Simple image mask help?

HI i was just wondering how to mask an image, say, i have an image of an apple surrounded by white, and i want to mask the white so it can blend smoothly with a red background. Any ideas?

max_wallace wrote:
is there an easier way? I just started java.My 2 cents:
1) The code in the link is pretty straightforward. However if you try it but stumble on a particular bit why not come back and ask a specific question about exactly what you don't understand?
2) If you've just started Java then perhaps it's a bit early to delve into graphics and Swing.

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  • Image Mask Transition.... Premiere Elements 10... Someone please help!!!!!

    I have followed the instructions to the letter on p136 of the "premiereelements_10_help.pdf" and somehow the image mask transition just does not seem to work.
    With a Black & White one colour should be transparent to one clip and the colour to the other clip, but instead I just get the Black & White image thrown on the screen.
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    Please can someone help as I'm sure there must be a step missing.
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    No worries. Thank you so much for your reply. I thought I was going MAD!!! ( I slowly was!!! )
    Will Contact Adobe about this tomorrow.
    In the meantime if you're reading this and also are using Windows 7 x64 with the 64-bit version of Adobe Premiere Elements 10,
    please try using the "Image Mask" transition using the following steps (as per page 136 of the Premiere Elements 10 manual)
    <------------------------------ From Adobe Premiere Elements 10 PDF Manual - Follow these steps to the letter. Play your clip back... watch it fail on Win 7 x64 ---------------------------------------->
    Create special transitions
    Create an Image Mask transition
    You can use a black-and-white bitmap image as a transition mask.
    The first clip replaces the black area in the image, and the second clip replaces the white areas in the image.
    If you use a grayscale image for the mask, pixels containing 50% or more gray convert to black, and pixels containing less than 50% gray convert to white.
    Apply an Image Mask transition
    In the Tasks panel, click Edit, and then click Transitions .
    From the menus in the Transition view, select Video Transitions from the first menu, select Special Effects from the second menu, and locate the Image Mask transition.
    Drag the Image Mask transition to a cut between clips in the Timeline.
    In the Image Mask Settings dialog box, click Select Image.
    Locate and select the image file you want to use as a transition mask, and click Open. The image appears in the Image Mask Settings dialog box.
    Click OK.

  • Cannot reduce file size in Acrobat X due to "image masks"

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    Try to flatten the pdfs that should get rid of the masks (use Preflight tools).

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    Hi Fonzie,
    as the folder is getting created, the issue you´re having is not related to wrong folder permission - it´s something else...
    As I wrote before, che common upload and resize function works perfectly
    this one works perfectly, because it´s just one file to upload and to process, wheras doing that with multiple files might collide with some settings on your server
    So for sure it's not a simple issue as the max filesize
    Are you sure ? Did you check the current "max_upload_filesize" setting ? As long you don´t check it, you can´t know :-)
    As a general rule of thumb, it´s important to be aware of the fact that uploading & resizing images on the server might collide with several PHP settings -- and the more images you upload and resize in one swoop, the closer you´re getting to these limits respectively might even be exceeding them. The following "directives" are those which have an effect on whether your image/file upload & processing will work or not:
    - "max_upload_filesize" :: is sometimes set to just 8 MB on a shared hosting, sometimes 16 MB, sometimes more. This setting will affect the file upload procedure only
    - "set_time_limit" (e.g. 30 seconds) :: if the execution time of a script exceeds this limit for whatever reason, the server simply shuts it down without letting you (respectively the flash uploader) know it´s been shut down. This *might* be the reason why ADDT´s flash uploader hangs respectively returns that error message after some time, because it´s waiting for some response from the server which never comes.
    - "memory_limit" (e.g. 8 MB) :: this directive is a sort of "allocated server RAM" for your account, and it´s in particular the image resizing process which will grab more or less memory resources -- the higher the the resizing factor is, the more RAM is spent, and the more images are getting resized in one swoop, the worser it gets.
    However, all these PHP directives can be changed, and your host might even be so courteous to increase the currently defined values of those abovementioned directives for you -- and that´s what I´m suggesting at this point.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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    Btw, Photoshop CS6 saves fine.
    Thanks again.

    Customer Care is over there:
    I believe this is one for Customer Care (tick I Still Need Help and hope for an agent available for a chat), etting-up
    Sometimes staff appear here.
    We are just the natives.
    Can you create artwork without delays?
    Is there a printer (driver) set up?
    Are you saving to own harddisk (recommended) or somewhere else?

  • Revolution Theme Background Shadows or Image Mask

    Hello Again.
    Despites wise advise of ¨just call me dude¨I obtain what I need, He oppens a new interrogative.
    How to modify background´s image mask. It drops some kind of shadow at the upper right side of the image and become´s dark in that place.
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    Hello, Arturoherva,
    I followed what you are asking. I downloaded Plistedit pro, and found the steps to modify the Reflections blurring in iDVD 6 themes. The same process does not work for iDVD 7 (08), because the Revolution theme is not organized in the source file in the same way. I could not locate a similar folder with the Resource option.
    I think this may be able to be done, but not with the same steps as given in the example on the link you provided.
    There probably is a command to lighten the background of the Revolution theme, but the steps listed for PlistEdit are for themes prior to iDVD 8.
    Maybe you should contact PlistEdit and get instructions for use with iDVD 7(08), and post them back here

  • No luck with applying Image Mask!

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    What am I doing wrong?

    I happened to be mucking about with the brushstroke clip the other day. If you're looking to have the image appear as the brush drags across, you can simply drop the clip on top of the image layer and set the blend mode to silouhette luma. Ya get something like this:
    I tried to apply it as a mask also, but because the pbrush is positioned at the bottom of the frame, it didn't do the trick for me.
    Hope this is helpful
    Richard Wagner
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • Image mask problem - positioning

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    I was trying to get a text mask to work for me in FCE 2 but I can't seem to figure it out. I can almost get the desired effect with a video layer, a text layer on top of that, and applying "Travel Matte-Luma". I can move around the text or the video, which is what I want to do. But the video that shows through the text is grayscale. So, I tried adding an image mask to the video clip. It worked and was in color, but I am unable to move the text over the desired part of the video. Does this make sense? Any ideas?

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  • How to use local variables to pass an image mask correctly

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    So i attached 2 snapshots of the program to give a better idea of the problem. The first snapshot shows an image getting written to the local variable SavedMask. The second snapshot, which is run on the next iteration of a while loop, shows the local variable SavedMask being read to other image operations. When i run the program, the SavedMask image is always displayed correctly on the front panel, but i can't read from it for whatever reason. I think the problem could be like you said, that im only passing an imaq reference, and i think theres a certain way to extract the image data. Do you know the correct way to extract the image data or how to pass the image data and not just a reference to the data.
    first.jpg ‏81 KB
    second.jpg ‏68 KB

  • Image mask

    I am working on a custom sized video in FCPX. File size is 8150 x 1200. Everything seems to go on but image mask, when i load a same size png mask is appears stretched. I test it on a standard video size 4K and it works fine. Is image mask not working with custom files?
    I often work on those kind of products and i should fix the problem
    thank you for your help.

    I tried using the file you posted as an image mask on a 8150x1200 project and I got similar results as you did.
    Although the image used as a mask is the same size as the project, it got stretched horizontally, producing "fat" people.
    However, placing the same image on the timeline as a regular clip does not stretch it.
    This suggests a workaround, that in my limited testing seems to work. (emphasis on workaround, since I believe it should not be necessary).
    Connect your would-be-mask above the clip, and change its blend mode to stencil alpha.

  • Simple image rotation

    Hi all,
    Have a couple of pages on a site i'm building where i need a simple image rotation / image swap.
    It doesn't have to be anything flash, it's purely for a 200px square image to automatically swap every 5 seconds or so. It doesn't need any user buttons to go to next / previous, or enlarge when clicked.
    I've tried a couple of free jquery ones, but these won't load the starting image until all the images have been loaded into the browser, so you end up with a blank spot, then after say 10 seconds the images appear.
    Looking through the programs forums, it seems that the jquery i'm downloading isn't configurable to preload the images, so maybe i'm going down the wrong route completely!
    Whats the best / simplest way to do this and can you recommend anywhere to read up on how to implement it?

    Dan, download the cycle plugin pack first: You can copy/ paste in a new .js file and store it locally on your site folder. Or, you could also use the cloud link as I've given below. Both will work.
    Then, include the jQuery library to before closing your </head> tag:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    Now, include the jQuery cycle plugin library before your </head> tag:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    Define the DIV that will animate with cycle plugin before your </head> tag:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
    fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
    In the above code, Div with class slideshow will keep cycling with a fade effect. Note that for some effects to work, you may require the jquery easing plugin. But, fade will do just fine for your original question.
    Then, structure your image container:
    Based on your original code:
    <p class="pagetext">    <img src="images/hgsindeximg1.png" alt="School pupils" width="300" height="233" class="fltrt">Welcome  to our school website, we hope that you enjoy looking around the site. <br>
    You have to restructure it this way:
    <p class="pagetext">
    <div class="slideshow">
    <img src="images/hgsindeximg1.png" alt="School pupils" width="300" height="233" class="fltrt">
    <img src="images/hgsindeximg2.png" alt="School pupils" width="300" height"233" class="fltrt">
    <img src="images/hgsindeximg3.png" alt="School pupils" width="300" height"233" class="fltrt">
    Welcome  to our school website, we hope that you enjoy looking around the site. <br>
    In the above code, I've added 2 more images that will rotate on your page. Change the filenames to whatever you desire. Also, ensure you retain the image dimensions same across all 3 images for best results.
    If you notice, I've just moved the images into a DIV called 'Slideshow'. As defined previously, all 3 images with <img..> within the div with class slideshow will keep rotating.
    On a sidenote, please please please please change the background color from red to something 'non-distractive'! Seriously, I went searching for moisturizing drops for my eyes once I opened up the test page you had posted!
    Trust this helps.

  • Simple Image Gallery for iWeb

    Hi there,
    Hoping someone can help. I've been searching high and low for an incredibly simple image web gallery generator. It simply has to have a larger image to the left and 3/4 smaller thumbnails to the right which, when clicked on, will appear in the bigger window. That's it! I don't want any text on it at all - just on a white background. The intention is to then upload the individual galleries of my work and use iFrames within my iWeb created website to point towards the galleries.
    Please can anyone help and point me in the direction of a good bit of software that will allow me to do this. I have no HTML experience to speak of.

    Sam ~ This +"HTML Picture Viewer"+ would be easiest to implement using iWeb '08's +HTML Snippet+ window: has the larger image to the right, but I suppose someone here could tell you how to reverse that. And the image changes not on a click of a thumbnail, but on mouseover.

  • Creating a simple image application in Apex

    <img src="#OWNER#.deliver_thumbnail?p_image_id='||IMAGE_ID||'"/> thumbnail,
    instr(upper("FILENAME"),upper(nvl(:P1_REPORT_SEARCH,"FILENAME"))) >
    Its is showing an error
    showing only the coding part when i run the application instead of showing image....
    can you please help me rectify the error
    Edited by: 880021 on 17-Aug-2011 20:58

    Creating a simple image application in Apex
    Create a new application from scratch. Name it ORDImages_images.
    Add a Report and Form Page based on your ORDImage_images table. Ensure that you select a Classic Report (i.e. not Interactive, which is the default). As expected, two pages are created.
    Continue to create the application and then run it.
    After the login page, there will be spurious entries for image and thumbnail.
    This is expected because of the ORDImage columns in the images table.
    Edit Page 1 and open the Images Region
    The Source entry is
    instr(upper("FILENAME"),upper(nvl(:P1_REPORT_SEARCH,"FILENAME"))) > 0
    In SQL Developer, create the deliver_images_thumb procedure
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE deliver_thumbnail(p_image_id IN NUMBER) IS
    l_thumbnail ORDSYS.ORDImage;
    -- Fetch the thumbnail from the database
    SELECT thumbnail
    INTO l_thumbnail
    FROM ORDImage_images
    WHERE image_id = p_image_id;
    -- Check update time if browser sent If-Modified-Since header
    IF ordplsgwyutil.cache_is_valid( l_thumbnail.getUpdateTime() )THEN
    owa_util.status_line( ordplsgwyutil.http_status_not_modified );
    END IF;
    -- Set the MIME type and deliver the image to the browser.
    owa_util.mime_header( l_thumbnail.mimeType, FALSE );
    ordplsgwyutil.set_last_modified( l_thumbnail.getUpdateTime() );
    IF owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) <> 'HEAD' THEN
    wpg_docload.download_file( l_thumbnail.source.localData );
    END IF;
    GRANT EXECUTE ON deliver_thumbnail TO PUBLIC;
    Return to Apex and change the Source entry to
    '<img src="#OWNER#.deliver_thumbnail?p_image_id='||IMAGE_ID||'"/>' thumbnail,
    instr(upper("FILENAME"),upper(nvl(:P1_REPORT_SEARCH,"FILENAME"))) > 0
    Apply changes and run the application
    You can now search on substrings of filenames. Note that the image_ID is not shown. To rectify this, Edit Page 1 and open Report in Regions.
    Edit the image_id and under Column Link, change the Link Text to #IMAGE_ID#. Also change the Heading in the Column Attributes to Image ID.
    Apply the changes and re-run.
    Clicking on the image_id link takes you to Page 2 – the form for that image.
    Page 2 is sparse so reveal the image_id by Editing Page 2 and opening the P2_IMAGE_ID Page Item. Change Display as Hidden to Text Field. Apply changes and re-run.
    In Page Items, open and delete the P2_THUMBNAIL item.
    Open the P2_IMAGE item.
    Under Name, change the Display As entry to Display Image (from the select list).
    Under Settings, change the Based On entry to BLOB Column returned by SQL Statement
    SELECT i.image.source.localdata
    FROM ORDimage_images i
    WHERE image_id = :P2_IMAGE_ID
    as the SQL Statement
    Apply changes and re-run the application
    Making an image clickable
    Edit Page 1 and open Report in Regions. Edit THUMBNAIL and under Column Link, insert
    <img src="#OWNER#.deliver_thumbnail?p_image_id=#IMAGE_ID#"/>
    as Link Text.
    Select Page 2 as the Target Page in this Application.
    Finally, set Item 1's name to P2_IMAGE_ID and its Value to #IMAGE_ID#
    Removing the Spreadsheet link
    Under Report Attributes, set Enable CSV Output to No

  • Please help - image viewer help needed

    can anyone plase help
    I am building a CSS site and want a simple image viewer -
    just one image viewing in a box with >> and << buttons
    for the user to scroll through images. I know that dreamweaver has
    a built in Image viewer but it does not work properly. It will not
    go back to the first image after it has gone forward to the next
    images. Even the tutorial does this.
    Does anyone know why this happens or can anyone direct me to
    a good tutorial that will provide instructions for this?
    I know that there are many add ons to deal with this but it
    is only a small function that I should be able to produce myself.
    Many Thanks

    If you're building a CSS site you might not want to use
    Flash. Try Googling
    for "lightbox". If you have a development budget, you might
    also want to
    have a look at this:
    Al Sparber - PVII
    Extending Dreamweaver - Nav Systems | Galleries | Widgets
    Authors: "42nd Street: Mastering the Art of CSS Design"
    "sarah louise water" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:fhocso$61t$[email protected]..
    > hi
    > can anyone plase help
    > I am building a CSS site and want a simple image viewer
    - just one image
    > viewing in a box with >> and << buttons for
    the user to scroll through
    > images.
    > I know that dreamweaver has a built in Image viewer but
    it does not work
    > properly. It will not go back to the first image after
    it has gone forward
    > to
    > the next images. Even the tutorial does this.
    > Does anyone know why this happens or can anyone direct
    me to a good
    > tutorial
    > that will provide instructions for this?
    > I know that there are may add ons to deal with this but
    it is only a small
    > function that I should be able to produce myself.
    > Many Thanks

  • Problem w/saving simple image as .png

    Hello:                                                                                                                            Level: Newbie'ish   OS: Win7 64bit   PS: CS6
    I have been making a simple image of a 300 by 100 rounded rectangle and then adding various layer styles. Basically I am makeing mobile headers which will be used for mobile websites.
    Today I was reviewing  a few that I have made and noticed that when I open them in their .png format and then create a selection around one (Ctrl + Click) that the lower right coner is not being selected as rounded but as a point and so when I copy and then paste it into a new document it has three rounded corners and one somewhat visible pointed corner.  ?? ??
    The file has a BG layer and two shape layers (or sometimes just one shape layer). I select the layers and then merge them together and turn off the BG layer beofore I save them for the web. I have also tried just saving the file as a .png w/out merging the layers but no matter how I go about saving the file(s) most of the time one corner is saved w/that annoying and imperfect sharp corner.
    Any ideas? Your time is greatly appreciated ~ Thanx a Bunch!!

    sorry for just getting back ~ the holiday season has me run'n Crazy.
    any way, i figured out my problem. i hadn't realized that i accidentally clicked the outer glow option and it was so faint that i couldn't see it all that well or actually ~ at all until i went back through the LS ...
    so, when i would save the image (mobile header) it was including or making room for the outer glow
    funny how something so simple can be overlooked.
    well, sorry for bothering ya over nothing ~ but i really appreciate your willingness to help me out
    hope all is well!! thanx again!

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