Show Stopper today with eDirectory (LDAP)

We are currently setting up Sun IDM 5.5 and are trying to do
reconciliation with an eDirectory 8.6.2 (10350.29) but are experiencing
severe performance issues. The directory contains groups with large scale
membership base, some groups 25.000+ members.
Same scenario occurs with Sun IDM 5.0 SP5.
When isolating to a single OU as baseDN with 10 accounts, a full clean
reconciliation takes 6-10 minutes. The network has thoroughly been
debugged, and no errors or issues have been found. Manual browsing in the
eDirectory with various ldap-tools without any issues. The total case
involves a total of more than 30.000+ accounts.
A test with identical user data in a Sun Directory Server 5.2 does the reconciliation take approx 2-3 seconds.
The eDirectory LDAP RA adapter can be viewed below. Any insight, or similar experiences are of great value and importance! Anything that can help me get this on track...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Resource PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
<!--  MemberObjectGroups="#ID#Top" hostname="" id="#ID#F77594225BD088E0:775121:1065E88DBC9:-7FE5" name="NDS" startupType="Disabled" supportedObjectTypes="Group|Domain|Organization|Organizational Unit" supportsContainerObjectTypes="true" supportsScanning="false" syncEnabled="false" syncSource="true" type="LDAP"-->
<Resource id='#ID#F77594225BD088E0:775121:1065E88DBC9:-7FE5' name='NDS' creator='Configurator' createDate='1126879507899' lastModifier='Configurator' lastModDate='1126886340268' lastMod='19' class='com.waveset.adapter.LDAPResourceAdapter' typeString='LDAP' typeDisplayString='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESTYPE_LDAP' hasId='true' facets='provision' timeLastExamined='0' reconcileTime='0' syncSource='true' startupType='Disabled'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='host' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HOST' description='RESATTR_HELP_240' value=''>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='principal' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_USERDN' description='RESATTR_HELP_271' value='cn=admin,ou=nds,ou=res,o=mdh'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Object Class' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_OBJECT_CLASS' description='RESATTR_HELP_253' multi='true'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='ldapSearchFilter' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Use blocks' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_USE_BLOCKS' description='RESATTR_HELP_192' value='1'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='blockCount' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_BLOCKCOUNT' description='RESATTR_HELP_34' value='100'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='changeNamingAttr' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MOD_NAMING_ATTR' description='RESATTR_HELP_47' value='0'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Object Classes to Synchronize' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_ACTIVE_SYNC_OBJECT_CLASSES' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_ACTIVE_SYNC_OBJECT_CLASSES' multi='true' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='LDAP Filter for Accounts to Synchronize' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_ACTIVE_SYNC_LDAP_FILTER' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_ACTIVE_SYNC_LDAP_FILTER' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Attributes to synchronize' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER' multi='true' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='When reset, ignore past changes' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_RESET_TO_TODAY' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_LDAPAS_RESET_TO_TODAY' facets='activesync' value='1'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Change Log Blocksize' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_BLOCKSIZE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_36' facets='activesync' value='100'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Change Number Attribute Name' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CHANGE_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_37' facets='activesync' value='changenumber'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Filter Changes Made By' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_FILTER_CHANGES_BY' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_FILTER_CHANGES_BY' multi='true' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Proxy Administrator' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROXY_ADMINISTRATOR' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_30' value='Configurator'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Input Form' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_26'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Pre-Poll Workflow' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PREPOLL_WORKFLOW' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PREPOLL_WORKFLOW_HELP'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Archives' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MAX_ARCHIVES' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_MAX_ARCHIVES' value='3'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Age Unit' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MAX_LOG_AGE_UNIT' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_MAX_LOG_AGE_UNIT'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Scheduling Interval' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_51'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='Poll Every' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_COUNT' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_52'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='Polling Start Date' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_START_DATE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_54'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='parameterizedInputForm' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PARAMETERIZED_INPUT_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PARAMETERIZED_INPUT_FORM_HELP' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='activeSyncPostProcessForm' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_POST_PROCESS_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_POST_PROCESS_FORM_HELP' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='activeSyncConfigMode' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_CONFIG_MODE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_CONFIG_MODE_HELP' facets='activesync' value='basic'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='processRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROCESS_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROCESS_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='correlationRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CORRELATION_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CORRELATION_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync' value='CORRELATION_RULE_NONE'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='confirmationRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CONFIRMATION_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CONFIRMATION_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync' value='CONFIRMATION_RULE_NONE'>
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    <ResourceAttribute name='resolveProcessRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_RESOLVE_PROCESS_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_RESOLVE_PROCESS_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
    <ResourceAttribute name='populateGlobal' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POPULATE_GLOBAL' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POPULATE_GLOBAL_HELP' facets='activesync' value='false'>
  <AccountAttributeTypes nextId='15'>
    <AccountAttributeType id='2' name='accountId' syntax='string' mapName='cn' mapType='string' required='true'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:accountId' name='accountId'/>
    <AccountAttributeType id='3' name='password' syntax='encrypted' mapName='userPassword' mapType='string'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:password' name='password'/>
    <AccountAttributeType id='4' name='firstname' syntax='string' mapName='givenname' mapType='string'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:firstname' name='firstname'/>
    <AccountAttributeType id='5' name='lastname' syntax='string' mapName='sn' mapType='string' required='true'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:lastname' name='lastname'/>
    <AccountAttributeType id='8' name='loginDisabled' syntax='string' mapName='loginDisabled' mapType='string'>
    <AccountAttributeType id='9' name='fullname' syntax='string' mapName='fullname' mapType='string'>
    <AccountAttributeType id='10' name='email' syntax='string' mapName='mail' mapType='string'>
    <AccountAttributeType id='11' name='ssn' syntax='string' mapName='workforceId' mapType='string'>
    <AccountAttributeType id='12' name='description' syntax='string' mapName='description' mapType='string'>
    <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:accountId' name='accountId'/>
  <Retries max='0' delay='10' emailThreshold='5'/>
    <ObjectType name='Group' nameKey='UI_RESOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP' icon='group'>
      <ObjectClasses primary='groupOfUniqueNames' operator='OR'>
        <ObjectClass name='groupOfNames'/>
        <ObjectClass name='groupOfUniqueNames'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='create'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='update'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='delete'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='rename'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='saveas'/>
      <ObjectAttributes idAttr='dn' displayNameAttr='cn' descriptionAttr='description' objectClassAttr='objectclass'>
        <ObjectAttribute name='cn' type='string'/>
        <ObjectAttribute name='description' type='string'/>
        <ObjectAttribute name='owner' type='distinguishedname' namingAttr='cn'/>
        <ObjectAttribute name='uniqueMember' type='distinguishedname' namingAttr='cn'/>
    <ObjectType name='Domain' nameKey='UI_RESOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_DOMAIN' icon='folder' container='true'>
      <ObjectClasses operator='AND'>
        <ObjectClass name='domain'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='find'/>
      <ObjectAttributes idAttr='distinguishedName' displayNameAttr='dc' objectClassAttr='objectclass'>
        <ObjectAttribute name='dc' type='string'/>
    <ObjectType name='Organization' nameKey='UI_RESOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_ORGANIZATION' icon='folder_with_org' container='true'>
      <ObjectClasses operator='AND'>
        <ObjectClass name='organization'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='create'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='delete'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='rename'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='saveas'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='find'/>
      <ObjectAttributes idAttr='dn' displayNameAttr='o' objectClassAttr='objectclass'>
        <ObjectAttribute name='o' type='string'/>
    <ObjectType name='Organizational Unit' nameKey='UI_RESOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_ORGANIZATIONALUNIT' icon='folder_with_orgunit' container='true'>
      <ObjectClasses operator='AND'>
        <ObjectClass name='organizationalUnit'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='create'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='delete'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='rename'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='saveas'/>
        <ObjectFeature name='find'/>
      <ObjectAttributes idAttr='dn' displayNameAttr='ou' objectClassAttr='objectclass'>
        <ObjectAttribute name='ou' type='string'/>
    <LoginConfigEntry name='' type='LDAP' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RES_LOGIN_MOD_LDAP'>
        <AuthnProperty name='ldap_uid' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:UI_USERID_LABEL' isId='true' formFieldType='text' dataSource='user'/>
        <AuthnProperty name='ldap_password' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:UI_PWD_LABEL' formFieldType='password' dataSource='user'/>
        <SupportedApplication name='Administrator Interface'/>
        <SupportedApplication name='User Interface'/>
      <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#LDAP User Form'/>
    <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>

few questions....are you getting any errors on the ldap side? object class errors perhaps?
what app server are you using and what version of java?
--Dana Reed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Thanks for the reply, Kirby
    the kind of conversion you are talking about is likely a pipe dream.
    I gave it a quick look myself just now. the .lrcat file that lightroom has isn't binary & looks just like a huge list of adjustment data for entries in the database. For example, the curves on one of my images looks like this:
    ToneCurve = { 0,
    255 },
    So it wouldn't be difficult to write a .lrcat > .xmp exporter (basically going back from one Lightroom database to many .xmp files) or a batch .xmp > .lrcat exporter (going from many .xmp files to one Lightroom database).
    Looking at the contents of Aperture's .aplibrary package, there's an xml record of all files entered in the database, and I found what looks like image edits in the 'versions' folder -- but unfortunately the edits are stored in a binary format.
    Oh well, I guess this is why Aperture is a bit faster than Lightroom -- but will make it very difficult to write a converter to get edits into Aperture. & unless Apple adds edit info to their .xmp sidecar exporter (Export Masters) & includes a batch mode.. we wont be able to get info out of Aperture. So, for the moment, this apparent lack of an open format keeps Aperture from being a professional tool imho, compare to Lightroom.
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    Use the trackpad to scroll, thats what it was designed for. The scroll bars automatically disappear when not being used and will appear if you scroll up or down using the trackpad.
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    Hi All
    I had the same problem when I tried doing the email Set-up
    I finally realised that you need to do the configuration steps for SMTP using the enterprise user and the system user. If you have done this setting as only the system user the mails will be in Awaiting retry.
    Do this and the mails will start flowing, incase your SMTP mail server is working fine
    Please do the following settings logged in as System User and Enterprise User
    System Properties->searrch for messaging
    Set           -                Property                       -               Value                -                   Context
    messaging messaging.smtp.mailhost                replace the default with your value  System Context
    messaging messaging.smtp.port                       25                                               System Context
    Also please let me know what is the status of the messages in your Queued Messages
    This should work
    Do let me know, if it does
    Edited by: Tridip Chakraborthy on May 27, 2009 11:57 AM
    Edited by: Tridip Chakraborthy on May 27, 2009 12:02 PM
    Edited by: Tridip Chakraborthy on May 27, 2009 12:02 PM

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    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
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    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Or Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
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    com.waveset.util.WavesetException: Error trying to lookup LDAP object 'nduser7' javax.naming.InvalidNameException: nduser7: &#91;LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN Syntax&#93;
    NDS_Server_Adapter: Could not authenticate to the LDAP server ''. ==> javax.naming.AuthenticationException: &#91;LDAP: error code 32 - NDS error: no such entry (-601)&#93;\n

    Hi All,
    I am facing probme at the time of resource adaptor configuration with eDirectory Server on SIM. Did any one tired this configuration
    Here's the error
    "Error while preparing to examine resource NDS_Server_Adapter:<br />com.waveset.util.WSAuthorizationException: View access denied to Subject Reconciler on Resource: NDS_Server_Adapter"
    com.waveset.util.WavesetException: Error trying to lookup LDAP object 'nduser7' javax.naming.InvalidNameException: nduser7: &#91;LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN Syntax&#93;
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  • Integrating mac os 10.8 with edirectory

    Hi all,
    we are using for a long time now the integration of Mac OS with edirectory with automatic home mount.
    Now we are trying to setup the same installation for Mac OS X.8 and the login suceeds but it lasts for about 2 minutes and that is far too long.
    I did try to analyze the problem by doing a ldap trace but the searches seemed quite the same:
    11:29:20 5F211480 LDAP: Search request:
    base: scope:0 dereference:0 sizelimit:1 timelimit:15 attrsonly:0
    filter: (objectClass=*)
    attribute: supportedSASLMechanisms
    attribute: defaultNamingContext
    attribute: namingContexts
    attribute: schemaNamingContext
    instead of
    Search request:
    scope:0 dereference:0 sizelimit:0 timelimit:5 attrsonly:0
    filter: (objectclass=*)
    attribute: supportedSASLMechanisms
    attribute: namingContexts
    attribute: dnsHostName
    attribute: krbName
    the searches for the user and some searches for "admin" and "root".
    Somebody tried this already and has a hint for me where to look?
    Oh, the mappings did differ a bit, we did put some of the mapped attributes into "user" instead of something like "standard attributes" on the lab mac we used for our tests.
    University of Hamburg, RRZ

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
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    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
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    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • When trying to launch (D)iagnostics, iMac shows gray screen with lightning bolt and USB icons

    Just in time for my birthday...
    Mid 2011 iMac with 10.6.8
    Occasionally its fans would rev up to the maximum and stay there until computer is restarted or put to sleep. But today the fans were blowing (albeit more moderately) from the start. Previous solutions would not help and iMac would even put itself to sleep after a minute or less.
    Resetting SMC didn't help, so I've tried to launch AHT while pressing D during the boot. It worked in the past, but now it showed gray screen with these two icons jumping around. On top of that, I couldn't find find both OSX and Drivers discs (facepalm). Luckily I had Lion install disc, so with it I launched Disk Utility and verified the disk. HDD itself passed, but OS partition was declared unrepairable and in need of format.
    I have Time Machine, so I happily formatted and started installing Lion. But during install, every few minutes or even less, computer would go to sleep again. Despite that install managed to continue, but when it got to "Downloading additional stuff" part, progress stopped and countdown even started to go UP minute by minute.
    I figured that every time iMac went to sleep (because probably it thought it was overheating) download had to start again and it would never finish. So I cancelled and restored Snow Leopard system from Time Machine. After booting from HDD, I verified it and it passed. But Diagnostics still won't launch.
    Any ideas?

    Apple Hardware Test comes installed on the hard drive by default, but it's deleted when you erase the hard drive or you upgrade OS X.
    In your case, you need the Mac OS X DVD. If you haven't got it, call Apple to get replacement discs >
    After getting the DVDs, insert the Mac OS X DVD and press D key while your Mac is starting to start Apple Hardware Test. Remember to run an extended test

  • HT2930 The amp effects noisy. It's a show stopper. Other apps (ampkit, etc) are quiet. Anyone find a solution? iPad 1 iOS 5.1, GB 1.2.1

    The amp effects are way too noisy. It's a show stopper. Other apps (ampkit, etc) are quiet.
    Apples answer to use noise gate is a band aide over a software problem.
    Anyone find a solution?
    iPad 1 iOS 5.1.1, GB 1.2.1

    You should be able to simply sync with iTunes again in order to reload all of you apps and media. That is why iTunes prompted you to transfer the purchases. You may have to select all of the content again when you click on each tab in the iTunes window on the right, but the content should be in your iTunes library.
    You should also be able to restore from the backup that iTunes created before the update took place in order to restore your app data. When the iPad is connected to your computer and with iTunes running, right click on the iPad on the left side and select "Restore From Backup". A window will popup with a drop down list of all of the available backups for the device. Select the one that you want to use and restore from it.

  • Upgraded to 5.0, then 5.0.1. In the process the various calendar "types" disappeared, but at least all entries showed in Ical, with entries made after the upgrade showing pinkish/red. Yesterday all formerly made entries, disappeared. any tips?

    Upgraded to 5.0, then 5.0.1. In the process the various calendar "types" disappeared, but at least all entries showed in Ical, with entries made after the upgrade showing pinkish/red. Yesterday all formerly made entries, both old and in the future, disappeared, only recently made ones in pink/red are shown. any tips?
    I did switch off and on, did a sync with itunes, etc, but no luck.

    RIM doesn't push the upgrades -- your service provider does so, once they have certified and approved the operating system upgrade for their devices.
    But, .973 does work on the 9520 in the manner you wish it would, I've used it myself on that model.
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  • No Java is such a show stopper...

    No java stored procdures is such a limiting factor, I think it's a show stopper for me to make any use out of this product.
    Any chance that Oracle is going to re-think this?

    While I agree with your grief you also gotta remember that
    - XE fights in the same space as MS Access, and you might need to add the potential plethora of MS Access 'databases' to your '20 production databases' count to get a more accurate perspective;
    - XE would need 3-5x the footprint to include Java in the database, which defeats the quick download and easy install requirement;
    - The target community is NOT the professional DBA, and those in the target are often frightened by 'Java'.
    I was also very disappointed to hear that XE would not include Java. I got over it, but still have hope to see it as an optional add-on download for the next release.
    By the way - portability means different things to different people. Based on experience, I am very wary of people trying to sell me anything that is 'totally portable between rdbms such as DB2, Oracle, MySQL, etc'. I've found that those kinds of portability often waste my time and money, for the reasons best described by Tom Kyte in the first chapter of each of his books.

  • Sometimes history shows up "today" "yesterday" and sometimes it does not? Firefox 31, Windows 8.1

    I click menu bar (3 stripes upper right) and then "history". At bottom I click "show all history". This brings up the "library" box. Little arrow next to history will hide or show days of history. Earlier today this showed me "today, yesterday". Later it showed NOTHING below history. Now it shows today's history, but will not show anything before that. can you fix this? thanks

    Did you follow the instructions above?
    Problems with bookmarks and history not working properly can
    be caused by a corrupted '''places.sqlite''' database file.
    Open a new tab or window. type '''about:support''' in the address
    box and press enter.
    Press the '''Alt''' or '''F10''' key to bring up the tool bar.
    Then '''Help > Troubleshooting Information.'''
    Under the page logo on the left side you will see '''Application Basics.'''
    Under this find '''Profile Folder.''' To it’s right press the button
    '''Show Folder.''' This will open your file browser to the current
    Firefox profile. Now '''Close Firefox.'''
    Locate the file. Then rename or delete it. Restart Firefox.

  • Any issues with using LDAP on LINUX for GRC 5.2 UME?

    Our company is converting our LDAP servers from AIX to LINUX.  The DNS name used in our UME connection should not change.  Are there any issues with using LDAP on LINUX?  We are currently on GRC 5.2 SP9 (in the middle of upgrading to SP12).
    Also, I have been trying to connect our test UME system to a test LDAP box that has already been converted to LINUX but keep getting a 'connection failed' error when I try to test it. 
    Do you have to reboot the server to test changing the LDAP connections?  I've been trying it by going into UME, pulling up the LDAP tab, hitting the Modify button, entering the new userid and password for test LDAP, and hitting the Test Connection button.  I've verified that this userid and password is correct for test LDAP.
    Is there a way to get more information about why the connection failed?

    I've been told by our LDAP Support group that none of the other configuration settings should have to be changed.  I should only have to change the id and password to connect to a test version of LDAP instead of our regular connection to the production LDAP.
    Can you test a connection for a different userid/password without having to reboot/restart the server?  Do I need to change these two settings, save then, reboot/restart, and then do the Test Connection button?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Problem using DECODE() function with a Query of Queries

    I posted on my blog about an issue I was having trying to use the PL/SQL DECODE() function with a Coldfusion Query of Queries. This function works fine when you query a database for information. However, when you query another query, it seems that CF

  • Error while creating VSANS on 9513

    Hi all, I have cisco 9513 switch in core-edge model,am trying to create a vsan through DM and am getting the following error.Am running SANOS 3.2.3(a) snmpd:module upgrade in progress,snmp access not allowed Thanks in advance.. Murtaza

  • A problem caused by the file name

    hi,i have a problem today,here is the source file: //saved as class Strings{ public static void main(String [] args){ String x="java"; System.out.println("x string ="+x); and when i try to compile it,the compiler complains as follows: jav

  • After updating to ios7 I lost all my data, contact list, pictures, etc. How can I recover them?

    After updating to ios7 I lost all my data, contact list, pictures, etc. How can I recover them?

  • Roles in portal for NWDS

    Hello , What all roles are needed for a particular user in portal to allow , NWDS java programming and deployment? Thanks Ronniee