Sliding Panels Navigation Question

I'm using the sliding panels widget to display some image
thumbnails. The problem is, I'm displaying about 5 or so at a time,
and the showNextPanel function only moves the whole thing over by
one thumbnail, making it necessary to click it five times to show
the next set of thumbnails.
Mangled test file can be found

Hello Luke,
I see there are 3 problems here you want/have to solve:
1. On page load you try to animate an element in page that
doesn't exists: thimbContainer. Every time you load the page in the
browser 3 alerts that the element is not found are generated by the
Spry Effects because the element isn't there. Please remove the
following code from the onload attribute attached to the body tag:
MM_effectAppearFade('thumbContainer', 2000, 0, 100, false);
2. The move next arrow doesn't work on the first click. The
problem appears because the SlidingPanel widget is instantiated
before the data to be putted in place in your page by the ds1 XML
DataSet. The regions are populated on page finish with the data but
the SlidingPanel widget will still try to animate the old,
incorrect element on the first click. To avoid this problem you'll
have to remove from page the SlidingPanel instantiation and
register a listener on the 'ticker' region update. Remove this
<script type="text/javascript">
var sp = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("ticker");
and just after the ds1 DataSet instantiation add the
following line:
{onPostUpdate:function(){sp = new
3. To move the slider with the next 5 or prev 5 elements
you'll have to create your own functions that should add or
subtract from the current display index 5. The functions you look
for are:
function moveNextFive(){
if (!sp)
var idx = sp.getContentPanelIndex(sp.currentPanel) + 5;
var maxPanels = sp.getContentPanels().length;
if (idx > maxPanels)
idx = maxPanels;
function movePrevFive(){
if (!sp)
var idx = sp.getContentPanelIndex(sp.currentPanel) - 5;
var minPanels = 0
if (idx < minPanels)
idx = minPanels;
Please change the onclick for the previous and next arrows in
your Sliding Panels with calls to these 2 functions.

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    Got the sliding panels working fine however I am wondering if it is possible to change the navigation slightly.
    Currently I am navigation between the pabels using previous and next buttons such as:
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showNextPanel(); return false;">Next</a>
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showPreviousPanel(); return false;">Previous</a>
    However when you are at either the first panel and click previous or the last panel and next the buttons obviously don't do anything. Is there any code than can be added so that when you are at the first panel and click previous the last panel is navigated to and vise versa on the last.
    Here is an example of what I mean:
    Any ideas?

    You can modify the SlidingPanels showNext and prev methods like this:
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.showPreviousPanel = function()
         var index = this.getContentPanelIndex(this.currentPanel) - 1;
         return this.showPanel(index < 0 ? this.getContentPanels().length -1 : index);
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.showNextPanel = function()
         var index = this.getContentPanelIndex(this.currentPanel) + 1
         return this.showPanel(index >= this.getContentPanels().length ? 0 : index);
    And it should work
    (either change them in SprySlidingPanels.js file, or just add them in a script block under the SprySlidngPanels script)

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    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    I dug around a bit more and saw an example that shows me that I can do this. Thanks anyway!

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    With great difficulty. We must first determine the current panel and then, if the current panel is 0 then the previous button has to be changed and if the current panel matches the total number of panels, the next button has to be changed.
    The following is a complete document that will work. Make sure you have all of the support (read JS) files in the allocated directory.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Sliding Panels Example.</title>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryDOMUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {min-height:0;}
    .disabled {color:#F00;}
    function slideNextPanel() {
         var currentPanel = getCurrentPanel();
         var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount()-1;
         if (currentPanel==panelCount) {
         } else {
    function slidePreviousPanel() {
         var currentPanel = getCurrentPanel();
         if (currentPanel==0) {
         } else {
    function getCurrentPanel() {
         var className = 'SlidingPanelsContent'; //change the className that is on all your content panels..
         var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount();//get panel length
         var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); //get current panel
         var group = sp1.getContentGroup(); //get our group
         var panelNumber = 0;
              var j = 0;
              for(var i = 0, l = group.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++){
                   if(group.childNodes[i].className && group.childNodes[i] RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1){ // if it has SlidingPanelsContent class we found the correct node.
                        if(group.childNodes[i] == current){ // if it matches our current panel, we have a number
                             panelNumber = j;
                             return panelNumber;
                        j++; //increase our panelcounter
    <a href="#" id="previousPanel" onclick="slidePreviousPanel();">Previous Panel</a> |
    <a href="#" id="nextPanel" onclick="slideNextPanel()">Next Panel</a> |
    <div id="panelwidget" class="SlidingPanels">
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p1">Panel 1</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p2">Panel 2</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p3">Panel 3</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p4">Panel 4</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p5">Panel 5</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p6">Panel 6</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");

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    Many thanks,

    Take a look at this topic:

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    Yes, your panel button code (with my change) should look like this:
             <div class="panelbtn"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showFirstPanel(); return false;">1</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p2); return false;">2</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p3); return false;">3</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p4); return false;">4</a></div>
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    eta: I'm working with Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1.

    I think you can do this by using Spry Tabbed Panels as your container for the two sets of Sliding Panels. I have not tried this particular nesting before, but if you set up a test page, you can try it out.
    Each set of Sliding Panels would appear as content on one of the Tabbed Panels. When each Tabbed Panel Tab is clicked, the corresponding Panel appears, holding your Sliding Panels.
    This may not work, but, as they don't know until you try!

  • Edit JS on spry sliding panels widget to fix auto panel height problem

    Hi guys,
    Ive been trying for a while to make the sliding panels widget
    show each panel in its own height instead of the longest panel's height in the container.
    I tried reading all the js file to play with it and find a solution but the truth is i dont know how to do what i want.
    I do, however, have a list of things that i believe if implemented should work,
    could you  help me do these fixes on the js? ( any one you know how to or think will work )
    1. edit so that:  Panels dont have any height ( or panel content display none ) if it isnt current panel. If current panel is "id:1" the assume class 1 style properties. As soon as it looses focus/"currentpanel" class it looses its class 1 properties. And the new current panel ("id:2") assumes its own class 2 properties. And so on.
    2. edit so that:  PanelContainer ( the one that holds all the panels ) displays none BUT the current panel. So all panels could be display none unless they assume the "currentpanel" class and so they change to display. Maybe this way the container assumes only the height of the displayed panel and looses it once its no longer displayed assuming the next displayed one.
    3. edit so that:  Panel container checks for current panel's height and assumes that height instantly ( there is still a panel inside the container that would be longer than the current panel, maybe with overflow hidden this isnt a problem )
    4. Using SpryDOMUtils.js I am currently playing with the code pasted below,
    the idea came from Gramp's Spry Sliding Panels Group Navigation Buttons cookbook
    He addresses a different problem, but since it has to do with identifying the current panel and doing something when the panel is x number, i thought there could be a height property set for each panel when each is the current one, atleast something can be done with this, my problem is i dont know how to set that something. Please check out the following code:
    // The following function - setPanelNavigation() - assumes the following
    // 1. Sliding Panels have a class of SlidingPanelsContent AND a unique ID
    // 2. The Previous Panel button has an ID of previousPanel
    // 3. The Next Panel button has an ID of nextPanel
    // 4. SpryDOMUtils.js has been linked
    function setPanelNavigation() {
        var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); // Get the current panel
        var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount(); // Get the total number of panels
        var panelNumber=1; // Give a value to the first panel number
        Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContent").forEach(function(node) { // Cycle through the panels
                     if ({ // The current panel now receives a number
               if ( panelNumber==1 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 750); //
               if ( panelNumber==2 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 250); //
            panelNumber++; // Go to next panel after incrementing the count
    Spry.Utils.addLoadListener(setPanelNavigation); // Set buttons to initial value
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    What am i doing wrong in that bit ? I thought i had it there, but it didnt work.
    Anyone, please help. Thank you.

    wait my bad, the link to my page is:
    ** no s on department

  • Linking to a specific SLIDING panel remotely

    I'm trying to link to a specific SLIDING panel (not a tabbed
    panel) from a remote link. I'm sure this can be done using
    SpryURLUtils.js as I've successfully achieved the result with
    tabbed panels. There's not as much online information on doing this
    with sliding panels, though, and I've had no luck experimenting on
    my own.
    Can anyone help?
    Here are two example pages of the pages in question:
    The user launches the second page from the first and should
    be able to get back to the second sliding panel on the first page
    by clicking "RETURN." Right now, when the user clicks "RETURN,"
    s/he returns to the first slide in the sequence.
    Thanks in advance for any help. ent-page-1/
    Comment 29: David Powers

  • Problem with Accordion Widget INSIDE Sliding Panel Widget

    perhaps I should not do this, but I nested an Accordion
    Widget inside a Sliding Panels Widget:
    - There are eight Panels.
    - Each one contains a complete Accordion.
    The sliding works fine, and so does the Accordion animation,
    but the text inside the Accordion Panel Tabs won't move along, when
    a tab is activated. I need to hover the mouse over the accordion to
    make the panel texts appear again.
    Of course, when I un-nest the widgets and move the Accordion
    widget out of the Sliding Panel widget, everything is fine.
    My question is:
    - am I demanding "too much" by nesting the widgets?
    - or should this basically work, and the problem arises from
    rivalling scripts?
    Here is a link:
    widgets Test
    The horizontal top menu will activate the sliding panels, but
    as of now only the leftmost menu item contains an Accordion (I know
    the CSS does not look nice yet).
    Is there anything I can optimise to get this to work?
    Thank you so much,
    Greetings, Jensen
    Edit: The problem does NOT occur in Firefox, but in

    Hi John,
    That is the expected behavior if the "Overlap items below" is unchecked. Please refer to the following link If you don't want the page to wiggle up and down, please check the box shown in the screenshot.

  • Spry Sliding PAnels

    I am trying to incoperate the "Spry Sliding" feature in my
    website.But problem is coming that I have to define the height of
    the container of each sliding panel(So,its not giving the
    flexibilty) If I am removing the height than the all panels are
    showing (So,the effect of sliding panel is lost).
    So help me how to define the same feature without the
    "HEIGHT".I am using the examples/demos given on the spry offical

    Yes that sounds about right. As usual I am trying to figure
    out ways to have a nice navigation and be able to have a good
    amount of copy live on the page and keep the web pages footer
    within the viewers browser window. The search continues.

  • Sliding panels prev/next buttons

    Using graphic buttons for previous and next navigation with Spry Sliding Panels, how can the 'previous' button be dimmed or hidden when you're on the first slide, and conversly, have the 'next' button dimmed or hidden when you're at the end of the slides? Ideally there would be a CSS class added to one button or the other to change states. Or can the Spry Fade Effect be used here to fade the buttons on and off?

    The default Spry Widget has no functionality to indicate the current panel. I have created a small hack for that before. You might want to check out this post here:
    Hopes this helps.

  • Trying to come to grips with sliding panels and datasets

    Hi there!
    I've just started looking into Spry (love it so far!) but
    having an issue combining the sliding panels widget and a Spry
    dataset. The widget works fine and the dataset works fine when
    seperate, but I come up against some problems when I combine them.
    As a guide, I've been using the following page:
    (copy of the article in the Spry Zip file)
    and using the Scenario 2 example at the end of the page.
    Unfortunately, there were a few bugs in it (like a colon
    where there should have been a semicolon and no titles in the
    navigation <a> tags at the top) so I did a little debugging
    and tied in my own dataset. The code that is running on this page (
    looks like so:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" >
    var dsTest = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("data/xmlTest.xml",
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
    <link href="includes/SprySlidingPanels.css"
    rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div spry:region="dsTest" spry:repeatchildren="dsTest">
    <a href="#"
    <div id="sPanel" class="SlidingPanels"
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup"
    <div id="detail{ds_RowID}"
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("sPanel");
    The problem I'm having is that the panels don't change when
    the links are clicked. It seems to pull in the data fine, but the
    panels dont switch.
    When I looked at the generated source, it doesn't look quite
    <div id="spryregion1" class="">
    <a onclick="sp1.showPanel('detail0');" href="#">Page
    <a onclick="sp1.showPanel('detail1');" href="#">Page
    <a onclick="sp1.showPanel('detail2');" href="#">Page
    <a onclick="sp1.showPanel('detail3');" href="#">Page
    <div id="sPanel" class="SlidingPanels" style="overflow:
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup" style="left: 0px;
    top: 0px;">
    <div id="detail0" class="SlidingPanelsContent
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup" style="left: 0px;
    top: 0px;">
    <div id="detail1" class="SlidingPanelsContent
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup" style="left: 0px;
    top: 0px;">
    <div id="detail2" class="SlidingPanelsContent
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup" style="left: 0px;
    top: 0px;">
    <div id="detail3" class="SlidingPanelsContent
    I'm not sure, but I think the repeating region is a bit
    screwy, but I'm really not sure where to proceed from here.
    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    Right - fixed it!
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup"
    <div id="detail{ds_RowID}"
    should have read
    <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
    <div id="detail{ds_RowID}" class="SlidingPanelsContent"
    oh well...

  • HTML Panel with Tabs like Sliding Panel tabs

    Hi, what do I need to add/change to have HTML panels
    switching with tabs that switches background image like the tabs in
    sliding panels example?
    Or can I modify the
    sp_withTabs.js to have graphic tabs work with HTML

    Nevermind, I got it. I used the SpryTabbedPanels.js and
    modified the SpryTabbedPanels.css with my graphics, size, position
    and what not.
    I do have one more question. I'm using HTML Panels with Fade
    in and out and when loading my page I have to have default content
    in the main html doc for something to display when the page loads.
    Then when I click on the first button, it then loads the real
    external HTML panels. Is there any way I can load my first external
    HTML page right when my site loads?

  • Spry sliding panels problem

    I'm using the sliding panels on my website, but I'm getting
    an error when I use a vertical scrollbar.
    To the right of the sliding panels I have an image, and when
    I press the up and down arrows, the hidden sliding panels are
    visible under the image!
    Any ideas?

    Originally posted by:
    Donald Booth
    Hi Spry Users,
    We are pleased that you are using Spry!
    When posting issues for help, please help us help you.
    Providing a URL is the quickest way
    for the Spry team, and our valued forum community, to help you with
    your page.
    Code samples are also great if you
    can't provide a URL.
    And of course, having the latest code
    is always a good idea. Use the latest download if possible.
    Questions posted without urls/code inevitably take more back
    and forth to get figured out.
    And now that this forum has been up for a year and a half, we
    have a good record of fixes previously given. Search the forums and
    see if your question has been solved already.
    Thanks for reading. Now, how can we help you?
    The Spry Team
    ^ else we cant Identify the problem

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