Single listener port for multilple SES instances

Hi All,
It is possible to cofigure a single listner for all more than 1 SES instances running on same box such that more than 1 instance of SES database use the same database port.
Edited by: user493927 on Feb 27, 2012 12:49 AM

It has always been set to 1521 the following is cut from my listener.ora file:
I have taken everything else out of the address_list to simplify this. Any other Ideas?
Side question: When I added USE_SHARED_SOCKET to the registry should it be a string, dword, or binary?

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    Hi guys,
    I solved this on my own with documentation help from SAP.
    I had to change the port no. in the Global dispatcher and Global server area as well.
    Please see details from SAP below.
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    You are right that there is some value in going to the trouble to set up a separate listener for each database. Whether you take this approach depends mainly on how satisfied you are with the alternatives and how much trouble you want to incur in setting up and maintaining multiple listeners. We use separate listeners for each of our databases and really like the granularity it provides in limiting the scope of outages.
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    Check the link and you´ll see the same information I saw.
    José Valdézio
    "Neo, everything that Oracle told me, became true, except extinguish bugs in a first release."

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    I'm not sure what you are talking about.
    Usually software is the one, that opens ports in the OS.
    Maybe it requires to have an open port on your firewall?
    Imre Csatlos

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    Hi Bryan,
    Hope this helps,

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    Edited by: KSG on Oct 16, 2011 11:53 PM
    Hi Jgarry/Hemant
    For client-server data transfer.
    I understand like
    First, the client send the request to the db server, the listener listens the connection and creates a database server process to handle the request (may be a query..
    I just want to understand how the processed data information passes to the client.. i meant.. what are the ports involded to transfer the data back from db server to the client?
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    Im trying to understand the architectural flow of connectivity between clien-server and vice-versa. which will help to understand better.
    My concern is..
    we are establishing connectivity from client through TNS names. The server listenes the connectivity and creates a server session to execute the connectivity. Simply like.. a request made from client to database to listen service_name 'orcl', protocol=TCP port=1521. which is listen on the server side and the server recoganize the connectivity...
    Here I'm trying to understand.. once the connectivity is established then there is no need of listener anymore. Even we can stop the listener. How the TCP portocol in the Oracle Net is going to establish the data flow between the servers (how the sequence of request and response happens).
    If the TCP network layer is used to interact between the servers then how the data flows between the servers; like is it uses a seperate port number to send/receive the data.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: KSG on Oct 16, 2011 11:55 PM
    (added further required clarifications regarding data flow between client-server)

    KSG wrote:
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/oracle10g/product/10.2.0/db_1)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    BANK1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = bank1)
    BANK2 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = bank2)
    )Here I have a single listener, where port 1521 is configured to two database. Is the configuration perfectly ok?.
    Yes,these are right
    How the client gets actual data transfer from both of these databases?
    Clients wil connect using bank2 or bank1 descriptor and will connect bank1 or bank2 services which registered in your listener,You can see that using lsnrctl services command
    Ex: If the client connets to the server, which ports are used to transfer data from database server to client server?
    There used 1521 port to connecting .

  • A single UDP port in a multithreaded server

    I'm trying to write a server application that creates a thread for every client. The server/client communication is a combination of TCP and UDP, and I want to use a fixed TCP/UDP port on the server side to make it easier to use behind NAT routers. Here's a summary of what I have done and what I want to achieve:
    - The server creates a TCP and UDP channel (I'm using the NIO interface) on the specified ports
    - The server waits for incoming clients by calling accept() on the TCP channel
    - The server creates a new thread for the new client, and gives the TCP and UDP channels as arguments
    - The client informs the server about its UDP port over the TCP connection
    - The new server thread connect()s the UDP channel to the IP:port pair received over the TCP connection
    I believed that connecting the UDP socket to the IP:port of the client in each thread would make it possible to use a single UDP port for the multithreaded application, but it seems that the connect() call affects the parent thread as well. The next client that tries to connect() gets a "Connect already invoked" error. I tried calling clone() on the UDP channel argument I passed to the new thread, but was not allowed to call clone() because it's protected.
    Can someone tell me if what I'm trying to do is possible, and if so, how to achieve it?

    Peter__Lawrey wrote:It sounds like you want to bind a UDP socket to a listening port and the sender as well. So you can have a thread per sending IP:port. (Not sure why you would want to...)
    To my knowledge you can only bind a socket based on the listening port. You could have a dispatcher thread which passes these packets to the thread for that sender.
    To me, client/server means a request/response based interaction with a request from the client and the response from the server back to the client. This interaction is typically point to point and lossless.-I wanted one thread per client because it's the simplest thing to implement. For example, I don't have to create data structures for storing state information for each individual client (e.g., bitrate, block size, duration, etc), since each thread has only one single client. Still, I don't want to use hacks like having a dispatcher thread, so if it is correct that UDP ports can't be used in the same way as TCP ports, I guess I'll just have to implement the server as a single-threaded process. :(
    As for client/server, a better description would be master/slave (and that's what I'm using in my program), but I thought I'd make it simple and use the more common client/server terms in this thread since it doesn't matter for the question I'm asking.

  • Re: Server machine and listening port

    Is there a way to retrieve the machine a server is running on (and its listening
    port) inside a Servlet or JSP?
    Currently whenever I change the machine or listening port for a server (via the
    console or the config.xml), I also need to find all Servlets and JSPs and alter
    them accordingly to reflect the change. This becomes very tedious and cumbersome.

    Hi Jamieson,
    You can get to parameters like the server name and listen port using methods
    ( For example, to get
    the listen port, use something like this:
    // Create an instance of ServerMBean servermbean =;
    // Get the listen port
    int port = servermbean.getListenPort();
    System.out.println("port = " + port);
    // Get the server listenaddress
    String listenAddress = servermbean.getListenAddress();
    System.out.println("listenAddress = " + listenAddress);
    // To get the SSL listenport, create an instance of SSLMBean from the
    ServerMBean instance sslmbean = servermbean.getSSL();
    // Now, get the SSL listenport
    int sslport = sslmbean.getListenPort();
    System.out.println("sslport = " + sslport);
    Robert's suggestion of using relative URLs is even better, however!
    - Ginny
    "Jamieson Rivers" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3bb92179$[email protected]..
    Is there a way to retrieve the machine a server is running on (and itslistening
    port) inside a Servlet or JSP?
    Currently whenever I change the machine or listening port for a server(via the
    console or the config.xml), I also need to find all Servlets and JSPs andalter
    them accordingly to reflect the change. This becomes very tedious andcumbersome.

  • How Do You Change the Remote Desktop Listening Port in Win 8.1 Pro

    I am trying to setup two Win 8.1 Pro computers for Remote Desktop access on my local network. I can get Remote Desktop working fine on both when they are using the default RD port 3389. I am unable to change the listening port on one of the computers so
    that I can access either via a public Internet connection. I change the listening port in the Registry, reboot the computer and verify that the port number has been changed BUT the computer still responds to the old port 3389 and can't connect via the new
    port number. I added a Firewall rule for the new port, but that did NOT solve the problem. 
    I have followed the procedure below and verified in the Registry that the port is changed but the Remote Desktop remains accessible only on the default port 3389. The new port number in the Registry is 39699. I used a network scanner and it shows the computer
    is still listening on port 3389 for Remote Desktop connections. Why is Win 8.1 Pro ignoring the new port number in the Registry and still responding on 3389? Is there another place in Win 8.1 Pro that the port also needs to be changed. I also added a new rule
    in the Firewall to allow incoming requests on port 39699? This is a very frustrating problem, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 
    I followed the procedure shown below.
    Hi ,
    Based on my test, we can change the listening port for Remote Desktop.
    To change the port that Remote Desktop listens on, follow these steps.
    1.Start Registry Editor.
    2.Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
    3.On the Edit menu, click Modify, and then click Decimal.
    4.Type the new port number, and then click OK.
    5.Quit Registry Editor.
    6.Restart the computer.
    Meanwhile, please note, please type the new integer port number between 1025 and 65535 in the PortNumber text box.
    And make sure the new port number is not in use by other application.
    We may use the command below to check the result.
    netstat -a
    Also, we can use Network Monitor to trace the port.
    Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4

    There are two item that should be modified to change the default 3389 port:
    One is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd\Tds\tcp]. Modify  the PortNamber to the one you want.
    The other is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentContro1Set\Control\Tenninal Server\WinStations\RDP\Tcp]. Modify the PortNumber to the one you want.
    In your case, you missed the first one.
    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Listener port  could not be started.

    Hello ,
    I am using JMS,MDB and IBM MQSeries with Websphere Application server 6.0. i have configured every thigh in WAS like MQQueue connection cactory and MQQueue Destination.
    After that , i have configured listener port for the message driven bean. .
    configuratin's are :
    Application servers > server1 > Message Listener Service > Listener Ports > mdblistener
    Name --- mdblistener
    Initial State --- Started
    Connection factory JNDI name----jms/nb21queueconnectionfactory
    Destination JNDI name----jms/nb21queuedestination
    when i am starting mdblistener port it's giving following error
    Listener port mdblistener could not be started.
    The Exception in websphere log file is :
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R MBeanServer cannot find MBean with ObjectName WebSphere:type=ListenerPort,name=mdblistener,node=nvenkataNode01,process=server1,*
         at mx4j.server.MX4JMBeanServer.findMBeanMetaData(
         at mx4j.server.MX4JMBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(
         at Code))
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Code))
         at Code))
         at Code))
         at Code))
         at$ Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at mx4j.server.MX4JMBeanServer.findMBeanMetaData(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at mx4j.server.MX4JMBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at$400(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at$
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at Code))
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at$
    [2/8/06 20:09:04:922 IST] 0000002f SystemErr R      at$ Code))
    Any one can help me to over come this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    Worked for me, cheers! (I had problems in Mozilla so used IE9)
    843844 wrote:
    Hello All,
    I ran into the exact same issue when configuring WAS 6.0.2, WCS 6.0, MQ 6.0, etc... I will not claim this will resolve everyones issues, but in my case a simple restart of the server was in order, and the MDB started up ok, with the listener port started.
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that the "default mode = started" was choosen, but it had not been started yet. But do not quote me on that!
    I hope this info helps someone who finds themself in the same situation.

Maybe you are looking for