SHD0 Create Variant - Request

Greetings ......
                          While Saving  Transction variant in SHD0 syetm, generate a Customize request .
But i am unable to see this request ....
i have created this variant in development client now i wnat to transfer it to Quality client for testing ....but i am not getting that request in t code SE01.
Is there any other procedure while working with Transction variant ...SHD0

You can use the Tcode : SE10 and enter the selection fields as your user ID and Date.
System will list all the transports created by you.
radhak mk

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    please tell me how to this ?
    Also i will be glade to get material about this subject.

    Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.
    Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).
    Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.
    In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)
    Variant Transaction

  • Error while Creating Travel Request ..thru TRIP

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    As I am suppose to creat a travel request thru TRIP but i am geting the below error and the msg no..............
    Error: Trip country IN / trip region do not exist in the system (T702O)
    Message no. PTRA_WEB_INTERFACE031
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    Waiting for Reply.

    Please check the following:
    1. Just check have you assigned country India to the trip provision variant you have created.
    2. Just check whether you have assigned the trip provision variant correctly to the respective country.

  • How to create variant in Webdynpro

    Hi Gurus,
    I have created a WebDynpro report (WD Application). I have around 10 input fields on my first view.
    My second view will display an ALV report.
    Now I want to create variant for my selection screen( on my first view) so that the user will not need to always give
    values to all the 10 input fields. Please let me know if you have any solution for this.

    >Please tell me I am missing some setting somewhere
    No, your statements are accurate and increasingly a request that I hear from customers.  I pass on this request to the people who do the portfolio planning.  Also the ASUG UI Influence Council has recently taken up this topic as well.  It would also be helpful if you add your voice to the sticky thread on this forum asking for enhancement suggestions.  All these things help add weight to a feature request.
    Some thoughts from the SAP side - We do have personalization and configuration - some tasks that were done iwth variants could be acomplished with these new techniques.  Also variant were originally designed for background processing.  Since Web Dynpro ABAP can't be ran in the background anyway, that use case is out.
    Personally I would like to see variants at least built into the Select-Options reusable component. It seems like a nice ballance between the requirements.
    >This is really crazy when considering user specific ALV display variants can be saved -- but not shared as Global variants.
    You can create global layouts for the ALV by logging on in Admin mode.  Are you just saying you would like to be able to "promote" user specific layouts to global ones?

  • What is t-code SHD0's 'Variant Groups' used for?

    hi all:
    What is t-code SHD0's 'Variant Groups' used for?
    It seems can't work,who can help me?

    Variant groups
    An extension of the standard variants is involved in the variant groups; the standard groups are often insufficient:
    Different users (groups) should work with different variants;
    Some users should be able to execute a transaction with different variants.
    This is possible - in addition to the advantages that the standard variants offer - with variant groups:
    Variants from variant groups are automatically applied, but only for users that are assigned to them.
    A user can be assigned to several groups and can change the assignment.
    The values of the groups are not applied in the batch input mode.
    If a transaction is started with another transaction variant, the values are not additionally applied to a variant group.
    How are the variant groups maintained?
    You can enter the group names on the "Variant Group" tab and maintain variant groups with the "Create" or "Change" functions.
    The group name must be in the "correct" namespace.
    In addition, there are two Where-Used Lists:
    Which users are assigned to the group,
    For which transactions the group applies.
    Which transaction variants belong to the groups?
    The name of a transaction variant that is to belong to a group meets the following naming conventions:
    <Name of variant group><name of transaction code>. Example: A transaction variant is to be created for the XYZ transaction that belongs to GROUP1. The name of the transaction variant is then GROUP1XYZ.
    Due to this naming convention, the group name must be in the "correct" namespace.
    Transaction variants that (randomly) meet this naming convention do not necessarily belong to a group. The group assignment is activated by
    1. Creating a group
    2. Assigning users to this group
    A transaction variant that belongs to a group can also be used this way, like a transaction variant without a group.
    How are the transaction variants that belong to a group maintained?
    Transaction variants that belong to a group are maintained in the same way as all other transaction variants, they are distinguished using a naming convention (<name of variant group> <name of transaction codes>).
    They can be maintained in the "transaction variants" tab or in the "variant groups" tab. If you maintain them in the "variant groups" tab, you must always enter the transaction code so that the name of the transaction variant can be determined.
    Under what conditions is a variant from a group applied?
    A variant from a group is applied if users are assigned.
    (Only for the assigned users, all other users get the original transaction with a variant from a different group.)
    It is NOT sufficient to
    Create a group
    Create a variant that satisfies the naming convention.
    How do you assign users to groups?
    You can assign users in the "variant groups" tab in the "user assignment".
    Enter the user name.
    The user is assigned to the group with the "assign" function, but they see original transaction(s) or the transactions with variants from another group as the proposal.
    The assignment of users to the group is deleted using the "delete assignment" function.
    The user is assigned to the group using the "Set Proposal" function and the relevant transactions are started for this user with the corresponding variants.
    The proposal is canceled with the "Cancel Proposal" function, the assignment itself remains.
    If you enter the user names generically (*), you receive a selection screen in which you can
    Choose whether assignments or proposals are to be changed
    Further restrict user names (the group in the "all users from group" option has nothing to do with the variant group, it concerns the "user group for authorization check" from the user master record (logon data)).
    By choosing "Execute", you receive a list in which you can further restrict the user selection. The "Save" function saves the assignments for all selected users.
    If you want to start the report in the background, you can choose if just the list should be outputted, or if the database changes should also be performed.
    If a user is additionally also to be able to execute the original transaction, he must be assigned to the "empty group", the allocation takes place in the same way, in this case, nothing is simply entered in the group name field.

  • Error while creating Travel request

    Dear All,
    ESS 2005/SP6
        While creating travel request in I am getting following error
    "Errors have been discovered when checking the Expense Report. Please correct them in order to proceed."
    Kamal Rawal

    Hello Kamal
    Did you manage to resolve the issue in relation to "Errors have been discovered when checking the Expense Report."?
    Best Regards
    Roger Earle
    [email protected]

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    There is no dump in the crm system.
    I am able to create the same service request in CRM system and also can see these transactions in search list of e-service, but cant view them.
    its giving an error message "An error occurred. The action that you requested could not be performed"

    When i tried through DBCA it hanged...
    through oradim it the posted error was appearing
    I have all the privileges as i logged in as domain admin.
    Oradim says it cannot create but the service has been created in services.msc but when i start the service the posted error message was appearing on the Eventlog

  • Problem in creating a request

    Hi Friends,
    I want to transport a table to the production, How can I create a request to that table, I am unable to create a request for that table.
    Thanx in advance,

    a) Is the table in a package and not a local object??
    b) check whether the table is already locked in a request-> thats the reason it may not be creating a request.
    In Se11 => open your table in change , display mode and under Utilities=>versions=>version management check under request whether it is local , or any other request has already been created.

  • How to create variant for table/view ?

    When I go through SM30, I find a radio button called variant. I don't know the effect.
    Can anyone tell me how to create variant for table / view ?
    I want to know when we need to create variant for table/view.
    Best regards,
    Chris Gu

    hi ,
    Whenever you start a program in which selection screens are defined, the system displays a set of input fields for database-specific and program-specific selections. To select a certain set of data, you enter an appropriate range of values.
    For further information about selection screens, refer to Selection Screens in the ABAP User's Guide.
    If you often run the same program with the same set of selections (for example, to create a monthly statistical report), you can save the values in a selection set called a variant
    To create a new variant:
           1.      On the ABAP Editor initial screen, enter the name of the program for which you want to create a variant, select Variants, and choose Change.
           2.      On the variant maintenance initial screen, enter the name of the variant to be created.
    Note the naming convention for variants (see below).
           3.      Choose Create.
    If the program has more than one selection screen, a dialog box for screen assignment appears. The dialog box does not appear if the program only has one selection screen. The selection screen appears in this case.
           4.      If there is more than one selection screen, select the screens for which you want to create the variant
    5.      Choose Continue.
    The (first) selection screen for the report appears.
    If your program has more than one selection screen, use the scroll buttons in the left-hand corner of the application toolbar to navigate between them and to fill the fields with values. If you keep scrolling forwards, the Continue button appears on the last selection screen.
           6.      Enter the desired selection values, including multiple selection and dynamic selection.
           7.      Choose Continue.

  • HOW TO Create  variants for transaction MASS on LFA1 object?

    hOW TO Create  variants for transaction MASS on LFA1 object?
    Edited by: cheppalliakr on Nov 10, 2011 1:09 PM
    Moderator message: please do more research before asking, show what you have done yourself and provide more information when asking.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Nov 10, 2011 3:10 PM

    Hi Oscar ,
    You need to create optional date prompt variable  in BW which fills your requirement .
    Ex : If you require report should always run for 1st of the month to last of month .Then create Optional date variable in BW with interval .write customer exit ,
    if from date is left blank it should take 1st of the month and if todate is left blank it should take last of the month .
    when creating webi schedules , leave prompts as blank.

  • Error while creating variants in article master

    I m getting an error while trying to create variants in Matrix Screen in DM. While i mark the variant check boxes and try to save the data, i get following error msg.
    "Update failed. Problem while adding a new record to table 'Products' Original problem: AddRecord error Error code: -5631993. Error message (according to error code): The field cannot be edited"
    Any idea on what i could be missing or how i can de code this error message to know the exact problem

    partially resolved

  • Error message while creating Appropriation Request

    Hey there,
    I am getting Error message while creating Appropriation Request.
    I have done all the confiig according to SAP Best Practices U30 Investment Management.
    When going into transaction IMA11(Create an AR) I can full in all fields but as soon as I click on the Control Tab I get a Run time error. Also when attempting to save the AR without clicking on the Control tab I get this message.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    RAISE_ exception
    Runtime Errors         RAISE_EXCEPTION                                                            
    Date and Time          18.07.2011 07:15:07                                                                               
    Exception condition "ERROR_IN_STATUS" raised.                                                                               
    What happened?                                                                               
    The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected                                         
    Error analysis                                                                               
    A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLAIA_TOOL" raised the exception                         
         condition "ERROR_IN_STATUS".                                                                 
         Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program                                
         in the hierarchy, processing was terminated.                                                                               
    Short description of exception condition:                                                                               
    For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use                                   
         Transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can take the called                                 
         function module from the display of active calls.                                            
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                
         Program                                 SAPLAIA_TOOL                                         
         Include                                 LAIA_TOOLU11                                         
         Row                                     119                                                  
         Module type                             (FUNCTION)                                           
         Module Name                             AIA_TOOL_GET_STATUS                      
    Source Code Extract                                                                               
    Line  SourceCde                                                                               
    89 *                TYPE       = SY-MSGTY                              
        90 *                CL         = SY-MSGID                              
        91 *                NUMBER     = SY-MSGNO                              
        92 *                PAR1       = SY-MSGV1                              
        93 *                PAR2       = SY-MSGV2                              
        94 *                PAR3       = SY-MSGV3                              
        95 *                PAR4       = SY-MSGV4                              
        96 *           IMPORTING                                               
        97 *                RETURN     = ls_return.                            
        98 *   endif.                                                          
        99 *   if not ls_return is initial.                                    
       100 *      append ls_return to return.                                  
       101 *      raise error_in_status.                                       
       102 *   endif.                                                          
       103 *                                                                   
       104 *  Füllen der Ausgabetabellen                                       
       105    perform fill_output_tables tables lt_status                      
       106                                      lt_jsto                        
       107                                      et_appreq_status               
       108                                      et_appreqvarnt_status          
       109                                      et_appreq_user_status          
       110                                      et_appreqvarnt_user_status     
       111                                      lt_objnr                       
       112                                      lt_objnr_varnt                 
       113                                      lt_return                      
       114                               using  i_language                     
       115                                      i_with_text.                   
       117    if not lt_return[] is initial.                                   
       118       append lines of lt_return to return.                          
    >>>>>       raise error_in_status.                                        
       120    endif.                                                           
       123 ENDFUNCTION.

    You said you are trying to do this stuff in IDES right.
    If you are using IDES provided by a company and where many people play on IDES, then you can get many such issues...
    This is by our experience.  Today you do something in IDES and tommorow that thing or config is screwed up by others.
    If you have your own IDES, then check the suggestion given by the forum Guru's.

  • Error when creating a request Template In OIM

    Hello all,
    I have a very strange issue with OIM, it is when I try to create a request template, and put a restriction in Organization field, it creates the template and everything is fine. Suddenly, when I try to edit this template, the OIM shows a window with the next error:
    ADF_FACES-60096:Server Exception during PPR, #5 oracle.iam.platform.utils.MinLimitException: size < minimum limit
    I have found in other posts the "solution", It is to change in the database -> RequestTemplate Table -> Template Data Column, the restriction Organization from "the name of the organization" to "the Id of the organization", and restart the OIM, so after that, I can edit the template.
    Here is the issue that I don't understand,... few hours after, I want to edit the same template, and the OIM again shows the same error:
    ADF_FACES-60096:Server Exception during PPR, #5 oracle.iam.platform.utils.MinLimitException: size < minimum limit
    And if I review in the database the table, in the Template Data Column, the restriction of Organization has AGAIN the "Name of the organization".
    And I can again change that to the "Id of the organization", but it's time lost restarting the OIM. Time that I don't have, because Its more than one template.
    Please somebody could help me with this issue.

    I already found the solution to this issue.
    I had to restart the OIM server but also the DataBase and after that, this problem was solved.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Unable to create a request in CUP

    Hi All,
    We are unable to create a request in CUP 5.3.We have created the "Number Range" and it is activated. Workflow path is looking fine.
    The strange thing is I am not getting any error message after submitting the request.
    Please let me know the possible causes of this.
    Rakesh Narne

       What message do you get? There has to be some message. If you are not receiving any message then you might not have uploaded the .xml files into CUP. CUP comes with some initial data in the form of xml files and you need to import these files into CUP before using the tool.
    Without error message or some kind of long information, we won't be able to help you.

  • Unable to Create Transport request in more then one DEV client (in ChaRM)

    We are having 2 Landscapes,
    DV1 (100) --> QA1(100) --> PR1(100)
    DV1 (200)--> QA1(200) --> PR1(100)
    Both these landscapes are added in the ChaRM Project landscape. When we have created a correction and created a Workbench request, we were getting the option to choose the DEV system and we chose DV1(200). When we tried to create a TR for Customizing in DV1(100) it did not provide the pop up for DEV systems and directly created the customizing request also in DV1(200). We were unable to even create the TR in DV1 (100) - using the task 'Create Transport request' in the Task plan for the corretcion (It gave an Error that the DV1(200) is the Development system for this change).
    is this the standard behaviour? can't we have TRs from different client/ development systems under the same correction?
    Please clarify?

    As i said earlier you will get option to choose system for creating Transport Request only in case of normal corr
    but in case of urg corr
    you need to give ibase for production of the cocerned landscape
    e.g if u have ecc and bi and want to create transport in ecc then giv ibase for prd of ecc only
    because you will not get pop up in urg corr
    Hop doubt clarified
    Edited by: Prakhar Saxena on May 12, 2010 6:17 AM

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