Site to learn Illustrator basics from the beginning

Is there a website were
I could learn Illustrator from the beg
gining. Starting with the basics.

The Helpfiles, which has replaced the manual of former versions, is not a bad place to start. You may use the Index and Search features to enter areas of particular interest/need, and/or you may go through (a part of) the whole Help. You should try things, not only read about them.
This forum is also helpful when it comes to unintelligible parts, and to get past especially difficult tasks.
Apart from that there is a number of books/sites to learn from, in some cases for more experiences users; some sites are free.

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    I have a 13.5 month old Ipad2, wifi only that has had problems with wifi com from the beginning. I am learning that this is not unusual for apple. Any suggestions?

    Try #5.
    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    3. Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at ork.html
    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    5.  Renew IP Address: (especially if you are droping internet connection)
        •    Launch Settings app
        •    Tap on Wi-Fi
        •    Tap on the blue arrow of the Wi-Fi network that you connect to from the list
        •    In the window that opens, tap on the Renew Lease button
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
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    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
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    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
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    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
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    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • My macbook pro was defective from the beginning. what to do?

    I bought my macbook pro about 4 yrs ago in my college year, and right after I found out there was some weird noise being made while the laptop was running.
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    I had a very similar issue.  I am not sure which machine you have.  I purchased 2 MacBook Pro's mid 2010 2.66ghz.  One is dead the other failing.  I am with you, you shouldn't have to purchase an extended warranty on a premium product.  I have seen a lot of posts on this subject.  Seattle Rex took Apple to court last year over the same issue and won in small claims court.
    I am sure a class action lawsuit is not far off.  It is fraudulent to sell a product that is known to be defective.  I purchased my laptops from in 2011 after the testing program had already started.  From what I can deduce the logicboard and Lion do not get along.  CNET has several articles on this issue.  Here is the notice from Apple that is very hard to find.
    Here is an article from CNET face-for-mid-2010-macbook-pro-systems/
    Maverick is supposed to help but for me that is a day late and $4000 dollars short. 
    If you do bring your laptop in, print out the notice.  The guys and gals at the Genius Bar will not know about this issue.  They tried to sell me a new MLB too as well as trying to wipe my hard drive.  Good luck, I hope this helps.

  • Playbook requires me to pay for support when it did not work from the beginning and they could not fix.

    lack of email app- makes this may purchase virtually useless. because
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    when i did once get a connection through bridge, reply locked up everytime on an email. could not type.

    I would like to add my support to this comment.
    Strike 1) Bridging a BB 9700 with a PB is flaky at best. Even if you run the very latest software on both, it does not work properly. This is NOT a user issue but a programme/application issue. RIM software running on RIM hardware and O/S and NOT being able to connect properly = RIM fault.(see my other post: My Bridge connects, it exchanges data like passwords, number of unread emails and my playbook notifies me when someone calls my BB, but it does NOT unlock)
    Strike 2) All this used to work fine during the 90d grace suport period (apart from the flaky bluetooth issue that required a hard reboot of the BB whenever the connection was broken in a bad way)
    Strike 3) Now, after a PB OS upgrade (which I faithfully applied), several phone upgrades (due to another problem) and the latest Bridge application install, it all doesn't work anymore, 100 days after I bought the flipping thing. so I have a fancy ebook reader, not the productivity enhancing tool I can use on the go.
    So now I am stuck with a forum that can't help, a technical database that does not contain this support information and a broken RIM application on RIM Hardware and O/S that I paid a lot of money for. And now they want more to look at this incident????? I am sorry but if this was a problem caused by usage, configuration or any other user error, I could understand it. But this is all completely in RIMs ballpark. I have done everything right. It connects. It just DOES NOT WORK!!!!!
    As I said in my other post, an evaluation of the PB in my company is ongoing as a possible management tool by people I know quite well, as I work in the area, but my advice would definitely be to stay away until basic functionality like emails, attachments, calendars etcetera are all suitably solved and usable by the average manager with sausage fingers and no clue about bluetooth, hard reboots and who won't be able to hold down the power, + & - buttons at the same time as the fingers won't fit!!
    So RIM, get your finger out, open up an email support channel or get some qualified support people go through this forum and help those people who have shown faith in your products and who now have real problems with your software and hardware. DONT HIDE BEHIND A STUPID SUPPORT FEE - MAN UP TO YOUR PROBLEMS!!!

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    Well gee, since you answered so fast, and seem to be online, would you consider yourself a video/ipod/dvd conversion/sorta expert? Id love to pick your brain.. if not thats ok.. just cant hurt to ask, thats how ya learn stuff

  • Audio Won't Play Except From the Beginning

    Hi, I'm currently trying to learn how to animate using Flash CC 2014.
    So I understand that in order to import audio into Flash, you need to create a layer for it, which I have done successfully.
    But my issue is that I've seen that in the past (in flash animation tutorials), if you scroll through the animation's timeline, you can hear the audio play from where you left off, and if you scroll, you can even hear the audio scroll backwards and forwards with your mouse.  But when I do so, I can't hear anything.
    I can only hear the audio if I play the animation from the beginning, but if I am going to be animating and lip syncing, it's going to grow incredibly tedious for me to have to play through the entire animation to hear what I need to animate next.
    Is there a fix for this or is there a setting I have to apply so that audio I've imported plays wherever I continue from the playhead?
    I'm using Flash on a Mac if it's any help as well.
    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

    Oh my god I feel like an idiot.
    Yeah, I had Canvas open because it was the first thing on the list and I assumed it was synonymous to a blank document.
    I opened it in ActionScript and changed the properties and it worked perfectly, thank you and @kglad so much, I can finally get some work done!
    Thanks again for your help!

  • I bought a movie three days ago.  It begins to download from the cloud, then my iPad goes to sleep and when I open it again, it starts downloading from the BEGINNING.  How do I get the WHOLE MOVIE to download?  I have re-booted but that didn't help.

    I can't seem to figure out how to download a movie.  It begins to download (and yes, I've checked my download speed and my bandwidth and both should, in theory, be adequate to download a movie!) but then the iPad will go to sleep and when I get back to it, it shows that I have bought the movie but nothing is downloaded.  And when I try to download the next time, nothing is saved and it starts again from the beginning of the download.
    I sat down by my iPad while I was working and every few minutes I would swipe to turn it on and it got over half of the movie downloaded.  But then I had to go to leave and now it shows nothing is downloaded.
    I can see having it take a few hours to download IF one was able to just start the download and walk away and come back later to watch the movie.  But to have to repeatedly begin from the start of the download is incredibly frustrating.  I would want my money refunded to my iTunes account at this point, if I was able to do that.  It's just not worth the hassle.
    Suggestions?  How does one download a movie from iTunes?  It should not have to be this hard!!

    See if you can redownload it.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If you can then delete from your iPod if you can and redownload.
    If you can't delete from iPod, go to to iTunes>Store>Check for Available Downloads on your computer ,  amd dpwnload and sync

  • How to remove characters/lines from the beginning of an InputStream

    I have a program which receives several InputStreams. From each of these streams I have to remove 2 lines from the beginning. After the lines are removed, all the streams are combined to one with SequenceInputStream and read in one chunk. Is there an easy/simple way of doing this?
    One option I thought would be to read the char by char until 2 end of line chars have been detected and then read the rest of the data to a buffer. And the create a ByteArrayInputStream out of this buffer. Problem with this approach is, that the amount of data can be large, so putting all the data in to memory might cause problems.
    Another option is to use BufferredInputStream and use the readline() method twice to get rid of the lines that are not needed. After this I would write the data to some output stream, which is then converted back to input stream. Propably would work, but sound too much of work for a simple thing like this. There has to be better way.
    To make it simple, what I need is a method that looks like the following, or something similar
    *  Removes n number of lines from the beginning of a InputStream.
    *  @param is InputStream where the lines are removed
    *  @param numberOfLines int value to indicate how many lines whould be removed
    *  @return InputStream where lines have been removed.
    public InputStream removeLines(InputStream is, numberOfLines);Thanks.

    Here's the code, feel free to use it. Comments are also welcome.
    public InputStream removeLinesFromTheBeginning(InputStream is, int numberOfLines) throws IOException
              char c = 'c';
              int i = 0;
              for(int n = 0 ; n < numberOfLines ; n++)
                        c = (char);
                        if(c == (char)-1)     // end of stream reached before any newline characters were found.
                             return null;
                   while(c != '\n');
                   System.out.println("Characters removed:" + i);
                   System.out.println("n: " + n);
                   i = 0;
              return is;
         }Edited by: dave_spaghetti on Jun 16, 2009 5:42 AM
    Fixed a bug.

  • How can i restore my new macbook pro. Lion is installed from the beginning, but I have no cd. What am I suposed to do?

    How can i restore my new macbook pro. Lion is installed from the beginning, but I have no cd. What am I suposed to do?

    Boot your computer while pressing Command-R. You can reinstall Lion from here. Covered here:

  • How to delete the saved score in a game downloaded from app store for my macbook and restart the game from the beginning ? please help

    HOW to delete the saved score in a game downloaded from the app store to restart the game from the begining with fresh scores.
    i am unable to do so. please help

    In system preferences, create a new account again, using the short name of the "deleted" account. You may be prompted to re-use the old home folder. Log out and log in to test it worked. Then log in as your new admin, and do the delete process again. Don't choose to securely delete this time - just a regular delete.
    When you have time to spare, go to Disk Utility, and use the Erase tab to securely erase free space on the drive. This will accomplish the same thing that your originally tried to do. Use the fastest method - anything more secure is a waste of time. You may need to run it overnight - it can take several hours.

  • How can I "clear" my old IPad? I'll sell it and must restart it from the begining as new, create new Apple ID,etc?

    How can I "clear" my old IPad ? I'll sell it and must restart it from the begining as a new one. To leve it as when I had purchased it.

    Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content and Settings

  • I have used firefox for 3 or 4 years, today it would not open. I had to reinstall and start over from the beginning. I lost a lot of bookmarks and preferences.

    Adobe installed an update, which restarted my desktop pc. After restarting I was unable to open Firefox browser. So, I clicked on Firefox, and then run as... first I tried running as... and chose my name. Firefox browser still would not open. Then I chose administrator which opened Firefox browser, but, as a new Firefox installation. It did contain add-ons, but not book marks, history, downloads or preferences. Now i have started over from the beginning. Is there any way I can restore lost bookmarks and preferences? Do you think system restore would help?

    Are there still JSON backups in the bookmarkbackups folder?
    You can use this button to go to the Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder

  • When i play back an mp3 dj mix i,ve burn,t to cd in my car when i turn the engine of and then restart the car the cd starts back from the beginning how do i solve this problem so that when i turn the engine on end off the cd plays from the same place

    when i play back an mp3 dj mix i,ve burn,t to cd in my car when i turn the engine of and then restart the car the cd starts back from the beginning how do i solve this problem so that when i turn the engine on end off the cd plays from the same place it did before i turned the engine off

    It could be that the CD player will only playback "Redbook" CD's from the previous position.
    And starts mp3 type CD's from the beginnig.
    However.. it's not Logic related.

  • Because you this loading firefox.exe like process from the beginning of the computer with a load from 38 to 42000 kb or like I can solve this problem

    because you this loading firefox.exe like process from the beginning of the computer with a load from 38 to 42000 kb or like I can solve this problem, atualmente when lighting the computer among the processes that are loaded when beginning the computer is a process of name firefox.exe with a load of between 30 and 50000 kb but I don't find to the registered firefox inside the programs to crgar from the beginning when entering for msconfig.exe my operating system is so far windows xp up-to-date sp3 and my firefox is 7.0.1 version in Spanish that is my native language.

    That seems very suspicious. Two suggestions.
    First, try Firefox's Safe Mode. This will let you work around problems with add-ons and perhaps help you identify things to remove so that Firefox goes back to normal.
    I recommend making a backup of your Firefox settings before starting in Safe Mode. To back up Firefox, see [ Backing up your information].
    Next, try starting Firefox in Firefox
    [ Safe Mode]. Be careful not to "reset" anything permanently if you didn't back up.
    Does that work? If so, you may need to disable your add-ons and just bring the most essential ones back to life until you discover the problem one.
    Second thought: malware. You could supplement your usual security scans with these:
    Malwarebytes Anti-malware :
    SUPERAntiSpyware :
    HouseCall :
    Hope this helps.

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    This is asked and answered mnay times every day.  The forum search abr is on the right side of this page.
    Disable your firewall/security software.

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