.
    Before each layer in the timeline panel is an arrow, click on it to twirl it down.
    Lets use position for an example. Location the word Vector Mask Position for that object and click on the stopwatch
    Move the timeline head along the timeline to a new time (any new time will be fine for this example, just make sure its more than 15 frames just so its slow enough to see moving. {This will also depend on the distants traveled in the next step})
    With the move tool selected (lowercase v - keyboard shortcut)  Drag the shape elsewhere on the document. This will create the end keyframe.
    Just below the frames in the animation panel is a slider at the beginning and the end of the entire animation. Dragging the little gray box at either end adjusts the start and end work area. Drag the end work area box towards to the end keyframe. This will stop the animation when the shape stops moving. You will see it snap at that keyframe.
    Hit the space bar to play your animation. If done correctly you will see your shape move across the document.
    Your animation panel should look similar to the attachment. Don't worry about getting the same end timeframe as mine, as it is only an example.

  • Complex question about masks - help needed please

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    new to this forum and new to After Effects.  I hope you can help me achieve a particular animation.
    The result I want is to move a pair of glasses across the frame and through the left lens of the glasses, the background image is made clearer.
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    Is there an easy way to select a complex area like you have in Photoshop?
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    How do I make the mask apply to the middle layer to cut it out to reveal the bottom layer?
    Thanks in advance.

    While you are reading the links Szalam gave you (I recommand you to read them all), here is how you could achieve this.
    Create a new solid on top of your glasses, roughly the size of your lense (just a little bigger than the area you want to mask out).
    Then use the pen tool to draw a mask with the shape to be used as a "hole" for your second layer. Be sure to have your solid layer selected before drawing the mask.
    You will now a have a solid layer on top of your glasses with the shape of the lens. To make it follow your glasses, parent it to the glasses using the parent dropdown menu in the timeline, next to your layer's name.
    Now in the stack, move your solid on top of your out of focus layer. Then select your out of focus layer, display the matte/mode column and in the matte dropdown select alpha (or alpha inverted). AE will then use your solid layer as a mask to cut out your out of focus layer.

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