Simple zsh

I want to know how you most easily do this. Often I find myself doing this command:
for a in PATTERN; do cksfv -i -g $a/*.sfv; done
I would like to make a simple command that I can issue like:
and it would run that command. But I'm not sure how. I've stolen a .zshrc and built a function out of it (from the examples in that). But it doesn't work:
function chk {
for a in $1; do cksfv -i -g $1/*.sfv; done
And I ussue:
But it will only take the first one in the pattern not all of the patterns. So how would I make something that takes all?
But it only uses the first file.
(the -i flag is to ignore cases and -g is to select a file)

eXire wrote:use single quotes to prevent shell substitution.
chk 'PATTERN*'
Will not work:
chk 'PATTERN*':
chk:1: no matches found: PATTERN*/*.sfv
chk:1: no matches found: PATTERN/*.sfv
chk 'PATTERN'*'' will give same as chk PATTERN, it only takes the first

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  • Coloring Zsh

    I have a lot of questions about coloring zsh. I've read a LOT about coloring zsh and simply can't grasp some of the concepts. Here is my current ~/.zshrc:
    # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
    setopt appendhistory autocd
    unsetopt extendedglob
    bindkey -e
    # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
    # The following lines were added by compinstall
    zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/clarence/.zshrc'
    autoload -U colors && colors
    autoload -U promptinit
    autoload -Uz compinit
    # End of lines added by compinstall
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    PROMPT="%{$fg[white]%}[%{$fg[blue]%}%n%{$fg[white]%}@%{$fg[white]%}%m %{$fg[white]%}%1~]$ "
    Here is my goal: To be able to look at my ~/.zshrc and know exactly what all of it means and be able to manipulate it into using the 256-colors that I want.
    I would like to be able to use a brighter blue for my name and some light/darker greys for some of the other parts but it seems I'm limited to simple colors and not 256-colors. From what I understand the "autoload -U colors && colors" section of my ~/.zshrc has something to do with the colors I am able to use. I would like to know how to be able to use colors like light blue and grey.
    Another issue is that when I use nano on zsh the text is black and that doesn't work out very well since I have a black background :S I have the same problem with reading man pages. I would like to know how to change the colors for that text too.
    If anyone can translate my ~/.zshrc and walk me through the steps of complete customization, I would be very thankful. Oh, I'm using urxvt too if that is of any count. Thanks in advance!
    Edit: Removed the big picture.
    Last edited by Clarence.e.a (2012-04-28 20:58:27)

    I read on the wiki that most doesn't have a user-specific configuration file by default, and I did create that, I just copied the one from /usr/share/doc/most/most.rc to ~/, but the thing is that when I didn't have a ~/.mostrc I could see the effects, some orange/green/cyan text so I knew it was working and reading off of a system-wide config file, and it had a transparent background. Since I added the ~/.mostrc file it doesn't have a transparent background and it's kind of annoying. I wanted to look at the system-wide config file so I could see what they did to give it a transparent background. By the way, thanks for the tip about looking at the package database, that will definitely come in handy later, but this time it still didn't point me to a system-wide config file.
    Since I included that path file in ~/.nanorc I can see similar effects of most, syntax being colored green and orange, but the normal text is still black and pretty hard to read. Here is the specific section I want to change in ~/.nanorc to get an overall white foreground and transparent background, but every time I change it I get the "cannot add a color command without a syntax command" error, even though I included the syntax line in ~/.nanorc.
    ## Color setup
    ## Format:
    ## syntax "short description" ["filename regex" ...]
    ## The "none" syntax is reserved; specifying it on the command line is
    ## the same as not having a syntax at all. The "default" syntax is
    ## special: it takes no filename regexes, and applies to files that
    ## don't match any other syntax's filename regexes.
    ## color foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
    ## or
    ## icolor foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
    ## "color" will do case sensitive matches, while "icolor" will do case
    ## insensitive matches.
    ## Valid colors: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan.
    ## For foreground colors, you may use the prefix "bright" to get a
    ## stronger highlight.
    ## To use multi-line regexes, use the start="regex" end="regex"
    ## [start="regex" end="regex"...] format.
    ## If your system supports transparency, not specifying a background
    ## color will use a transparent color. If you don't want this, be sure
    ## to set the background color to black or white.
    ## If you wish, you may put your syntaxes in separate files. You can
    ## make use of such files (which can only include "syntax", "color", and
    ## "icolor" commands) as follows:
    include "/usr/share/nano/sh.nanorc"
    ## Unless otherwise noted, the name of the syntax file (without the
    ## ".nanorc" extension) should be the same as the "short description"
    ## name inside that file. These names are kept fairly short to make
    ## them easier to remember and faster to type using nano's -Y option.
    ## All regexes should be extended regular expressions.
    About the alsamixer thing, I didn't think it would be TOO hard, but if you say so I should probably put that off until later.
    Thanks for the help,

  • Simple script in /usr/local/bin just won't start - SOLVED

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    Here's the script itself (I really don't think there's something wrong with it, since if I type it in the shell it works fine):
    #start psi, never stop
    while true;
    do psi;
    Here's my users $PATH:
    ─$ print $PATH
    Here's the permissions of the script:
    $ ls -lah /usr/local/bin
    total 4.0K
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Dec 15 03:52 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 240 Dec 10 18:55 ../
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 kamagurka users 60 Dec 15 03:51 psi.start*
    And here's what happens when I try to execute it:
    $ psi.start
    zsh: command not found: psi.start
    So, I'm either missing something incredibly obvious, or something freaky's going on here. I hope it's the former.
    EDIT: I had no idea where to put this, so I put it into Desktop Env since I'm trying to start a graphical app, but feel free to move it.
    EDIT: Yea, I was being a little dense.

    smoon wrote:Not sure if that's the problem, but try removing the trailing / (slash) from your script's shebang.
    See, something really obvious. Stupid, even. You can see, I don't do a lot of scripting.

  • [SOLVED] zsh start up issue

    When I open a new zsh session it is listing all aliases known to it.
    the only change is placing my aliases in a separate file & sourcing it in my ~/.zsrch
    even if I put the aliases back in the .zsrc file the same behaviour occurs.
    Is this trying to tell me I have syntax issue's or too many ???
    I only ask because it is just dumping them all to stdout upon startup (including ones I never knew I had!) without error & the aliases still work.
    here is what it looks like:
    ...='cd ../../'
    aur='pacaur -y'
    auri='pacaur -ii'
    aurs='pacaur -s'
    aurup='pacaur -u'
    aurupc='pacaur -k'
    config='git --git-dir=/home/t0m5k1/.arch-config.git/ --work-tree=/home/t0m5k1'
    da='du -sch'
    dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
    dnstop='sudo dnstop -l 5 eth1'
    egrep='egrep --color=auto'
    ethtool='sudo ethtool eth1'
    fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
    grep='grep --color=auto'
    iftop='sudo iftop -i eth1'
    insecscp='scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
    insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
    j='jobs -l'
    keep='noglob keep'
    l='ls -CF'
    la='ls -Al'
    lad='ls -d .*(/)'
    lc='ls -lcr'
    lh='ls -hAl --color=auto'
    lk='ls -lSr'
    ll='ls -l'
    lm='ls -al |more'
    lr='ls -lR'
    ls='ls -hF --color'
    lsa='ls -a .*(.)'
    lsbig='ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])'
    lsd='ls -d *(/)'
    lse='ls -d *(/^F)'
    lsl='ls -l *(@)'
    lsnew='ls -rtlh *([1,10])'
    lsnewdir='ls -rthdl *(/om[1,10]) .*(D/om[1,10])'
    lsold='ls -rtlh *(D.Om[1,10])'
    lsolddir='ls -rthdl *(/Om[1,10]) .*(D/Om[1,10])'
    lss='ls -l *(s,S,t)'
    lssmall='ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])'
    lsw='ls -ld *(R,W,X.^ND/)'
    lsx='ls -l *(*)'
    lt='ls -ltr'
    lu='ls -lur'
    lx='ls -lXB'
    mdstat='cat /proc/mdstat'
    meminfo='free -m -l -t'
    nocomment='sudo grep -Ev '\''\'\'\''^(#|$)'\''\'\'\'
    ns='sudo netstat -alnp --protocol=inet | less'
    pac='sudo pacman -S'
    pacc='sudo pacman -Sc'
    pacf='sudo pacman -Ql'
    paci='sudo pacman -Sii'
    pacl='sudo pacman -Sl'
    pacld='sudo pacman -Qi'
    pacll='sudo pacman -Qqm'
    paclo='sudo pacman -Qdt'
    pacm='sudo makepkg -fci'
    paco='sudo pacman -Qo'
    pacp='sudo pacman -Rns'
    pacr='sudo pacman -Rs'
    pacs='sudo pacman -Ss'
    pacu='sudo pacman -Syu'
    ports='sudo netstat -nape --inet | less'
    poweroff='sudo power off'
    pscpu='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3'
    pscpu10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10'
    psmem='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4'
    psmem10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10'
    reboot='sudo reboot'
    rmcdir='cd ..; rmdir $OLDPWD || cd $OLDPWD'
    root='sudo sudo -s'
    scat='sudo cat'
    screen='/usr/bin/screen -c /home/t0m5k1/.screenrc'
    sless='sudo less'
    snan='sudo nano'
    svim='sudo vim'
    tcpdump='sudo tcpdump -i eth1'
    term2iso='echo '\''Setting terminal to iso mode'\'' ; print -n '\''\e%@'\'
    term2utf='echo '\''Setting terminal to utf-8 mode'\''; print -n '\''\e%G'\'
    tree='tree -Csu'
    url-quote='autoload -U url-quote-magic ; zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic'
    vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
    vnstat='sudo vnstat -i eth1'
    I see this in a new window or even if I start zsh from a bash session.
    any clues here
    packages used relating to ZSH:
    extra/grml-zsh-config 0.8.2-1 [installed]
    grml's zsh setup
    extra/zsh 5.0.2-2 [installed]
    A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX
    community/zsh-lovers 0.8.3-2 [installed]
    A collection of tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell.
    Config files:
    my .zsrc & alias file
    unedited /etc/zsh/zshrc
    Last edited by t0m5k1 (2013-07-16 15:50:58)

    Trilby wrote: Given that there seems to be *several* hundred lines there (do you use all that?)
    lol yea got fed up with searching my history!
    Trilby wrote: rename/move the configs, and restart zsh - is the problem gone?  If so, start adding things back little by little: add back the first half of the config, is the problem still there?  etc, etc.
    yup just decided to do that & have found 2 possible issue's
    1) changed all " for ' to follow the same syntax as /etc/zsh/zshrc
    2) found a blank alias so removed it
    all working thanks trilby for pointers/logic & wonderwoofy for pointing out the lack of info

  • Zsh cursor position corrupt when using $fg[] for colors and RPROMPT

    So far, in my zsh prompt, when using color I did something like:
    in my PROMPT variable.
    Now, this seemed to not have worked on some computers (it did not change color, but showed {yellow}).
    So I change to using
    This works, but currupts my cursor position (it is not at the end of the prompt anymore) when (and only when) I also use RPROMPT.
    Can this be corrected? What is the most easier way to define colors that works?
    Simple example for prompt that does not work:

    Enclose your colors with %{/%}, as in

  • [REQUEST] zsh-autosuggestions

    Could any of you awesome people create a git package for this?
    What confuses me is how to move files to $HOME, and then execute the install script, or if that's even necesarry.
    I tried looking at the sample PGBUILDS, but got confused quickly. I got as far as:
    pkgdesc="Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh"
    pkgver() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_name}"
    echo "0.1.$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git describe --always )"
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_name}"
    sh install
    The .install is just a simple
    post_install() {
    echo "==> See for documentation"
    All help appreciated!

    Why not use something like antigen [1]? It allows you to manage the plugins for ZSH in your .zshrc without having to clone everything yourself. To make things even better, it is packaged in the AUR [2].

  • [SOLVED]How would I highlight every other line in ZSH output?

    komrad_toast wrote:
    Hello everyone I have the following function in ZSH (it is part of a larger help file i've created called @help):
    function mykeys #== Lists all dwm keybindings in a nice, formatted manner. Used in @help
    echo ""
    gawk 'BEGIN { printf("\33[1;7;32m%-18s\33[34m%-50s\n\33[0m"," Key"," Binding"," Description") }'
    grep "//#" $HOME/code/dwm/config.h | awk -F "//#" '{print $2}' | column -ts :
    echo ""
    This function greps my dwm config.h for comments related to my keybindings and displays them in an easily readable manner.
    The comments are in the following format for easy finding/parsing:
    //#Mod+i:Increments number of windows in master area
    The output of this function looks like this:
    I was wondering if there was a way to 'highlight' every other line in this with a different background color (preferrably a light shade of grey) for even easier readability. Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advaced!
    I seem to have  solved my own problem. For anyone interested in the solution, it was just a little awk scripting. I changed the function to the following:
    function mykeys #== Lists all dwm keybindings in a nice, formatted manner. Used in @help
    echo ""
    gawk 'BEGIN { printf("\33[1;7;32m%-18s\33[34m%-50s\n\33[0m"," Key"," Binding"," Description") }'
    _LINES=$(grep "//#" $HOME/code/dwm/config.h | awk -F "//#" '{print $2}' | column -ts :)
    echo $_LINES | gawk '{
    if (FNR % 2 == 0)
    echo ""
    The first gawk statement just prints the titles for the different columns in the screenshot, done mainly with escape sequences. Then I'm setting _LINES equal to the formatted comments from my config.h file. _LINES is then piped to the second gawk statement which uses the builtin FNR variable (which is set to the current record number of the file that you are parsing) to figure out if the line number is even or not. If it is, it sets the background color to a lighter grey, prints the entire record, then resets the color and prints a new line. Voila! Pretty nifty what a little gawk can do.
    Now if only i could get the background color to extend to the end of the column...
    edit: duh, simple fix for that to. Just change to %s in the first printf of the if/else statement to %-67s
    Last edited by komrad_toast (2015-01-15 10:30:20)

    Thanks for that!
    After your suggestion i revised the function to this:
    function mykeys #== Lists all dwm keybindings in a nice, formatted manner. Used in @help
    gawk -F'[#:]' '
    BEGIN {
    printf("\n\33[1;7;32m%-21s\33[34m%-52s\n\33[0m"," Key"," Binding"," Description")
    if ((FNR % 2) == 0)
    printf("\033[0;2;40m %-21s%-51s\033[0m\n",$2,$3)
    printf(" %-21s%-50s\n",$2,$3)
    END {
    }' $HOME/code/dwm/config.h
    This could actually go in my aliases file now, but i think it's fine as a function. Thanks again
    EDIT: The only caveat now is that if any two of the lines in config.h that have '//#' on them contain lines WITHOUT '#//' on them between them it throws off the highlighting. This is why:
    FNR is an awk built-in that represents the current record number in the current file. I am using it as if every record in the file will contain '//#', obviously not every record will. So if line 100 in my config.h is
    { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } }, //#Mod+i:Increments number of windows in master area
    then it will be highlighted, because it matches the pattern ('/\/\/#') and is an even line number. But if line 101 does not contain a comment that matches the pattern, and line 102 does, then you will see two highlighted rows right next to eachother in the final output. I do not know a way around this.
    Last edited by komrad_toast (2015-01-17 09:18:28)

  • Zsh: command not found: wifi-menu

    I'm trying to connect to wireless during setup but I keep getting the error: zsh: command not found: wifi-menu

    I think so... but I don't really know for sure.  I am fairly certain it was just an oversight this month. Interestingly, all the other things that netctl depend on are in there... just not netctl itself.  Go to the wireless page of the wiki and there are step by step instructions there (you just have to scroll past all the vendor specific info).  In short, you use wpa_passphrase to generate a wpa_supplicant.conf and then use wpa_supplicant to associate, then use dhcpcd (or dhclient) to get an IP address.  It is pretty simple once you do it once or twice.

  • Diferencial de Alíquota - Optante pelo Simples

    Experts, boa tarde.
    Tenho um issue aqui no projeto e gostaria de uma juda de vocês.
    O business apresentou a necessidade de ter um tax code  que calcule o diferencial de alíquota (DIFAL), porém quando a condição de ICMS for a ICM0.
    Ou seja, complementar o ICMS mesmo quando ele não é devido. Encontrei pessoas com esta situação também no
    Até o momento já tentei diversas alternativas através da configuração, porém sem sucesso até agora.
    Algum de vocês já passou por algo parecido?

    Nesse caso, o que fiz foi usar o campo setor industrial (no cadastro de fornecedor) e informar lá que ele é optante por simples e via abap colocamos que se esse fornecedor fosse optante deveria seguir a regra abaixo:
    ZIM u2013 0% ICMS + Crédito de Pis/Cofins: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo Simples e da mesma UF do local de expedição.
    ZY u2013 0% Subst. Trib. ICMS: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo simples e de UF diferente do local de expedição.
    Antonio Oliveira

  • Simple Button

    I have a Dynamic page that is a parts list in a MySQL
    database that I show on a page using PHP in Dreamweaver.
    The page uses a repeat region to list the parts depending on
    what nav link is clicked and what I want to do is add a flash
    button to the repeated region that when clicked will take you to a
    larger view. I have all of this setup and working fine except for
    the flash button.
    For instance when the page is loaded you may see 10 parts
    listed and the button will show up 10 times also, on button next to
    each part listed. I am currently using a simple image as a link to
    the larger view and it works fine. The link looks like this.
    largeview.php?SearchField=<?php echo
    $row_Recordset1['Part']; ?>
    My problem is that flash doesn't read the php in this code:
    "<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Part']; ?>". I need flash read
    the php code so it knows what part number to show.
    Is there any other code that can be used to have Flash read
    the php code?
    I hope I explained this properly and any help would be
    greatly appreciated!
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    Senior Member Posts: 2048
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    08/16/2007 07:41:46 PM
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    Tutorial on the subject:
    ~Flashtard - Giver of poor advice~
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    Junior Member Posts: 3
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    08/16/2007 09:28:43 PM
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    I guess I don't understand this very well I can't seem to get
    it to work.
    I can get the part # to show on the page using:
    print "myVar=$x";
    but the button link I am trying to use is:
    I know this isn't right but the button is just a button using
    the option in Dreamweaver to Insert > Media > Flash Button
    and the only option is a link.
    how should I write the link so that the flash button will
    read it?

    I fixed my own problem.... here's for anyone else with a similar situation or for future people searching the forums
    just use
    setLayout(null); This is not the recommended solution. Try resizing your frame. Does the position of you button remain centered relative to the frame?
    You should be using a LayoutManager as was suggested above. You should read the tutorial on [url]How to Use Layout Managers. I would probably use something like:
    JPanel south = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER ) );
    panel.add( button );
    contentPane.add( panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

  • Generate report using CURSORS? - Simple question

    I'm a real newbie still with PL/SQL so please excuse my ignorance I have a simple report I need to generate. The following SQL statement gets me all my "header" records:
    ORDER BY ATT11, ATT12, ATT16
    What I want to do now is have a second script that will display all my detail records. Something like:
    I expect I'd do this with two cursors, passing the value of my HEADER_ID to my second cursor. But when I've used cursors before, they primarily have been to import data, and manipulate data. But what if I just want to create a report using these?
    I essentially want to display my header information, and then any lines below that data (if there is any, there may be a header with no lines).
    Can I create a simple report like this with cursors? Any help with this would be IMMENSELY appreciated. I'm really under the gun... :)
    Thanks so much!

    Here's one query that will give you everything:
    ;(correction in order by clause)
    Message was edited by:
    Eric H

  • I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.

    I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.
    I have been reasearching how to do this on the internet, but I haven't found an easy explanation yet.  My family is going crazy over each others imessages being sent to others in the family and not being able to use FaceTime because of conflicting email addresses.  I have read that if each person gets their own iCloud account, this would work.  However, I need to know what to do after I set everyone up with their own iCloud account.  Do I make that the default email address to be contacted or can they still use their hotmail email addresses.  Any help- with easy explanation- would be much appreciated!!

    We do this in my family now.  We have one account for purchases, so it is used to share music and apps (I think that is in Settings/iTunes & App Stores).  Each iDevice has this configured.
    Then, each of us has our own iCloud account that is configured under Settings/iCloud.  That then allows us to have our own Mail/Contacts/Calendars/Reminders/Safari Bookmarks/Notes/Passbook/Photo Stream/Documents & Data/Find My iPhone/and Backup.  That Backup piece is pretty sweet and comes in handly if you replace your iDevice.  You can just restore from it.
    So we all share the Apple Store account but we all have our own iCloud accounts to keep the rest seperate or things like you mentioned are a nightmare.
    In answer to what iCloud does for you:
    Think of it as an internet based ("cloud") area for all of those items listed in my response.  What you need to remember is photo stream only maintans the last 1000 pictures so don't count it as a complete backup solution for your pictures.  Even though I rarely sync with a computer these days, I do still try to sync my phone with iPhoto (I have an iMac) so that I have copies of all of my pictures.  1000 may not stretch as far as it sounds.
    Message was edited by: Michael Pardee

  • Looking for a simple, standalone desktop app for web stats

    Well, I see they've changed the forums here again. SIGH.
    Anyway, a certain web host has eliminated AWStats from it's shared hosting. So I used Webmaster Tools. And now they've changed, and no longer display the simple visitors and hits. Google Analytics is way too complex for what I need, as are many of the stats programs I've looked into.
    I can download the daily Apache log files, that's no problem. Just looking for a small standalone program to import these and show the data like AWStats.  Any suggestions? The only other options would be to go to a different web host. Not a big deal overall, but I would rather not deal with the hassle, especially the migrating the database.

    Not sure of standalone 'desktop' apps. But check out and Web Analytics in Real Time | Clicky  - they're both very intuitive and easy to use with a lot more simplified stats than Google Analytics.

  • Looking for a simple database app.

    I have an Excel sheet that i use to store simple database data. Like a flat file database with only 4 columns, no relations, no calculations, just data storage.
    I don't want to download and install over a 100Mb of OpenOffice or NeoOffice just to be able to see my Excel sheet so i was thinking at converting it to a simple cardfiler-like database.
    Guess what? There are no simple databases for the Mac! There is OpenOffice and NeoOffice and there is FileMaker. But no simple, small, configurable card-filer. I checked VersionTracker, IUseThis, but i cannot find anything.
    That makes me think that it already needs to be available on the standard installed apps (please say that i'm right) and i just don't see it.
    Any suggestions? Any help? Am i really missing the point here?
    Thanks all!

    Haven't looked at Wallet. Looked at iData, but that is payware now. I'm trying now woth OmniOutliner which seems to look ok.

  • Looking for a simple app that can output 8 channels simultaneously.

    Hello esteemed audio community.
    I have to create a little effect for an upcoming party. For this I have created the following audio tracks in Garage Band:
    - 4 separate audio channels (stereo front and stereo rear)
    - one mono combination of these four tracks (to drive a Light organ gizmo - makes the light flicker with the audio)
    - and finally two separate tracks with simple 1Khz pulses to trigger relays for a fog machine.
    I now need to be able to play these 7 tracks simultaneously and send them to different amplifiers and relays. So I need two things: 1) a software that can play them and 2) a hardware interface that can take these 7 channels out of the computer and convert them to line levels analog signals.
    I thought this would be pretty straight forward but it turns out that it is not, unless you want to throw $$$ at it which I really can't afford.
    Software wise, unfortunately, GB can only output 2 audio channel at one time. So I need to find a little app that can offers multitrack output. Ideally it would some shareware thing that would allow me to load in up to 8 tracks saved from GB, adjust their individual levels and then output them.
    Second issue is hardware. Here I have found the M-Audio 410 firewire. This box will take up to 10 audio "returns" and output them to analog. They can be found used for about $150. So I think this might work.
    Budget for this setup is very limited, hopefully no more than $150. Quality does not have to be very high although a good bass response will be important for the effect. I don't need any recording. Only playback.
    Would any one have any suggestion on how to best accomplish this? If this software does not exist, how complicated would it be to write it? Would Applescript be useful for this? All it needs to do is read 8 audio files (2 minutes max), allow me to adjust their level and output all 8 at the same time.
    Thank you very much for any help.

    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
    Referring to your original post, I'd think trying to write or 'script' something would be a nightmare ... synchronisation of streams within something like Applescript would be a major issue, quite apart from anything else.
    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

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