Single Business Card

How to I setup, edit and print must on business card, instead of the page the template offers?

Hi yahkane
Welcome to the forum.
To set up only one business card:
+Menu > File > Page Setup… > Paper Size: > Manage Custom Sizes… > click little plus button > Give it a name > Page Size: ? x? eg 9 x 5.5cm > Printer Margins: > User defined > 0 0 0 0 > OK+
Select this size as your *Page Size:*
Copy a design from the templates or make your own template.

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  • Pages '08 Business Card Template Question

    In Pages '08, is there a way to change the business card template page view to a single card view, allowing me to create one card that would automatically display itself in all 10 positions when the layout is changed to multiple card view? This can be done with the old Appleworks program, but I can find no way to do this with Pages. It seems I have to choose a card template, modify one of the boxes with my info, then copy and paste it into the other 9 boxes. Is this correct? If so, it is a step way behind the Applewoprks method.

    Yes it is a step backwards, but herre is the way to work with it.
    Create your one card, highlight all of its components, group them, then copy and paste it into the space below it perfectly. NOW DON'T TOUCH ANOTHER KEY!!! Instead, just repeat the paste function (Command+V) 3 times to fill the left side of the card stock. Now paste another one in the right top spot, select the right top, copy and paste and then position in the next lower spot to repeat what you did on the left side. If you positioned the second card correctly, this should have only taken maybe 1-1½ minutes.
    Good Luck.
    Adam (Long live AppleWorks)

  • Printing of a logo and text on business cards, paper, etc.

    Dear reader(s),
    Let me introduce myself; my name is Matthew Hennessy from the Netherlands and I mostly PhotoShop, Illustrate for a hobby (for the last 5 years).
    In the past 5 years I have learned a lot when it comes to designing, but this isn't enough. A few weeks ago my boss asked me to design a new logo and new text, with the intention of using it on business cards, brief paper and envelopes.
    Now here comes the part you have seen coming, I really need to know a few things about the printing process, and the settings necessary to make a 'print ready' file. I have already done some research, but still some things are very unclear to me. If any answers could be given to the following questions, that would be more than appreciated!
    1. Crop marks - I have seen a lot of tutorials on the internet where people refer to 'crop marks', why are these necessary? What are they? What are they used for? How can I set the preferences and how can I see if I use the 'crop marks' correctly?
    2. Trim marks - I have seen a few people talking about this. Are 'trim marks' the same as 'crop marks'?
    3. Bleeding - this is something I really try to figure out, and already did my best but I'm not getting any wiser! Example given of my problem:
    I'm planning to (when this comes to an end), order business cards, brief paper and envelopes on Vistaprint (Dutch site). The preferred size is 1. 90mm x 52mm (complete document) or 2. 87mm x 49mm (cut off).
    What is the difference between these two sizes? I suppose this has something to do with the bleeding, but what?
    Now this is what confuses me, and I don't think I'm the only one:
    3.1. I made a new document in Illustrator CS5, with the 'complete document' measurements 90mm x 52mm (300DPI, CMYK). Do I need to input bleeding before I push ok?
    3.2. I made a new document in Illustrator CS5, with the 'cut off document' measurements 87mm x 49mm (300DPI, CMYK). Do I need to input bleeding before I push ok?
    4. Is there a checklist or anything to do this perfectly? As you can imagine I don't want to mess this up.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated, e-mail contact would be great too: [email protected]
    Thank you for reading, I will be around to look for replies! Thanks again!
    - Matthew

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    1. Crop marks - I have seen a lot of tutorials on the internet where people refer to 'crop marks', why are these necessary? What are they? What are they used for? How can I set the preferences and how can I see if I use the 'crop marks' correctly?
    Forget so-called "Crop Marks." Crop Marks and Crop Region are Illustrator-specific terms. It's an Illustrator feature that creates a set of (grossly oversized) printable marks on the Artboard for the printing house to use as trim indicators and/or (depending on version) to define a region for output when you export the file in certain formats. Other programs in Illustrator's genre don't even have this feature because it's really not necessary. Historically, it was Illustrator's workaround for its lack of a proper bleed feature and single-page limitation. I never even use Illustrator's Crop Marks. If I want trim marks to print, I simply draw my own.
    Trim marks is an industry term. Trim marks are short hairlines which align to the edges at which you want the paper to be trimmed after printing, but are placed outside the actual trim rectangular area so that they get trimmed away. In most projects destined for offset printing, it's a good practice to draw proper trim marks in the bleed area of the page. The print dialog also provides a Printer Marks feature that will cause trim marks (among other things) to print outside the Artboard. (You don't need to worry about that in this scenario.)
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    2. Trim marks - I have seen a few people talking about this. Are 'trim marks' the same as 'crop marks'?
    So as explained above, Illustrator Crop Marks is an Illustrator feature commonly used to draw trim marks. I don't use that feature. It wastes space.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    3. Bleeding - this is something I really try to figure out, and already did my best but I'm not getting any wiser! Example given of my problem:
    Bleed is an industry term that simply means you want ink to print "right to the edge of the paper." That's not actually possible on a commercial offset press. So if the design requires "right to the edge of the paper" printing, you cheat: You print on a larger-than-final-size sheet, put trim marks to indicate the final size of the piece, and design so that anything that is supposed to "print to the edge" actually extends beyond those trim marks. Theoretically, if the physical processes of commercial printing were perfect, you could draw your design "just to" the trim. But paper expands and shrinks with humidity changes, Press sheets jog around a bit as they get picked up by the suction lifts and grippers and shoved and squished between the rollers. (It's a mechanical miracle that the process works at all, and has for over a century. A full-size CMYK offset sheetfed press is a marvelous piece of engineering.) After printing and drying the sheet is trimmed at the trim marks, and the artwork that extends beyond the trim marks is chopped off.
    Typically in commercial offset printing, 1/8 inch of "extra artwork" beyond the trim is sufficient to allow for the inaccuracies of the process.
    Now here's the thing: If you are working in the traditonal manner with a commercial printing house, you know the press size and sheet size that will be used for the project. You can do all kinds of things at the design stage to minimize unnecessary work at the printing house by "designing for the press sheet." For example, in the press houses with which I work, I would never deliver a business card project output file as a single-card image on a single-card-sized page. No conventional offset printer is going print business cards one-card-at-a-time on 3.5 x 2 inch sheets. They are going to "gang" (step & repeat) multiple images of the card on one press sheet.
    Typically, I would know in advance the press sheet size that is going to be used and the necessary space for gripper and press sheet margins. I would set up the software page to the size of the press sheet and arrange multiple instances of the card in that space. I would draw my own trim marks for each card in the array. If the sheet size is such that it will result in alot of paper just going in the waste bin, I may design some other piece in the otherwise unused area (a bookmark or hangtag, for example) and thereby get an "almost free" second document out of the press run. If the cards is designed to be printed on both sides, I will often arrange the page to accommodate "work and turn" printing, wherein both sides of the card gets printing on one side of the sheet, the sheets are simply flopped over and run through the press again. That avoids the need for a second press setup.
    But since everybody and his third cousin's nephew is now a "designer," many printing houses have set up "click & drag" printing solutions on the web. Such solutions make it "quick & easy" (not necessarily cheaper) for the neophyte and "idiot proof" for the printer by removing the above-described flexibility and designing "one size fits all" workflows. That's what you're chasing with the Vistaprint vendor.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    I'm planning to (when this comes to an end), order business cards, brief paper and envelopes on Vistaprint (Dutch site). The preferred size is 1. 90mm x 52mm (complete document) or 2. 87mm x 49mm (cut off).
    What is the difference between these two sizes? I suppose this has something to do with the bleeding, but what?
    In the Vistaprint .ai template for design-your-own business cards I just downloaded to see what you're talking about, they have the artboard set to accommodate a design with bleed. You don't have to design bleeding elements, but the space is there if you do.
    The AI Artboard (page) is 90 x 52 mm. Think of that as your bleed area. If there are elements in your design that you want to "print to the edge" of the finished card, draw them all the way to the edges of the Artboard. The printer is, in effect, telling you that if you do that, then you will be providing enough "extra" artwork to accommodate the inherent variances in the printing/triming process.
    The (grossly overthick) 87 x 49mm red rectangle is the trim. So it effectively is the "trim marks". It represents the final card after it is trimmed down to final size. That's the size your cards will be when delivered. That roughly coresponds to the 3.5 x 2 inch dimensions that are considered the norm in the US. I don't know about what's the convention in Europe, but assuming it is the same as in the US, that's the size you want the cards to be. Business cards that are even slightly oversized usually end up in the trash can because they often don't fit pockets in card-carriers or plastic sleeves.
    The (grossly overthick) blue rectangle is the so-called "safe area". That's nothing more than a suggested "safe design margin" between your artwork and the trim. The idea is that you are supposed to keep any elements of the design that you don't want to risk getting "too close" to the edges of the final piece--or even getting chopped off by the trim--within that rectangle. Magazines and newspapers are also fond of providing "safe area" in their add space specs. I ignore them. I know what kind of visual "margins" I want in my designs and I know when I am risking getting too close to the trim. But an amateur designer may think it brilliant to "make a title as big as possible" and actually crowd text almost right up against the trim (in other words, poor design). Then he gets upset when the normal variance in the printing/trimming process causes the text to actually get cut on some of the finished pieces. By providing that rectangle, the printer is telling you "Don't blame us if some of your artwork is too close to the trimmed edge if you place that artwork beyond this rectangle."
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    3.1. I made a new document in Illustrator CS5, with the 'complete document' measurements 90mm x 52mm (300DPI, CMYK). Do I need to input bleeding before I push ok?
    3.2. I made a new document in Illustrator CS5, with the 'cut off document' measurements 87mm x 49mm (300DPI, CMYK). Do I need to input bleeding before I push ok?
    In the "idiot proof" template that Vistaprint has provided, they are treating the Artboard size as the bleed, and the red rectangle as the trim. So there is no need for you to include trim or bleed marks in your design.
    Just set up your AI document exactly as the template that Vistaprint provided. Better, actually use their document file and paste your artwork into it on the Layer named "Your Design". When arranging your artwork, leave the (poorly named) "Guides" Layer visible, but locked. Make any art elements (background fills, etc.) that you want to "print to the edge" of the finished card extend all the way to the Artboard edge. Keep all other design elements within the "safe margin" blue rectangle.
    All this is explained, by the way, in the See Accepted File Types link on the Vistaprint site.
    When done, delete the Layer named "Gudies." Deliver the file to the printer. I would not deliver the .ai file; I would deliver a PDF. If you insist on delivering as an .ai file, convert all text to paths (a practice I despise). If you deliver as PDF, simply choose File>Save A Copy... in Illustrator. In the resulting dialog, select Adobe PDF as the file type. In the next dialog, leave the top menu set to Illustrator Defaults, but set the compatibility popup to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3). That should be fine.

  • When I print business cards, they sometimes print 1/4 too high but not always.

    I have my business cards in a Word document using an Avery template. I have used the same file for years. I never had a problem with my Canon printer but after buying an HP Photosmart D110 I have had nothing but problems. When I print then they print about 1/4 inch too high ruining the cardstock and wasting ink. This doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I print and they are perfect but when I go back and print another, the problem returns. This is the same card stock I have used for years and when it is inserted in the printer it doesn't matter if it is a single page or a stack of them. I have tried previewing the page before printing and the alignment is correct. I've tried printing to a PDF and then printing the PDF, same problem. I try it on the Canon and no problem. Only reason I bought this in the first place was the cartridges were cheaper and I do a lot of color printing and scanning!  I have just replaced the cartridges and did a head alignment so that is not the problem. I have tried it with regular paper and the problem persists. I'm ready to drop kick this thing and buy another Canon!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I have no problem printing the business cards out on a Canon printer, or a different HP printer I used to have, but the D110 is nothing but a pain in the you know what !  I'm using publisher and the avery 8371 card stock,  I searched solutions for days and did everything possible but still they're not printing correctly!! I'm dissapointed in this printer, every time I have a problem with something it always seems to be an HP product!!!  Very frustrating because I never had to mess with any settings in the other printers I had, I would just put the file in, change the quality and click the print button with no problems. I'm ready to throw this printer out the window Anyway thanks in advance and I hope somebody can help me with this issue !!! 

  • Illustrator CS3 - Double sided Business Card in two pages PDF

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    I searched a bit and tried playing around with page titling but the result just isn’t working out (the size of the business card in the PDF is too small).
    Any help would be really appreciated!

    I downloaded CS5 trail and it resolved my issue. So much more easier to create a two sided business cards and save in PDF.

  • Help with Business Cards

    By using one of the templates I have created my business card in ONE of the template slots. Now, how do I get my card to apply to the whole page? Note: I have gone to the site recommended in a previous post: trick .
    Sorry, but that makes no sense to me. When I click "select all" the entire sheet is selected, not just my card. I cannot find any way to select just my card to duplicate and drag. I can select portions of my card (text boxes, pictures, etc.) but have to drag them individually. How can I select just the one card in its entirety and duplicate it to the whole page.
    Surely, there has to be an easy way. Heck, I'd take a hard way at this time. By the way, isn't there any way to use a blank template rather than trying to change everything around?

    As a bit of background: I opened one of the business card templates, then made all of my changes to one card and saved it. That gave me the one card on the sheet that I created and nine cards that were created from the original template.
    I was able to partially follow your instructions. I selected a single object, hit command+A, went to Arrange>Group and drug my card to one of the other positions. What I ended up with is my card superimposed on top of the card that was created in the template. If I tried to use the delete key, ALL cards were deleted, including the one I created. Also, my created card would not fit into the template slot. Lastly, how do you lock the cards?
    I'm sorry to be so difficult, but this is becoming a very complex issue. Thank you for your help. I hope you have some other ideas that I can try.

  • Where is best to make type? Ps or Ai on a business card

    I am doing a business card in Ps because I am using a scan or jpeg (of brown distressed paper) as my background. Is it best for me to make all my text vector in Ai, and copy it into Ps as a smart object?  Or should I use the text simply from Ps? What is the real difference, when does either make sense, or when is either appropriate?
    Alternatively, should I just "place" the jpeg file of my background (textured paper ) in Ai and do the whole card there and use Ai text ? The background in a textured paper brown bag that I have as a jpeg. Not sure what is the best method or workflow - Any experts that can provide  detailed steps?
    Big Gratitude - K-Nine

    There was a time not so long ago when one way of doing this sort of thing would produce obviously better results than another. Today, the answers to your questions will reflect a practitioner's old lessons, habits, and preferences more than current realities. For example, I'd Place the background in Illustrator. Because I've been Placing the background in Illustrator for many years. Someone else would use InDesign. And contrary to historic truths and beliefs, one can make a crisp, clean business card in Photoshop today... never mind with Illustrator-born Smart Objects, even with Photoshop's native type tool, provided the file is saved to a format that preserves vector data.
    So I'm afraid (from my perspective) there is no single right way. That's the blessing and curse of today's exceptionally versatile graphics software. For a single best answer, I suppose you'll have to turn to your client rather than here. His profession suggests he has access to higher authorities who can make more definitive statements....

  • What software for business cards ?

    What software can I use to create business cards except Word ? Thanks

    When I did this allot, I would use photoshop and illustrator in order to create any logos, or images that I wanted. From there I would use Adobe In-Design in order to do the actual layout, and to make them multi up on a page for printing. Just remember when you are doing your layout that a standard business card is 2" tall by 3.5" wide. Also remember when you are setting them onto a page for printing that "MOST" printers will not print within .25" of the edge of a piece of paper. With that in mind you will need to make sure that you either compensate and shift all of your content in on the page in order to keep it from being a problem, or make sure that nothing is printed (including any background) within .25" of the edge of the card itself. You can set up cards to get 12 individual cards onto a single sheet by setting them up into a landscape format and placing your first card in top left corner of that sheet, then do 3 cards across, and 4 cards down on the page.
    There are also LOTS of business card specific programs out there that you can try out, but I found that I got best results by using the programs that I mentioned above.

  • Pages templates for business cards.

    Pages has templates for business cards. How do you modify/change them and then print to Avery forms?

    In Pages open the appropriate Avery word template (from their website) for their BCard sheets, then copy over a single BCard from the Apple templates.
    Modified that to your liking.
    You can option drag copies of objects in Pages so just option shift drag copies into place.

  • Best way to ship a single trading card ?

    New to ebay, but not that new to shipping trading cards (yugioh, magic, etc).
    I know 99.99% of people on ebay would like tracking on their items, and that's actually one thing I have not done before.
    Let's say I'm here in Canada and I only want to ship one single trading card. Obviously I'll put the card in a sleeve and then a toploader. After that I'd get a small bubblemailer ($1.79 each) and put the card inside it. I know how to make the card safe and what npt, but I'm not too sure which shipping option is best for tracking in country and to the states.
    Each package is gonna be under 500g and the bubblemailer is only 15.24cm X 22.86cm / 6 in. x 9 in.
    I will also most likely be shipping from Canada Post.
    For inside of canada: Do I use economic services, standard services, expedited services, or express services? I only want tracking and I'm guessing 1-10 business days for shipping would be the best. Not more than two weeks.
    To ship to the states: there is literally so many options and theyre not categorized so I;m not too sure which to take. But again, I only want tracking and 1-10 business days preffered. I know this will obviously be more since its outside of country.
    If anyone could help me with what options to take, that would be great

    What is the value of the card?Actually how much did you pay for the card (including your eBay and PP costs)?And how much did you sell the card for? My books and dress patterns cost me very little, less now that the loonie has dropped. In fact, the drop in the loonie has been enough for me to continue "Free" shipping which I used last fall when I reopened my selling after some time off. But  readers and sewers the kind of people who like to read and to follow instructions.Is this true of gamers?If it is-- go ahead and use LetterPost/LightPacket. You are very unlikely to run into problems with false claims of non-dleivery.And remember, that is what tracking is about. Proving that an item has or has not arrived. That's all it does. If you are less trusting *cough*gamergate*cough*, then use the cheapest service that gives you Confirmation of Delivery. Or add to your cost of selling a few pennies for Cookie Jar Insurance. That just means that you toss a virtual nickel or dime into a virtual Cookie Jar when you sell an item. (It may be in your asking price or in your shipping and handling fee.)If you get a phoney claim, or even one that you are just suspicious about, refund from the Cookie Jar, slam your hand against the wall, add the twit to your Blocked Bidder List, and move on.It's business, not personal.  On letter service you can't print out a label. You can buy mint postage at a discount on eBay. Look for Canada Postage Lots. Don't buy 'no gum' which has been used before or 'hinged' which is icky.You don't get a discount on Light Packet either but the label can be printed out. It has an invoice number on it which is not tracking. If you have any number on the shipping label , tracking or not, give it to the buyer. It will soothe the nervous and put the dishonest on notice that you did not just fall off the turnip truck. BTW, why are you bothering with a bubble mailer? Poly envelopes are much cheaper. I get mine for about 12 cents each from poly-usa. They are waterproof and hard to open. I even send CDs and DVDs in them. While you're up, get me a sandwich. 

  • Business Card Macros?

    Hello, I'm trying really hard to have an easier way to print out business cards. Is there someway I can type in Someone's info, and it will use it for the whole page, instead of editing every single card? I work for a startup company called pixelgigs @, and we are always hiring more people, and creating a new card, is becoming a real hassle. It's really hard to edit every single card. If their is just some way, I can make a macro? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

    (1) there is no macro feature in Numbers.
    (2) What is exatly the problem ?
    I assume that you have x copies of the same card in a sheet.
    Some components are fixed and others must be edited from time to time.
    If I am right, keep the fixed items in the background.
    Create a table with the count of column equal to the count of cards in the sheet's width
    and the count of rows equal to the count pof cards in the sheet height.
    drag the top left of the table to the location of the variable datas in the first card. adjust colums widths and heights so that the top left summit of every cell is at the location of the variable data in a card.
    Type the datas in cell A1
    type =$A$1 in cell B1, fill to the right
    select cells B1 to the last cell of row 1
    fill to the bottom
    select cell B2 to the lower cell of column B
    fill to the left.
    Set the border of the cells to none
    Next time, you will just have to edit the contents of cell A1
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 6 mai 2010 22:04:08

  • Views regarding single credit card approach

    Hi All,
    We are planning for a single credit card approach for the employee travel expenses and procurement of goods. Thus an employee would be given only a single card from company, for all the expenses. The credit card would be directly paid by the business and it wouldnu2019t be paid by employee.
    You are requested to please suggest what are the pros and cons of having a single card against having two separate cards. Would also like to know what implementing issues do you foresee and in future how well the single card would be accepted by users?
    Your views are appreciated.

    From application point of view, In relation to single credit card, please note that if you plan to use the program PRAA for creation of vendor in FI from HR master data and payments then the standard solution only supports one credit card per employee anyway from IT009.
    Other than that, if corporate credit card is stored this is taken as default from the HR infotypes or else the credit card data is taken and charged from infotype 0105 subtype 11
    check the documentation here on credit card clearing.
    You would have to specify that all expenses are paid by company when you do expense and wage type configuration and remember that these credit card receipts cannot then be deleted in case of any problem.

  • Views regarding single credit card approach for expenses

    Hi All,
    We are planning for a single credit card approach for the employee travel expenses and procurement of goods. Thus an employee would be given only a single card from company, for all the expenses. The credit card would be directly paid by the business and it wouldnu2019t be paid by employee.
    You are requested to please suggest what are the pros and cons of having a single card against having two separate cards. Would also like to know what implementing issues do you foresee and in future how well the single card would be accepted by users?
    Your views are appreciated.

    From application point of view, In relation to single credit card, please note that if you plan to use the program PRAA for creation of vendor in FI from HR master data and payments then the standard solution only supports one credit card per employee anyway from IT009.
    Other than that, if corporate credit card is stored this is taken as default from the HR infotypes or else the credit card data is taken and charged from infotype 0105 subtype 11
    check the documentation here on credit card clearing.
    You would have to specify that all expenses are paid by company when you do expense and wage type configuration and remember that these credit card receipts cannot then be deleted in case of any problem.

  • Single credit card approach

    Hi All,
    We are planning for a single credit card approach for the employee travel expenses and procurement of goods. Thus an employee would be given only a single card from company, for all the expenses. The credit card would be directly paid by the business and it wouldnu2019t be paid by employee.
    You are requested to please suggest what are the pros and cons of having a single card against having two separate cards. Would also like to know what implementing issues do you foresee and in future how well the single card would be accepted by users?
    Your views are appreciated.

    From application point of view, In relation to single credit card, please note that if you plan to use the program PRAA for creation of vendor in FI from HR master data and payments then the standard solution only supports one credit card per employee anyway from IT009.
    Other than that, if corporate credit card is stored this is taken as default from the HR infotypes or else the credit card data is taken and charged from infotype 0105 subtype 11
    check the documentation here on credit card clearing.
    You would have to specify that all expenses are paid by company when you do expense and wage type configuration and remember that these credit card receipts cannot then be deleted in case of any problem.

  • How can I properly attach an Email 'business card' signature?

    I was wondering if there were any better ways to attach a business card signature with mail.
    Currently I have a small business card that I have optimized to around 60 kb, I use the signature feature in Mail to drag it in and add my standard business disclaimer stuff underneath.
    Thing is if I send it to another MacMail account it displays fine but if I send it to Gmail or Yahoo it appears as a seperate attachment that needs to be downloaded etc.
    Is there anyway round this? A way for it to just appear under the text of my email for any Email host or software without it appearing as an attachment. Outlook seems to allow the function and I'm allways receiving full page HTML graphical advertisments in my inbox, simular to the ones when you get a receipt etc, should I use the same principals?
    I'd also like to know if I can make it link to my website using some code from Image Shack or similar online host.
    Many thanks.

    Hi, have you gone to Mail>Edit>Attachments>Always send Windows friendly attachments?

Maybe you are looking for