Since the FF8 update, all bookmarks were lost and none of the recommended methods for restoring lost bookmarks work; I always get "Unable to process to backup file" even though the backup .json files still exist

Since a FF8 update, all bookmarks were lost and none of the recommended restore methods work, even though I have been able to find the backup ".json" files; I continually get "Unable to process the backup file" for all methods of importing or restoring the bookmarks from the .json files. As others note, I can also no longer add any new bookmarks to my now empty bookmarks tab. My profile has not changed, so that's not the problem. This is really a pain.

Did you try to delete the file places.sqlite to make Firefox rebuild the places.sqlite database file from a JSON backup?
A possible cause is a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.

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    It's actually quite simple to restore your lost information. Hover your Firefox Menu Tab and click the Bookmarks Menu. The little box will pop up. Click on Import and Backup ... the second option down is "restore" . Hit that and it should give you a list of dates that Firefox auto-saves your bookmarks. Just pick a date and apply. If this doesn't help. You may have to revert to an earlier version or check your addons.

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    Try resetting your PRAM/NVRAM,

  • The Bug about 'DB_SECONDARY_BAD' still exists in BerkeleyDB4.8!

    The Bug about 'DB_SECONDARY_BAD' still exists in BerkeleyDB4.8?
    I'm sorry for my poor English, But I just cannot find anywhere else for help.
    Thanks for your patience first!
    I'm using BDB4.8 C++ API on Ubuntu 10.04, Linux Kernel 2.6.32-24-generic
    $uname -a
    $Linux wonpc 2.6.32-24-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:17:33 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
    When I update(overwrite) a record in database, I may get a DB_SECONDARY_BAD exception,
    What's worse, This case doesn't always occures, it's random. So I think it probably a bug
    of BDB, I have seen many issues about DB_SECONDARY_BAD with BDB4.5,4.6...
    To reproduce the issue, I make a simplified test program from my real program.
    The data to be stroed into database is a class called 'EntryData', It's defined in db_access.h,
    where also defines some HighLevel API functions that hide the BDB calls, such as
    store_entry_data(), which use EntryData as its argument. The EntryData have a string-type
    member-data 'name' and a vector<string>-type mem-data 'labels', So store_entry_data() will
    put the real data of EntryData to a contiguous memory block. The get_entry_data() returns
    an EntryData builed up from the contiguous memory block fetched from database.
    The comlete test program is post following this line:
    #ifndef __DB_ACCESS_H__
    #define __DB_ACCESS_H__
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <db_cxx.h>
    class EntryData;
    //extern Path DataDir; // default value, can be changed
    extern int database_setup();
    extern int database_close();
    extern int store_entry_data(const EntryData&, u_int32_t = DB_NOOVERWRITE);
    extern int get_entry_data(const std::string&, EntryData*, u_int32_t = 0);
    extern int rm_entry_data(const std::string&);
    class DBSetup
    // 构造时调用database_setup, 超出作用域自动调用database_close .
    // 该类没有数据成员.
    DBSetup() {
    ~DBSetup() {
    class EntryData
    typedef std::vector<std::string> LabelContainerType;
    EntryData() {}
    EntryData(const std::string& s) : name(s) {}
    EntryData(const std::string& s, LabelContainerType& v)
    : name(s), labels(v) {}
    EntryData(const std::string&, const char*[]);
    class DataBlock;
    // 直接从内存块中构建, mem指针将会从数据库中获取,
    // 它就是EntryData转化成的DataBlock中buf_ptr->buf的内容.
    EntryData(const void* mem_blk, const int len);
    ~EntryData() {};
    const std::string& get_name () const { return name; }
    const LabelContainerType& get_labels() const { return labels; }
    void set_name (const std::string& s) { name = s; }
    void add_label(const std::string&);
    void rem_label(const std::string&);
    void show() const;
    // get contiguous memory for all:
    DataBlock get_block() const { return DataBlock(*this); }
    class DataBlock
    // contiguous memory for all.
    DataBlock(const EntryData& data);
    // 引进一块内存作为 buf_ptr->buf 的内容.
    // 例如从数据库中获取结果
    DataBlock(void* mem, int len);
    // 复制构造函数:
    DataBlock(const DataBlock& orig) :
    buf_ptr(orig.buf_ptr) { ++buf_ptr->use; }
    // 赋值操作符:
    DataBlock& operator=(const DataBlock& oth)
    data_size = oth.data_size;
    capacity = oth.capacity;
    if(--buf_ptr->use == 0)
    delete buf_ptr;
    buf_ptr = oth.buf_ptr;
    return *this;
    ~DataBlock() {
    if(--buf_ptr->use == 0) { delete buf_ptr; }
    // data()函数因 Dbt 构造函数不支持const char*而被迫返回 char*
    // data() 返回的指针是应该被修改的.
    const char* data() const { return buf_ptr->buf; }
    int size() const { return data_size; }
    void pack_str(const std::string& s);
    static const int init_capacity = 100;
    int data_size; // 记录数据块的长度.
    int capacity; // 已经分配到 buf 的内存大小.
    class SmartPtr; // 前向声明.
    SmartPtr* buf_ptr;
    class SmartPtr
    friend class DataBlock;
    char* buf;
    int use;
    SmartPtr(char* p) : buf(p), use(1) {}
    ~SmartPtr() { delete [] buf; }
    std::string name; // entry name
    LabelContainerType labels; // entry labels list
    }; // class EntryData
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include "directory.h"
    #include "db_access.h"
    using namespace std;
    static Path DataDir("~/mydict_data"); // default value, can be changed
    const Path& get_datadir() { return DataDir; }
    static DbEnv myEnv(0);
    static Db db_bynam(&myEnv, 0); // using name as key
    static Db db_bylab(&myEnv, 0); // using label as key
    static int generate_keys_for_db_bylab
    (Db* sdbp, const Dbt* pkey, const Dbt* pdata, Dbt* skey)
    EntryData entry_data(pdata->get_data(), pdata->get_size());
    int lab_num = entry_data.get_labels().size();
    Dbt* tmpdbt = (Dbt*) malloc( sizeof(Dbt) * lab_num );
    memset(tmpdbt, 0, sizeof(Dbt) * lab_num);
    lab_it = entry_data.get_labels().begin(), lab_end = entry_data.get_labels().end();
    for(int i = 0; lab_it != lab_end; ++lab_it, ++i) {
    tmpdbt[ i ].set_data( (void*)lab_it->c_str() );
    tmpdbt[ i ].set_size( lab_it->size() );
    skey->set_flags(DB_DBT_MULTIPLE | DB_DBT_APPMALLOC);
    return 0;
    //@Return Value: return non-zero at error
    extern int database_setup()
    const string DBEnvHome (DataDir + "DBEnv");
    const string dbfile_bynam("dbfile_bynam");
    const string dbfile_bylab("dbfile_bylab");
    const u_int32_t env_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_MPOOL;
    const u_int32_t db_flags = DB_CREATE;
    try, env_flags, 0);, dbfile_bynam.c_str(), NULL, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0);, dbfile_bylab.c_str(), NULL, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0);
    db_bynam.associate(NULL, &db_bylab, generate_keys_for_db_bylab, 0);
    } catch(DbException &e) {
    cerr << "Err when open DBEnv or Db: " << e.what() << endl;
    return -1;
    } catch(std::exception& e) {
    cerr << "Err when open DBEnv or Db: " << e.what() << endl;
    return -1;
    return 0;
    int database_close()
    try {
    } catch(DbException &e) {
    cerr << e.what();
    return -1;
    } catch(std::exception &e) {
    cerr << e.what();
    return -1;
    return 0;
    // 返回Dbt::put()的返回值
    int store_entry_data(const EntryData& e, u_int32_t flags)
    int res = 0;
    try {
    EntryData::DataBlock blk(e);
    // data()返回的buf中存放的第一个字符串便是 e.get_name().
    Dbt key ( (void*), strlen( + 1 );
    Dbt data( (void*), blk.size() );
    res = db_bynam.put(NULL, &key, &data, flags);
    } catch (DbException& e) {
    cerr << e.what() << endl;
    throw; // 重新抛出.
    return res;
    // 返回 Db::get()的返回值, 调用成功时 EntryData* e的值才有意义
    int get_entry_data
    (const std::string& entry_name, EntryData* e, u_int32_t flags)
    Dbt key( (void*)entry_name.c_str(), entry_name.size() + 1 );
    Dbt data;
    int res = db_bynam.get(NULL, &key, &data, flags);
    if(res == 0)
    new (e) EntryData( data.get_data(), data.get_size() );
    free( data.get_data() );
    return res;
    int rm_entry_data(const std::string& name)
    Dbt key( (void*)name.c_str(), name.size() + 1 );
    cout << "to remove: \'" << name << "\'" << endl;
    int res = db_bynam.del(NULL, &key, 0);
    return res;
    EntryData::EntryData(const std::string& s, const char* labels_arr[]) : name(s)
    {   // labels_arr 需要以 NULL 结尾.
    for(const char** i = labels_arr; *i != NULL; i++)
    EntryData::EntryData(const void* mem_blk, const int len)
    const char* buf = (const char*)mem_blk;
    int consumed = 0; // 已经消耗的mem_blk的大小.
    name = buf; // 第一串为 name
    consumed += name.size() + 1;
    for (string label = buf + consumed;
    consumed < len;
    consumed += label.size() + 1)
    label = buf + consumed;
    void EntryData::add_label(const string& new_label)
    if(find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), new_label)
    == labels.end())
    void EntryData::rem_label(const string& to_rem)
    LabelContainerType::iterator iter = find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), to_rem);
    if(iter != labels.end())
    void EntryData::show() const {
    cout << "name: " << name << "; labels: ";
    LabelContainerType::const_iterator it, end = labels.end();
    for(it = labels.begin(); it != end; ++it)
    cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl;
    EntryData::DataBlock::DataBlock(const EntryData& data) :
    buf_ptr(new SmartPtr(new char[init_capacity]))
    for(EntryData::LabelContainerType::const_iterator \
    i = data.labels.begin();
    i != data.labels.end();
    ++i) { pack_str(*i); }
    void EntryData::DataBlock::pack_str(const std::string& s)
    int string_size = s.size() + 1; // to put sting in buf separately.
    if(capacity >= data_size + string_size) {
    memcpy(buf_ptr->buf + data_size, s.c_str(), string_size);
    else {
    capacity = (data_size + string_size)*2; // 分配尽可能大的空间.
    buf_ptr->buf = (char*)realloc(buf_ptr->buf, capacity);
    memcpy(buf_ptr->buf + data_size, s.c_str(), string_size);
    data_size += string_size;
    //////////// ///////////
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include "db_access.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 2) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
    DBSetup setupup_mydb;
    int res = 0;
    EntryData ed(argv[1], (const char**)argv + 2);
    res = store_entry_data(ed);
    if(res != 0) {
         cerr << db_strerror(res) << endl;
         return res;
    return 0;
    // To Compile:
    // $ g++ -ldb_cxx -lboost_regex -o test_put
    //////////// ///////////
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string>
    #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
    #include "db_access.h"
    using namespace std;
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 2) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
    DBSetup setupup_mydb;
    int res = 0;
    po::options_description cmdopts("Allowed options");
    po::positional_options_description pos_opts;
    ("entry", "Specify the entry that will be edited")
    ("addlabel,a", po::value< vector<string> >(),
    "add a label for specified entry")
    ("removelabel,r", po::value< vector<string> >(),
    "remove the label of specified entry")
    pos_opts.add("entry", 1);
    po::variables_map vm;
    store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
    options(cmdopts).positional(pos_opts).run(), vm );
    EntryData entry_data;
    if(vm.count("entry")) {
    const string& entry_to_edit = vm["entry"].as<string>();
    res = get_entry_data( entry_to_edit, &entry_data );
    switch (res)
    case 0:
    case DB_NOTFOUND:
    cerr << "No entry named: \'"
    << entry_to_edit << "\'\n";
    return res;
    cerr << db_strerror(res) << endl;
    return res;
    } else {
    cerr << "No entry specified\n";
    EntryData new_entry_data(entry_data);
    typedef vector<string>::const_iterator VS_CI;
    if(vm.count("addlabel")) {
    const vector<string>& to_adds = vm["addlabel"].as< vector<string> >();
    VS_CI end = to_adds.end();
    for(VS_CI i = to_adds.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
    if(vm.count("removelabel")) {
    const vector<string>& to_rems = vm["removelabel"].as< vector<string> >();
    VS_CI end = to_rems.end();
    for(VS_CI i = to_rems.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
    cout << "Old data| ";;
    cout << "New data| ";;
    res = store_entry_data(new_entry_data, 0); // set flags to zero permitting Over Write
    if(res != 0) {
    cerr << db_strerror(res) << endl;
    return res;
    return 0;
    // To Compile:
    // $ g++ -ldb_cxx -lboost_regex -lboost_program_options -o test_update

    #ifndef __DIRECTORY_H__
    #define __DIRECTORY_H__
    #include <string>
    #include <string>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    using std::string;
    class Path
    Path() {}
    Path(const std::string&);
    Path(const char* raw) { new (this) Path(string(raw)); }
    Path upper() const;
    void operator+= (const std::string&);
    // convert to string (char*):
    //operator std::string() const {return spath;}
    operator const char*() const {return spath.c_str();}
    const std::string& str() const {return spath;}
    std::string spath; // the real path
    inline Path operator+(const Path& L, const string& R)
    Path p(L);
    p += R;
    return p;
    int rmkdir(const string& path, const mode_t mode = 0744, const int depth = -1);
    #ifndef __DIRECTORY_H__
    #define __DIRECTORY_H__
    #include <string>
    #include <string>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    using std::string;
    class Path
    Path() {}
    Path(const std::string&);
    Path(const char* raw) { new (this) Path(string(raw)); }
    Path upper() const;
    void operator+= (const std::string&);
    // convert to string (char*):
    //operator std::string() const {return spath;}
    operator const char*() const {return spath.c_str();}
    const std::string& str() const {return spath;}
    std::string spath; // the real path
    inline Path operator+(const Path& L, const string& R)
    Path p(L);
    p += R;
    return p;
    int rmkdir(const string& path, const mode_t mode = 0744, const int depth = -1);
    //////////////////// All the code is above ////////////////////////////////
    Use the under command
    $ g++ -ldb_cxx -lboost_regex -o test_put
    to get a test program that can insert a record to database.
    To insert a record, use the under command:
    $ ./test_put ubuntu linux os
    It will store an EntryData named 'ubuntu' and two labels('linux', 'os') to database.
    Use the under command
    $ g++ -ldb_cxx -lboost_regex -lboost_program_options -o test_update
    to get a test program that can update the existing records.
    To update the record, use the under command:
    $ ./test_update ubuntu -r linux -a canonical
    It will update the with the key 'ubuntu', with the label 'linux' removed and a new
    label 'canonical'.
    Great thanks to you if you've read and understood my code!
    I've said that the DB_SECONDARY_BAD exception is random. The same operation may cause
    exception in one time and may goes well in another time.
    As I've test below:
    ## Lines not started with '$' is the stdout or stderr.
    $ ./test_put linux os linus
    $ ./test_update linux -r os
    Old data| name: linux; labels: os linus
    New data| name: linux; labels: linus
    $ ./test_update linux -r linus
    Old data| name: linux; labels: linus
    New data| name: linux; labels:
    dbfile_bynam: DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
    Db::put: DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DbException'
    what(): Db::put: DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
    Look! I've received a DB_SECONDARY_BAD exception. But thus exception does not always
    happen even under the same operation.
    For the exception is random, you may have not the "luck" to get it during your test.
    So let's insert a record by:
    $ ./test_put t
    and then give it a great number of labels:
    $ for((i = 0; i != 100; ++i)); do ./test_update t -a "label_$i"; done
    and then:
    $ for((i = 0; i != 100; ++i)); do ./test_update t -r "label_$i"; done
    Thus, the DB_SECONDARY_BAD exception is almost certain to happen.
    I've been confused by the problem for times. I would appreciate if someone can solve
    my problem.
    Many thanks!

  • I cannot updates in my application store because the previous email add still exist even i have already new apple id

    I cannot update in my application store because the previous email add still exist even i have a new apple id

    FAQ apple id
    Doesn't matter if you have a new ID, all apps are tied to the apple id that was used to download it.

  • TS3274 I selected "update all" to update my apps, entered my ID and they all went to "waiting" and none of them started updating. Tried shutting done, it was plugged in, I closed all open apps...tried uninstalling and reinstalling 1 app and it still is wa

    I selected "update all" to update my apps, entered my ID and they all went to "waiting" and none of them started updating. Tried shutting down (several times), it was plugged in, I closed all open apps...tried uninstalling and reinstalling 1 app and it still is waiting? Thoughts?

    See if any of these suggestions help you. They have worked for others in the past but YMMV.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and then try to update again. Tap one waiting icon only if necessary to start the download stream.
    You can also try deleting the waiting icons - tap and hold down on an icon until it wiggles - the tap the X on the icon to delete it. Then try to download again.
    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered.
    If all else fails, download the updates or the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync the content to your iPad.

  • My iphone is silent since downloading IOS7. All settings are correct and the side button is on.

    My iPhone is silent (ring tones and text alerts) since downloading IOS7. All settings are correct and the side button is on. HELP! Missing inportant calls.

    Try hard reset.
    Hold down the sleep and home button until the screen goes black. Turn the phone back on.
    If that doesn't work, back up the iphone using iTunes.
    Re-install the iOS by putting the iPhone into DFU (recovery mode.)
    To do this,
    Make sure the phone is pluged in to you computer with iTunes open.
    Hold the Sleep and home button until the screen goes black, immediately release the sleep button but continue to hold the home button.
    After a few seconds your iTunes should recognize your phone in DFU mode.
    "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes."
    At this point you should click on "Restore iPhone"
    After your phone is done restoring, don't start as new iPhone. Restore from back up.
    If that doesn't work, you're SOL.
    Take it to Apple. Tell them they are stupid.

  • Files still exist after the copying is disrupted

    I have a problem when the large file copy from the laptop to the external USB HDD or NAS (via CIFS share). When the copy is disrupted (either the network is down or the power outrage to my external HDD), the file still exist in the folder but cannot be
    read or open. The corrupted file is still showing full size of the file. How can I avoid this?

    If you copy large files from the laptop to the external USB HDD or NAS, when the copy is disrupted, the files could be corrupted and we unable to read the file's contents. In general, your need to delete the file and copy the file again.
    In additional, you could try to use diskpart to repair the disk to recover the files.
    DiskPart Commands
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Ok, so my iphone lost all of its data, but right before it did, it backed up on the icloud. i tried to restore using my mac, but it said that my iphone hadnt backed up, even though it had. my iphone says it backed up, my mac doesnt. please help

    ok, so my iphone was factory reset, but it backed up right before it lost its data. i tried to restore using my mac, but my mac says that it hadnt backed up, even though it definately did. please help. i have an iphone 5c by the way. thanks

    you can try to download your icloud backups to computer, such as Tenorshare iPhone data recovery. this tool have 3 way to find back iphone data .
    1, directly recover data fom iPhone (your devices have been factory reset, this way no useful)
    2, extract data from your iTunes backup (if you sync your iphone 5c to iTunes before)
    3, download iCloud backup files to computer. (use your Appple ID and load your data to computer)
    just try it~~ good luck for you!

  • Iphone 5 - Since I have updated to ios7 my facetime and imessage is not working :( Please help!!

    Since I have updated my software, my imessage and facetime is not activating. I have tried to reset the phone, holding the lock button and the home button, trying to connect it under different wifi. Nothing seems to be working, it is really frustrating as I am a big user of facetime & imessage and many of my messages are not being recieved due to imessage not working. If anyone has anyother ideas or tips how to help me out I would really really appreciate it!!

    Hello Sophia,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iMessage.  If you are still experiencing the same issue, I recommend the following article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Why does iMovie stop importing my tape from the camcorder even though it says it is still importing?

    Why does iMovie stop importing my tape from the camcorder even though it says it is still importing?

    It's difficult to be sure without doing some network packet sniffing, but if it were another app syncing, it would be an awful coincidence, since it seems to happen only while I'm in -- as soon as I click the home button and go back to the home screen, it stops; when I launch Reminders again, it starts again.
    Moreover, it happens when I am not in the house, which rules out iTunes syncing.
    Note that it's not the syncing spinner (i.e. two arrows chasing each other in a circle) -- it's the data access spinner (like the wait spinner in many apps and the search box).

  • I am unable to sync to my Ipod. Error message states "unable to sync because duplicate file name exist. Any ideas how to remedy?

    I am unable to sync to my ipod. Error message states "unable to sync because duplicate file name exist". Any ideas on how to remedy this problem?

    Were some of the songs purchased from a different itunes account?

  • HT3819 My old computer is broken so bought new one.When logged into itunes had to reset password etc.Anyway once on all playlist were different and can't find original stuff.I thought I would just log on and it would be my playlists but not to be.Help ple

    My old computer is broken so bought new one.When logged into itunes had to reset password etc.Anyway once on, all playlists were different and can't find original stuff.I thought I would just log on and I would carry on as usual  but not to be.Help please.

    Donmcp wrote:
    I thought I would just log on and I would carry on as usual 
    Why would you think this?  That's an ignorant assumption to make.
    Your media is only where you put it.
    Either move it from the old computer or restore it from the backup of the old computer.

  • A.. bookmarks are GONE! I've tried to locate them as per the instructions to no avail. B. No history is being saved. Cant restore,says unable to process back up file. HELP!!! Thanks much in advance.

    A. All of my bookmarks are gone. I've looked in the folders suggested by Mozilla. Nothing there.
    B. Im unable to save any bookmarks except my homepage. When I do it is placing it in a bar above my open windows in the browser.
    C. I used to be able to type in the first few letters of a website & it'd come up as a drop down in the browser bar-no longer does that.
    D. NONE of my history is being saved. Attempts to restore a previous date it says its unable to process the request.
    Ive gone through my settings many times and nothing seems out of order.

    That combination of issues is an indication that there is a problem with the file that stores history and bookmarks. For details of how to fix it see

  • I've usd RecMyFile to recover .JSON file but I get "Unable to process the backup file" be like Unknown format

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/887204]]</blockquote>
    I've usd RecMyFile to recover .JSON file but I get "Unable to process the backup file" be like Unknown format
    like this > < Please help me Please

    All worked very well - this is a good solution. The key was finding the Profiles in my Users folder.

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