Shift + f6 show desktop hot to turn it off?

i have problem with shift + f6 shortcut
i want use this in adobe flash
but when i press this keys os x show me desktop
how to turn this shortcut off? i want use it in flash.
i turn off all shortcuts in preferences and nothing.

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    Who EXACLY do you think you are addressing here
    This is a User to User Community Forum ,a fact you should have realised when you joined
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    I had the same problem (the "show desktop" function didn't work in the corner, nor after pressing the keyboard button) and I found no real fix even after an extensive research, including a restart, permission repair, deleting some files/cache from the Library folder and so. THAN I discovered a function in Onyx which turns the "Mission Control" on and off. It was off (unchecked) in my case, so I checked it on and voilà, all of sudden the "Show desktop" function works again! Hot corners as well!
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    Ouch, tough spot, but offhand I'd say some memory may have gone bad, or maybe just needs re-seating after all this time.
    Not much you can do, but try this anyway...
    PRAM reset, CMD+Option+p+r...
    In fact, do 3 in a row, takes a bit of time.

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    You can't. When you migrate user accounts, those settings will be used. That's the point of migrating, not to have to reset things Peruse Pondini's Setup New Mac guide for details.
    If you want to revert to the original user settings, create an new admin user account. That'll use the default user setup.

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    # Question
    When I type in "www" in the navagation space of the home page I get a drop down that shows all the web sites I have visited! How do I turn this off? edit

    That drop-down shows matches from your History and/or Bookmarks. To change what is shown, see "Controlling Behavior" in this article:
    <br />
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post.
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    **New Adobe Reader X (version 10) with Protected Mode just released 2010-11-19
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    #'''Check your plugin versions''':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**Use the links below to avoid getting the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager and other "extras" you may not want
    #**Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the appropriate link below
    #**Click "Save to File"; save to your Desktop (so you can find it)
    #**After download completes, close Firefox
    #**Click the installer you just downloaded and allow the install to continue
    #***Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**'''<u>Download link</u>''':
    #***Choose your OS
    #***Choose the latest #.x version (example 9.x, for version 9)
    #***Choose the highest number version listed
    #****NOTE: 10.x is the new Adobe Reader X (Windows and Mac only as of this posting)
    #***Choose your language
    #***Download the file
    #***Windows: choose the .exe file; Mac: choose the .dmg file
    #*Using either of the links below will force you to install the "getPlus" Adobe Download Manager. Also be sure to uncheck the McAfee Scanner if you do not want the link forcibly installed on your desktop
    #**''<u>Also see Download link</u>''':
    #**Also see: (do not use the link on this page for downloading; you may get the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager (Adobe DLM) and other "extras")
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article:
    #* Removing old versions (if needed):
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed):
    #*Java Test:

  • Show desktop function!

    Hi all, before I even started this thread.  I have googled for a solution and did not find anything.  I am currently using a macbook pro 2007 with mountain lion.  I am getting frustrated because i cannot figure this one out.  So my problem is that when i use the function show desktop, i click on the folders on the dock and everything that was hidden reappeared back to the desktop.  I am trying to figure out where you use show desktop where everything disappears, it stays like that until you want it to reappear again.  In OS leopard, it works totally fine.  I am able to hide everything by show desktop, browse around witthout having it to come back until I use show desktop again. 
    Is there any solution to this?  Its frustrating because i use show desktop so that i can search for something on other folders or even to check files on the dock by clicking and showing stacks.
    thank you

    thanks for your post scotch.  Of course hitting that command wont work lets say if your safari is active.  You have to click away to make the desktop active while the windows are up then it will work.
    @ macgeniusofnc
    My show desktop commanc is set to F11 and bottom left hot corner.  Yes it undos the show desktop.
    This is something small yet has been buggin me lol. i tried it again with my old G5 running leopard and it seems to work fine.  It doesn't undo it.

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    I just installed Nemo as my file manager since I miss some of the features in Nautilus. To work properly I set Nemo to display the Desktop Icons. Sadly this overrides my Wallpaper blank and I don't know how to configure Nemo or Cinnamon to show it again. As Desktop Environment I am using Gnome 3.
    The current gsettings are the following:
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.color-shade-type = solid
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.picture-opacity = 100
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.picture-options = zoom
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.picture-uri = file:///usr/share/themes/Adwaita/backgrounds/adwaita-timed.xml
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.primary-color = #000000
    org.cinnamon.desktop.background.secondary-color = #000000
    org.gnome.desktop.background.color-shade-type = solid
    org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-opacity = 100
    org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-options = zoom
    org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-uri = file:///usr/share/themes/Adwaita/backgrounds/adwaita-timed.xml
    org.gnome.desktop.background.primary-color = #023c88
    org.gnome.desktop.background.secondary-color = #5789ca = true = true
    I have not yet configured nemo to start on login, so when I do log in my Desktop Wallpaper is shown properly, once I open Nemo it turns blank.
    Any suggestions on how to fix this?
    I just installed cinnamon to test if the background works there and it did. Maybe there is something that needs to be edited in the gnome-session?
    Last edited by Dero (2014-03-23 17:10:26)

    Looks cool, here is the an equivalent bash script for Gnome3, it's not random though, it just cycles.
    It's supposed to work, but for me it does nothing.

  • Unable to use show desktop gesture in full screen

    I save a lot of temporary items to my desktop.  I also use full-screen mode for nearly everything and I find it a bit frustrating that I can't just gesture back to the desktop. If I swipe to another desktop, I don't have the same saved items.
    Anyone have suggestions for a workaround?

    Ahh figured it out.  But my hot corner for show desktop still doesn't work when in full screen.  Any other suggestions?

  • Show Desktop shortcut doesn't work anymore...

    I've setted SHIFT+F10 as show desktop shortcut, but it doesn't work anymore... in fact no shortcut works anymore, COMMAND/SHIFT/OPTION+F1-2-3-etc.... nothing works!
    someone knows why?

    I'm having the same problem. Show Desktop works if I assign it to Shift, Control, or whatever, but it doesn't work when it is assigned to an F-key. Shift/Control/Fn + F-key doesn't work either.
    Is there a plist file that I need to trash somewhere?

  • Keyboard Shortcuts? Show Desktop?

    Is there a possible keyboard shortcut to "show desktop"? I can't seem to find one on the macbook...

    you can program 'hot corners' on assign a particular key to do that. here are the steps for each
    Hot Corners: You can go into one corner of the screen and the computer will perform the assigned action. 1. go into System Prefs 2. Click 'Exposé and Spaces' 3. Click the scroll menu of the corner you want to activate and scroll down to 'Desktop' 4. Go all the way into that particular corner and the desktop should appear. Go back into the corner to show all your windows again.
    Assigning a Key: 1. On the same pane as Hot Corners, click the scroll menu next to "Show Desktop" and click the key you want to assign to show the desktop when pressed. Make sure that this key has no other function, such as volume or brightness.
    I know that's a lot of info, but it's worth writing it

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