Simple but interesting problem

i am a JSP page used for showing the results of a search request
as you can see, there is a big problem because the data should have a subject on its left, indicating what data it is.
this is the JSP page( i already created an array of String containing all the names but got no idea how to loop it in the <forEach> tag):
<%@page contentType="text/html" %>
<%@page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@page isELIgnored="false" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=big5">
<title>Search Results</title>
The results are:
String [] columns={"Staff no","Last Name","First Name","Sex","E-mail","ID card number","Birth date","Salary","Password","Address","Phone number","Cell Phone number"};
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
<c:forEach items="${requestScope.results}" var="column">
<td>  <I probably need something here in order to loop the array of String>               </td>
<td><c:out value="${column}"/></td>
</html>thanks a lot!!!!!!

The forEach tag allows you to define a varStatus attribute, which keeps track of several things for you, one of which being an index as to which entry is being displayed.
You can use this as an index into the columns array to display the correct column heading.
I would probably shift the scriptlet code declaring the array into the same place as you create the results, so that you set headings and the data in the same place.
Another solution would be to use a Map instead of a list, and have the headings as keys, and the column values as values - that way you store both headings and values in one data structure.
String [] columns={"Staff no","Last Name","First Name","Sex","E-mail","ID card number","Birth date","Salary","Password","Address","Phone number","Cell Phone number"};
pageContext.setAttribute("columnHeadings", columns);
<c:forEach items="${requestScope.results}" var="column"  varStatus="status">
<td><c:out value="${columnHeadings[status.index]}"/></td>
<td><c:out value="${column}"/></td>

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    Thank you very much
    C:\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable members
    location: class Rental
    **Edited Code**
    rt java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Member {
         // attribute definitions
         String firstName;
         String surname;
         String dayNo;
         String homeNo;
         String eMail;
         String address;
         // constructor with parameters
         public Member(String first, String sur, String day, String home, String eMl, String add)
              // invoke accessors to populate attributes
         public String getFirstName()
         { return firstName; }
         public String getSurname()
         { return surname; }
         public String getDayNo()
         { return dayNo; }
         public String getHomeNo()
         { return homeNo; }
         public String getEmail()
         { return eMail; }
         public String getAddress()
         { return address; }
         public void setFirstName(String newFirst)
         { firstName = newFirst;     }
         public void setSurname (String newSur)
         { surname = newSur;     }
         public void setDayNo(String no)
         { dayNo = no; }
         public void setHomeNo(String hono)
         { homeNo = hono; }
         public void setEmail(String newEmail)
         { eMail = newEmail;     }
         public void setAddress(String newAdd)
         { address = newAdd; }
    class Rental {
         Rental (int size){
              Vector members = new Vector(size)
         void findmember(String sur) {

    When you do this
    Rental (int size){
              Vector members = new Vector(size)
         }you are creating the member variables here, and assigning it to a variable that has a lifetime that starts at the creation point, and stops at the end curly brace.
    That means when you try to access it from another method, it doesn't exist.
    You need to define members, not in the method, but in the class, if you want more than one method to access i.


    I just started cleaning my comp out after MUCH TIME.....I accidentally delted the iMovie that came with the comp, the iMovie HD 6 i downloaded for it since the new ones layout isnt pro at all, iPhoto, DVD Player and I think thats it. So I need help getting those back When I tried downloading the iMovie HD 6 it says it cant because its already on my comp...I imagine if I knew how to find iPhoto, the original iMovie and DVD player it would be the same way. ACtually did it with DVD Player too. Tried to install a new on but it said it was older than the version on my comp though I deleted the version on my comp by accident. SO I NEED THOSE APPS do i do that?
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    The iLife suite of software, iPhoto/iMovie/etc should be in your Applications folder.
    (DVD Player is NOT part of iLife). You are thinking of iDVD to burn DVD's with. iDVD is also part of iLife.
    *"Seondly I cant open my sustem preferences window to go through any of my system preferences.."*
    Click the Apple logo top left in your Desktop, then scroll down and click System Preferences.
    If you can't launch it from there, you should have a System Preferences icon in your Dock. Looks like a light switch with an apple on it.
    If you still can't access the iLife software or your System Preferences window, use your restore disk(s) and try an Archive and Install.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Simple (but annoying problem

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    Advance thanks to every body trying to reply

    Oracle JDBC driver is JDBC 2.0 compliant. Right ?
    And in JDBC 2.0 there exists the interface java.sql.Array
    Oracle JDBC provides the class oracle.sql.ARRAY Have you thought of using it ? It may be what you are looking for.
    Here is an example that comes with Oracle JDBC driver...
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.oracore.Util;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    public class ArrayExample
      public static void main (String args[])
        throws Exception
        // Register the Oracle JDBC driver
        DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
        // Connect to the database
        // You need to put your database name after the @ sign in
        // the connection URL.
        // The sample retrieves an varray of type "NUM_VARRAY",
        // materializes the object as an object of type ARRAY.
        // A new ARRAY is then inserted into the database.
        Connection conn =
          DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@",
                                       "scott", "tiger");
        // It's faster when auto commit is off
        conn.setAutoCommit (false);
        // Create a Statement
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
          stmt.execute ("DROP TABLE varray_table");
          stmt.execute ("DROP TYPE num_varray");    
        catch (SQLException e)
          // the above drop statements will throw exceptions
          // if the types and tables did not exist before. Just ingore it.
        stmt.execute ("CREATE TYPE num_varray AS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER(12, 2)");
        stmt.execute ("CREATE TABLE varray_table (col1 num_varray)");
        stmt.execute ("INSERT INTO varray_table VALUES (num_varray(100, 200))");
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM varray_table");
        showResultSet (rs);
        //now insert a new row
        // create a new ARRAY object   
        int elements[] = { 300, 400, 500, 600 };
        ArrayDescriptor desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("NUM_VARRAY", conn);
        ARRAY newArray = new ARRAY(desc, conn, elements);
        PreparedStatement ps =
          conn.prepareStatement ("insert into varray_table values (?)");
        ((OraclePreparedStatement)ps).setARRAY (1, newArray);
        ps.execute ();
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM varray_table");
        showResultSet (rs);
        // Close all the resources
      public static void showResultSet (ResultSet rs)
        throws SQLException
        int line = 0;
        while (
          System.out.println("Row "+line+" : ");
          ARRAY array = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getARRAY (1);
          System.out.println ("Array is of type "+array.getSQLTypeName());
          System.out.println ("Array element is of type code "+array.getBaseType());
          System.out.println ("Array is of length "+array.length());
          // get Array elements           
          BigDecimal[] values = (BigDecimal[]) array.getArray();
          for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++)
            BigDecimal value = (BigDecimal) values;
    System.out.println(">> index "+i+" = "+value.intValue());

  • I'm trying to send (email) photos from iPhoto. Computer says it doesn't recognize my user name or password. I've never had a problem emailing photos.....until now. Any suggestions? I'm sure it's simple but I don't know it!

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    Mail would be a good choice, unless you are using another email client, like Outlook. There is likely something wrong with the account setup in iPhoto. You may need to delete the account you set up and enter it again if you want to send with iPhoto instead of with Mail.
    Give this a try to see what might be wrong: Drag a photo from iPhoto onto the Mail icon in the Dock. It will create a new message with the photo attached. If you click on the photo in Mail, it should show a popup menu to allow you to set the image size to send.
    Check out some of the links in the More Like This section to the right. There might be some other suggestions.

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    When i want to send sms to my friend who has a imessage also, but the problem is when i have no internet in my phone it should be automaticaly send as a simple sms but in my phone even if i have no internet my sms will send as a imessage.
    Iphone 5c, ios 8.0.2

    And this is how iMessage works (as gdgmacguy tried to explain):
    Messages lets you exchange text messages with other SMS/MMS devices using your cellular connection, and with other iOS devices using iMessage.
    iMessage is an Apple service that lets you send unlimited messages over an active Wi-Fi (or cellular data*) connection to other iOS devices using iOS 5 or later or Macs using OS X Mountain Lion or later. With iMessage you can see when other people are typing and let them know when you've read their messages. iMessages are displayed on all your iOS devices logged in to the same account, so you can start a conversation on one of your devices, and continue it on another device. For security, iMessages are encrypted before they're sent
    * Cellular data connectivity requires iPhone or iPad (Cellular Models).
    If you are sending an iMessage to another iOS device that is registered to Messages, then it will send it as an iMessage unless iMessage is not available.

  • Dynamic SQL and Bulk Bind... Interesting Problem !!!

    Hi Forum !!
    I've got a very interesting problem involving Dynamic SQL and Bulk Bind. I really Hope you guys have some suggestions for me...
    Table A contains a column named TX_FORMULA. There are many strings holding expressions like '.3 * 2 + 1.5' or '(3.4 + 2) / .3', all well formed numeric formulas. I want to calculate each formula, finding the number obtained as a result of each calculation.
    I wrote something like this:
    V_FormulasNum T_FormulasNum;
    V_MontoIndicador T_MontoIndicador;
    BULK COLLECT INTO V_CodIndicador, V_FormulasNum
    FROM A;
    FORALL i IN V_FormulasNum.FIRST..V_FormulasNum.LAST
    :1 := TO_NUMBER(:2);
    USING V_FormulasNum(i) RETURNING INTO V_MontoIndicador;
    But I'm getting the following messages:
    ORA-06550: line 22, column 43:
    PLS-00597: expression 'V_MONTOINDICADOR' in the INTO list is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 18, column 5:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 18, column 5:
    PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL
    Any Idea to solve this problem ?
    Thanks in Advance !!

    many many errors...
    1. You can use FORALL only in DML operators, in your case you must use simple FOR LOOP.
    2. You can use bind variables only in DML- Statements. In other statements you have to use literals (hard parsing).
    3. RETURNING INTO - Clause in appropriate , use instead of OUT variable.
    4. Remark: FOR I IN FIRST..LAST is not fully correct: if you haven't results, you get EXCEPTION NO_DATA_FOUND. Use Instead of
    This code works.
    TYPE T_FormulasNum IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255)
    TYPE T_MontoIndicador IS TABLE OF NUMBER
    V_FormulasNum T_FormulasNum;
    V_MontoIndicador T_MontoIndicador;
    BULK COLLECT INTO V_MontoIndicador, V_FormulasNum
    FROM A;
    FOR i IN 1..V_FormulasNum.count
    :v_motto := TO_NUMBER('||v_formulasnum(i)||');
    USING OUT V_MontoIndicador(i);
    END;You have to read more about bulk- binding and dynamic sql.
    Test table
    (cd_indicator number,
    tx_formula_numerica VARCHAR2(255))
    2 (5+5)*2
    1 2*3*4
    Message was edited by:
    Dmytro Dekhtyaryuk

  • Interesting problem for all students and programmers Have a look!

    Hello. This is a very interesting problem for all programmers and students. I have my spalsh screen class which displays a splash when run from the main method in the same class. However when run from another class( in my case from my login class, when user name and password is validated) I create an instance of the class and show it. But the image in the splash is not shown. Only a squared white background is visible!!!.
    I am sending the two classes
    Can u tell me why and propose a solution. Thanks.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class SplashScreen extends JWindow {
    private int duration;
    public SplashScreen(int d) {
    duration = d;
    // A simple little method to show a title screen in the center
    // of the screen for the amount of time given in the constructor
    public void showSplash() {
    JPanel content = (JPanel)getContentPane();
    // Set the window's bounds, centering the window
    int width = 300;
    int height =400;
    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    int x = (screen.width-width)/2;
    int y = (screen.height-height)/2;
    // Build the splash screen
    JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("logo2.gif"));
    JLabel copyrt = new JLabel
    ("Copyright 2004, Timetabler 2004", JLabel.CENTER);
    copyrt.setFont(new Font("Sans-Serif", Font.BOLD, 16));
    content.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    content.add(copyrt, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    Color oraRed = new Color(100, 50, 80, 120);
    content.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(oraRed, 10));
    // Display it
    // Wait a little while, maybe while loading resources
    try { Thread.sleep(duration); } catch (Exception e) {}
    public void showSplashAndExit() {
    // System.exit(0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JMenu;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    public class login extends JDialog
    String username;
    String password;
    JTextField text1;
    JPasswordField text2;
    //super("Login To TIMETABLER");
    text1=new JTextField(10);
    text2 = new JPasswordField(10);
    JLabel label1=new JLabel("Username");
    JLabel label2=new JLabel("Password");
    label1.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,16));
    label2.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,16));
    JButton ok=new JButton(" O K ");
    ok.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,14));
    ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener (){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    ReadText mytext1=new ReadText();
    ReadText2 mytext2=new ReadText2();
    String value1=mytext1.returnpassword();
    String value2=mytext2.returnpassword();
    String user=text1.getText();
    String pass=text2.getText();
    if ( (user.equals(value1)) && (pass.equals(value2)) )
    // setVisible(false);
    // mainpage m=new mainpage();
    // m.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
    // m.callsplash();
    /// m.setSize(640,640);
    SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(5000);
    // Normally, we'd call splash.showSplash() and get on with the program.
    // But, since this is only a test...
    { text1.setText("");
    // "Your Password is Incorrect"
    JButton cancel=new JButton(" C A N C E L ");
    cancel.setFont(new Font("Garamond",Font.BOLD,14));
    cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    JPanel pan1=new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1,20,20));
    JPanel pan2=new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1,20,20));
    JPanel pan3=new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,20,20));
    JPanel_Background main=new JPanel_Background();
    JPanel mainpanel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout(25,25));
    // mainpanel.setBorder(new BorderLayout(25,25));
    ("Login To Timetabler Vision"),BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,20,10,20)));
    void validatedata()
    ReadText mytext1=new ReadText();
    ReadText2 mytext2=new ReadText2();
    String value1=mytext1.returnpassword();
    String value2=mytext2.returnpassword();
    String user=text1.getText();
    String pass=text2.getText();
    if ( (user.equals(value1)) && (pass.equals(value2)) )
    SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(5000);
    { text1.setText("");
    // "Your Password is Incorrect"
    public void callsplash()
    {SplashScreen splash= new SplashScreen(1500);
    public static void main(String args[])
    { login m=new login();
    Dimension screenSize=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    int screenPositionX=(int)(screenSize.width/2-390/2);
    int screenPositionY=(int)(screenSize.height/2-260/2);
    m.setLocation(screenPositionX, screenPositionY);

    Hi Luis,
    Use tcode XK99 for vendor mass change, select the Fax no field. You have to take note that this changes will be only 1 fax number for all vendors.
    Else you have to use BAPI for mass change.

  • Simple but reliable small office setup

    Hi group,
    I need some advice on setting up a simple but reliable small office wireless network. Up until now, we had a consumer AP combined with wired connections. However, we're moving to a new office where it's difficult to implement a wired network and we decided to implement a good quality wireless network.
    So, I was looking into business quality wireless AP's and it looks as if the Aironet 1600 is an interesting option. However, I'm not a (wireless) network specialist and have no knowledge of controlled AP's.
    The office is (only) 278 square meters (24 x 11.6), divided in two main areas by a supporting wall with two large doorways. I would like to keep the setup costs to a minimum, ideally using only 1 AP. This might mean placing the AP on the ceiling near the dividing wall (which is roughly in the middle), or on the wall itself.
    We need to support fast wireless connections from 15 laptop computers now, and up to 25 in the near future. Also, we'd like to support 15-25 mobile devices, i.e. tablets or smart phones.
    I've found some info on the differences between the AIR-CAP1602 and AIR-SAP1602 models, as well as the Internal and External antenna versions. It seems to me we could use the Standalone (SAP1602) model. However, I don't have enough knowledge to determine if the Aironet 1600 is actually appropriate for our requirements and if yes, which model.
    I would very much appreciate your advice!

    A 1600 would work or even a 2600. I prefer the 2600/3600 though but cost is your concern. I would also place the AP on the ceiling but belies the ceiling maybe in the middle if possible. Don't place the AP above the ceiling because you will loose coverage. Internal antennas are fine and just to note, rule of thumb is 25 users per AP so just in case you need more throughput, maybe using two separated by 3-5 meters would help also. If the 1600's are the choice for you then look at having one or two APs.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • How do I save to mixdown in mono, 0 db reduction in volume, in 64 bps mp3? Sounds simple, but none of the support staff has been able to do it.

    How do I save to mixdown in mono, 0 db reduction in volume, (Same volume level as in the files-no -3db reduction) in 64 bps mp3? Sounds simple, but none of the support staff has been able to do it.

    Several solutions to this problem.  I believe we may have discussed this over the support e-mail, but I'll share it again here so that it can help others as well.
    First, as I discussed in the e-mail, Audition defaults to support Pan Law which prevents content mixed to the center of a Stereo field from being louder than the same content panned far left or right.  This provides a -3dB drop to center content by default, but you can disable this completely by entering Preferences > Multitrack and setting the Default Panning Mode to Left/Right Cut (Logarithmic)
    Now, when you create a new Multitrack session, there is an option to specify the Master channelization.  Here, you can select Mono, Stereo, or 5.1 and this will be the default channelization mode for a basic mixdown operation regardless of your clip content, though can be overridden when exporting a session mixdown.
    Next, if you just choose the menu item Multitrack > Mixdown Session to New File... it will always default to the Master channelization.  This command does not write to disk, it is a preview or pre-processing step.  If you wish to export your multitrack session mixdown directly to disk, in your desired channelization and file format, please use the command File > Export > Multitrack Mixdown > Entire Session...  You will then have the complete set of output options, including the option to output at any channelization you like and the format you prefer.
    Here, I've disabled the default 5.1 output and selected a Mono mixdown instead.
    I've now changed the file format settings as well to MP3, 64K.
    With most of these configuration details, you should only need to set them once and these will remain the defaults for any subsequent projects, unless modified again.  The Export Multitrack Mixdown dialog will reset the Mixdown options to match the default output, and the MP3 settings may update to reflect the kBps setting nearest your session sample rate.

  • My iPhone's screen black, it does not work and I tied to hold press power and home press but it did not work? By the way for seconds I saw iTunes cabal  simple, but unfortunately, I do not have backup for my iPhone in my mac, so how can I restore my iphon

    My iPhone's screen black, it does not work and I tied to hold press power and home press but it did not work? By the way for seconds I saw iTunes cabal  simple, but unfortunately, I do not have backup for my iPhone in my mac, so how can I restore my iphone without loss my date?

    lbryan1987 wrote:
    I dont want the button problem solved i need to know how to restore the phone without using that button or going into settings
    You don't in the condition it's in. You will either have to get the phone replaced by Apple or pay a 3rd party to repair it.
    there seriously should be more than two ways to solve this other wise apple is useless and we will never buy another apple product.
    Seriously? It's physically broken!

  • Very Interesting problem, need urgent resolution

    Hi Guys,
    I have very weird and interesting problem which I have to fix urgently. Appreciate any help you guys can provide.
    I have one query which runs in All our database enviornments but Prod. Our UAT is refreshed by Prod Fortnightly so I am sure that it is not a data problem. I even tried for very small dataset making sure to select same data in UAT and Prod.
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got -
    select level ,--works if we reomve this
    xmlelement("L1", XMLATTRIBUTES(resource_name as "L1" ,resource_id as "p_resource_id",resource_manager_id as "p_rm_id",FTE, project_hrs ,
                 misc_hrs , total_hrs, avg_tot_hrs, Perc_utilization))
          from (  SELECT   resource_id,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (FTE),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) FTE,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (project_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) project_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (misc_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) misc_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) total_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs)/decode(SUM (FTE),0,1,SUM (FTE)),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) avg_tot_hrs,
               trim(to_char(ROUND (SUM (project_hrs) * 100 / decode(SUM (expected_project_hrs),0,1,SUM (expected_project_hrs)), 1), '999,999,999,999.9'))
        FROM   (    SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_name AS resource_name,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_id AS resource_id,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_manager_id AS resource_manager_id,
                      FROM   (    SELECT   r.username resource_name,
                                    FROM   TIME_UTILILIZ_ORG_SUM_L3M_MV r
                              START WITH   resource_id = 129523
                             CONNECT BY   PRIOR r.resource_id = r.resource_manager_id)               
                CONNECT BY   PRIOR resource_id = resource_manager_id)
    GROUP BY   resource_id, resource_name, resource_manager_id)
              start with resource_id =129523 connect by prior resource_id=resource_manager_id; --works if we remove thisIf we remove outermost connect by, it runs so not a xmlelement problem as well. Any idea?
    Edited by: 783830 on Jul 22, 2010 6:58 AM

    I'm not sure if this will help you, but:
    with my_tab as (select 1 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 2 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 3 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 4 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 5 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 6 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 7 resource_id, 6 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 8 resource_id, 7 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual),
    --- end of mimicking some data
        results as (select resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl,
                           sum(project_hrs) over (partition by connect_by_root (resource_id)) tot_project_hrs
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id),
       results2 as (select resource_id,
                           connect_by_root resource_id top_resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id
                    start with resource_manager_id = 0)
    select r1.resource_id,
    from   results r1,
           results2 r2
    where  r1.resource_id = r2.resource_id
    and    r1.lvl = 1
    order by resource_id;
              1           1               5               1                           1
              2           1               3               1                1          2
              3           1               1               1                1          2
              4           1               1               1                2          3
              5           1               1               1                2          3
              6           2               6               6                           1
              7           2               4               6                6          2
              8           2               2               6                7          3

  • The answer may be simple but

    Since I got Fireworks 8 last week, I've worked through the
    accompanying 'Getting Started' manual and much of 'Training from
    the Source' by Patti Schulze. While I love the program, I'm
    frustrated by a difficulty that may be simple but is exasperating
    for me.
    When I create an image and try to save it as a .gif, jpg or
    png file for use in Dreamweaver,I find that I repeatedly time and
    time and tiime and time without end, simply lose the image.
    How can I resolve this difficulty?

    In FW 8, if you have a new image with multiple objects, you
    can "save"
    as PNG only, but you can "save as" any FW supported format,
    without all
    the html attributes associated with the Export dialog. With
    formats, you will get the option to "save a copy" so you
    don't flatten
    your original artwork.
    And of course, you can "Export" too.
    That directory location issue is a pain. There is some kind
    of logic
    there, but I can never remember what it is. lol
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    Extending Knowledge, Daily
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Anthony Bollinger wrote:
    > Two ideas.
    > First, exporting an image is not the same as saving an
    image. You save the
    > image to a PNG to preserve fireworks info, but you
    export to a jpg or gif or
    > other format (including "standard" png).
    > Second, the program does not automatically export to the
    directory your png
    > or source file is in. This has tripped me up plenty
    before. Be sure to
    > check your path carefully. Anytime you experience
    problems, drill down the
    > path from the root of the drive.
    > HTH -- Tony
    > "kjpd84" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:e961d8$r0s$[email protected]..
    >> Since I got Fireworks 8 last week, I've worked
    through the accompanying
    >> 'Getting Started' manual and much of 'Training from
    the Source' by Patti
    >> Schulze. While I love the program, I'm frustrated by
    a difficulty that
    >> may be
    >> simple but is exasperating for me.
    >> When I create an image and try to save it as a .gif,
    jpg or png file for
    >> use
    >> in Dreamweaver,I find that I repeatedly time and
    time and tiime and time
    >> without end, simply lose the image.
    >> How can I resolve this difficulty?

  • SIMPLE Database Design Problem !

    Mapping is a big problem for many complex applications.
    So what happens if we put all the tables into one table called ENTITY?
    I have more than 300 attributeTypes.And there will be lots of null values in the records of that single table as every entityType uses the same table.
    Other than wasting space if I put a clustered index on my entityType coloumn in that table.What kind of performance penalties to I get?
    Definition of the table
    EntityID > uniqueidentifier
    EntityType > Tells the entityTypeName
    Name >
    LastName >
    CompanyName > 300 attributeTypes
    OppurtunityPeriod >
    PS:There is also another table called RELATION that points the relations between entities.

    check the coloumn with WHERE _entityType='PERSON'
    as there is is clustered index on entityType...there
    is NO performance decrease.
    there is also a clustered index on RELATION table on
    when we say WHERE _entityType ='PERSON' or
    it scans the clustered index acts like a
    table as it is physically ordered.I was thinking in terms of using several conditions in the same select, such as
    WHERE _entityType ='PERSON'
      AND LastName LIKE 'A%' In your case you have to use at least two indices, and since your clustered index comes first ...
    Have you ever thought of using constraints in your
    modell? How would you realize those? fact we did.We have arranged the generic object
    model in an object database.The knowledge information
    is held in the object database.So your relational database is used only as a "simple" storage, everything has go through your object database.
    But the data schema is held in the RDBMS with code
    generation that creates a schema to hold data.If you think that this approach makes sense, why not.
    But in able to have a efficent mapping and a good
    performance we have thought about building only one
    table.The problem is we know we are losing some space
    but the thing is harddisk is much cheaper than RAM
    and CPU.So our trade off concerated on the storage
    cost.But I still wonder if there is a point that I
    have missed in terms performance?Just test your approach by using sufficiently data - only you know how many records you have to store in your modell.
    PS: it is not wise effective using generic object
    models also in object databases as CPU cost is a lot
    when u are holding the data.I don't know if I'd have taken your approach - using two database systems to hold data and business logic.
    PS2: RDBMS is a value based system where object
    databases are identity based.we are trying to be in
    the gray area of both worlds.Like I wrote: if your approach works and scales to the required size, why not? I would assume that you did a load test with your approach.
    What I would question though is that your discussing a "SIMPLE Database Design" problem. I don't see anything simple in your approach when it comes to implementation.

Maybe you are looking for