Shutting down jvm using as400 CL

Anyone has any idea what AS400 CL command could be used to shutdown a running JVM.

Thanks for you replies.
Let me tell you what going on. I have a java job that runs in batch environment on AS400. Its tranferring some data. When its done with the last record, the program ends but the status still shows to be active although it doesn't consume any CPU.Same process when ran on local windows machine ends fine.
I think that the program is ending but the since the JVM is still loaded, somehow the spool file doesn't close after the program ends and that keeps the job active.We're having to force shut it down.
So I was wondering if some command could be used in my CL to shut the JVM after program finished off. Now sure if it would take care of the problem.
Any other idea, please post.

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    Hi jennyoutwest,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The following articles will provide some troubleshooting steps for your iPhone.
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    If that does not resolve the issue, refer to page 146 in the iPhone User Guide to Reset All Settings:
    iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
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    Somehow my post showed up twice. Anyway...just updated to 9.01 and problem solved!!
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