Simplest way to make an .ini

What's the simplest way to make and use an .ini file
that would contain data like
param = value
to be easily modified using every text editor?
And would recognize specific comment tags or symbols?
Thank you, Boris.

World spins (but Holland spins faster)That's because we're nearer to the centre of the
universe (which happens to be
located in my garden where I happen to reside in the
Summer season) right
in the middle of my picknick table. It's one singular
point where sirens, blue
little smurfs, empty bottles, ballet dancers and
everything else meets in a whirlpool
of energy, the alpha and omega, all on top of my old
picknick table.Sigh. Sounds WONDERFUL. I will just have to live with my little house on the edge of the mandelbrot set.
Sometimes I wonder how come I stayed so normal ;-)This is, definitely, the epitome of egocentricity.
kind regards,And to you, good sir.
Jos ( <--- the very normal keeper of the Grolsch)World spins
� {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    I don't know about double-clicking it to run - that involves making a file association (in Windows) to associate a program with a file type - although I assume you've already done this if you doubleclick others and they run.
    In the case with your own jars it sounds like you need to add a manifest file with the 'Main-class' attribute set to the name of the class that you want to run from the jar.
    Main-class: YourPackage.YourClass
    The needs to be in a meta-inf dir inside your jar.
    If you open your other jars that do work you will see an example of the file, and the 'Main-class' attribute.
    Also - check in the jdk docs in the tools section - this should tell you all you need to know about the 'jar' tool.
    Hope this helps,
    Kevin Hooke

  • What is the simplest way to make a movie from BufferedImages?

    I have a 3d rendered animation from which I can grab BufferedImages of each frame. What is the simplest way I can create a movie from these images?
    I've seen the file and not only is it suprisingly overcomplicated, it requires me to change the code so that I can get images from memory rather than from files.
    Is there some simple way of creating a movie which requires a few statements? I'm also prepared to use QuickTime for Java. I don't care about the format, since I can just use any video converter to convert it to my desired video format.

    I recently came up with a simplified JpegImagesToMovie program. It generates QuickTime movies with a single video track output as a file. Input is a series of jpegs (currently as a list of file names, but easily modified to a take any form of jpeg data.) Since the compression used by the movie is JPEG, if you have an uncompressed image buffer, you'll need to convert that into jpeg data bytes with some quality setting. (Since its a movie file, go with something low if you have a lot of similar images.) This will even run without a full install of jmf--no native code is called (as far as I could tell..)
    Here is the source code, sorry about the formatting!
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.util.Vector;
    * This program takes a list of JPEG image files and converts them into a
    * QuickTime movie.
    * This was based on Sun's JMF Sample Code 1.3 01/03/13
    * This code is an attempt to reduce the complexity to demonstrate a very basic
    * JPEG file list to movie generator. It does not use a Manager or Processor
    * class, so it doesn't need to implement any event listening classes. One
    * advantage of this simplified class is that you can just link it with the
    * jvm.jar file. (you might also need to track down the library
    * stubs, use google. You'll need and
    * I tried to get it to generate AVI files without success.
    * These output files are could use further compression.
    * A Vector of jpeg image paths was one way to do this--the appropriate
    * methods can be overwritten to grab images from another source
    * --zip file, http, etc.
    * - Brad Lowe; Custom7; NuSpectra; 2/10/2005
    * The existing Copyright from Sun follows.
    * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    * Sun grants you ("Licensee") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use,
    * modify and redistribute this software in source and binary code form,
    * provided that i) this copyright notice and license appear on all copies of
    * the software; and ii) Licensee does not utilize the software in a manner
    * which is disparaging to Sun.
    * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
    * This software is not designed or intended for use in on-line control of
    * aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in
    * the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility.
    * Licensee represents and warrants that it will not use or redistribute the
    * Software for such purposes.
    public class SimpleMovie
    Vector images; // jpeg image file path list
    VideoFormat format; // format of movie to be created..
    // Sample code.
    public static void main(String args[])
    // change imageDir to the location of a directory
    // of images to convert to a movie;
    String imageDir = "images";
    File d = new File(imageDir);
    SimpleMovie imageToMovie = new SimpleMovie();
    // change width, height, and framerate!
    // Excercise: Read width and height of first image and use that.
    imageToMovie.init(320, 240, 10.0f);
    File dest = new File("");
    System.err.println("Created movie " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + " "
    + dest.length() + " bytes.");
    } catch (Exception e)
    // return jpeg image bytes of image zIndex (zero-based index)
    public byte[] getImageBytes(int zIndex) throws IOException
    if (images == null)
    return null;
    if (zIndex >= images.size())
    return null;
    String imageFile = (String) images.elementAt(zIndex);
    // Open a random access file for the next image.
    RandomAccessFile raFile = new RandomAccessFile(imageFile, "r");
    byte data[] = new byte[(int) raFile.length()];
    return data;
    // Call this before converting a movie;
    // Use movie width, height;
    public void init(int width, int height, float frameRate)
    format = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG,
    new Dimension(width, height), Format.NOT_SPECIFIED,
    Format.byteArray, frameRate);
    // Set up the files to process
    public void setFiles(Vector inFiles)
    images = inFiles;
    // point converter to jpeg directory. Only does one level,
    // but could recurse, but then sorting would be interesting..
    public void setFiles(File dir) throws Exception
    if (dir.isDirectory())
    if (images == null)
    images = new Vector();
    String l[] = dir.list();
    for (int x = 0; x < l.length; x++)
    if (l[x].toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg"))
    File f = new File(dir, l[x]);
    // Crank out the movie file.
    public void createMovie(File out) throws Exception
    if (format == null)
    throw new Exception("Call init() first.");
    String name = out.getAbsolutePath();
    QuicktimeMux mux = null; // AVI not working, otherwise would use
    // BasicMux
    if (out.getPath().endsWith(".mov"))
    mux = new QuicktimeMux();
    mux.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor(
    } else
    throw new Exception(
    "bad movie file extension. Only .mov supported.");
    // create dest file media locator.
    // This sample assumes writing a QT movie to a file.
    MediaLocator ml = new MediaLocator(new URL("file:"
    + out.getAbsolutePath())); dataSink = new;
    dataSink.setSource(mux.getDataOutput()); // associate file with mux
    // video only in this sample.
    // JPEGFormat was the only kind I got working.
    mux.setInputFormat(format, 0);;
    // Each jpeg goes in a Buffer.
    // When done, buffer must contain EOM flag (and zero length data?).
    Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
    for (int x = 0;; x++)
    read(x, buffer); // read in next file. x is zero index
    mux.doProcess(buffer, 0);
    if (buffer.isEOM())
    // close it up
    // Read jpeg image into Buffer
    // id is zero based index of file to get.
    // Always starts at zero and increments by 1
    // Buffer is a jmf structure
    public void read(int id, Buffer buf) throws IOException
    byte b[] = getImageBytes(id);
    if (b == null)
    System.err.println("Done reading all images.");
    // We are done. Set EndOfMedia.
    } else
    buf.setFlags(buf.getFlags() | Buffer.FLAG_KEY_FRAME);

  • What is the simplest way to make and upload video to YouTube?

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    that will work if necessary, but it still more steps and more time consuming than my ideal solution.
    Would love to find something that makes the process as simple as Flip Video does.
    Man, if their microphone was just a bit more sensitive, that solution would’ve been perfect.

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    An intuos II to whoever solves this program!
    The sample app has most of what is needed.
    Things that remain are:
    1) intelligent unloading of images to reduce memory
    2) a simple way to handle any number of prenamed images (possibly 100)
    3) data persistence so that resuming the app brings you back to the last page viewed
    4) a button on the first page to call a url in safari

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    I'm transitioning from FCP/Suite to Adobe Suite and am ironing out the 'why doesn't X work' frustrations one by one pretty successfully...except for when it comes to Titles.
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    I am having a devil of a time doing something similar in Premiere Pro. Through various readings on the forum I've learned that the Title function in PP is limited to stills. I've read suggestions to create a mini-project and import it (and the sequence) into whatever new project I'm creating.
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    As I want to have the text fade in and out, creating a template for the text doesn't really do any good as I have to apply fade in/out at the appropriate spots.
    Honestly, this is the major reason I have not fully commited to Premier Pro as I do too much of this kind of work and it takes a lot longer in PP than in FCP to do titles effectively.

    First of all, I use After Effects to create motion in my lower thirds, but it you just want to set up the motion part in Ae and then change the text in Premiere Pro, that is easy enough. You are just missing a step.
    You didn't say which version of Premiere Pro you are using. There are significant changes regarding this topic in CC.
    In CS6, you just need to open a title that you want to copy, and before you change anything, select the "New Title Based on Current Title" button in the upper left of the title window.
    In Premiere Pro CC (latest upgrade required) you can just use the instructions found here to duplicate the title so a new title will be created for you automatically. Much easier.

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    That would be proper. Slep for a while, wake up and do something and then go to sleep again. Just like me -:)

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    but got a little overwhelmed by the many options on how to implement security. Plus, I am getting confused between JDNI security and EJB Layer security (they're not the same thing, right?)
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    To be clear, I don't think I need weblogic to handle any fine-grained access control. I just want to make sure that the client (e.g., a webapp) is a trusted one. Once the EJB container is satisfied that the client is trusted (preferably by user/pass) then the client is free to execute any EJB methods.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user10123426 on Mar 14, 2012 10:26 AM

    I'm don't think you can do a posture check by MAC address.  If you're using SSLVPN, and you're running Windows,  you can do a Host Scan check for the following registry key:
    Then set up a Pre-Login policy that goes Windows->Registry Check->Success->RegCheckOK
    At this point you've just verified that you can read that key and the value is stored for later use.  You're not making an allow/deny decision yet. 
    Then in your Dynamic Access policy you do a Policy check for Location=RegCheckFail, that says "Unable to read registry".  The following DAP policy check looks for Location=RegCheckOK, and validates that the value is your AD domain. 
    Alternatively, you could put a NAC box (ISE or Clean Access) 'behind/after' the VPN box, so although anyone can connect only domain machines (and/or whatever other posture checks you want to make, e.g. Antivirus status) make it through to the rest of the network.

  • I want to load movies in to my iPad through itune in my pc that runs window XP. First of all I am not able to add the movies to the itune ,leave aside sync to iPad .can some one suggest what is the simplest way to load movies in my iPad.

    I have plenty of DVD which I load in my laptop and watch the movies while travel, however I am not able to do that in my iPad .
    I would appreciate some one guide me the simplest way of loading the movies in to my iPad. I tried the conventional procedure of loading/copying in to itune then sync to the iPad to load all movies in it, but failed to do the first step( not able to load /copy in itune) leave aside the sync to iPad next.
    Do I need to sellout some 20 odd $ to buy a conversion software that would help?
    Is it that Apple trying to make money by not making this simplest of thing possible by the user.( ref. windows, every thing is possible with little IQ of the user).
    If it is so , I would stop many of my friends to restrain from buying a device like this by spending some 1000$   ,rather look at a good Droid that is catching up so well.

    If you are the only user on your computer you probably don't have multiple user accounts set up and can disregard that.  If you are using iTunes 11 go to View>Show Sidebar.  Now see if your iPad appears under Devices on the left side when you connect it.  If it does, click on the name of your iPad on the left side and your iTunes sync settings options will appear in folders with tabbed headings to the right.
    If it doesn't appear on the left side, follow the troubleshooting steps shown in this article:

  • Simplest way to protect the boot disk

    I have a solaris T2000 machine.
    It has two internal disks - and it boots off one of these. The disks are not in an hardware or software RAID configuration. There is nothing on the second disk that I cannot move. Please don't ask why this wasn't setup from the start - I had no control over it.
    So, what is the simplest way of getting around this single point of failure with the minimum of disruption to the service the box provides?
    1) To implement hardware RAID using raidctl would require a re-install of the OS - I do not want to have to do this
    2) Is it possible to create a new disk from the SAN, copy the boot areas etc and make then make the machine boot from the SAN?
    3) Use solaris volume manager to implement some kind of software RAID on the second disk?
    4) The boot disk is currently an ufs file system - could we convert this to zfs and then implement zpool mirroring without the need for a reinstall?
    Many thanks

    In my opinion, the simplest is option 3. Here's some instructions on how to accomplish:
    However, if I were in your position, I would do option 4. Use liveupgrade to convert to zfs and use zpool mirroring.

  • Simplest way to transfer Contacts/Addresses to the Curve using iMac / Palm Desktop ?

    I have a new 8300 Curve and approximately 1500 Contacts/Addresses in my iMac on Palm Desktop ( they are also in Palm handheld).
    I am able to export these Contacts/Addresses to my iMac desktop in various formats: excel workbook, .csv Comma Delimited , .txt Text Delimited, vcard. 
    My computer is an intel iMac with OS X version 10.4.11.
    What is the best/simplest way to transfer those Contacts/Addresses to the Curve? 

    OMG! I know how it feels when we got our all contacts in a tabular formatted file which is created in excel, CSV formatted file and unfortuntealy all the blackberry phones arre abel to rectify only vCard formatted file. This is the reason when i was facing the same problem than at that point of time i find out a simple and free download software which can convert contacts from excel to vCard file format. here is the complete step by step instructions and you can download it free.  after converting contacts you just have to follow a simple set of instructions which i am going to mention it below and you are able to use all these contacts in your curve or also in another Blackberry phone. so the instructions are :
    (i) Copy all the contacts in your Memory Card.
    (ii)  Now open your file manager
    (iii) select memory card
    (iv) open the location where you save all the contacts in vCard formatted file
    (v) Now click on options in your blackberry phone select "Select All"
    (vi) After that click on addd to contacts.
    Just try these simple way and you are able to use all your contacts in your Blackberry phone and make your life simple.

  • Simplest way to disassemble the multiple xml records to single xml record?

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    Can we use built in XML disassemble component in custom pipeline to disassemble? If yes, how can we do it.
    Or what is other way to do it.

    Why you don't want to use Envelop Schema? Is there any specific reason for that?
    Creating envelope schema won't be a tough task you just need to make Envelop property of Schema to Yes and set Body Xpath to the container record for the child records you wish to process individually.
    Also you will have to create schema representing your child xml structure.
    this article, it gives step by step description of the same.
    Also, as John suggested you don't even have to create a custom pipeline as the debatching can be done using default XML Receive pipeline itself.
    Let us know if you have any further question.
    Please mark this post accordingly if it answers your query or is helpful.

  • Quick simple way to make something look isometric?

    I'm working on a card game where I want to make my straight on designed cards look isometric. Does anyone have the quickest/simplest way to do this with the 3D tool in photoshop? I imagine it's something like Postcard, and then using the orthographic, with some angles set? I've had a try but can't get it right.
    Thanks for any advice.

    You may want to review the Wikipedia entry on isometric projection to get some inspiration regarding the numbers you seek:
    An isometric view of an object can be obtained by choosing the viewing direction in a way that the angles between the projection of the x, y, and z axes are all the same, or 120°. For example when taking a cube, this is done by first looking straight towards one face. Next the cube is rotated ±45° about the vertical axis, followed by a rotation of approximately ±35.264° (precisely arcsin(tan 30°) or arctan(sin 45°) ) about the horizontal axis. Note that with the cube (see image) the perimeter of the 2D drawing is a perfect regular hexagon: all the black lines are of equal length and all the cube's faces are the same area. There is isometric paper that can be placed under your normal piece of drawing paper as an aid.
    In a similar way an isometric view can be obtained for example in a 3D scene editor. Starting with the camera aligned parallel to the floor and aligned to the coordinate axes, it is first rotated downwards around the horizontal axes by about 35.264° as above, and then rotated ±45° around the vertical axis.

  • Simplest way to connect 2 Macs?

    I just received a new MacBook Pro which along with a new iMac will go with my daughter to college soon.
    What is the simplest way for her to connect the two together so that she can transfer files? She's planning on using the MacBook Pro do a lot of traveling studies, the iMac will reside in her dorm and will be the "main" computer (constantly connected to the school network).

    Just a thought here -- you know that you can reduce some computing costs and make the data management a bit easier if her dorm "base station" is merely an external drive to run Time Machine backups and an external monitor & keyboard powered by her laptop. That's what 3 of us do in my office. Then there will be only one computer to maintain/update regularly, she won't have to worry about which computer has which versions of which files, and the Time Machine backup will have her data backed up in the event of a hardware firewall or theft.
    To that set up, at home I also have an 2.5" laptop drive in an external enclosure to which I periodically clone my laptop drive. In the event that I go to lunch and someone makes off with both my laptop and my Time Machine. Or, more likely, when the laptop drive fails (they all do, eventually), I have a clone almost ready to go; I'll swap the two drives and then use the Time Machine backup for the window between the last clone and the HD failure.

Maybe you are looking for