Shipping prints to multiple addresses

I want to order prints of 24 of my photos from iphoto. How do I order a set sent to myself and a set sent to my sister and a set sent to my brother? We all have different addresses. The only way I seem to be able to do this is to do 3 different orders, uploading the entire 24 pictures each time. I suppose I will get 3 separate credit card bills also. Any easier way?
iMac G$   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Yes, the only way is to make 3 different orders and get 3 bills and get charged 3 shipping charges. I'm sure it would be more inexpensive to have all 3 sets delivered to your home and mail the others out your self.
By the way, the order in which they will arrive will probably not the the order you had them in the album where you arranged them. Several have reported that. I'm guessing that's because they get the files and they are sorted alphanumerically by file name whereas the user may have them sorted either manually or by title and have renamed some of the titles. So you may have a time sorting out the three separate copies.
Do you Twango?

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    O Great, Knowledgeable and Kind printer gurus,
    I'm in a similar situation to Peter Minter's old archived thread at?
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    DrDans-AL-PbG4:~ DrDan$ date
    Sat Jul 29 09:52:43 EDT 2006
    DrDans-AL-PbG4:~ DrDan$ telnet
    telnet> open
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
    telnet> open
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
    telnet> open
    telnet: connect to address Connection refused
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
    telnet> quit
    DrDans-AL-PbG4:~ DrDan$ date
    Sat Jul 29 09:53:34 EDT 2006
    DrDans-AL-PbG4:~ DrDan$
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    MacOSX 10.4.7, Printer Setup Utility Version 4.6(161.9)
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    DLC/LLC = OFF*/ON (not understanding what that is, I left it at OFF*)
    TCP/IP = ON*/OFF (I can set it ON* and it will "stick" from entry-from-READY to future entry-from-READY -- like I've turned it ON and it stays on)
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    BOOTP* = YES/NO*
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    TCP BYTE 1 = 0*
    and I can move that byte up until it reads
    TCP BYTE 1 = 10*
    and the same through the rest of the TCP BYTES:
    TCP BYTE 2 = 0*
    TCP BYTE 3 = 1*
    TCP BYTE 4 = 3*
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    SM BYTE 1 = 255*
    SM BYTE 2 = 255*
    SM BYTE 3 = 255*
    SM BYTE 1 = 0*
    These settings persist from CONFIG TCP/IP to the next CONFIG TCP/IP session, so that's also good...
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    LG BYTE 1 = 0*
    LG BYTE 2 = 0*
    LG BYTE 3 = 0*
    LG BYTE 4 = 0*
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    GW BYTE 1 = 0*
    GW BYTE 2 = 0*
    GW BYTE 3 = 0*
    GW BYTE 4 = 0*
    Finally, the CONFIG TCP/IP = YES* menu offers
    TIMEOUT = 90*
    and the possible values range from 0 through 3600. Having no idea whatever what this is, I left it alone.
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    ... and strangely enuf, the .PDF file I cite above has no occurrences of CFG, much less TCP. Foo upon all HP Documentation 'droids.

  • How to use multiple addresses for a global vendor

    Hi experts.
    scnerios has different plants in different countires.they have centrally agreed contract with each plant create p,o is in different country how can we use that vendors local addresses in p.o because in vendor master we can define one addres at a if that adrees is in other country.and plant creating p,o is in different how can select the local address of that vendor.
    if option is partner function then how to use it.all adressess witl  be odering address of that vendor.his offices is alll the counties.

    You can maintain multiple addresses for the same vendor using international addresses.
    First, you have to Activate International Address Versions for each country/language via config at
    IMG: Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) > Address Management > International Settings > Activate International Address Versions (You can do this even if you are not using Real Estate Management
    Then, in the vendor master, address screen, select the "International Verion" button, select the address version and maintain your address.
    If you have any programs that need to display or print these addresses, you will have to specifiy the address version to display/print. by default, the version (Field = NATION) is Blank.
    I hope this helps.

  • How to create Multiple Address for a single customer

    Respected Members,
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    Any solutions or suggestions,please give me your support.

    Hello Manish,
    Unfortunately Customers have only one address. However you can use contact persons to store different addresses, or (in the Sales view) you can assign other partner functions with different addresses (e.g. one customer acting as the Sold-to partner may have different Ship-to partners).
    If these options do not meet your requirements, you could extend the customer master data with your own functionality and enhance transaction XD01 with your own screens for holding alternate addresses.

  • How to print the changed address in delivery output

    Dear Gurus,
    As all we know the customer address comes in sales order from customer master table or address table and further get copied into delivery also in case of same SP and SH.
    My issue is that we do not maintain different SH for a sold to party so SP = SH and there addresses will also be same.
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    Now if we change the ship to party address in delivery manually and get the output the printed address is unchanged.
    But I want to print  the changed address in delivery output without changing the masters and maintaining diiferent ship to party.
    Please help me how to determine it in print out???

    I think the logic you have written is wrongly on output.
    The logic is like this:
    Pass the document number into "VBPA" table.
    Fetch the address number against "WE(ship-to-party)".
    Pass the same address number into "ADRC" table to get the address.
    Here you will get the new address which is different from the maaster data.

  • Maintain multiple address for vendor

    User purchase article from vendor A at addess#1 but returned article back to vendor A via address#2. Vendor has 2 different departments handling delivery and returns.
    How can I configure 2 adddress for the same vendor code?
    If I had to used a partner function, what suggested partner function should I used?
    My PO order entry currently only accept vendor code.
    Suppose I need to add in a partner, like sold-to and ship-to in SD, is there a way to configure the screen?
    Where do I do it.

    Hi Colin,
    What is the bussiness reason for multiple addresses for the same vendor?
    If the vendor maintains several different physical locations at different addresses, then they should be created as different vendor master records. Then, if they all use the same payment office, they can be partnered to the same invoicing vendor.
    If you need to add a seperate address for the supplier location, payment location, billing location, etc, then you must create each of them using the correct account group and use partnering to tie them all together.
    Also, there is a way to maintain multiple addresses for the same vendor - but this is used for maintaining different international versions of the same address. (See the international button) - which requires some configuration in central address management.
    Go for one-time-vendor concept else it is not possible .
    Partner function can be used to maintain different address.
    This is the advantage of keeping the partner function in vendor account groups.
    You create different vendor codes for different addresses and assign the same.

  • Purchase order - multiple address

    We have a plant in Canada for which we are procuring materials from vendors. In the PO we send to the vendors, we have to mention the ship to address as the Freight forwarders address in the US border and the final destination in Canada. What is the best way to show & print these 2 addresses in the PO?

    Thanks for replying. My purchasing department does not want to enter Canadian plant address/Forwarding agent address in every purchase order manually? Is there a place where I can save this address and display it at the PO header level whenever a PO is created for the Canadian plant?
    We do not maintain plant specific info records.

  • Multiple addresses in master data

    Hi all,
    Can anyone tell me if it's possible to create in the master data multiple addresses for the same supplier?
    Thanks in advance,
    Ana Mendes

    I think you have posted the thread in the wrong forum!!
    However, it is possible to store multiple address of a supplier as different types of addresses: Shipping address, bill-to address, delivery address etc.
    Check the following thread for further reading:
    Multiple Vendor Addresses to be Maintained

  • Multiple address for Customer

        I want to give multiple address in same customer master record.
    As per our client requirement,saler order confirmation should send to the sold to party who place an order.
    Can v maintain different adress for same customer partner fucntion viz SP?

    Hello RMD,
    You can maintain partner role and assign it to customer master in this case. You have to create different customer master i.e.
    - Sold-to party
    - Ship-to party
    - Bill-to party
    - Payer
    More information, you can find on the following link.
    Hope this will help you.
    Arif Mansuri
    Reward if answer is helpful

  • Commerical inovice output ship-to/bill-to address issue

    Hi Guru,
    We are having a issue about the address on the output of commercial inovice for STO delivery.
    Plant A - Delivering plant
    Plant B - Receiving plant
    1. Create a STO - B purchasing 100 piece of material_1 from A.
    2. Then create a Delivery with reference to this STO;
    3. Use the customize program to print the commercial invoice.
    The issue is that we have 2 customer id for plant B.
    100001 is using the company's sales office address, work as a bill-to party.
    200001 is using our distribution center address, work as a ship-to party.
    The output will display bill-to address and ship-to address. but currently we have a issue that this output use 100001 as the bill-to and ship-to address.
    We want to use 200001 as the ship-to address. From the code, the output will pick the ship-to party's address on the delivery as the ship-to address.
    Anyone can tell me how to fix this issue?

    Hi All,
    Happy New Year,
    We use ME27 to create the STO, there is only delivery plant and receiving plant filled in during creation.
    After that we can use ME22N to change the STO. but I can't find the ship-to party field in the STO.
    Following is some pics about the shipping information of STO, Please advise,
    1. Delivery Address Tab - Item:   // This address is correct, shows 200001's address.
    <a href="">[img][/img]</a>
    2. Shipping Tab in Item Level:
    <a href="">[img][/img]</a>
    3. Partner Functions in Header Level - Partner Tab
    <a href="">[img][/img]</a>
    The Question here is:
    1. The delivery address in STO is correct, whether it will be copied to Delivery I created with reference to STO?
    2.  We didn't find the ship-to party in the STO. So the ship-to party of Delivery is not coming from STO How to determine the ship-to party in Delivery?
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Edited by: Rick Guan on Jan 6, 2009 2:39 AM

  • How do I use multiple addresses at one time?

    Shouldn't the Adobe server page that allows for the entry of a recipients address tell users how to add another address?  Do we separate them with semicolons? Commas?  Or is it even possible to use multiple addresses?

    Yes, Adobe Send.
    Unfortunately, it is NOT spelled out on the page where you enter email addresses of recipients, nor is it revealed if you click on the question mark box by email address.
    Frank Schmalleger, Ph.D.
    Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    The University of North Carolina
    Amazon Author Page:
    Mailing Address:
    Ste 203-332
    4300 S. U.S. Hwy 1
    Jupiter, FL 33477
    Ph. 561.225.1760

  • Trouble adding printer to HP ePrint Home and Biz iPhone app - can't find printer's email address

    I'm trying to connect my HP Photosmart c6380 to my iPhone. I already downloaded the app and my printer is connected to my wireless network, as is my iPhone, but I can't add my printer to the app.
    When I go to "Manage ePrinters" and try to add a printer with the + button I see 3 choices:
    Add ePrinter from list: "No ePrinters available"
    Add Manually: I can't find the printer's email address even using the instructions found at the ePrint center.
    Add from WiFi Network: My printer isn't shown in this list so it does not support auto discovery.
    So I'm guessing that if I could just find my printer's email address that would connect it to my iPhone for wireless printing, but I can't for the life of me find it. 
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello amybett,
    I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that your printer is not Airprint/ePrint capable. However, the good news is that with the HP ePrint Home and Biz iPhone app it does not need to be Airprint/Eprint capable, as long as it is connected to the same network as your phone.
    Here are the steps you will want to take to print something:
    1. Setup the app by completing the email registration and entering the code (which I believe you have).
    2. Select the item you wish to print using the menu in the app (Photo Albums, Saved Files, Web Browser, etc.).
    3. Once you select the item you should see the item and a large "Print" button under it.
    4. If the printer you want to print to is not listed above the "Print" button, select the icon on the right (wrench/computer) and select the printer you wish to use (along with other settings). 
    5. Tap on the "Back" button in the top left corner, then tap "Done" (blue button in the top right corner), and then tap the "Print" button to print your item.
    Let me know if you are still having trouble after following the guide above.
    If I have helped in any way, just click the Kudos star on the left. Also, if your issue has been resolved, don't forget to select Accept as Solution

  • HP ePrint old printer e-mail address

    I had to reinstall wireless configuration to my printer and reenable HP ePrint services. That unfortunately also meant new unique printer e-mail address.
    I am aware that the old e-mail address is obviously locked out for security reasons for 6 months. How can I retrieve the old e-mail printer address sooner? I am using the same ePrint account as before, the same printer, from the same location. The old e-mail addresses should be enabled for the same accounts. It causes a lot of inconvenience to others using my printer.
    Thank you very much for your answer.
    I am using HP LaserJet Pro P 1102w mono Printer, Windows 7 64-bit.

    You must wait 6 months for it to be release again.   Just pick another email name for your adddress.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos Thumbs Up to the right in the post.
    If my post resolved your problem, please mark it as an Accepted Solution ...
    I worked for HP but now I'm retired!

  • Sending email to multiple address using Utl_Smtp

    I want to send email to multiple address using the Utl_Smtp feature.
    When I am sending email to one email address in the To:Field it works fine.However, when I send
    to multiple address I am getting the below error.I am using a table(Email_test) to store all email id.
    Error report:
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 20
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 98
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 240
    ORA-06512: at line 48
    29279. 00000 - "SMTP permanent error: %s"
    *Cause:    A SMTP permanent error occurred.
    *Action:   Correct the error and retry the SMTP operation.
    I am trying two options both ways I am getting error
    Option 1:
    Selecting two email id indivually in the select query as below
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U1';
    select email into v_Recipient2 from Email_test where Key_name='U2';
    v_Recipient := v_Recipient1||';'||v_Recipient2;
    Option 2:
    Is there a way to use option
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U4';
    Create table Script
    create table Email_test (Email varchar2(100),Key_name varchar2(10));
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U1');
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U2');
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected]','U3')
    insert into Email_test values ('[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]','U4');
    select * from Email_test
    [email protected]                         U1
    [email protected]                         U2
    [email protected]                         U3
    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]     U4
    select * from Email_test where Key_name in ('U1','U2','U3')
    [email protected]     U1
    [email protected]     U2
    [email protected]     U3
    select * from Email_test where Key_name='U4'
    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
    PL/SQL Block
    v_From VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
    v_cc VARCHAR2(80);
    v_Recipient VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Recipient1 VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Recipient2 VARCHAR2(80) ;
    v_Subject VARCHAR2(80);
    v_Mail_Host VARCHAR2(50);
    v_Mail_Conn utl_smtp.Connection;
    crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
    --Mail Host name
    select VALUE into v_Mail_Host from Server_info where server_name = 'SMTPServer';
    select email into v_Recipient1 from Email_test where Key_name='U1';
    select email into v_Recipient2 from Email_test where Key_name='U2';
    v_Recipient := v_Recipient1||';'||v_Recipient2;
    --for CC
    select email into v_cc from Email_test where Key_name='U3';
    v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
    utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);
    utl_smtp.Mail(v_Mail_Conn, v_From);
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_Recipient);
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_cc); -- To CC recepient
    utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_BCC); To BCC recepient
    'Date: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
    'From: ' || v_From || crlf ||
    'Subject: '|| v_Subject || crlf ||
    'To: ' || v_Recipient || crlf ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || crlf ||
    'Content-Type: text/html;' ||crlf ||
    --'Hello this is a test email');
    crlf || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf );
    Any suggestion how to approach this issue.
    Thank you

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol RFC 5321 specifications.
          RCPT TO:<forward-path> [ SP <rcpt-parameters> ] <CRLF>
       The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path
       (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by "&gt;" and "&lt;"
       brackets) identifying one recipient.In other words, you can only define a SINGLE mailbox address at a time. Multiple addresses requires multiple repeats of this command verb, once per maibox.
    Do not confuse this and the To: tag line in the Mime header that contains a comma delimited list of recipients. That tag line can contain anything - it is not parsed, not checked, and not verified as matching the actual recipient mailboxes as specified via the RCPT TO verb.

Maybe you are looking for