Slider control locks up

Check this out. If you try to add "text labels" to this native horizontal slider control it looks like LabVIEW winds up in an infinite loop (processor usage @99%, no response). I haven't tried other slider variations yet.
My machine: Win2000, LV6.0.2
Date_Slider.ctl ‏8 KB

I too had the same problem. I tried changing the format, removing one of the sliders, changing the fill option, etc. but could not find a way to get the 'Text Labels' option to work.
I contacted NI to let them know about this issue...
Product Development Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Architect

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     Occasionally, over the past year or two, I have noticed on different machines and versions of LabVIEW (8.0 and 8.5) that intensive operation of the LabVIEW slider control (holding down the left mouse button and shaking the mouse quickly back and forth to move the slider for several seconds) may cause LabVIEW to hang with high CPU usage (50% on my current test machine, which has a Pentium IV "hyperthreaded" processor, so 50% is the max that a single thread can take up). In some instances, after the LabVIEW process is forced to quit, the system itself becomes unstable (more high CPU usage) or hangs, up to and including the need for a hard restart. I have seen this behavior both when handling slider change events the "old fashioned" way with a while loop and a case structure; and also when using a while loop with an event structure handling the "Value Change" event for the slider. 
    Attached is an .rtf file dump of the front panel and block diagram of a simple test VI that replicates this problem in my hands (using an event structure). The loop count runs to at least several hundred iterations before the crash occurs.
    At least for the "old fashioned" loop handling method, adding a forced wait of a few dozen msec per loop didn't seem to be a workaround. I haven't tried this idea with the event structure, but don't expect joy to follow. The possibility of a system hang discourages aggressive experimentation. 
    Is this a known issue? Can anyone else replicate it (carefully)? In any case, I'd welcome other suggestions for workarounds.
    Darin Nelson
    Hang Slider.rtf ‏683 KB

    Thanks for all your responses, and especially to those who are waggling their mice around trying to reproduce this. I'll respond to (most aspects of) the last several posts in one message.
      I'll see if I can get the original code to post in a separate message, I posted the .rtf originally because I thought there might be filtering on forum posts (I'm sort of new here). But I doubt you re-created it wrong.
      The "more modern" test hardware was an Intel Core2 , 2.4 GHz, 2Gb RAM, on an Intel 965 family motherboard. As I said, it took me two tries to trigger the error on this hardware; in the case where it triggered, I was at almost 12000 iterations before things went south. 10000 iterations, therefore, might not be enough--or you might never get it, for all I know. My Pentium 4 Hyperthreaded machine (3.2 GHz, 2 Gb RAM) triggers the hang much more easily (always within 2500 iterations, usually within 1000), so there seems to be some hardware dependence here. Maybe the workaround is just to use hardware recent enough that no one not under the influence of strange compulsions will accidentally trigger the hang.
      After reading your suggestion, I tried something even more radical  -- getting rid of the handling code altogether. I took the slider node out of the while loop, and removed all code inside the "Slide" case of the event structure.
     On my Pentium 4 machine, the hang triggered after 677 iterations.
    Brian Beal:
    /* Style Definitions */
    p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
    font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
    font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-ascii-font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-hansi-font-family:"Courier New";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Courier New";
    @page Section1
    {size:8.5in 11.0in;
    margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;
     Huh, I never even noticed that checkbox existed. Anyway, yes, I
    kept the default to lock out the front panel while the event process. If I
    disable it… I still get the hang.
    Message Edited by dman on 02-04-2008 06:36 AM

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    Go to Solution.

    rt clk the digital display>create>property node>format string
    you could also do the slide scale, if needed...
    from the front panel:rt clk properties>goto display format tab>goto drop down list and pick "digital display 0" and format

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    You should be able to modify the control slider to do that.  The value would output 0 to 10 as you indicte for voltage but change the slider control to not display the numeric values with the ticks.  The use free text to lable the tick marks.  I don't know if you can actualy have the control equal to the same value in two different slider postions, but if you need to have 180 to 0 to 180, make the range have negative values and convert them to positive values in code.  You will still have to not show the slider values and use free text. 
    Message Edited by paulmw on 11-14-2006 11:25 AM
    slider.JPG ‏7 KB

  • ===维护成本中心的control标签下的Lock中的项目是做什么的?===

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    Message no. KI260
    Cost center 1001, controlling area S999 is locked for primary postings on 17.09.2009. The SAP System automatically determined controlling area S999 from the company code (and business area).
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    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 9:38 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 9:40 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 9:42 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 11:09 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 11:11 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 11:12 AM
    Edited by: OGALAXY on Sep 17, 2009 11:18 AM

    按照message英文解释的意思就是说把primary costs的lock的钩去了就行了吧。
    Lock Indicator for Actual Primary Postings 的解释是是否可以向成本中心进行直接费用的记账吧。
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    Our current application architecture:
    Oracle ADF Fusion Web Application (v
    EJB 3.0
    Oracle 11g
    Any kind of help is highly appreciated.

    the af:inputNumberSlider does not provide this functionality. Your alternative is a custom component (or any component that raises a client JS event) and call an af:serverListener in a custom event to send the notification to the server.

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    Have you restarted the iMac, if so and that did not fix the problem reset the SMC and PRAM. Instructions are in iMac SMC and PRAM reset

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    3) The slider control needs to show Month and year (MON-YYYY format) for the last 13 months.6 months above the slider and 7 months below the slider.
    4) So when a user selects a particular month by dragging to the particular month in slider, then the pie chart should display employee count for the selected month.
    5) And Also the slider control by default should show last month employee count in pie chart when the dashboard is opened every time.
    So Any body knows how to implement this requirement please send me the solution in a step by step approch.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Nanda Kishore.

    Set up your data like this
    For the months we just use 0 for the selected month and we mark our min & max.
    (I just took a few months, just as test, in real, you have to have all your months, off course)
    Link the slider component, data to B2, min to B3 and max to B7
    Create combobox, link labels to cell B3:B7
    setup of data insertion, see screenshot below. (destination: j4:J7)
    for behaviour column do as follows...
    Your pie chart component
    results in
    now you have to put some makup on your dashboard, (hide the combobox - hide the values -6,0and 7), create some textcomponents to show the correct months (create a key row (-6 >0>7) and a month-text row), you can use vlookup or via a combobox to fetch the correct month-text
    Have fun with it

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    Take a look at the CNiSlide::Images method. The documentation describes how you can access a CNiImage that corresponds to parts of the slide, including the increment and decrement buttons. Once you have the CNiImage for the buttons, you can configure the animation, blinking, etc. For example:
    CNiImage image = m_slide.Images(_T("Increment Button"));
    image.BlinkInterval = CNiImage::SpeedVeryFast;
    - Elton

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    Hi all,
    Can anybody tell me how to enable change control locking_ in an environemnt? Any documentation regarding the same will also be very helpfull.
    Edited by: The Student on May 13, 2009 10:04 PM

    Change control locking can be enabled through application designer. Go to Tools > Change Control > Administrator and select the options as desired. Refer to PeopleSoft Application Designer peoplebook for a detailed documentation on the same.

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    have a right click menu that has the option of setting the background image jpg.

    Hmm, yes, it's actually pretty noticeable even all you have on the front panel is a slide control (you can see the slider trailing the mouse pointer when you move it up and down). It also seems to be specific to the metal brushed theme and doesn't happen when other backgrounds are tiled...
    Let me do some more testing here...

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    Here you go. This is simple example. Maybe not the best way, I am just
    beginner in LV and still not comfortable with data flow that much. I prefer
    events, so I would change this to use Event Structures.
    When you click on OK button on SliderMain, it opens Now both
    windows are open and you can interact with both. Now if you click on OK
    again with open, you run into problems. Only thing I did was
    change VI properties of, mainly window appearance.
    "Cy" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > I would like to create a pop-up window appear from Labview Interface.
    > In this window, I will have a slide control and an image taken from a
    > camera. The main VI hav
    e to run while pop-up window is open. How can I
    > do ?
    > When I pushed a button, this pop-up window has to appear. There will
    > be a slide control and a picture from a camera in this window. Is it
    > possible to make appear this windows while main VI Interface continue
    > to run ? How can I do this ? Thank you for your answers.
    > Cyril.
    [Attachment, see below]
    [Attachment, see below]
    Attachments: ‏16 KB ‏11 KB

  • Changing Slide Control Scale Range

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    Change the format for the digital display. The tip strip will be formatted the same as the digital display.
    So far, you have only changed the scale format.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-19-2008 06:21 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    TipFormat.png ‏46 KB

  • Slider control

    Hello again, i am experimenting with the 'slide control'. In the example I’m looking at there is a slider control which updates a numerical label immediately to the left of the slider on the main view (I’m sure you've all seen this before). It’s part of another newbie iphone program taken from another book, and one particular line of code is confusing me. It's within the slider action method, and within this list of commands is some kind of cast command? I understand how casting works with commands like
    int t= (int) floatValue/7; // sort of thing...
    but how does the command (in bold) work?
    -(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender {
    *UISlider *slider =(UISlider )sender;
    int progressAsInt =(int)(slider.value+0.5f);
    NSString *newText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d",progressAsInt];
    sliderLabel.text =newText;
    [newText release];

    Mike200 wrote:
    Hello again, i am experimenting with the 'slide control'. In the example I’m looking at there is a slider control which updates a numerical label immediately to the left of the slider on the main view (I’m sure you've all seen this before). It’s part of another newbie iphone program taken from another book, and one particular line of code is confusing me. It's within the slider action method, and within this list of commands is some kind of cast command? I understand how casting works with commands like
    int t= (int) floatValue/7; // sort of thing...
    but how does the command (in bold) work?
    First of all, always wrap source code in two lines of:
    like so:
    -(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender {
    UISlider *slider =(UISlider *)sender;
    int progressAsInt =(int)(slider.value+0.5f);
    NSString *newText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d",progressAsInt];
    sliderLabel.text =newText;
    [newText release];
    Since id is the base class of all Objective-C objects, and since you know that any slider action is going to be passed the slider itself as the sender, you can just cast the id into a UISilder. There is actually less going on here than in your first cast example. When you cast from a float to a int, you actually change the value. When you cast from one pointer type to another, no code change takes place - it is all in the compiler.

Maybe you are looking for