Should I use materialised view?

I am using the following sql in my code. This takes a long time to execute and I need to tune this. Please review and suggest if I should be using a materialized view instead.
Main Select statement for interest calculation
SELECT          intratechgcur.SECURITY, intratechgcur.srl_no, intratechgcur.schg_type,
     CASE WHEN intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_Start_Date THEN ADt_Start_Date
                         ELSE intratechgcur.effective_date END AS start_date,
     CASE WHEN intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_End_Date
                         AND NVL(intratechgnext.effective_date, ADt_End_Date) > ADt_End_Date THEN ADt_End_Date
                         ELSE NVL(intratechgnext.effective_date, ADt_End_Date) END AS end_date,
                    intratechgcur.rate, intratechgcur.face_value, intratechgcur.listing_int, intratechgcur.comm_prod_int,
                    intratechgcur.sec_create_int, intratechgcur.int_type, intratechgcur.interest_key, intratechgcur.margin,
                    intratechgcur.FLOOR, intratechgcur.cap, intratechgcur.reset_freq, intratechgcur.cmpd_y_n, intratechgcur.cmpd_freq,
                    intratechgcur.comp_type, intratechgcur.int_day, intratechgcur.int_day_1, intratechgcur.int_day_2, intratechgcur.int_dtls_yn
FROM               v_intratechg intratechgcur, v_intratechg intratechgnext
WHERE               intratechgcur.SECURITY          = AS_Security
AND          intratechgcur.effective_date < ADt_End_Date
AND               intratechgnext.SECURITY          (+)= intratechgcur.SECURITY
AND               intratechgnext.srl_no          (+)= intratechgcur.srl_no + 1
ORDER BY      intratechgcur.SECURITY, intratechgcur.effective_date, intratechgcur.srl_no ;
The code for the view V_intratechg is;
SELECT     security,
     SUM(1) over (PARTITION BY security ORDER BY security, effective_date ASC, schg_type ASC) AS srl_no,
     NVL(reset_freq, 'DAILY') AS reset_freq,
     NVL(cmpd_y_n, 'N') AS cmpd_y_n,
     NVL(cmpd_freq, 'DAILY') AS cmpd_freq,
     NVL(comp_type, 'N') AS comp_type,
     int_day, int_day_1, int_day_2, int_dtls_yn
     (SELECT, 'IM' AS schg_type,
          GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt),
          NVL(security.first_int_date,security.prv_int_dt)) AS effective_date,
          DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', NVL((SELECT interest_amt FROM securityschddtls A WHERE =
          AND A.adhoc_schd_date > GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt),
          AND a.rectype ='L' AND A.ADHOC_SCHD_DATE = (SELECT MIN(ADHOC_SCHD_DATE) FROM securityschddtls
WHERE      securityschddtls.adhoc_schd_date > GREATEST(security.prv_int_dt, NVL(security.allot_date, security.prv_int_dt), NVL(security.first_int_date,security.prv_int_dt))
     AND = AND securityschddtls.rectype='L')),
          NVL(secchg.rate, security.interest)), NVL(secchg.rate, security.interest)) AS rate,
          NVL(secchg.face_value, security.face_value) AS face_value,
          NVL(secchg.listing_int, security.listing_int) AS listing_int,
          NVL(secchg.comm_prod_int, security.comm_prod_int) AS comm_prod_int,
          NVL(secchg.sec_create_int,security.sec_create_int) AS sec_create_int,
          NVL(secchg.int_type, security.int_type) AS int_type,
          NVL(secchg.interest_key, security.interest_key) AS interest_key,
          NVL(secchg.margin, security.margin) AS margin,
          NVL(secchg.FLOOR, security.FLOOR) AS FLOOR,
          NVL(secchg.cap, security.cap) AS cap,
          NVL(secchg.reset_freq, security.reset_freq) AS reset_freq,
          NVL(secchg.cmpd_y_n, security.cmpd_y_n) AS cmpd_y_n,
          NVL(secchg.cmpd_freq, security.cmpd_freq) AS cmpd_freq,
          NVL(secchg.comp_type, security.comp_type) AS comp_type,
          NVL(secchg.int_day, security.int_day) AS int_day, intday.int_day_1,
          intday.int_day_2, 'Y' AS int_dtls_yn
          FROM          security, assetype, intday, securityschddtls secdtls,
                    (SELECT AS security, secchg.call_date AS effective_date,
                    NVL(secchg.rate,0) AS rate, secchg.face_value,
                    SUM(1) over (PARTITION BY ORDER BY,
                    secchg.call_date ASC) AS srl_no,
                    NVL(secchg.listing_int,0) AS listing_int, NVL(secchg.comm_prod_int,0) AS comm_prod_int,
                    NVL(secchg.sec_create_int,0) AS sec_create_int,
                    secchg.int_type, secchg.interest_key,
                    nvl(secchg.margin,0) as margin, nvl(secchg.FLOOR,0) as floor,
                    nvl(secchg.cap,0) as cap, secchg.reset_freq,
                    secchg.cmpd_y_n, secchg.cmpd_freq, secchg.comp_type, secchg.int_day FROM          secchg) secchg
          WHERE          security.asset_type     = assetype.asset_type
               AND          security.int_day          = intday.int_day
               AND          assetype.int_y_n           = 'Y'
               AND          security.rectype          = 'L'
               AND          assetype.rectype          = 'L'
               AND          intday.rectype               = 'L'
               AND (+)=
                    AND          secchg.srl_no (+)= 1
                    AND (+)=
                    AND          secdtls.srl_no (+)= 1
                    AND          secdtls.rectype (+)= 'L'
          UNION ALL
               DECODE(schedules.schd_past_yn, 'Y', 'RP', 'RS') AS schg_type,
               DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD',security_cashflow.start_date,security_cashflow.inflow_date) AS effective_date,
               --commented by vijai
               -- DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', intschdamt.amount, NVL(intratechg.rate,security.interest)) AS rate,
               DECODE(intday.int_day_1, 'ACD', intschdamt.amount,decode(security_cashflow.start_Date,intratechg.value_Date, intratechg.rate, security.interest)) as rate,
               decode(nvl(schedules.tot_face_value - schedules.cum_face_value,security.face_value),0,security.face_value,schedules.tot_face_value - schedules.cum_face_value,security.face_value) AS face_value,
               NVL(intratechg.listing_int,security.listing_int) as listing_int,
               NVL(intratechg.comm_prod_int,security.comm_prod_int) as comm_prod_int,
               NVL(intratechg.int_type,security.int_type) as int_type,
               nvl(intratechg.interest_key,security.interest_key) as interest_key,
               nvl(intratechg.margin,security.margin) as margin,
               nvl(intratechg.FLOOR,security.floor) as floor,
               nvl(intratechg.cap,security.cap) as cap,
               nvl(intratechg.reset_freq,security.reset_freq) as reset_freq,
               nvl(intratechg.cmpd_y_n,security.cmpd_y_n) as cmpd_y_n,
               nvl(intratechg.cmpd_freq,security.cmpd_freq) as cmpd_freq,
               intday.int_day_1, intday.int_day_2,
               DECODE(, NULL, 'N', 'Y') AS int_dtls_yn
          FROM     v_schedules schedules, security, intday, intratechg, v_schedules intschdamt, security_cashflow
          WHERE          =
          AND          schedules.red_yn      = 'Y'
          AND          security.int_day               = intday.int_day
          AND          security.rectype               = 'L'
          AND          intday.rectype                    = 'L'
          AND (+)=
          AND          intratechg.value_date(+)= schedules.schd_date
          AND          intratechg.rectype     (+)= 'L'
          AND (+)=
          AND          intschdamt.schd_date (+)= schedules.schd_date
          AND          intschdamt.red_yn (+)= 'N'
          AND           security_cashflow.inflow_type      = 'INT'
          AND           security_cashflow.inflow_date     = schedules.schd_date
          AND                =
          AND           =
          UNION ALL
          SELECT, 'IR' AS schg_type,
               intratechg.value_date AS effective_date,
               intday.int_day_1, intday.int_day_2, 'Y' AS int_dtls_yn
          FROM     intratechg, security, intday
          WHERE          =
          AND     security.int_day               = intday.int_day
          AND     intratechg.rectype          = 'L'
          AND     security.rectype               = 'L'
          AND     intday.rectype                    = 'L'
          AND     NOT EXISTS     (SELECT     1 FROM          v_schedules schedules
                         WHERE     =
                         AND          schedules.schd_date     = intratechg.value_date
                         AND          schedules.red_yn          = 'Y'))
          ORDER BY security, srl_no
The code for the view V_schedules is;
     CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS red_yn,
     SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                              over(PARTITION BY AS tot_face_value,
SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                              over(PARTITION BY
                                   ORDER BY, schdall.schd_date ASC) AS cum_face_value,
     SUM( CASE WHEN schd_type IN(, sysschd.disred) THEN schdall.red_amount ELSE 0 END)
                                   over(PARTITION BY
                                   ORDER BY, schdall.schd_date DESC) AS to_be_redeemed ,
          SUM(CASE WHEN schd_type =sysschd.INT THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
                                   over(PARTITION BY,schdall.schd_date,schd_type)
                         AS no_of_schd
               (SELECT      schedules.security_o AS security,
                              DECODE(schedules.schd_type,'RED','Y','Y') AS schd_past_yn
          FROM           schdpast schedules
          WHERE           prior_act = 'A'
          AND                rectype = 'L'
          UNION ALL
          SELECT           schedules.security_o AS security,
                    'N' AS schd_past_yn
          FROM           schedules
          WHERE           prior_act = 'A'
          AND                rectype = 'L'
          AND                Process_date IS NULL ) schdall,
          (SELECT           MAX(redschdtype) AS red,
                         MAX(disredtype) AS disred,
                              MAX(intschdtype) AS      INT
                              FROM sysparamschd
          WHERE rectype = 'L') sysschd
ORDER BY security, schd_date, schd_type

Too much SQL... makes me eyes hurt.
I think you're running down the wrong alley here. The very first and fundamental principle of performance tuning is identifying the performance problem. Saying that there is a problem is not identifying the actual problem.
You cannot run down the alley with a knife looking for a performance problem to kill if you do not know how it looks like. Good that you are running though - the old Klingon saying of "a running warrior can slit more throats" hold very true. :-)
Why is the existing SQL slow? You first need to identify that. Sure, a materialised view can make the end-query much faster as it has no longer to do all the work - that has now been done in batch by a DBMS_REFRESH job updating and maintaining that materialised view. But that work is still done... so have you actually fixed the cause of the performance problem, or merely hid it by addressing the symptoms?
How does one find and identify the underlaying performance problem with too-much-SQL-that-makes-Billy's-eyes-hurt? Software Engineering 101. Take any complex problem. Break it down into lots of smaller little problems. Solve each on in turn.
Take the SQL, break it down into simpler pieces and check each for performance issues. Look at the execution plan and cost. Determime if you (via the physical db design) are providing optimal I/O paths to the CBO in order for it to get to the required data with as little I/O as possible.
Once you deal with the facts, you can make an informed decision or whether or not a materialised view will actually fix the cause of the performance problem.

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    in oracle9i database you can create materialized views with logs option but it works only under certain conditions. there is another option in oracle9i database of materialized views in which you can use time specify time period after which your database refrsh automatically.
    Yes freshing of materialized view cause performance cost on the server but it is only for time based well as concern to the queries their is no problem with them when m-vies is in refresh's own infrastructure can handel it.

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    User from db1 can not assign any privs to user on db2 database. If user from db1 want to access any object from db2 database, then on local level user2 on db2 should have all the acess to required object. Then you can use user2 on db2 using dblink from db1 user to access those objects residing on remote database.
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    grant select on userx.table1 to user2;
    conn user2@db2
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    SB2013 wrote:
    What is the use of Materialised view in ORACLE.Can anyone please help me out by giving a real time example in banking application (How MV is used in banking applications).
    Just add for example in a banking application at the end of each paragraph
    In data warehouses, you can use materialized views to compute and store data generated from aggregate functions such as sums and averages, for example in a banking application

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    Use Preview.
    Hope that helps.

  • Materialised view runs for ever ...

    I'd appreciate if someone could shine some light on an issue I'm having with a materialised view.
    I inherited this when I came into my current project, so before you ask me why tables are not partitioned or why a MV is being used for such a scenario, the answer is I don't know!!
    Anyway ... I'm using "Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod" running on SUSE ...
    There are a number of normalised tables two of which contain in the region of 400million rows each and tend to grow at the rate of 27000 rows per day.
    There's a materialised view (for the purposes of providing fast interactive reporting) that is setup as a normal join between 4 tables; the above two and the other two are just basic dictionary type lookups each containing around 100 or so rows.
    SELECT .... FROM LargeTable1, LargeTable2, Lookup3, Lookup4 WHERE Lookup3.ID=LargeTable1.LID and LargeTable2.ID=LargeTable1.ID and LargeTable2.LID=Lookup4.ID ;
    Running a FULL refresh on the MV failes with a 'ora-01555 snapshot too old' error after about 5 days!! Then takes around the same amount of time to rollback. Can't do a FAST refresh, I think because logs and/or mv indecies are out of sync.
    Table space is 63% full and undo space is set to auto-extend.
    I've tried /*+RULE */ but that doesn't seem to make a huge difference.
    Why does it take so long? Why does it fail? What can I do to speed it up?
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.
    Edited by: 883758 on Sep 7, 2011 2:16 PM

    You should approach this as a SQL tuning exercise, without the ability to change the query itself.
    Are table statistics up to date? Look at the execution plan – does it look reasonable for you? Are there any indexes that can help? (I am thinking covering indexes on the large tables …)
    Iordan Iotzov

  • Materialised Views

    Oracle Version
    I'm trying to improve what is currently terrible performance with BI Beans!! I have 1 fact table with 3 dimensions, and 1 hierarchy, stored in a simple star schema.
    I've defined my metatdata using OEM.
    Reading the 9i OLAP Users Guide, you must create materialised views that are specifically for use by the OLAP API. Use the DBMS_ODB package.
    I run all 4 procedures and sucessfully generate scripts to create MV on the fact and dimensions. However, when I attempt executing the line...
    execute cwm2_olap_cube.set_mv_summary_code('SECTOR', 'CR2_DATA_CUBE', 'ROLLUP')
    I get an error that the following file is missing...
    library file /opt/oracle/product/Ora9iAS_infra/lib/
    Anybody have any ideas, or advice about creating materialised views for the OLAP API. Are there any patches that need to be applied to, specifically for OLAP?
    Thanks in advance

    I managed to generate the MV scripts using DBMS_ODB procedures, and create the actual MV in the database using these scripts. However, performance has not improved. Working with my DBA I can see that the SQL generated by the BI Beans does not utilise the MV!!!
    The query is running against the lowest level data, no query rewrite appears to have been completed.
    I generated my metadata using the Enterprise Manager (simplest approach), and I am now trying to recreate my metadata using the CWM2 procedures, in the hope that this will correctly link the materialized views with metadata, and that query rewrite will occur.
    However I am having problems with the cwm2_olap_table_map.map_facttbl_levelkey procedure.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at "OLAPSYS.CWM2_OLAP_TABLE_MAP", line 143
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Can someone explain to me in simple terms, what the GID and COL parameters should contain? e.g. foreign key on dimension table etc.
    Also... the manual suggests that each dimension specification must be in the following form:
    DIM:dimname /HIER:hiername /GID:columnname /LVL:levelname/COL:columnname;
    What if I have no hierarchy on a dimension?
    Thanks in advance

  • Materialised view construct

    Hi all,
    I have some queries that do a lot of calculations based on year passed from front-end.
    I am unable to figure out how could i use a materialised view so that calaculations should be done on current data rather than the entire data.
    As calculations are done based on date passed from front-end,How to convert such queries to a materialised view?
    Here is a sample query :
    select mjcd,desc1,
    nvl(sum(case when to_char(v_date,'RRRR')||
         then gross_amt end),0)monthly_amt,
       from v_billent be,mjhd mj
    ,v_bm bm
       where v_date>='01-MAR-07' and v_date<='30-OCT-07'
       and mjcd>='2011'
    and bm.fin_year='20072008'
      and mj.mjcd=be.src_mjcd(+)
      and bm.h_code(+)=mj.mjcd
       group by mjcd,desc1
    ,bm.amtorder by 1
    Kindly guide how can I use advantage of a materialised view?

    Materialized view are greatly used to increase the performance of pre existing aggregate queries.
    See a small example below.
    SQL> create table t
      2  as
      3  select * from all_objects
      4  /
    Table created.
    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SYSADM','T')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Now i want to execute a query like this.
    SQL> explain plan for
      2  select object_type, count(1)
      3    from t
      4  group by object_type
      5  /
    SQL> set linesize 250
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    Plan hash value: 47235625
    | Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |    21 |   168 |   374   (7)| 00:00:05 |
    |   1 |  HASH GROUP BY     |      |    21 |   168 |   374   (7)| 00:00:05 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| T    |   117K|   914K|   358   (2)| 00:00:05 |
    9 rows selected.Lets say over a period of time the data in table T has increased so much and
    i am facing a big performance problem. so to over come that i create a Materialized
    SQL> create materialized view t_mv
      2  enable query rewrite
      3  as
      4  select object_type, count(1)
      5    from t
      6  group by object_type
      7  /
    Materialized view created.Now when is issue the same query see what happens
    SQL> delete from plan_table
      2  /
    4 rows deleted.
    SQL> explain plan for
      2  select object_type, count(1)
      3    from t
      4  group by object_type
      5  /
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    Plan hash value: 139569370
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |      |    31 |   744 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  MAT_VIEW REWRITE ACCESS FULL| T_MV |    31 |   744 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement
    12 rows selected.
    SQL>instead of picking from my base table T it goes for the materialized view T_MV.
    And check out the cost it got reduced drastically.
    There is lot more than what i have said about materialized view. You can read the doc
    for more info.

  • Adobe 9.1.3 and FireFox 3.5.1+ "...can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser"

    This is the issue but I'm not sure there is a resolution:
    Firefox:  Version 3.5.1
    Adobe: Version 9.1.3
    When navigating the web, click a URL that opens a PDF inside the browser and you get an error * "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is
    running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser".  Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your Web Browser and try again".  I did read a post that doing a "repair" from the Adobe Reader application should fix this, they also reference a few registry keys to check becuase the post states it's lost the application path to Adobe version X.  I don't necessarily buy that "fix" and here are my details below.
    In FireFox if you navigate to Tools > Options > Applications > Adobe Acrobat Document
    You're given choices:
    Always ask:  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Save File:  Works, saves the file to a directory on your PC
    Use Adobe Reader 9.1 (defau...:  Works, opens your PDF's outside of your web browser
    Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox):  DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    Use other...:
    IE seems to just work as expected.
    If you open Adobe Reader > Edit > Preferences > Internet > Check "Display PDF in browser" - DOES NOT WORK, produces afore mentioned error *
    This would seem to be an Adobe error rather than a FireFox web browser problems since FireFox does seem to know the correct path although I suppose you can't rule out that this is a FireFox problem since 2 out of the 4 PDF open options DON'T WORK.
    Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
    Other information:
    Adobe 8.1.5 works perfectly with FF 3.5.1+ when opening PDF's in the web browser, we also had no problems with previous versions either.
    MSI push via Active Directory from Adobe 8.1.5 upgrade to Licensed Distribution I signed up for, Adobe 9.1.3 which was upgraded from 9.1.0, to 9.1.2, to 9.1.3 via an MSP patch.
    Operating system:  Windows XP SP 2, plenty of RAM, plenty of Drive
    IE version this works with the new version of Adobe 9.1.3 is version 7 (7.0.5730.13)
    Our FireFox MSI's come from Front Motions website and as far as I know we've never had problems with their MSI's, also tried the new release of FF 3.5.2 from their website.
    I think that about covers it.  Anyone else experiencing the same problems or have a patch?

    After troublshooting this for the entire day today the issue seems to be a MIME problem.
    If everything is woking perfectly, in Tools > Options > Applications...
    You should see 4 or more things related to Adobe like "Adobe Acrobat Forms Document", etc.  If you don't see at least 4 MIME entries either your Adobe installation is hosed or your FF installation is hosed.  I haven't figured out which is causing the issue.
    What I did was remaster my patches from my original Adobe 9.1.0 MSI with the two updates via the command line in the directories with the source files.  On the 9.1.0 original file I first remastered my MST transform with the Adobe MST utility.  I then applied my patches.
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd912_all_incr.msp
    msiexec /a AcroRead.msi /p AdbeRdrUpd913_all_incr.msp
    I then uploaded that to my network share, unlinked my group policy, made a new group policy, added a batch file to delete from program file and the desktop on system startup even though my MST was supposed to take care of that - it's not a perfect world is it?  :-)
    I then reapplied my GPO's for both FireFox 3.5.2 and Adobe 9.1.3, I checked to make sure the MIME extensions were there and they were.  You might have to go into your Adobe Preferences and select that open in browser setting depending on what happens or adjust your MIME settings in FireFox's options but it should work.
    That's what worked for me.  It's possible a few other things I did along the way tweaked it out, in my group policy on the first run I did select to upgrade previous group policies, for the remaster and repush I didn't select any previous GPO's to upgrade.
    It's hard to tell what one thing tweaked it out or what combination of things tweaked out the install.  I did also reinstall Adobe 8.1.5 and FF 3.0.10 before doing all this since our machines currently have that setup, I'm not sure if that affected it either, it's just hard to tell but I don't think it did simply because I had done that several times in troubleshooting this issue.
    If anyone else has more specifics that would be great!

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