Signature is an attachment when received in Outlook

I'm considering a switch from Entourage to Mail as my primary mail app but am having a deal-breaking problem with how the messages appear in Outlook on a PC.
When I attach any type of file, there's always an additional attachment to the message that includes my email signature. Sometimes the signature doesn't appear at all, and it depends on where I put the attachment when I compose the message (before or after the signature line).
This problem occurs whether I use an HTML signature or plain text.
The attachments are "Windows-friendly."
Any tips would be appreciated.
PS: I think it's absurd that Mail doesn't include some kind of Attachment pane in the message. They way that attached files appear all willy-nilly in the body of the message is pretty annoying IMO.

Anyone? Just need to know where I can change that message and also how I can set up the icloud calender to send invites using my work email address (as configured in Mail)?

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  • Message Breaks when Sending to Outlook

    I've found that my messages are getting split in very strange ways when received by Outlook clients. The email body will stop at some point and the remaining message gets inserted into an attachment.
    I can repeat this behavior anytime by including attachments -- if the attachment appears on Mail in the body, the message breaks at the point the file appeared in the email and the remaining body shows up in a second attachment.
    While I can rectify that by ensuring that my attachments always appear at the end (why does mail show them in the body that way if they're really just attached?), I've also had this happen in circumstances where there is no attachment and I've been unable to identify what triggered the message break.
    This is a huge problem for me, since my business clients mostly use Outlook and my emails to them are showing up all screwy.
    Has anyone seen this before? It doesn't happen on other clients -- gmail web client doesn't do this, for example. So it's probably an Outlook problem. I'm just trying to understand why it happens so I can be certain to work around it in professional email.
    PowerMac G5, MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Actually, just for an update, if I turn off MMS I can send to multiple contacts. But with MMS on, I can't. Am I the only person having this issue?
    I've tried a restore, and set-up as new phone. But still having no success.

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    Open Terminal in Utilties and copy/paste
    This will send the attachment embedded inline. (This works in Snow Leopard, but not sure about Lion. Do a test first. If it doesn't work, just google "send attachment embedded + Lion." You don't actually have to send the message to see how it will appear.)
    defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing 0
    To reverse the setting, change the 0 to a 1
    However, whether this will work or not will depend on what the e-mail client on the receiver's end does with it.

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    inbedded is not a word.

  • Outlook 2010 Signature: Resizes GIF-pictures when you do not have 100% dpi set on display settings

    Our automatic signature tool creates signatures for all our employees. The signature works fine until people with non-100% dpi setting on display (e.g. medium 125% or Larger 150% in Control Panel > Display) try to edit their generated
    signature and saves. Suddenly the images get resized and blurry, even if it is not displayed as resized when save the updated signature.
    It works fine to edit and save if you have display DPI set to 100%.
    The company logo is 127x38 pixels, 2,15KB GIF file.
    Is this a known bug or something else? I'm not sure its fair to blame the signature-tool as it works okay before the editor has been doing its stuff.
    Another strange thing. If I have edited a signature in 125% and saves it. I send an email and the signature logo is blurry.  But if I change display DPI to 100% and send another email (logoff and logon first to change dpi) then the logo is fine again.
    Seems like the logo is bound to text size

    Our company is having this exact same problem.  We have Outlook 2010 SP2 and Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise.  As the OP we have a signature creation tool that helps us create these HTML signatures dynamically.  OP did you ever resolve this issue?
    However, in our situation our logo gif image is already 96 DPI.  Our HTML signatures work perfectly fine when Windows DPI is set to 100%.  But, as soon as you go to 125% or 150% we have problems when saving email drafts and sending emails where the
    logo increases in size.
    Here is an example of the HTML code for my current signature.  Any help on this issue would be appreciated.  Is there a way to prevent Outlook from doing this when DPI is increase from default.  We have a lot of users that need to increase
    the DPI to see their PC better.
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>GK Signature</TITLE>
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <META content="MSHTML 6.00.6000.16674" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
    <DIV align=left>&nbsp;</DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654">Ryan Lewandowski</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654">Senior PC Specialist</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left>&nbsp;</DIV>
    <DIV align=left><IMG alt="Godfrey & Kahn, S.C." hspace=0 src="" align=baseline height=17 width=184 border=0></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654">780 North Water Street</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654">Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-3590</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="#002654">TEL</FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654"> • 414.273.3500</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="#002654">DIR</FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654"> • 414.287.9537</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="#002654">FAX</FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654"> • 414.273.5198</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="#002654">EMAIL<FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654"> • <A href=mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]</A></FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="#002654">WWW</FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="2" color="#002654"> • <A href="">GKLAW.COM</A></FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=left><FONT face="Webdings" size="4" color="green">P </FONT><FONT face="Arial" size="1" color="green">Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

  • Exclaimer manager signature does not update sent items for outlook 2013 clients when using cached mode

    I have Signature Manager Exchange Edition installed on the hub servers.
    I have enabled  Sent Items update.
    some clients are not getting signature update in the sent items of outlook while using cached mode.
    from OWA, and MS Outlook when connected online, the signature is updated in the sent items.
    I have two CAS servers and two mailbox servers. all with Exchange 2013 SP1
    I tested each CAS server for the URLs of Autodiscover and EWS, with no errors or warnings.
    I also test Autodiscover through . I go successful result.
    Outlook clients are updated to the latest version 15.0.4701.1000
    for outlook clients; I deleted outlook profile, deleted outlook folder in the user profile, re-created the  outlook profile, with no luck.
    from Exclaimer event logs on the Hub servers. the sent items update is successfully updating clients. below is the screenshot of an event for one email message which is successfully updated from exclaimer but it did not update on the client outlook while
    using cached mode.
    Since the issue is with multiple users, I am searching for a centralized solution 
    Mashhour Faraj

    Dear Mashhour
    Here you go 
    Employees can see their email signatures and disclaimers
    With Exchange 2013, a Microsoft Outlook user can’t see any added email signatures or disclaimers as they are added to an email when it passes through the Exchange server.
    Signature Manager Exchange Edition lets email users see their email signature and corporate disclaimer within the Sent Items of their inbox, giving them visual confirmation of the processed email
    Source -
    Updating to the latest version of signature manager exchange edition will help you to resolve this problem for sure 
    Or you need to contact them to find a solution on this .
    I'm pretty much sure that this problem is related with some version mismatch on their s/w on exchange 2013 which is causing this issue.
    Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts on Thanks Sathish

  • Looking to group emails 'from' then by when received, with gap between each of the 'from' with a number count , like in Outlook

    In Outlook, I have emails grouped by 'From' and then by when received.. with a gap between each of the 'From'
    So one might look like From: (59 items, 4 unread) Subject XXX Received YYYY

    You can automatically put them into individual folders, and each can have its own counts.
    You could leave them as they arrive, but use Saved Search folders to aggregate selected messages.

  • Outlook 2013 (and up) squashing images when received on certain devices.

    When we create an email inside of Outlook 365 and insert a image (in-line) into the mailer we have a lot of layout problems.
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    (ie, left aligned imaged gets squashed to the left).
    The copy layout is fine , and if it is built inside of a table then the table or table cells do not adjust. Only the images get distorted. We are picking this problem up more
    as more people buy new machines and or migrate to a newer versions of Outlook.
    We have tried saving images as 96dpi/ppi and tried numerous fixes found online, but most relate to Outlook 2007 and down, and none seem to work. Unfortunately our
    clients often require the images to be inserted (inline) rather than being linked to a hosted image. When we send the same email to an Gmail account the images display perfect, it only appears to be an issue when sending to Outlook.
    Is there a way to get around this issue or to fix it? 

    Can you post a screenshot of this and the accompanying HTML source?
    Without that, it is hard to judge where this could be coming from.
    Robert Sparnaaij
    Outlook guides and more:
    Outlook Quick Tips:

  • Strange results when receiving mail sent form

    Hi all,
    I've searched these forums for an answer to this problem but I didn't find anything that seemed to fit the bill.
    I'm using the latest version of 2 with updates applied running in 10.4.3.
    I'm using Gmail as my mail server but have the same problem with other email servers I have tried.
    When I send mail to my work account (based on an exchange server) I'm getting some strange results. I'm using Windows 2000 and Outlook 2003 at work.
    When I send an (new) email with an attachment then all text that I write below the attachment in the email, when received through exchange at work, becomes an attachment its self. If this is a plain text email then the attachment is a text file, if it's a rich text email then the attachment becomes a webdocument (HTM). This is not the desired result!
    Similarly, if I reply to or forward an email, any text below new text I type into those emails becomes an attachment rather than an actual reply (with that attachment either a text file or a webdocument as stated above).
    My question therefore is how can this be corrected. It's rather annoying to have half my message cut off if I put an attachment half way through the email I am composing (I guess i could attach it to the end below all text and signature). Equally frustrating is having replied or forwarded text appear in an attachment.
    Thanks in anticipation.
    Powerbook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi all,
    Picture of what I describe above, thought it might help clarify what the issue is:
    Many thanks
    Powerbook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    Message was edited by: adamsquire

  • I am unable to attach PDFs to Hotmail/Outlook email using my FF browser today. Never had issue before today.

    1. I am unable to attach pdfs today in Outlook/Hotmail email using my Firefox browser (27.0.1). I keep getting an error message that says, "The file is not a picture and can't be inserted inline." I do not understand why I keep getting this error message. I am not attempting to insert an image. I am selecting to Insert Files as Attachments from the drop down menu.
    No matter how many times I attempt to attach various pdfs to my emails today using Firefox as my browser, I keep getting this same error message. I have cleared the cache, cleared all cookies, cleared all history, signed out of my Hotmail/Outlook account, signed back in, restarted computer, etc., to no avail. Same problem.
    2. I switched to my Safari browser, and have no problem attaching pdfs in my Hotmail/Outlook email account. The pdfs are attaching perfectly as usual. My emails are being sent normally with the attachments. The attached pdfs are being received and are opening perfectly as intended.
    3. Why am I unable to attach files with Firefox today? Firefox is my browser of choice and I have used it with my Hotmail/Outlook email account without any problems, till today. Please help me! Thank you!

    Thank you jscher2000. Yes my PDFs do contain the .pdf extension. I tried your excellent idea to utilize the drag and drop method, but I still get the same error message with PDFs. I have no problem attaching photos or Word documents with either method; just PDFs.
    For further diagnostics, I started composing my email in Safari, attached all my pdfs and saved my email as a Draft.  I then went to Firefox, opened the draft to continue working on it, and voila!  There are all the pdfs I attached previously while in Safari.  I was able to send the email with attachments through Firefox with no issues. The attachments went through and were able to be opened.
    I am mystified, as Firefox has been trouble-free with my email account, and I have never had this particular issue till today. I made no changes to anything else on my computer, but I did notice very late last night that Outlook had one of those typical messages at the top of my Inbox to refresh my browser since Outlook had been updated. I refreshed and shut down for the night, and when I rebooted this morning that is when I discovered this brand new glitch with attachments. I'm assuming this has something to do their last update.

  • Not able to generate AS2 MDN when receiving custom XML via AS2

    Hi friends,
    I have setup the trading partner and the corresponding TP certificate import for receiving the custom XML via AS2 channel.
    I am receiving the custom xml properly to oracle b2b and able to receive the same to bpel as well. however in the oracle b2b console under reports tab i am seeing only one record for inbound document receive and i am not seeing the other record for the AS2 MDN going back to vendor. I have setup the AS2 channel under the external trading partner --> Channel using the vendor AS2 URL and selected all the security parameters while creating the Outbound AS2 channel.
    1. Not able to generate AS2 MDN when receiving custom XML via AS2.
    2. eventhough i am able to decrypt the inbound custom XML and ablr to recieve it in bpel also for processing, in the reports tab the inbound message state is changing to MSG_ERROR and it has the folloing error message:
    Error Code
    Error Description
    Machine Info: (***********)  Description: B2B inbound message processing error
    Error Level
    for AS2 MDN generation for custom XML receiving using As2 protocol, do we need to setup anything other than the outbound As2 Channel using the external vendor AS2 URL?
    Can you please help me how can i generate the AS2 MDN for the inbound custom XML document i have received and also why the inbound message is failing even though i am receiving the custom XML properly to bpel?

    Hi Prasanna,
    Vendor has enabled the ACK mode as SYNC.
    Below are the headers for the inbound message to B2B. and we are able to receive the input message to bpel also.
    Protocol Transport Binding
    ChannelName=******** AS2-To=****AS2 TE=trailers, deflate, gzip, compress Date=Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:26:31 GMT AS2-Version=1.2 Accept-Encoding=deflate, gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress AS2-From=****AS2 Disposition-Notification-Options=signed-receipt-protocol=optional, pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=optional, sha1 Disposition-Notification-To=https://******/as2 Message-ID=<CLEO-20141002_142630452-31X54N@****_*****AS2.pcwbedi1-O> Content-type=application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m Content-length=747006 MSG_RECEIVED_TIME=Thu Oct 02 10:26:39 EDT 2014 Subject=EDI ECID-Context=1.005175bK7U^AXNJCAnf9Cx0002pW000yjX;kXjE1ZDLIPGIj2QCYV8QoKSSILRO_PQT_IS Proxy-Client-IP=****** Recipient-Address=https://******/b2b/httpReceiver User-Agent=RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3I (Windows 2003) X-Forwarded-For=****** Content-Disposition=attachment; filename="smime.p7m" Host=****** EDIINT-Features=CEM, multiple-attachments, AS2-Reliability Connection=Keep-Alive X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs=30 X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID=-1497702782 From=****** Mime-Version=1.0
    Message Digest
    Message Digest
    Digest Algorithm
    Transport Protocol
    Transport Protocol Version
    Transport Headers
    ChannelName=****** AS2-To=******AS2 TE=trailers, deflate, gzip, compress Date=Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:26:31 GMT AS2-Version=1.2 Accept-Encoding=deflate, gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress AS2-From=****AS2 Disposition-Notification-Options=signed-receipt-protocol=optional, pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=optional, sha1 Disposition-Notification-To=https://******/as2 Message-ID=<CLEO-20141002_142630452-31X54N@****AS2_*****AS2.pcwbedi1-O> Content-type=application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m Content-length=747006 MSG_RECEIVED_TIME=Thu Oct 02 10:26:39 EDT 2014 Subject=EDI ECID-Context=1.005175bK7U^AXNJCAnf9Cx0002pW000yjX;kXjE1ZDLIPGIj2QCYV8QoKSSILRO_PQT_IS Proxy-Client-IP=***** Recipient-Address=*******/b2b/httpReceiver User-Agent=RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3I (Windows 2003) X-Forwarded-For=******* Content-Disposition=attachment; filename="smime.p7m" Host=***** EDIINT-Features=CEM, multiple-attachments, AS2-Reliability Connection=Keep-Alive X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs=30 X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID=-1497702782 From=***** Mime-Version=1.0

  • E-mail that received in outlook from the Notes address error code:0x80070005-00000000-00000000 occurs

    When reply to the e-mail that received in outlook from the Notes address, error with an error code:0x80070005-00000000-00000000
    occurs (please refer to attachment),
    and we could not send mail. (Error details: Your message did not reach to the intended recipients, below email could not be delivered, please inquire to Network manager) When Created new
    and sent, e-mail sent became possible. Also, there was no mistake of e-mail address.
    Is there an alternative that avoids the current problem?
    If I perform a new email, it is possible to send.

    Which type of email account are you using?
    Have you checked this issue from web access?
    If the email address is saved as a contact in your Outlook, please try to delete it and then try to reply to the email to test if the problem persists.
    If you are connected to an Exchange server, please have a look at this KB article and check if it helps:
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • When I open Outlook 2007 my Firefox 3.6.13 session freezes why is this?

    I am running Firefox 3.6.13 on a Windows XP SP3 PC and I am hitting a problem regularly when I open Outlook 2007 it causes my Firefox session to stop responding to web page load requests.
    When I try to reload FF the system pops up a message saying the process is already running and even when I kill the process using Task Manager and reload the problem remains until I restart my PC and during shutdown I normally get a message about 'nsappshell not closing' until I force close and the system restarts and then the problem disappears. This conflict between Outlook & FF does not happen every time but it is frequent enough to be a real pain ! Anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions??

    I believe I've solved this issue by carrying out the following action:-
    First cancel all “send and receive” operations in OutLook. Next remove all emails from your "Outbox" (by either deleting them or moving them to the “Draft” folder). Next shutdown OutLook and then click on the “Start” button on the lower left-hand side of the Window’s taskbar, then click on “Run” now type in “regsvr32.exe inetcomm.dll” without the quotation marks, so it looks like this:
    regsvr32.exe inetcomm.dll
    Note the space between .exe and inetcomm.dll and hit “Enter” on the keyboard.
    The computer will execute the command. If all goes well in a few moments a dialog box will appear and state “dll registered successful
    I have not had it hand since ... cross fingers ;)

  • I have an issue with some PDF documents   some MS Office documents, notably MS Word when received in eMail as attachments not displaying on iPhones, iPad 2s

    I have an issue with some PDF documents & some MS Office documents, notably MS Word when received in eMail as attachments not displaying properly on iPhones, iPad 2s & new iPads?
    PDF docs - areas of the doc only show as grey splotches regardles of viewer
    MS Word Docs -
    inserted graphics don't display at all,
    tables & lists especially with borders are broken &
    tables & lists missing the borders &
    tables & lists missing the 1st 1-2 lines of the lists/tables.
    This is replicated on iPhone 4s, iPhone 4Ss, iPad 2s, iPad new (x2)
    It certainly happens in iOS 5.1.1 & iOS 5.1
    We believe it all worked aok in iOS 5.0.1(?) & prior
    There is no problems reading/seeing these PDF & Word docs on anything other than iDevices.
    This is rather critical for us & if not quickly fixed/rectified will prevent us from further purchases of these devices
    Rolling back to iOS 5.0.1 or prior I believe isn't possible because of the BaseBand update(?) & isn't much of an option because of the quite noticeable Battery/Charging/WiFi improvements in 5.1 & 5.1.1

    I logged a call with AppleCare & have since had explained why this occurs (some time ago)
    I'll try to explain what was indicated to me.
    iOS has a limited Font Set & this affects what PDFs can display. You need to use iOS supported fonts in your PDFs to see/read them properly  
    These supported fonts are indicated here =>
    Regards MS office docs, iOS doesn't have much of an API to work with MS Office documents at all so is stuck with 3rd Party Apps to try to do it.
    Unfortunately Mail in/on iOS uses the API to attempt to open/use MS Office attachments unless you tell it to use an App to open the attachment.
    I have had success opening & reading MS office docs now with CloudOn, but find it slow & very awkward to use.
    Not too sure if this helps others, but at least it explains why this is occurring

  • Retrieval of attachment filename - receiver mail adapter

    I am using the mail adapter to receive an e-mail into PI. This e-mail has an attached CSV file.
    First, I am using the PayloadSwapBean to swap the application playload to the attachment payload
    Second, I am using the MessageTransformBean to transform the CSV file into an XML document
    These are both working fine and the message is then passing into the relevant message mapping.
    However, I would like to be able to use the attachment filename in the message mapping.
    Can anyone advise how to do this for the mail adapter ?
    I've done it loads of times for the file adapter but never the mail adapter (when using attachments) so I am a bit stumped.
    Any advice greatly received.

    Hi Progirl,
    I want to dynamically set the name of attachment in receiver mail Communication Channel.
    Example: IN__9907211000004_4048454000005_20081211_01000000002643
    The first two numbers 9907211000004 & 4048454000005 I want to read it from the message
    20081211 this is the date and
    And againg this number 01000000002643 is read from message.
    I read from your response. You had created adapter module for the similar purpose. Can you share it. Since I am new to  writing Adapter Module.
    Thank You in Advance.

Maybe you are looking for