Should i use a view

I have a table that has different columns for recording different costs such as item cost, labor cost and so on.
I have to develop a report to calculate percentage wise cost for each month.
Prc item cost for a month = (item cost for the month* 100 )/ total of all cost for that month
like this i have to calculate prc cost for around 10 different type of costs.
Is it better to create a view to calculate the monthwise total cost and then use this view in my report coding or to directly calculate the total cost in my report coding? Performance wise, which is better?Please advise.

It is not quite straight forward to answer for performance related question without more details like OS, Forms/Reports Version, Server Configuration, DB configuration etc.
However, i would recommend to go for a view as all the calculations would be done in the db level itself and only the data would be passed back to the client for display the value, which would probably reduce the network round trips.

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    Main Select statement for interest calculation
    SELECT          intratechgcur.SECURITY, intratechgcur.srl_no, intratechgcur.schg_type,
         CASE WHEN intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_Start_Date THEN ADt_Start_Date
                             ELSE intratechgcur.effective_date END AS start_date,
         CASE WHEN intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_End_Date
                             AND NVL(intratechgnext.effective_date, ADt_End_Date) > ADt_End_Date THEN ADt_End_Date
                             ELSE NVL(intratechgnext.effective_date, ADt_End_Date) END AS end_date,
                        intratechgcur.rate, intratechgcur.face_value, intratechgcur.listing_int, intratechgcur.comm_prod_int,
                        intratechgcur.sec_create_int, intratechgcur.int_type, intratechgcur.interest_key, intratechgcur.margin,
                        intratechgcur.FLOOR, intratechgcur.cap, intratechgcur.reset_freq, intratechgcur.cmpd_y_n, intratechgcur.cmpd_freq,
                        intratechgcur.comp_type, intratechgcur.int_day, intratechgcur.int_day_1, intratechgcur.int_day_2, intratechgcur.int_dtls_yn
    FROM               v_intratechg intratechgcur, v_intratechg intratechgnext
    WHERE               intratechgcur.SECURITY          = AS_Security
    AND          intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_End_Date
    AND               intratechgnext.SECURITY          (+)= intratechgcur.SECURITY
    AND               intratechgnext.srl_no          (+)= intratechgcur.srl_no + 1
    ORDER BY      intratechgcur.SECURITY, intratechgcur.effective_date, intratechgcur.srl_no ;
    The code for the view V_intratechg is;
    SELECT     security,
         SUM(1) over (PARTITION BY security ORDER BY security, effective_date ASC, schg_type ASC) AS srl_no,
         NVL(reset_freq, 'DAILY') AS reset_freq,
         NVL(cmpd_y_n, 'N') AS cmpd_y_n,
         NVL(cmpd_freq, 'DAILY') AS cmpd_freq,
         NVL(comp_type, 'N') AS comp_type,
         int_day, int_day_1, int_day_2, int_dtls_yn
         (SELECT, 'IM' AS schg_type,
              GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt),
              NVL(security.first_int_date,security.prv_int_dt)) AS effective_date,
              DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', NVL((SELECT interest_amt FROM securityschddtls A WHERE =
              AND A.adhoc_schd_date > GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt),
              AND a.rectype ='L' AND A.ADHOC_SCHD_DATE = (SELECT MIN(ADHOC_SCHD_DATE) FROM securityschddtls
    WHERE      securityschddtls.adhoc_schd_date > GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt), NVL(security.first_int_date,security.prv_int_dt))
         AND = AND securityschddtls.rectype='L')),
              NVL(secchg.rate, security.interest)), NVL(secchg.rate, security.interest)) AS rate,
              NVL(secchg.face_value, security.face_value) AS face_value,
              NVL(secchg.listing_int, security.listing_int) AS listing_int,
              NVL(secchg.comm_prod_int, security.comm_prod_int) AS comm_prod_int,
              NVL(secchg.sec_create_int,security.sec_create_int) AS sec_create_int,
              NVL(secchg.int_type, security.int_type) AS int_type,
              NVL(secchg.interest_key, security.interest_key) AS interest_key,
              NVL(secchg.margin, security.margin) AS margin,
              NVL(secchg.FLOOR, security.FLOOR) AS FLOOR,
              NVL(secchg.cap, security.cap) AS cap,
              NVL(secchg.reset_freq, security.reset_freq) AS reset_freq,
              NVL(secchg.cmpd_y_n, security.cmpd_y_n) AS cmpd_y_n,
              NVL(secchg.cmpd_freq, security.cmpd_freq) AS cmpd_freq,
              NVL(secchg.comp_type, security.comp_type) AS comp_type,
              NVL(secchg.int_day, security.int_day) AS int_day, intday.int_day_1,
              intday.int_day_2, 'Y' AS int_dtls_yn
              FROM          security, assetype, intday, securityschddtls secdtls,
                        (SELECT AS security, secchg.call_date AS effective_date,
                        NVL(secchg.rate,0) AS rate, secchg.face_value,
                        SUM(1) over (PARTITION BY ORDER BY,
                        secchg.call_date ASC) AS srl_no,
                        NVL(secchg.listing_int,0) AS listing_int, NVL(secchg.comm_prod_int,0) AS comm_prod_int,
                        NVL(secchg.sec_create_int,0) AS sec_create_int,
                        secchg.int_type, secchg.interest_key,
                        nvl(secchg.margin,0) as margin, nvl(secchg.FLOOR,0) as floor,
                        nvl(secchg.cap,0) as cap, secchg.reset_freq,
                        secchg.cmpd_y_n, secchg.cmpd_freq, secchg.comp_type, secchg.int_day FROM          secchg) secchg
              WHERE          security.asset_type     = assetype.asset_type
                   AND          security.int_day          = intday.int_day
                   AND          assetype.int_y_n           = 'Y'
                   AND          security.rectype          = 'L'
                   AND          assetype.rectype          = 'L'
                   AND          intday.rectype               = 'L'
                   AND (+)=
                        AND          secchg.srl_no (+)= 1
                        AND (+)=
                        AND          secdtls.srl_no (+)= 1
                        AND          secdtls.rectype (+)= 'L'
              UNION ALL
                   DECODE(schedules.schd_past_yn, 'Y', 'RP', 'RS') AS schg_type,
                   DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD',security_cashflow.start_date,security_cashflow.inflow_date) AS effective_date,
                   --commented by vijai
                   -- DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', intschdamt.amount, NVL(intratechg.rate,security.interest)) AS rate,
                   DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', intschdamt.amount,decode(security_cashflow.start_Date,intratechg.value_Date, intratechg.rate, security.interest)) as rate,
                   decode(nvl(schedules.tot_face_value - schedules.cum_face_value,security.face_value),0,security.face_value,schedules.tot_face_value - schedules.cum_face_value,security.face_value) AS face_value,
                   NVL(intratechg.listing_int,security.listing_int) as listing_int,
                   NVL(intratechg.comm_prod_int,security.comm_prod_int) as comm_prod_int,
                   NVL(intratechg.int_type,security.int_type) as int_type,
                   nvl(intratechg.interest_key,security.interest_key) as interest_key,
                   nvl(intratechg.margin,security.margin) as margin,
                   nvl(intratechg.FLOOR,security.floor) as floor,
                   nvl(intratechg.cap,security.cap) as cap,
                   nvl(intratechg.reset_freq,security.reset_freq) as reset_freq,
                   nvl(intratechg.cmpd_y_n,security.cmpd_y_n) as cmpd_y_n,
                   nvl(intratechg.cmpd_freq,security.cmpd_freq) as cmpd_freq,
                   intday.int_day_1, intday.int_day_2,
                   DECODE(, NULL, 'N', 'Y') AS int_dtls_yn
              FROM     v_schedules schedules, security, intday, intratechg, v_schedules intschdamt, security_cashflow
              WHERE          =
              AND          schedules.red_yn      = 'Y'
              AND          security.int_day               = intday.int_day
              AND          security.rectype               = 'L'
              AND          intday.rectype                    = 'L'
              AND (+)=
              AND          intratechg.value_date(+)= schedules.schd_date
              AND          intratechg.rectype     (+)= 'L'
              AND (+)=
              AND          intschdamt.schd_date (+)= schedules.schd_date
              AND          intschdamt.red_yn (+)= 'N'
              AND           security_cashflow.inflow_type      = 'INT'
              AND           security_cashflow.inflow_date     = schedules.schd_date
              AND                =
              AND           =
              UNION ALL
              SELECT, 'IR' AS schg_type,
                   intratechg.value_date AS effective_date,
                   intday.int_day_1, intday.int_day_2, 'Y' AS int_dtls_yn
              FROM     intratechg, security, intday
              WHERE          =
              AND     security.int_day               = intday.int_day
              AND     intratechg.rectype          = 'L'
              AND     security.rectype               = 'L'
              AND     intday.rectype                    = 'L'
              AND     NOT EXISTS     (SELECT     1 FROM          v_schedules schedules
                             WHERE     =
                             AND          schedules.schd_date     = intratechg.value_date
                             AND          schedules.red_yn          = 'Y'))
              ORDER BY security, srl_no
    The code for the view V_schedules is;
         CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS red_yn,
         SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                                  over(PARTITION BY AS tot_face_value,
    SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                                  over(PARTITION BY
                                       ORDER BY, schdall.schd_date ASC) AS cum_face_value,
         SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                                       over(PARTITION BY
                                       ORDER BY, schdall.schd_date DESC) AS to_be_redeemed ,
              SUM(CASE WHEN schd_type =sysschd.INT THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
                                       over(PARTITION BY,schdall.schd_date,schd_type)
                             AS no_of_schd
                   (SELECT      schedules.security_o AS security,
                                  DECODE(schedules.schd_type,'RED','Y','Y') AS schd_past_yn
              FROM           schdpast schedules
              WHERE           prior_act = 'A'
              AND                rectype = 'L'
              UNION ALL
              SELECT           schedules.security_o AS security,
                        'N' AS schd_past_yn
              FROM           schedules
              WHERE           prior_act = 'A'
              AND                rectype = 'L'
              AND                Process_date IS NULL ) schdall,
              (SELECT           MAX(redschdtype) AS red,
                             MAX(disredtype) AS disred,
                                  MAX(intschdtype) AS      INT
                                  FROM sysparamschd
              WHERE rectype = 'L') sysschd
    ORDER BY security, schd_date, schd_type

    Too much SQL... makes me eyes hurt.
    I think you're running down the wrong alley here. The very first and fundamental principle of performance tuning is identifying the performance problem. Saying that there is a problem is not identifying the actual problem.
    You cannot run down the alley with a knife looking for a performance problem to kill if you do not know how it looks like. Good that you are running though - the old Klingon saying of "a running warrior can slit more throats" hold very true. :-)
    Why is the existing SQL slow? You first need to identify that. Sure, a materialised view can make the end-query much faster as it has no longer to do all the work - that has now been done in batch by a DBMS_REFRESH job updating and maintaining that materialised view. But that work is still done... so have you actually fixed the cause of the performance problem, or merely hid it by addressing the symptoms?
    How does one find and identify the underlaying performance problem with too-much-SQL-that-makes-Billy's-eyes-hurt? Software Engineering 101. Take any complex problem. Break it down into lots of smaller little problems. Solve each on in turn.
    Take the SQL, break it down into simpler pieces and check each for performance issues. Look at the execution plan and cost. Determime if you (via the physical db design) are providing optimal I/O paths to the CBO in order for it to get to the required data with as little I/O as possible.
    Once you deal with the facts, you can make an informed decision or whether or not a materialised view will actually fix the cause of the performance problem.

  • Query DB2 tables from oracle using normal view

    This is with regard to querying db2 tables using oracle views. The view is created using dblink. The querying is not an one time activity.querying will be done once in a day. Can i use normal view (will it work ) or should i use materialised view. will i be able to view the added records in db2 table using normal view?

    Vinodh2 wrote:
    This is with regard to querying db2 tables using oracle views. The view is created using dblink. The querying is not an one time activity.querying will be done once in a day. Can i use normal view (will it work ) or should i use materialised view. will i be able to view the added records in db2 table using normal view?How can the SQL select statement via a dblink not work for a view, but the same SQL select statement work for a materialised view?
    Do you think the database link or remote database care whether the select SQL that hits it, comes from a PL/SQL procedure, a view, a materialised view, a job or whatever else? It has no idea what/who is behind that select SQL - and nor does it care.
    As for the benefits of a view vs. a materialised view - that depends on the requirements for needing to use that foreign database's data in the local database.

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    Dear expert,
    Would like to seek for your help, how to use (SQVI) quick viewer/SAP query to generate the listing of   and can I use SQVI -quick viewer and select the data source as logical database source to generate in order to generate the listing of GL account number,GL account descrition , tax category,posting without tax allowed column in the query by company?
    Between, what are the data source should I use for logical database to generate the query with listing of GL account number,GL account descrition , tax category,posting without tax allowed column in the query by company?
    Please help.
    Many Thanks.

    Thank you for the prompt reply, what I would like the query to generate is the master data GL listing for GL account,GL description,Tax category, posting without tax allowed column where i use BRF as the data source for logical database to generate the quick viewver but the BRF data source do not have the GL description.
    How I can join table/join query or what are the data source should i use so that i can able to generate the query with GL master data listing by company code by display GL account,GL description,Tax category, posting without tax allowed?
    Between,do you have any reference/link/document on the how to use the SQV1?
    Also, what the difference between SQV1 and SQ01 ?
    And also what are the sap query,inforset query,quick viewer mean for and what are the difference between them also when should i use sap query,inforset query,quick viewer  to generate the query?
    Please help.
    Many thanks.

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    Thanks for your advice. I will check it out.

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    For my view object InfoVO, I can create the following classes:
    View Object class: InfoVOImpl
    View Row class: InfoVORowImpl
    View Row Client Interface: InfoVORow
    View Row Client Class: InfoVORowClient
    Currently, I use InfoVOImpl and InfoVORowImpl in my managed bean so that I can use the getter methods conveniently to access the attributes with proper data types.
    I am not sure when I should use InfoVORow and InfoVORowClient instead of InfoVORowImpl.
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    all of these are wrong. If you want to access a method exposed on a ViewObjectImpl class, the you expose the method as a clientMethod (or clientInterface) in the Java options for the View Object (or Application Module if the method is on AMImpl). You should avoid using implementation classes directly in the managed bean. If you need to access a View Object, use its interface ViewObject. If you need anything more specific than that, expose a method on the client interface after which you can access it through the binding layer.

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    Use Preview.
    Hope that helps.

  • Adobe 9.1.3 and FireFox 3.5.1+ "...can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser"

    This is the issue but I'm not sure there is a resolution:
    Firefox:  Version 3.5.1
    Adobe: Version 9.1.3
    When navigating the web, click a URL that opens a PDF inside the browser and you get an error * "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is
    running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser".  Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your Web Browser and try again".  I did read a post that doing a "repair" from the Adobe Reader application should fix this, they also reference a few registry keys to check becuase the post states it's lost the application path to Adobe version X.  I don't necessarily buy that "fix" and here are my details below.
    In FireFox if you navigate to Tools > Options > Applications > Adobe Acrobat Document
    You're given choices:
    Always ask:  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Save File:  Works, saves the file to a directory on your PC
    Use Adobe Reader 9.1 (defau...:  Works, opens your PDF's outside of your web browser
    Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox):  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Use other...:
    IE seems to just work as expected.
    If you open Adobe Reader > Edit > Preferences > Internet > Check "Display PDF in browser" - DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    This would seem to be an Adobe error rather than a FireFox web browser problems since FireFox does seem to know the correct path although I suppose you can't rule out that this is a FireFox problem since 2 out of the 4 PDF open options DON'T WORK.
    Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
    Other information:
    Adobe 8.1.5 works perfectly with FF 3.5.1+ when opening PDF's in the web browser, we also had no problems with previous versions either.
    MSI push via Active Directory from Adobe 8.1.5 upgrade to Licensed Distribution I signed up for, Adobe 9.1.3 which was upgraded from 9.1.0, to 9.1.2, to 9.1.3 via an MSP patch.
    Operating system:  Windows XP SP 2, plenty of RAM, plenty of Drive
    IE version this works with the new version of Adobe 9.1.3 is version 7 (7.0.5730.13)
    Our FireFox MSI's come from Front Motions website and as far as I know we've never had problems with their MSI's, also tried the new release of FF 3.5.2 from their website.
    I think that about covers it.  Anyone else experiencing the same problems or have a patch?

    After troublshooting this for the entire day today the issue seems to be a MIME problem.
    If everything is woking perfectly, in Tools > Options > Applications...
    You should see 4 or more things related to Adobe like "Adobe Acrobat Forms Document", etc.  If you don't see at least 4 MIME entries either your Adobe installation is hosed or your FF installation is hosed.  I haven't figured out which is causing the issue.
    What I did was remaster my patches from my original Adobe 9.1.0 MSI with the two updates via the command line in the directories with the source files.  On the 9.1.0 original file I first remastered my MST transform with the Adobe MST utility.  I then applied my patches.
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd912_all_incr.msp
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd913_all_incr.msp
    I then uploaded that to my network share, unlinked my group policy, made a new group policy, added a batch file to delete from program file and the desktop on system startup even though my MST was supposed to take care of that - it's not a perfect world is it?  :-)
    I then reapplied my GPO's for both FireFox 3.5.2 and Adobe 9.1.3, I checked to make sure the MIME extensions were there and they were.  You might have to go into your Adobe Preferences and select that open in browser setting depending on what happens or adjust your MIME settings in FireFox's options but it should work.
    That's what worked for me.  It's possible a few other things I did along the way tweaked it out, in my group policy on the first run I did select to upgrade previous group policies, for the remaster and repush I didn't select any previous GPO's to upgrade.
    It's hard to tell what one thing tweaked it out or what combination of things tweaked out the install.  I did also reinstall Adobe 8.1.5 and FF 3.0.10 before doing all this since our machines currently have that setup, I'm not sure if that affected it either, it's just hard to tell but I don't think it did simply because I had done that several times in troubleshooting this issue.
    If anyone else has more specifics that would be great!

  • I cannot open pdf files from one supplier when using Adobe Reader but I can using another Viewer

    I cannot open pdf files from one supplier when using Adobe Reader but I can open it if using Google PDF viewer or another viewer. The Adobe reader gives the error "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired" when I try to open the file. The version of Adobe Reader is 10.1.7, however I have tried other versions and they all fail the same way.  I have tested on a number of different PC's in different networks and all fail using Adobe Reader but work using alternate viewer. Also the PC's will open a PDF from any other source.

    Newer Reader versions are more strict than older versions (and other PDF viewers).  If certain minimum requirements are not met, Reader will tell you that the PDF is damaged.  This can happen when a document was created with software that does not adhere to PDF standards, or when the file was damaged during a download or email transmission.
    You should contact the creator of these PDFs.

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    appreciate it!

    You could edit the following query to meet your requirement.
    SELECT     dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption0 AS [Operating System],
                          dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.CSDVersion0 AS [OS Service Pack], arp.DisplayName0,
                          CASE WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.6361.0' THEN 'SP1' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.7969.0' THEN 'SP2' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '11.0.8173.0'
                           arp.version0 LIKE '12.0.6215.1000' THEN 'SP1' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '12.0.6425.1000' THEN 'SP2' WHEN arp.version0 LIKE '14.0.6029.1000'
    THEN 'SP1' ELSE '' END
                           AS 'Service Pack', arp.Version0
    FROM         dbo.v_Add_Remove_Programs AS arp INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_R_System ON arp.ResourceID = dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites AS ASSG ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = ASSG.ResourceID INNER JOIN
                          dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID
    WHERE     (arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office%edition%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Standard 2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Professional%2007%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Standard 2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Enterprise 2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE '%Microsoft Office Professional%2010%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft Office 2000%' OR
                          arp.DisplayName0 LIKE 'Microsoft Office XP%') AND (arp.DisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%update%') AND
                          (arp.DisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%Microsoft Office XP Web Components') AND (dbo.v_R_System.Operating_System_Name_and0 NOT LIKE '%server%')
                          (arp.InstallDate0 NOT LIKE 'NULL')
    ORDER BY dbo.v_R_System.Name0, arp.DisplayName0, arp.Version0
    Full details:
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Insert data into multiple entities at once using a view object

    I'm trying to insert data into multiple entities at once using a view object, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. The two entities have a 1:1 association. I created a view object which contains both entities and I made sure they aren't read-only. But like I said it doesn't work, I can't insert data in both entities at once... :(
    Is this possible? And how (if it is)?

    I'm trying to insert data into multiple entities at once using a view object, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. The two entities have a 1:1 association. I created a view object which contains both entities and I made sure they aren't read-only. But like I said it doesn't work, I can't insert data in both entities at once... :(
    Is this possible? And how (if it is)? Peter:
    This is definitely supported and tested. Please send us the exception stack trace. You must running into other problems. A few things to note:
    A) You have to mark the entities as both updateable (not read-only) and not reference-only.
    B) If you're not seeing an exception stack, turn on diagnostic. Here is how:
    To turn on diagnostic, go to the IDE,
    1. Select the project.
    2. Do right mouse click and select "Project Settings..."
    3. On the Settings dialog, select Configurations/Runner.
    4. In the righthand side pane, you should see a textbox for "Java
    Options". Please add the following JVM switch:
    Then, rerun. The run command should include
    -Djbo.debugoutput=console as in
    "D:\JDev9i\jdk\bin\javaw.exe" -Djbo.debugoutput=console -classpath ...
    You should now see a lot more output on the IDE's message window. Here you should see the exception stack trace.
    If you invoking your app directly from command prompt, just add "-Djbo.debugoutput=console" after your "java.exe".

  • Using a view-object as a data web bean?

    When writing JSP pages, I'd like to have a web bean that allows basic data manipulation such as:
    - set up a row set - e.g. by specifying a view object and an (optional) where clause;
    - navigate this row set (first, next, etc.);
    - get or set the values of the attributes of the current row;
    - insert, update or delete a row;
    - commit or rollback the modifications;
    - etc.
    This bean should be "silent" - i.e. it would not have to be able to "render" anything - instead, I would use it in <%= bean.method() %> tags, or in <% code... %> sections, in conjunction with other (custom) beans.
    I guess I could use a view object - but:
    1) How would I have to use it in a JSP context?
    2) Or, are there more appropriate objects to do this job?
    3) What methods could I use (i.e. where are they documented)?
    4) What pitfalls should I be aware of (most notably related to housekeeping after bean use)?
    Any information greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    When writing JSP pages, I'd like to have a web bean that allows basic data manipulation such as:
    - set up a row set - e.g. by specifying a view object and an (optional) where clause;
    - navigate this row set (first, next, etc.);
    - get or set the values of the attributes of the current row;
    - insert, update or delete a row;
    - commit or rollback the modifications;
    - etc.
    This bean should be "silent" - i.e. it would not have to be able to "render" anything - instead, I would use it in <%= bean.method() %> tags, or in <% code... %> sections, in conjunction with other (custom) beans.
    I guess I could use a view object - but:
    1) How would I have to use it in a JSP context?
    2) Or, are there more appropriate objects to do this job?
    3) What methods could I use (i.e. where are they documented)?
    4) What pitfalls should I be aware of (most notably related to housekeeping after bean use)?
    Any information greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

  • Using SQL view object to create ADF table

    I have created a column called "Month" (which extracts month from the date column) and another column to count the no. of requests.
    i want to create an ADF table with 2 columns, a column showing the month and another is showing the no. of requests for that month.
    However, now I only managed to achieve the ADF table to show the overall total requests, which means if i add up all the requests for all the months and i get 500
    My ADF table shows this:
    Jan: 500
    Feb: 500
    Mar: 500
    How should I create the view or what should I do to make it such that the no. of request is based on the month?
    Please advice.
    Thanks (:

    For the given situation you can create a Query Based View Object with the following query
    TO_CHAR(TEMP1.DT, 'Mon')
    where DT is the date column and temp1 is the name of the database table.
    Following are the steps that i followed to get this query :
    i have taken the following sample table :
    create table temp1
    (srno number primary key,
    dt date)
    *Note you may use any existing column instead of srno or use dt only (i took an extra column as u know we need a primary key /row id)
    the following is the sample data
    insert into temp1 values (1,sysdate);
    insert into temp1 values (2,sysdate);
    insert into temp1 values (3,add_months(sysdate,1));
    insert into temp1 values (4,add_months(sysdate,1));
    insert into temp1 values (5,add_months(sysdate,3));
    insert into temp1 values (6,add_months(sysdate,5));
    the table appears as follows
    1 22-JUN-12
    2 22-JUN-12
    3 22-JUL-12
    4 22-JUL-12
    5 22-SEP-12
    6 22-NOV-12
    To start with ADF View Object Creation (Using Jdeveloper 11.1.2):
    Create the view object using Create View Object wizard
    In Step 1. Name window
    set the value for Name : Viewab (you can use any of ur choice)
    In the data source section : select query
    In Step 2. Query window
    a. Click Query builder (it will pop up sql statment window)
    b. In the SQL Statement window
    in quick-pick objects section -> select temp1 table -> shuttle the columns from available list to selected list
    in select clause section -> select srno column from select list-> choose count() function from function drop down list -> insert function -> set alias to REQUEST-> click validate
    now select dt column from select list -> choose to_char() function -> click insert function -> alter the function to to_Char(temp1.DT,'Mon') -> set alias to Month -> click validate
    in the group by clause section -> Click the green symbol to add -> from the expression palette insert dt column -> insert the to_char function -> alter the function to to_char(temp1.DT,'Mon') -> click validate
    in the Entire SQL Query section -> click test query -> in the test query window -> click query result-> you will see the result -> click close -> click ok
    Click next
    Step 3: Bind Variables
    Click Next
    Step 4: Attribute Mappings
    click Finish
    So the view object is ready :)

  • Problems using ECL Viewer to display multipage TIFF Files

    Hey there!
    Maybe someone here may have a good hint due to our problem?
    The Situation as it is:
    We are using ECL Viewer to display multipage TIFFs.
    The Process looks like following:
    The first step is to show a list of files situated in the user's personal folder(Network-Share).
    Then the user selects one of these Files through a mouse-click -> The File is displayed via ECL Viewer.
    Now the user selects the personal-Id where this file should be connected to and selects "SAVE".
    The Programm closes the Viewer and saves the Data in SAP Archiv.
    >> Everything works fine till here.<<
    But now the last processing-step would be to delete this file from the user-folder.
    (So next time the users starts it there will be only files he/she has to work on...)
    Here an error message is telling us that the file can not be deleted because there s some kind of file lock set...
    This problem only occurs only during processing multipage-Tiffs after paging down (swiching to page 2,3,4...) once at least.
    Any Idea what's the cause here  - or how to get through it?
    We are using a CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER objekt as base -> hooked on that is a CL_GUI_ECL_VIEWERBOX and the TIFF itself is displayed wit an I_OI_DOCUMENT_VIEWER objekt.
    Maybe we get confused while destroying the "Connections" to the FIle oder something with Automation Queue Handling is not implemented right?
    Thanx for any idea, hints, or better practices
    Very kind Regards from Austria!

    Hi MaryAbraham,
    Since the issue regards ASP.NET and website deployment. I suggestion you post the question in the ASP.NET forums at It is appropriate and more experts will assist you.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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